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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 88 Pocket Empire-Gardinar

At this time, the emperor interjected: “There is a way to prevent counterfeiting, which is to put my psychic mark on the banknotes. The psychic can be used as a money detector.”

“Psychic energy?” Said wondered: “Will the spiritual energy dissipate?”

At this time, Malcador smiled and explained: “Your Majesty’s spiritual power is special. Not only will it not dissipate, it can also get rid of unclean things!”

Said curled his lips and thought to himself: “This is a divine power, and you still say that you are not a god!”

Different from the impression that currency enters thousands of households, imperial currency only circulates at the upper level and is used for interstellar merchants and trade. The main users of currency are planetary governors, rogue traders, merchant fleets, etc., and there is no shortage of psychics around them.

The middle class may use it a little, and gangs may improve their weapons and use it, but in general, all currency users have the ability to verify banknotes.

Therefore, the three happily decided to issue a unified currency, and then came the most sensitive issue: who will lead the currency issuance?

The Prime Minister’s faction in the Home Office? Or the Loyalists or the Reich Pravda Party?

Among them, the Royalists and the Imperial Truth Party have a considerable degree of overlap. All the Royalists are members of the Party of Truth, but not all the Truth Party are members of the Imperial Party.

The pro-Prince faction has more personal allegiance factors. Because Said joined the Party of Truth, the Pro-Prince faction believes in the Party of Truth, and their position depends on Said’s will.

But in any case, once the Pravda Party and the Royalists take control of currency issuance, Said’s power will expand rapidly, and the Prime Minister’s faction will certainly not be happy.

The Emperor was too lazy to listen to the two people arguing. As long as it did not hinder the efficiency of the expedition, he had no need to interfere.

Moreover, there is no acquaintance without fighting. Appropriate conflict can help promote understanding and improve friendship, so the emperor walked away and left the battlefield to the two of them.

Said and Makhado looked at each other, their eyes sparkling at each other. Said said: “Mr. Ma, I hope the Pravda Party will be responsible for the issuance of currency!”

Makhado smiled strangely: “It just so happens that I want the Ministry of Interior to take control of currency issuance!”

Said shook his head and said: “The Ministry of Interior is a tax agency. If it controls currency issuance, it will lose control and supervision, which is not conducive to the empire.”

In the 3k era, the currency issuance department was independent of the government. One was in charge of taxation and the other was in charge of printing money, restricting and supervising each other.

Of course Malcador understands this truth, but how can there be too much power? He still strives for it with all his strength:

“Members of the Party of Truth are all over the Primarch Legion. If they control the issuance of currency, it would be a lack of supervision. If the army touches currency, it will become a warlord, and the consequences will be more serious!”

Said shook his head and said: “The warlords are better than your civil servants. At least they won’t rebel everywhere. I investigated the situation of your tithe tax collection and it’s terrible!”

“Mortals are born with bad qualities and greed, and you must understand this, Ma Xiang! I don’t feel comfortable handing over currency to the mortal elites of the Ministry of Interior!”

Makado nodded: “Then I will give in and set up a currency issuance department, controlled by the prince’s faction, but it must be under the name of the Ministry of Interior!”

“In addition, I hope His Highness the Prince understands one thing. Personally, I very much agree with the Imperial Truth, but the Prime Minister Faction must be led by someone.”

Said was stunned and asked, “What do you mean?”

Machado continued: “The Pravda Party advocates superhuman politics, in which supermen lead mortals, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of mortal elites. As the agency with the most mortals, the Ministry of Interior will inevitably become a base camp for dissidents.”

Said looked at the ground and said expressionlessly: “You mean, the Prime Minister’s faction advocates mortal politics, and you are the leader just to control them?”

Malcador nodded: “Yes, His Majesty the Prince, in His Majesty’s plan, the relationship between superhuman politics and mortal politics constitutes the relationship between the present and the future.”

“Ninety-nine percent of the human race are mortals. It can be said that mortals are the main body of mankind. After the dust of the galaxy settles, power will definitely return to the hands of mortals.”

“Based on this, we cannot eradicate mortal political factions. If I don’t represent it, someone else will represent it, and the struggle will be uncontrollable.”

Said probably understood what Makhado meant and asked: “Are you saying that the recent party struggle against the prince’s faction is a necessary measure to maintain unity?”

Malcador nodded: “Yes, if the Prime Minister faction is inclined, I should belong to the moderate faction, able to control the struggle within an orderly range and avoid civil war in the empire.”

“If it is controlled by radicals, the methods will be far more drastic than now and intensify more conflicts.”

Said was not satisfied with this explanation: “Does your so-called orderly struggle mean using inefficient taxation to force the anti-imperial world?”

Malcador readily admitted, nodded and said:

“Yes, it is precisely because of the rebellion that monetary policy can be implemented and handed over to the prince faction. Otherwise, I will not be able to convince the prime minister faction.”

Said sighed, accepted Makado’s statement, and said calmly: “In that case, you should accept the puppet supervision, work hard to handle the empire’s taxation well, and stop intensifying conflicts!”

The two reached an agreement and said goodbye with a handshake. They were all for the great rejuvenation of mankind. There was no personal selfishness. Even if there were differences, it was a struggle between lines and there was no need to be on the same page.

After finishing, Said reported to the emperor the work arrangements for the currency issuance. The emperor nodded in agreement, and then asked: “Where is the progress of the Blackstone Expedition?”

Said replied: “Starting from the Eye of Terror and the Maelstrom, expanding along the Great Rift, two-thirds of the way has been completed!”

“Star bases have been set up in all the galaxies along the way. The Hazy Star Field of the Great Rift has been partially cleared, and the Ultimate Star Field has been cleared of half.”

“It is expected that within ten years, the entire Great Rift will be under control!”

Said was not bragging. As the construction of the occupied area was rolled out and each military world cup was established, the Great Rift had the ability to form blood and continue to expand the scale of the expedition fleet.

It can be said that the Blackstone Expedition Fleet became stronger and stronger, and eventually filled the entire Great Rift!

The emperor asked again: “Have you encountered any difficulties?”

Although the Emperor can share perception with Said, it consumes computing power. He is commanding the Great Crusade and presiding over the construction of the network channel at the same time, so he cannot keep an eye on Said at all times.

Said smiled and shook his head: “Basically not. The Hazy Star Realm is mainly composed of humans or aliens corrupted by Chaos. Most of them have no space power. Just throw the Extermination Order.”

“In the extreme star field, especially near the Maelstrom, the enemies are mainly alien pirates. As long as there are enough fleets and soldiers, they can be easily dealt with.”

The Emperor asked again: “Are there any human forces that surrender to the Empire?”

Said nodded: “I encountered several feudal worlds before, and after eliminating the pollution of chaos, they were all transformed into the world of soldiers and trees. Now I have encountered a pocket empire and are negotiating.”

Pocket empires refer to empires that have just come into space and can colonize star systems, but cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Their scope of activities is limited to star systems.

The emperor was surprised: “Negotiation? It means you think this pocket empire is very difficult! Show me the information.”

Said smiled helplessly, obviously being told the central issue by the emperor, and then sent the information. The emperor was immediately attracted by a name: Gardenar!

Gardenar was a weakling during the Great Crusade, and then Yelang arrogantly challenged the Empire and was crushed by the Empire.

It is worth mentioning that his system is somewhat similar to the future empire. It is almost a pocket empire.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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