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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 93 Wormman Schloss

The Emperor gave an order, and eighteen legions of primarchs took action. Excluding the small number of troops left behind, three thousand expeditionary fleets gathered in the Obscure Star Field.

They divided their forces into two groups, attacking Randan from the north and Ullannuo from the south. They decided to work together to eliminate the last two stubborn stones on the expedition.

While the army was gathering, Luojia came to Said and said, “Your Highness, please answer me truthfully. Is my father a god?”

Said frowned and manipulated the puppet to reply: “This question has already been answered. Your Majesty does not admit that he is a god!”

Luo Jia continued: “What about your personal opinion? You have been with him for so long, do you think he is a god?”

Said shook his head: “I have been lying in the stasis field for nearly ten thousand years. I don’t know what happened in the meantime, but to me, it has always been my god!”

Luojia Youyou said: “He is also my god, but I recently learned that the demons in subspace are actually not aliens, but immortal gods!”

Luo Jia’s tone became increasingly excited and he said, “In addition to Your Majesty, there are other gods!”

The puppet’s voice gradually became colder, and he said word by word: “They are not gods! They are just powerful aliens. They are His Majesty’s enemies and can also be killed. Please pay attention to your position, Comrade Luojia!”

Luo Jia sighed and said calmly: “According to the description, although my father is powerful, there is still a gap between him and the true god. He needs to go through the final sublimation before he can become a god!”

“But it’s a pity that from various indications, he seems unwilling to become a god…”

Said became wary and asked, “Luojia, did you go to subspace and see something terrible?”

Luo Jia shook his head: “I didn’t. I remember my father’s teachings and will never explore subspace!”

Said’s face softened slightly and he said calmly: “Whether he becomes a god or not, it will be a matter after the Great Crusade. If it is good for mankind, Your Majesty will not begrudge becoming a god!”

“And the preparations you have made in the world of truth will come in handy then!”

Because the Prince’s fleet replaced the expedition, the Word Bearers’ talent for magic sticks was fully utilized to establish worlds of truth in the galaxy.

The world of truth is almost the world of the temple in the future!

It is dotted with miraculous statues of emperors, and trillions of people are all fanatical believers of the Party of Truth. In addition to studying the ideas of the Party of Truth on a daily basis, they are also preparing for His Majesty to become a god.

Luo Jia nodded: “I understand that in order to speed up the expedition, 200,000 Word Bearers will join the battle in the Obscure Star Territory, and the world of truth must be entrusted to His Highness the Prince to help manage it!”

Said nodded and said: “Okay, Luojia, I’m waiting for your good news!”

After finishing the conversation, Said arranged for puppets to take over the world of truth while reporting the content of the conversation to the emperor, guessing:

“Brother Huang, Luojia was probably corrupted by Chaos. He hid the truth from the fleet and made a secret pilgrimage to the Four Gods. He was obviously trying to find out what I was talking about and make me rebel.”

In original history, Luojia made a pilgrimage to the Eye of Terror and became the first to be corrupted after meeting the Four Gods.

Now that the Eye of Terror is blocked, Luojia can still enter through cracks in other subspaces. Once he sees the “true god”, it’s hard to say what will happen to Luojia.

However, the Emperor said calmly: “It doesn’t matter, the expedition is about to end, and the original body will be useless by then. If there are traitors, just eliminate them!”

“Now that everything is business as usual on the surface, we are secretly preparing for the next war. Guess how many Primarchs will rebel?”

This is how arrogant it is to not take the Primarch’s rebellion seriously… Said thought to himself.

At the same time, a fleet from the Eye of Terror arrived in the Gothic Sector, which Said dubbed the Gothic Fleet.

They consisted of fifty-six battleships, two hundred battle cruisers, five hundred cruisers, and a large number of light cruisers and auxiliary ships to perform the task of searching the Blackstone Fortress.

This task was originally assigned to the First Legion, but the Randan War confined their main force to the Cassilis sector, resulting in a shortage of troops in the Gothic sector.

Said is good at violent warfare, so it is suitable for him to conduct the search work.

The Gothic Sector spans hundreds of cubic light-years and encompasses thousands of galaxies, but for puppets capable of subspace positioning, it is only a few hours’ voyage away.

The Gothic fleet was divided into thousands of groups and went to various star systems to conduct reconnaissance. During the period, they discovered many alien pocket empires, some of which were not in the sky, and some were in the sky.

The former directly throws cyclone torpedoes, while the latter summons cruisers and battleships to defeat the space fleet, and then throws cyclone torpedoes.

Worlds were destroyed one after another, and the Pocket Empire was vulnerable to the huge Gothic fleet. Said noticed that these aliens basically wore collars.

Said couldn’t help but think of Ran Dan’s massive slave army. These aliens should be Ran Dan’s vassal civilization.

While exterminating the enemy, Said was also secretly vigilant. Ran Dan would not do nothing to clean up the Gothic fleet.

Soon, a light cruiser encountered a black battleship. The battleship was the size of a cruiser, formed into an irregular structure, and moved calmly through the void.

The light patrol immediately launched a light spear, but was blocked by an unknown shield. The black battleship immediately counterattacked, firing a green light that easily overloaded the void shield and exploded the light patrol.

The green light has a necrotic function, which is similar to the technology of the Necron, but the Necron is a molecular magnetic field, while the Black Battleship is biocorrosion.

The light cruiser immediately broke away from contact and just kept surveillance from a distance to avoid fighting, while the black battleships advanced step by step, as if vowing to annihilate the light cruiser fleet.

Soon, a cruiser formation arrived for reinforcements, and the Lancer-class, Macrogun-class, aircraft carrier-class, and Moon-class cruisers began to fight back.

This time, the void shield was not destroyed, but the weapons of the Gothic fleet still could not break the enemy shield. Said was convinced that this was an alien civilization with more advanced technology than humans.

Fortunately, however, through testing by carrier-based aircraft, it seems that the enemy ship’s shield cannot protect against slow-moving objects, which brings opportunities for gang-hopping.

At this time, a strike cruiser arrived and released hundreds of shark assault boats, which easily crashed into the black battleship. As soon as the Titan soldiers came out of the warehouse, they were immediately attacked by a massive amount of green light.

Like the battleship, the green light has a necrotic effect and can easily corrode the Titan Soldier’s armor. The Titan Soldier raised its jump shield to block it, and at the same time fired back with explosive bombs.

After turning on the night vision goggles, they finally saw the alien appearance clearly.

The lower body has three spider-like bladed legs, the upper body is a long strip of meat, and the top is a lamprey-like head, with tentacles waving around the head and holding firearms.

Said immediately recognized the identity of this alien species – the worm-man Shloth, and these chunks of flesh were their servant structures.

According to the intelligence of the First Legion, the Wormmen are allies of the Randan Empire. They have technology that far exceeds that of humans. All members are inaccessible and free from subspace interference.

If they were not so rare in number, they would be as powerful as the Necron.

Said immediately decided to increase his troops and send more gang-hopping puppets. However, the shark assault boat hit the shield and exploded.

“A full physical shield…” Said pondered in his heart, guessing what the other party was thinking.

Shloth was curious about the soldier wooden puppets and planned to catch a few for study, so he took down the shield, let the giant soldiers join the gang, and then closed the door to beat the dogs.

However, Said said quietly: “Since it is not a void shield, you can teleport to join the gang…”

The Wormmen smell like Cthulhu ~ Due to their small number, they rarely conflict with the empire head-on. They are always causing trouble secretly, even if they are very high-tech.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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