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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 92: Faros Lighthouse, Far Away to Collect the Remnants

Gardenar Prime has two natural satellites, and they blew up one of them to artificially create a meteorite belt.

The artificial star rings in low-Earth orbit create a gravitational field all the time, binding the meteorite belt around to prevent it from falling to the surface.

But as soon as the war began, the star ring was blown up by the expedition fleet, and together with the space elevator and artificial satellite, Said regarded it as an obstacle to the control of the universe.

Other legions may retain star rings and space elevators to facilitate landing, but the Hyogi fleet has a huge airdrop capability, so star rings are basically useless.

Without the restraints of the star ring, these meteorites became the weapons that Gardenar died with.

Countless meteorites fell into the atmosphere, pulled by the gravitational field, and crashed into three military gathering points. In an instant, the two pole defenders and the expeditionary force were wiped out.

The planet’s capital was shrouded in shields, blocking the falling meteorites, but the expeditionary force outside the city did not receive such treatment. The meteorites turned into hundreds of nuclear bombs, causing them heavy losses.

Subsequently, the last elite force of Gardenar came out, and the four-legged Titans and armored troops defeated the remaining expeditionary force to pieces, quickly clearing the surrounding areas of the capital.

Seeing this, Said mobilized the scattered troops in the rear and launched orbital bombing to slow down the enemy’s advance.

He was not panicked, because the loss only accounted for a small part of the production capacity, and a new reinforcement fleet would arrive soon, and a new wave of offensive could be launched at that time.

However, an accident happened again. The reinforcement fleet was unable to open the rift in the subspace, and the Mandeville Point seemed to be sealed, unable to jump any ships.

Said’s expression really changed. He took the risk and restarted the microscopic scan, and soon discovered the Pharos Lighthouse beneath the capital!

This is a Necron creation used for teleportation and communication across galaxies, as well as creating areas that isolate subspace.

“No wonder…the detection was isolated at the beginning, which gave me a familiar feeling. The Pharos lighthouse was activated, and the detection isolation disappeared…”

At this moment, Said’s mystery was solved. Ninety-nine percent of the items in the Emperor’s prophecy that affected the Webway were this Necron creation.

In the expedition fleet, Feinus smiled triumphantly and said: “Your Highness, in this situation, is it the turn of the Steel?”

Said nodded: “Well, I leave it to you! After entering the capital, go to this coordinate. There is something very important to His Majesty there, so be sure to protect it!”

Faenus gladly accepted the order, led the Iron Hands to launch an airborne landing, gathered a huge armored group on the surface, and launched an attack on the capital.

The elite soldiers of Gardenar, who were originally chasing death and killing everyone, were attacked head-on. Although their Titans and particle beam weapons resisted tenaciously, the Iron Hands also had Titans and massive air support.

Not only the Iron Hands, but the originally scattered Bingmu legions gathered and gradually became a force that cannot be ignored, cooperating with the Iron Hands to launch attacks.

On the other hand, Gardenar was unable to follow up and had no reinforcements. He was defeated steadily and quickly returned to the place of departure.

At this moment, a violent energy reaction occurred in the Faros Lighthouse. Said suddenly remembered a terrible consequence and immediately ordered:

“Fenus, speed up the assault and reach the protective position!”

Feinus immediately agreed: “Yes, Your Highness, I will personally lead the charge!”

However, it was still a step too late. When they rushed to the underground base, except for sporadic resistance, there was no one there, leaving a note in Gothic:

“We’ll be back!”

Fenushui reported: “Your Highness, an unknown device was discovered. According to the Mechanicus report, the energy is in an overload stage. The consequences are unknown. Should we retreat first?”

Said said in a deep voice: “Withdraw, I will let the puppets take over for you!”

Then he turned around and found the Emperor, reported the findings under the main star, and expressed his speculation:

“The Pharos lighthouse is connected to the gravity generator, adjusting the planet’s gravity to cause the meteorite to fall, at the expense of the generator being scrapped, slowing down the speed of our army’s attack.”

“In the end, the Gardenar oligarchs overloaded the Pharos lighthouse, activated the teleportation function, and fled the system.”

The Emperor sighed leisurely: “This is the reason why they do not develop subspace navigation. They are trying to crack the Necron creations and achieve faster-than-light navigation. Their ambitions are really big!”

Said asked anxiously: “Will this help the webway?”

The emperor said in a relaxed tone: “Of course, it has given me countless ideas. If successful, it will make up for several missing key technologies and speed up the research progress!”

Said breathed a sigh of relief and said: “That’s good, otherwise it would be really not worth it to cause a catastrophe ten thousand years later for nothing!”

Pharos beacons are scattered throughout the galaxy. One was discovered in five hundred worlds during the Horus Heresy. It was overused in subsequent wars and attracted the attention of the “Great Devourer” outside the galaxy.

As a result, the Great Devourer’s Zerg fleet headed towards the Milky Way, arriving 10,000 years later and becoming a galactic catastrophe.

But the emperor didn’t care, and was very optimistic: “Ten thousand years is enough for a lot of things to happen. The universe is a chaotic system, and no one can predict the future!”

“Let’s think about the crisis ten thousand years from now. Let’s complete the Webway now!”

At this point, the Battle of Gardenar ended, and the empire recovered the galaxy. To be cautious, Said relocated all the population and spread it across various military worlds.

After several generations of assimilation, they will forget their ancestral identities and truly integrate into the empire.

The end of this battle also marked the final stage of the Blackstone Expedition. The Prince’s Legion controlled the entire Great Rift, with three star clusters as the core, namely:

The Eye of Terror, the Maelstrom, and the Tau Cluster.

The Eye of Terror and the Tau Cluster are located at the head and tail of the Great Rift, with the Maelstrom in the center.

The core star cluster gathered 80% of the troops in the Great Rift War Zone, radiating to both ends of the rift and the surrounding star fields, becoming the front line against subspace.

With the development of the Great Rift and the continuous shipment of mined black stone to Terra, in conjunction with the research on the Pharos Lighthouse, the research on the Emperor’s Webway has further accelerated and entered the final stage of overcoming difficulties.

The progress of the Webway is rapid, and the progress of the Primarch Corps is not slow. After the currency system was established, the empire’s resource collection efficiency increased, and logistics supplies became smoother, further improving the efficiency of the expedition.

Due to the emergence of Said, a huge auxiliary army of puppets was provided. When the expeditionary army encountered any battle, it was customary to let the puppets rush in first, and then test the enemy’s situation before the main force of the army came.

A steady stream of cannon fodder cooperates with the human army to effectively reduce casualties and greatly speed up the expedition.

At this time, it was only more than a hundred years since the Great Expedition began. Large areas of the three star regions of Taiping, Storm, and Extreme were recovered. Many legions completed the expedition mission ahead of schedule and began to divide their forces to support other theaters.

But this does not mean that the expedition is about to end. Like the Webway, in the Obscurity Star Territory, the expedition force is locked in a bitter battle.

They encounter two super alien empires-Ulanor and Randan!

Following the Emperor’s command, the freed Primarch legions rushed towards the Obscure Starfield, sounding the clarion call for the decisive victory of the Great Crusade!

Said also received a mission to go to the Gothic Sector and assist Lion Lion in capturing the Blackstone Fortress!

There may only be one update today. I need to adjust the outline and speed up the pace.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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