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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 94 The Figure King intervenes

At this moment, the fierce battle in the black ship gradually became more intense. There were more and more spider-like combat servants. The jump shield was corroded by the green light and became thinner and thinner, gradually losing its protective function.

The Titan Soldiers counterattacked with explosive bombs and plasma, easily blasting a large number of combat minions. Disgusting ichor spilled all over the ground, corroding and making a sizzling sound.

At this time, the Titan Soldier took out the teleportation beacon and inserted it into the ground to activate it. In just a split second after the psychic energy flashed, dozens of Titan Soldiers appeared.

After receiving reinforcements, the Titan Soldiers began to advance step by step, and the servant structures gradually retreated. In the rear, more Titan Soldiers were teleported and killed throughout the spacecraft.

Without the void shield to block him, Said let go of his hands and feet to teleport, teleporting thousands of Titan soldiers and tens of thousands of Krieg puppets in one breath.

They formed a huge army and rolled towards the interior of the spacecraft. Said hoped to seize the spacecraft, crack the technology on it, and obtain a method to fight against the subspace.

However, something unexpected happened at this time. Several humanoid figures gathered by worms suddenly appeared and grabbed the giant god soldier’s head. Their palms secreted necrotic liquid, which easily corroded the giant god soldier’s helmet and completely rotted the puppet’s head.

During this period, the giant god soldiers fired explosive bombs, and the ion cannon blasted a huge gap as big as the head of the worm man, but it was filled with worms in an instant.

Ordinary explosive bombs and melt rays hit the worm man, only killing a few worms, leaving the main body unscathed.

On the contrary, Schloss cooperated with the combat servants and used necrotic rays and necrotic liquids to easily defeat the Titan soldiers.

It wasn’t until a giant divine soldier used a psychic attack to cause him to become temporarily stiff and stuffed a fusion grenade into a chest full of worms that he died together with it.

But the number of wormmen was still too small. As the giant god soldiers and Krieg puppets increased, the puppets continued to advance despite heavy losses.

The worms began to suffer casualties. They were few in number and each one was an unbearable loss. They gave up the close combat with the Titan Soldiers, abandoned their combat servants to delay, and ran deeper into the spacecraft.

Immediately afterwards, like a gecko cutting off its tail to survive, the fallen part of the black spacecraft disintegrated, and the remaining part entered super-light speed and escaped without a trace, leaving no trace of subspace.

Said couldn’t help but be enthused. The ability to escape from the subspace at faster than light speeds was exactly the technology the Emperor had always dreamed of.

Although the main body ran away, the remaining part still has great reference value.

But how could the worm man not think of it? After Said came up with this idea, the abandoned spacecraft structure exploded, and the puppets and structures inside were destroyed.

Said sighed secretly, but he didn’t feel much regret in his heart. The enemy had already planned it, and his own intelligence was too little. No matter how many times he tried again, the ending would be the same.

The fleet continued to move forward, and soon in an unnamed galaxy, Said found the first Blackstone Fortress. Thinking of the Schloss he had just encountered, he couldn’t help but have an idea:

Will Ran Dan’s aliens occupy the Blackstone Fortress?

Originally, the records of the Battle of Randan were cleared in history, but Said was still certain that the Blackstone Fortress did not appear during the war.

It was not until several thousand years after the Horus Rebellion that the Blackstone Fortress was discovered by the Empire and transformed into a naval base.

But now, Said couldn’t help but have a guess in his mind. Ran Dan found the Blackstone Fortress, but didn’t know how to use it, just like the empire in history!

The result was as expected by Said. After the close inspection, except for the energy system, the other functions of the fortress had not been activated.

Just like the empires in history, they linked their weapon systems to the energy network of the Blackstone Fortress, towed them with tugboats, and transformed them into mobile fortresses.

In the Terra Palace, Said happily reported: “Brother Huang, we have found the first black stone fortress, but we need to control the key!”

The emperor nodded and said calmly: “The key is in the hands of the First Legion, assist them in controlling it!”

The keys to control the fortress are called “Hand of Darkness” and “Eye of Darkness”, which were discovered by the First Legion on an Eldar old woman’s world.

With the key, you have control of the Blackstone Fortress. Historically, Chaos Warmaster Abaddon relied on the key to easily capture the Blackstone Fortress occupied by humans.

After Said provided the coordinates, he quickly received a communication: “Hello, His Royal Highness, I am Seve from the First Legion, here to take over the Blackstone Fortress!”

Said replied: “Right in front, controlled by a group of Randan slaves, and there may also be the worm man Shiros!”

Seve was silent for a while, and then said: “Your Royal Highness, the First Army does not have enough troops. I wonder if you can help us capture the fortress.”

Said was waiting for this sentence, he smiled and said:

“Of course, but our mission is to find the Blackstone Fortress, not to capture it. If we want extra labor, the First Legion needs to exchange things.”

Seve replied: “Say it, Your Highness!”

Said said: “There are six Blackstone Fortresses in the Gothic Sector. I want two, one in Cartier and one in the Maelstrom!”

Seve thought for a while and replied: “No problem. The Lion King had expected that you would make a request. This is not too much. We agreed.”

After reaching an agreement, the Gothic fleet started to join forces. Randan slaves immediately organized a defense, but found that the energy system was cut off and the defensive forts were all turned into decorations.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Titan soldiers boarded the fortress and killed countless strange alien slaves. In order to deal with Shloth, Said even dispatched the original Titan soldiers.

The original giant god’s weapons killed the god and the Buddha killed the Buddha, easily clearing the Blackstone Fortress. In the fortress command room, he learned the locations of the other fortresses.

“Thank you, Your Highness the Prince, with the Blackstone Fortress, the Randan War can end early!” Sever said gratefully.

Said replied easily: “You’re welcome, everything is for the revival of mankind! I will help you capture other fortresses!”

Soon, the Gothic fleet divided into five groups and went to capture the remaining five black stone fortresses. With the help of Sever’s Key, they easily captured four fortresses.

It is worth mentioning that before the attack, all the worms in the fortress ran away and disappeared.

It was not until the last fortress was captured that the original puppet finally encountered Schloss. When the puppet was about to win with its huge force, both sides suddenly disappeared from reality.

They are trapped in an endless cycle of fighting, starting over every time a winner is decided and never stopping.

During this period, the memory of the worm man was reset, but Said, whose puppet was connected to the three-dimensional world, easily discovered the clues.

At the same time, during space positioning, the original puppet quickly left the Gothic Star Region, and in just a few minutes, reached the Extreme Star Region tens of thousands of light years away.

In this situation, Said couldn’t help but think of a figure: “The King of Figures – Trazin!”

Together with the Wormmen, the Primarch Golem became the King of Necromancers’ collection.

Said touched his chin, told the emperor the situation, and suggested:

“Brother Huang, in this way, we can locate the tomb world Solum, let the fleet come to the door, and force Trazin to trade knowledge!”

“If he doesn’t agree, we will start a war, destroy all the fleet, and demolish his museum of figures!”

Popular science: The worm man tortured Alfa’s special operations to pieces, and Alfa relied on psychic close combat to kill the worm man.

The figure king woke up at an uncertain time, but he must have woken up very early. The collection includes the Thunder Warriors and Imperial Guards from the Unification War.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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