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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 89 Yelang is arrogant

In the age of strife, many human-colonized galaxies were blocked by subspace storms and lost contact with other galaxies. Civilization and technology were severely degraded, but there were always exceptions.

Gardenar relied on the remaining technology and after five thousand years of struggle, it formed a powerful stellar empire.

The Gardenar system contains eleven planets. Except for Main Star 3, the rest are not habitable but are rich in resources. In addition to the main planet, it also contains hundreds of satellites whose mass is not inferior to that of the moon.

At first glance, the entire galaxy seems a little crowded, which also means a huge amount of resources, and the Gardenar people did not waste them.

Relying on the legacy technology, Gardenar colonized and developed the star system. The system was dotted with scientific research and mining stations, achieving a high degree of industrialization.

The huge population supports the rapid development. According to observation estimates, the population of the galaxy is at least hundreds of billions, most of which live on the third main star.

Seeing this, the emperor’s eyes suddenly trembled, as if he sensed something, and asked: “What is Gardenar’s technical level?”

Said replied: “It has many STCs and variants of the empire’s existing machinery. The biotechnology is similar to the empire, but it only has rudimentary aerospace technology and cannot conduct subspace navigation.”

Finally, Said added: “If we fight a space battle with the expedition fleet, we are absolutely sure to win!”

The emperor frowned: “This is wrong. With technology developed to this extent, they must have known about subspace and then developed a hyperdrive. However, they did not do this. There must be a reason.”

Said was stunned and asked: “Brother Huang, are you saying that they are developing faster-than-light navigation that does not rely on subspace?”

The emperor nodded: “That’s probably the case. If we can get technical information, it will be greatly beneficial to the repair of the network channel.”

Said was confused: “But Brother Huang, how do you know that their super-light speed technology is related to the Internet Channel?”

The Emperor said calmly: “Prophecy, although I never believed it, when I saw Gardenar, the future of the Webway in the prophecy changed.”

The Emperor could see countless futures, but he didn’t know that one would happen, so he never believed it.

But it is one thing to believe it or not, and another thing to pay attention to it. Since Gardenar has an influence on the Webway project, the Emperor pays more attention to it.

Since the emperor was concerned, Said also paid more attention and asked: “What does the emperor plan to do with Gardenar?”

The emperor thought for a while and said calmly: “What you did before is what you should do now, but before using the extermination order, tell me first.”

Said readily accepted the order and organized a mission to contact the other party according to the original strategy.

The expedition fleet was mostly puppets and not suitable for negotiating with humans. Said found the nearby 413 Expedition Fleet and borrowed a group of Space Marines as an envoy.

The 413 Expeditionary Fleet belongs to the Thirteenth Legion and is commanded by Battle Master Cicerus. Guilliman has a very high opinion of this person. He is loyal and charming, and is suitable for diplomacy.

The day for the agreed negotiation soon came, and the location was chosen in a space station on the outskirts of the galaxy. The huge body of the Space Marine entered the negotiation room, bringing great oppression.

Behind them is the imperial fleet that covers the sky and sun, which serves as the basis for negotiations.

Opposite the negotiation table were several humans whose entire bodies had been highly mechanized and had used multiple life-extending techniques.

They are the Lords of Gardenar, a ruling body composed of several oligarchs, each controlling a domain, and the oligarchs come together to control every aspect of the empire.

Seeing them, Said was inexplicably reminded of the High Lords Council in later generations.

These people are obviously used to seeing wind and waves, and are not afraid of the oppression of the Space Marines at all. Their capital to challenge the empire is a galaxy covered in steel and billions of people.

In the atmosphere of secret competition, the extreme warrior said:

“Under the leadership of the great Emperor, mankind has unified Terra and launched a great expedition to the galaxy to reunite the scattered mankind. The unification of mankind is unstoppable, and any obstacle will be ruthlessly destroyed!”

“I hope Gardenar will not make unnecessary resistance and submit to the empire peacefully!”

Among the Lords of Gardenar, the first old man laughed and said: “We in Gardenar support the unification of mankind, but the treatment after unification needs to be discussed in detail.”

“Nice!” Said waved his fist, and through the transmitter, he remotely controlled the Ultramarines to negotiate. As long as they agreed to return, other conditions would be easy to negotiate.

However, subsequent negotiations reached a deadlock, and no further consensus could be reached. On many issues, Gardenar refused to give in or even pushed further.

“Mr. Special Envoy, since the Age of Strife, Gardenar has a proud history of 5,000 years. It has experienced many civil wars, rebellions and foreign invasions, but it is still standing, and even stronger!”

“Unlike those worlds where civilization has regressed, we have powerful industry, advanced technology, and a huge population. We deserve higher-level treatment!”

Cicerus was so angry that he clenched his fists. Now that the empire has conquered most of the galaxy, who is your civilization that has not even emerged from the star system?

Simply arrogant!

But thinking of the prince’s instructions, Cicerus suppressed his anger and said: “But I have agreed to the conditions you just proposed, do you want to go back on it?”

“No, no, Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy,” the leader of the Lord of Gardenar said with an innocent smile:

“What we were talking about just now was the treatment of the Gardenar Empire. Now we are talking about our treatment. As a leader of civilization, we should occupy a higher position in the empire!”

Cicerus rolled his eyes and asked, “What do you want?”

The Lord of Gardenar smiled and handed over a piece of paper. After taking it, Sicerus could no longer hold back, smashed the table with one punch, and cursed angrily:

“You are nothing! How dare you be on equal footing with His Majesty? I think you don’t want to talk anymore! Let’s start a war!”

The Lord of Gardenar said coldly: “Are you sure? Mr. Special Envoy!”

Through the glass behind them, a large number of battleships crossed the space station and confronted the expedition fleet.

At this time, Said sent an order: “No need to talk, let’s start the war! I will send an assault boat to pick you up immediately!”

Cicerus smiled ferociously and said: “Wait a minute, Your Highness, I want to kill these bastards!”

After saying that, several explosive bombs rang out, and the Lord of Gardenar was blown to pieces. They were just substitutes, and the real owner was not here.

At this moment, Said said anxiously: “Cicerus, retreat quickly! A hydrogen bomb has been installed at the negotiation location!”

Cicerus did not panic at all, and glanced at the think tank beside him. The latter nodded, activated the space teleportation, and teleported to the strike cruiser behind.

“Your Highness, if you need help, just ask. These bastards are so annoying, especially those old men. I really want to tear them apart!”

Said shook his head: “No, they only have rudimentary aerospace technology. They are no match for the imperial fleet. They are a bunch of arrogant idiots. Let me overwhelm them!”

Gardenar pretended to negotiate to buy time to assemble the fleet. Whether it was to show off force or start a war, he could gain enough advantageous position.

However, in front of the empire’s space fleet, these fleets are as crude as canoes. Although they are large in number, they are vulnerable.

At the beginning of the war, Gardenar’s largest flagship was burned through by light spears…

Originally, in the history of Warhammer, the Thousand Sons were responsible for the negotiations. After the breakdown, the 413 Expedition Fleet was the main attack force. The 413 Expedition Fleet failed, and Fenus Manus’s troops pressed down on the border, and then Gardenar was captured.

During this period, he planned to fake peace talks with Master Fei Shi and actually assassinate him. It was really a desperate act!

In addition, during the war, Fei Shiye had enlightenment in Longchang, realized that the position of war commander was a sinkhole, and gave up the competition for war commander.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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