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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 91 Fenus’ resentment

“Reinforcements?” Said was stunned: “I didn’t call for reinforcements? Who asked you to come?”

Moreover, there is no communication record of the puppet. After the puppet was created, the puppet assumed the function of interstellar communication, and all communications could not escape Said’s ears.

Anything related to him will be noticed immediately.

Before Iron Hand could answer, the Emperor on the side said: “I asked the Astropath to send the communication, and I didn’t let you know on purpose.”

Said frowned and asked, “Why? Who has the power to command the battlefield?”

This half-informed situation made Said feel very bad, and the confusion of command authority directly affected the success or failure of the battle.

The emperor said calmly: “Don’t worry Said, Feinus’s troops are under your command. I asked him to reinforce them just to prevent certain accidents.”

“What changes will happen?” Said wondered: “What changes will happen?”

The emperor shook his head: “It cannot be said that the prophecy is like an island on the other side, but there are countless dangers lurking in the sea, preventing you from reaching the other side!”

“Even when you are building a ship and selecting crew members, accidents may occur. If you avoid this accident, there will be new accidents, so it is useless to tell you.”

“Fight at the original pace. Fenus is just an insurance policy. It may be useful or not.”

Said nodded solemnly: “I understand Brother Huang, I will go all out.”

At this time, the expedition fleet sent a message to the Tenth Legion: “Hello, Feinus, His Majesty said you obey my command, right?”

Feinus affirmed: “Yes, Your Highness, we will act according to your instructions. I heard that you just suffered a defeat and are in urgent need of rest. You can leave the task to us!”

Said refused: “No, the puppet army does not need to rest. I am not satisfied with what you said. Several fleets that are not inferior to the current size are coming for reinforcements. There is no need to worry about insufficient troops!”

“You just need to sweep around the perimeter and defend against enemy ships outside the system!”

Feinus was anxious: “Your Highness, this is a stellar civilization. Where did the extragalactic fleet come from? We hope to take on more important tasks!”

Said said calmly: “But I encountered it. My space fleet was restrained and unable to reinforce the ground. The ground troops were isolated and failed.”

Feinus was speechless and could only agree: “I understand, Your Highness, I just hope you know that if Iron Hands joins, it can speed up the end of the battle!”

Said nodded: “I know, I won’t be polite when I need you.”

After ending the communication, Said sighed: “War kills people, is that what attracts you? Everyone is scrambling to be the first…”

Subsequently, Said assembled his fleet and launched an indiscriminate orbital bombardment on the surface of the main star. The entire main star was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, burning everywhere.

The bombing lasted for a week. At this time, the first reinforcement fleet arrived, including ten whale transport ships, hundreds of millions of Krieg puppets, countless artillery vehicles, and thousands of Titans.

Said gave the order and immediately launched an airborne landing towards the equator of the main star.

During the week of bombing, the equator was taken care of, and the entire ocean was evaporated. Under microscopic scanning, any life would be hit by the power of thermonuclear weapons.

Therefore, when the puppets airborne, they did not encounter any resistance and easily occupied the entire equator and established a pushing position.

At this moment, on the flagship of the expedition fleet, Manus saw this scene, drooled, and said to Said:

“With all due respect, Your Highness, it would be a waste to use so many troops to attack a planet!”

The Tenth Legion is good at concentrated armored torrent assaults, and cooperates with air-ground battles. Through cooperation with the Mechanicus, it has transformed a large number of black technology weapons.

He thought he was rich enough, but Said’s Titans spread all over the equator, and they had more tanks, artillery, and armored vehicles than Feinus’ auxiliaries.

In front of Said, Fernus felt that the Tenth Legion was just a beggar.

Said replied doubtfully: “Is it a waste? I can still produce thousands of ground troops of this size, so it’s a waste~”

“But…this style of play is very unchallenging…” Fenus spoke more and more quietly, falling into autistic silence.

He has been challenging the limits all his life, and Said’s behavior of relying on the strong to bully the weak made him particularly unhappy, but the army belonged to others, and Fernus could not blame him.

So I could only watch with a trace of depression as Said pushed the battle lines to both ends, and the war entered garbage time. The process was really lackluster.

The aircraft carrier sent a large number of carrier-based aircraft into the atmosphere to fight against the Gardenar Air Force. With the support of orbital strikes, the carrier-based aircraft easily seized air supremacy.

Subsequently, orbital bombing by the fleet in the sky, carpet bombing by the air force, ground artillery washing the ground, and tanks charging face to face, easily chewed up the position.

At this time, Feinus said: “Your Highness, if I take command, we can actually fight faster! The tanks should be concentrated, outflank and annihilate quickly!”

Unexpectedly, Said nodded and said: “It’s already being done. If you don’t believe me, just take a look.”

Feinus was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that the tanks had indeed charged, but they did not outflank them, because the entire front was filled with tanks, and they could crush everything by pushing flatly.

Feinus said anxiously: “Your Highness, you can slow down there and put a pocket to outflank them!”

Unexpectedly, Said shook his head: “No, the pockets are already tied. If you don’t believe me, look at the back!”

I saw a large number of Titan soldiers airborne from behind the Gardenar battle line at some point, more than Fenusto tanks! Launch a backstab to the front line…

The Titan Soldiers that competed against the Astartes were comparable to humanoid tanks. By weaving in and out, they could easily wrap up the Gardenar army on the front line into dumplings.

Under the slogan of surrender without killing, Gardenar began to surrender in an organized manner. Soon, the lords of Gardenar were in a situation where there were no soldiers available.

The battle line advanced rapidly, soon crossed the Tropic of Cancer, occupied two-thirds of the surface, and successfully surrounded the capital.

Finus was stunned, and a nameless anger rose in his heart. In his eyes, war should not be so easy, just like a sentence:

Destroy you, what does it have to do with you!

These Primarch Legions took a lot of effort to destroy the forces, and the Prince Legion destroyed them effortlessly. In the eyes of Finus, it was simply an insult!

At this moment, his eyes were bright, his mouth was pouting, and jealousy was burning. He couldn’t help thinking in his heart: “Huh! He only relies on the advantage of military strength. If I have the same conditions, I will do better than him!”

At the same time, he hoped that Sayid would be defeated so that his legion could come down and show his skills.

Soon, his chance came.

At this moment, the battle line has been pushed to the two poles. Except for a few scattered ground forces to maintain public order, the main forces gathered at the two poles and the capital for the final assault.

At this time, Gardenar sent a communication: “My lord, the imperial envoy, Gardenar has decided to surrender. Can you stop the offensive first and restart the negotiations!”

Sayid refused: “What qualifications do you have to negotiate with us? Wait for death!”

Unexpectedly, the other party was still tough and said coldly: “Even if you win, you can’t get this planet! Gardenar people will never be slaves!”

Sayid sneered: “Really? Then let me see what trump cards you have!”

As soon as the voice fell, a building in the capital flashed with lightning, and a huge gravitational force appeared on the surface of the planet out of thin air, and a large number of meteorites flew to the ground at a high speed.

And the target… is exactly the three points where troops gather!

At the same time, underground, the Lord of Gardenar assembled the last elite troops!

Finus’ tactics are very similar to Guderian’s. He is good at armored cluster assault tactics. He likes to challenge his limits and make himself perfect by defeating the impossible. He is one of the most normal Primarchs.

In addition, is the plot entering a dull period? It feels a bit cold~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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