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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 9: War breaks out again

As a neutral organization, the Mechanics are located in the factories of various human forces on the planet, providing them with technical support. But now, the Mechanics are no longer neutral.

They unite under Said’s command and shine for him to unify the planet, just like the Mechanicum is to the Emperor and the Great Technocracy is to the green boss.

Most of the technologies in the Golden Age cannot be used. To realize the rejuvenation of mankind, we must develop new technology trees, cultivate our own technical personnel, and establish a scientific research system to win in the future competition in the galaxy.

After the mechanic swore allegiance to Said, he immediately activated his relationships across the planet to provide Said with industrial raw materials.

Not long after, truckloads of industrial raw materials arrived in Rebirth Town. Like a housewife waiting for rice to be put into the pot, Said was ecstatic and put the raw materials into production.

The puppets worked tirelessly, and the factory roared all night long. Bolt guns, power armor, Rhino armored vehicles, Spartan tanks, and Orgus aircraft came off the production line and joined Said’s troops.

At this time, Said’s troops reached 200,000. Although most of them were unarmed, they could still play a great role even as cannon fodder.

You know, many forces have less than 200,000 explosive bombs, and Saids have more bullets.

In addition to making equipment, Said organized the puppets to fight among themselves, attack each other, and gain thousands of big guys at the cost of losing a lot of puppets.

The strength, speed, and neurological reactions of each of them are no less than those of the technological barbarians.

Soon, Said armed an elite mixed brigade composed of thousands of big guns, tanks, armored vehicles, and aircraft. With the huge cannon fodder, he was confident of destroying all enemies.

“Chief, this is the information on Bubble Hill!”

Kaos respectfully handed over a stack of information, which contained information about the Holy Kingdom.

After a cursory glance, Said had a general understanding of the Holy Kingdom.

Rebirth Town is located in the northernmost part of the Holy Kingdom. It is the largest industrial production base of the Holy Kingdom. Bubble Hill is located in the center of the Holy Kingdom. To the south of Rebirth Town, it has the largest genetic laboratory. All technological barbarians come from here.

Around the Bubble Hill, there are a series of Holy Kingdom mines and Holy Country farms. They are controlled by the Bubble Hill and provide industrial raw materials for Rebirth Town.

It can be said that if Rebirth Town can achieve industrial self-sufficiency, it must conquer the blister hills and seize the mines and farms.

On the east and west sides of the Bubble Hill, there are two huge fortresses, the Shield of Auckland to the east and Stark to the west.

With two fortresses as the core, a series of military bases are distributed. They form a barrier to resist the United Cities in the east and the hateful intelligence in the west.

Bubble Hill, Oakland Shield, and Stark are controlled by Phoenix XXXII, Inquisitor Seta, and General Valtner respectively.

If Said wants to destroy the Holy Kingdom, in addition to occupying three places, he must also kill the three giants of the Holy Kingdom.

He put down the information, thought for a while and asked, “How is the relationship between these three giants?”

Kaos replied: “Phoenix Sixty-two is regarded as the incarnation of Auckland, and his position is stable. The two inquisitors absolutely obey the emperor’s orders, but if the emperor dies, the inquisitors may become independent.”

Said pondered: “In other words, only the emperor can mobilize the strength of the country. As long as the emperor is killed, the Holy Kingdom will become a piece of scattered sand.”

Kos replied: “Exactly!”

Said asked again: “Are there any of your mechanics in the biological laboratory in Bupao Hill?”

Kaos shook his head: “No, that is the most mysterious place of the Holy Kingdom. It contains the powerful secret of the Holy Kingdom – the manufacturing method of technological barbarians.”

“In fact, until now, we still don’t understand how to create technological barbarians.”

Said waved his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter. As long as we capture that place, the truth will be revealed.”

Perhaps worried that Said would underestimate the enemy, Kaos reminded:

“Lord Leader, the number of technological barbarians in Bubble Hill is no less than your elite puppets. Even if their equipment is a little behind, they are a force that cannot be underestimated.”

“And it is said that when the emperor goes to war in person, with the blessing of the God of Auckland, his soldiers will be strengthened…”

“The blessing of the gods…” Said felt vaguely familiar and couldn’t help but think:

“Brother Huang, can you bless me?”

He just mentioned it casually, but the emperor actually responded:

“Blinally relying on fear, the unknown, and superstition to bring blessings is a manifestation of backwardness. Human beings can save themselves by themselves alone, without the need for gods!”

“We must destroy religion, and so do you, Said, and you have brought down the so-called Auckland!”

Said laughed in his heart: “Okay, Brother Huang, I promise that this planet is the only one with your voice! Sacrifice your blood to the God Emperor, and sacrifice your head to the throne! waaaagh!!!”


The emperor did not deny it again. Although he opposed superstition, he did not oppose dictatorship. A moderate amount of personality worship could help enhance cohesion and achieve human rejuvenation.

Soon, Said began to arrange an offensive against Bubble Hill, and at this time, news of the fall of Rebirth Town reached Bubble Hill.

“What? Rebirth Town was occupied by aliens? More than a month has passed, why are you reporting now!”

In the palace, a three-meter-tall strong man wearing gorgeous armor roared loudly. Due to his abundant lung capacity, he set off sonic booms in the empty palace.

In front of him, a tall and slightly shorter man, two meters tall, was trembling and full of timidity that did not match his appearance. He quickly explained:

“The enemy blocked the communication channel of Rebirth Town, and all those who escaped were ambushed and killed. We didn’t send people to check until we felt something was wrong, but we were attacked…ah!!!”

Before he finished speaking, the emperor broke his neck, threw his body aside, and angrily said: “Gather the boys, I want to lead the army in person!”

With a command, the whole town cheered. In their eyes, the emperor was the most powerful. Following the emperor, they would only win battles!

The technological barbarians under his command were of course happy to win battles and plunder wealth. They quickly gathered thousands of people and followed the emperor out of the city.

The emperor of the Holy Kingdom did not hide anything. As soon as they left the capital, they were discovered by the reconnaissance puppets. Sayid manipulated more puppets and deployed observations along the way.

The team had a total of 4,000 technological barbarians, riding more than 100 trucks, and headed to the Rebirth Town.

According to Sayid’s visual observation, these vehicles were not bulletproof, and the barbarians had fewer long-range weapons, mostly equipped with advanced weapons and lethal prosthetics.

This was consistent with the description of the intelligence. The emperor of the Holy Kingdom liked close combat and the joy of smashing the enemy. The army under his command catered to his preferences, and most of them were close combat experts.

Not paying attention to long-range weapons does not mean that this aspect is a shortcoming. Trucks and power armor are still equipped with equipment such as bolt guns and plasma cannons.

Moreover, their armor is extremely thick, which can withstand multiple shots of bolt bombs, buying time for close-range killing.

On the other side, Sayid also began to deploy, and 4,000 big guys came out in full force. They wore mecha bolt bombs, rode Rhino troop carriers, and drove Spartan tanks to kill the Holy Kingdom troops.

Above them, the Orgus aircraft swept past, bringing death to the technological barbarians first.

Please read more…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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