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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 90: Failure in the first battle, Senior Sister Fei provides reinforcements (3,000-word chapt

Gardenar’s battleship technology is not much different from the Empire’s, and it also has light spears, macro cannons, and carrier-based aircraft, but it does not have void shields.

Before the void shield is overloaded, it can defend against any high-speed weapons. Even if it is overloaded, it can continue to be used after cooling down for a period of time.

On the other hand, Gardenar only has a backward ion energy shield, which at best can only protect against meteorite impacts, but cannot withstand light spear macrocannons at all.

Therefore, in a face-to-face encounter, the Spear-class battleship fired its spear and burned through the shield of the Gardenar flagship, and then burned through the hull.

Gardenar immediately counterattacked, but the macrocannon light spear was blocked by the void shield, leaving the Imperial warship unscathed.

The remaining imperial warships fired volleys of light lances, constantly blasting enemy ships. To them, this was not a war, but a gunnery exercise.

Realizing the gap, the Gardenar fleet launched a large number of carrier-based aircraft and missiles in an attempt to break through the void shield, and was subsequently intercepted by more imperial carrier-based aircraft.

The empire’s capital ship fleet relied on light spears to continuously destroy enemy warships from a safe distance.

If you can beat you from a distance, who will fight you in close combat? Even in Warhammer, the God of Creation wants everyone to fight in close combat, highlighting the cruelty of war where blood and flesh are spread.

But the underlying logic of war will not change, which is to kill the most enemies with the least casualties.

Soon, the Imperial Fleet relied on its shield advantage to destroy the Gardenar Fleet. A large number of capital ships broke into the galaxy and used light spears and macro cannons to clean up various space stations.

A few hours later, the outer space of the galaxy was cleared, and the Imperial fleet moved unimpeded through the galaxy, locking Gardenar’s armed forces in the atmosphere.

The fleet has gained control of the universe and can launch landings on any celestial body, but Said has no such plan and sends a scientific research ship to microscopically scan all galaxies.

Except for the fact that some parts of the main star are blocked by energy shields and cannot be penetrated by microscopic scans, the other uninhabitable planets have nothing special except for being rich in resources.

Said then reported the situation to the Emperor and, with permission, launched atmospheric incineration torpedoes against all uninhabitable planets.

Mining stations, scientific research stations, galaxy forts, fleet homeports, and orbital elevators were all burned to the ground. At this point, thousands of years of colonial investment in Gardenar were wiped out.

On their home planet, the Imperial fleet launched a psychological offensive.

“Compatriots in Gardenar, don’t be deceived by the dirty conspiracy of the oligarchic leaders. In order to seize the supreme power, they refuse to submit to the empire and use your lives as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the empire!”

“Citizens, the Empire is not your enemy, so put down your weapons and join the Empire to liberate this oppressed world and make mankind great again!”

The image of destruction was projected on the atmosphere, and the planet’s radio broadcast the declaration of surrender over and over again. Ground firepower attacked the projection, but to no avail.

At this time, Gardenar has mobilized, and nearly 100 billion people have been armed. Under the leadership of military officers, every street, every house, and every ruin has been turned into a position, waiting for the invasion.

After the video of persuading people to surrender was broadcast, the crowd inevitably wavered. They stared at the officers beside them with suspicious eyes, as if they were questioning the meaning of the war.

However, Gardenar has thousands of years of war heritage after all, and has already had countermeasures for similar things. Under pressure from all parties, the commotion quickly subsided.

Through microscopic scanning of the scientific research ship, Said looked at the people rebuilding their morale and couldn’t help but sigh and said helplessly:

“I originally wanted to achieve peaceful liberation, but you don’t want to. Since you want to fight, let’s fight!”

Due to the warnings of the Emperor’s prophecies, Said did not use the Extermination Order, but instead used conventional warfare to achieve a quick victory.

With a thought in his mind, the fleet deployed in orbit shot out plasma light spears and launched an indiscriminate orbital bombardment on the surface of the main star.

Viewed from space, circles of light spread across the surface of the planet, just like a stone sinking into water, spreading ripples in all directions.

From a cosmic perspective, compared to the huge main star, a single orbital bombing will not destroy a large area. However, if the people on the surface are switched, each aperture will cover several cities, and the range is no less than that of a thermonuclear strike.

This means that every orbital strike will turn several cities into ashes, and tens of millions of lives will be wiped out instantly, and such strikes will continue.

Soon, the surface of the planet turned into a sea of ​​fire, all industrial areas, urban areas, and energy areas turned into burning ruins, and most of the thousands of years of civilization accumulation were destroyed.

If the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Primarch Legion were here, they would definitely complain that Said was prodigal. The huge population and precious industry are a precious asset, and it would be a pity to destroy them like this.

But Said himself does not lack labor and industrial resources, nor does he lack the technical resources of the golden age, nor will he be hampered by the Mechanicum.

If it weren’t for Brother Huang’s concerns, he would have burned down the planet with the Extermination Order. Although the orbital bombing was very effective, it was not thorough.

In the microscopic scan, there are still a large number of remaining military forces hiding in various bunkers, evading orbital bombing, and ground forces need to be dispatched to clean them up.

This was bound to take a lot of time. In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Said planned to make a quick decision, so he decided to launch a beheading operation to quickly break down the resistance.

With a thought in his mind, a whale transport ship entered a low orbit, dropped hundreds of giant warehouses, and fell rapidly, with the gravity device constantly adjusting its landing point.

When approaching the ground, the anti-gravity suspension device was activated, and the warehouse slowly landed on the outskirts of the capital of the main star. The warehouse door opened, and one million Krieg auxiliary troops and various vehicles walked out of it.

The airborne landing was extremely smooth, with almost no losses. Following closely behind the auxiliary army, 50,000 Titan soldiers also came to the surface, and together with the auxiliary army, they built a circle around the planet’s capital.

At this time, in the microscopic scan, several oligarchs who ruled the Gardenar Empire were in the capital. As long as they were killed, this civilization could be taken over.

However, this is a trap!

The general offensive began. Thousands of Titans, massive tanks, and countless Thunderhawks rushed into the city, relying on laser guns and plasma weapons to resist.

During this period, Said could see the familiar Predator tanks and Rhino personnel carriers, which in their golden years were respectively police equipment and tractors.

Soldiers from both sides used laser guns to shoot at each other. At first glance, unknown people thought it was a civil war between the Imperial Auxiliary Army.

However, the Gardenar are not without their features, as they are equipped with a particle beam weapon that can easily overload Leman Russ void shields and burn through armor.

But everything ended there. Due to the heavy casualties in the initial orbital bombing and the serious lack of defensive forces, the defenders were still retreating despite their heroic fighting.

Just when victory was in sight, something unexpected happened, and vast amounts of atmospheric air forces suddenly emerged from all over the planet, launching countless missiles to bombard the landing troops.

Air supremacy was instantly lost, but Said still had space supremacy. He immediately ordered the orbital navy to attack the enemy air force.

However, from outside the star system, a huge Gardenar fleet suddenly sailed in, forcing the main force of the expedition fleet to leave low-Earth orbit and engage in battle with it.

From the very beginning of the battle, they had been hiding outside the galaxy. Even if the main star suffered an orbital bombing, there was no response.

The delay in returning reinforcements until now is just to temporarily hold back the imperial fleet and buy time to annihilate the landing force!

Air supremacy was lost, space supremacy fell into contention, and the landing troops were isolated. While suffering from indiscriminate bombardment, Gardenar assembled a large number of armored troops to counter-encircle the landing troops and attack frantically.

But Said remained unfazed. He had full confidence in the ground troops and could hold on until he regained control of the universe.

However, Commander Gardenar found that he could not defeat the landing troops, so he went so far as to use nuclear weapons frantically, bombing regardless of whether the enemy was friendly or not!

In an instant, the landing force suffered heavy losses, more than half of the Titans and Titan soldiers were lost, and the auxiliary army suffered heavy losses. At this time, Gardenar invested the elite – the Titan Army!

Said’s heart sank. Although he had discovered these reserve forces long ago, he believed that it would take time to assemble and mobilize them. By the time they were mobilized, the beheadings would have already been completed.

However, the humans in Gardenar have undergone genetic modification to varying degrees and developed different castes to adapt to different jobs. The social division of labor is clear and there is strong cohesion.

After thousands of years of war, the ruling class is a warlike and capable military aristocracy, and the whole society has long become an efficient war machine with extremely strong mobilization capabilities.

Even after experiencing an orbital attack and the collapse of communication and command facilities, they still quickly restored their organization, gathered their troops, and counterattacked the landing forces with lightning speed.

His mobilization efficiency was almost comparable to that of Said’s puppets, but he remained unfazed and quickly mobilized several light cruisers to launch precise bombings on the ground.

At the same time, the strike cruiser launched a new round of orbital airdrop, airdropping 50,000 Titan soldiers to reinforce the troops in the encirclement.

However, all this was as expected by the enemy commander. Around the battlefield, countless bunkers cracked open, and countless gun barrels rose up, pointing straight into the sky.

The next moment, massive light beams and particle beams soared into the sky. The shields of the two light cruisers were overloaded and directly exploded, followed by the destruction of a large number of airdrop silos.

Under the powerful anti-air firepower, less than 5,000 Titan soldiers finally reached the ground. This little reinforcement was just a drop in the bucket in the face of the integrated land and air offensive.

Without the large-scale firepower of a large fleet, reinforcements with just a few light cruisers are really limited.

The struggle for control of the universe continued. Gardenar abandoned the idea of ​​​​a decisive battle and changed to constant harassment and containment. Although he was constantly destroyed, he was able to persist for a long time.

Eventually they achieved their goal, and until the landing force was wiped out, the main fleet was unable to reinforce the surface.

When the last space battleship was eliminated, the enemy fleet commander sent a communication, laughing and taunting:

“Hahahaha, a strange and stupid civilization. For thousands of years, our civilization has experienced countless desperate situations comparable to the present, but we have survived! It’s the same this time!”

“Victory belongs to Gardenar! Long live the Lord of Gardenar!”

Staring at the exploding battleship, Said pondered whether he should apply for an extermination order, but thinking of the Emperor’s prophecy, he worried about the adverse impact on the Webway.

In the end, he decided to continue fighting a conventional ground war. This time he would not behead people, but use his specialty of positional warfare and attrition warfare to flatten the surface of the earth.

At this moment, the fleet received a message: “Your Highness, I am the commander of the 12th fleet of the 10th legion, Fenus Manus, coming for reinforcements in the name of the emperor!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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