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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 95: Advancing to Trazin (please read it tomorrow)

To Sayid’s surprise, the Emperor did not agree immediately, but pondered for a while before agreeing: “Go, but be careful, don’t push too hard, awaken all the dead spirits, or destroy the galaxy!” Sayid smiled and said, “Don’t worry, brother Huang, I know my limits. If I have to choose between knowledge and figurines, Tarazin will definitely choose figurines!” The Gothic Fleet has completed its mission, and they have been given a new mission to join part of the fleet of the Tau Cluster to form the Solem Expeditionary Force. At this moment, in the Solem galaxy in the Extreme Star Region, a desert planet, a large number of stasis force fields are placed in the huge underground pyramid, binding various items. There are animals, plants, and energy groups. If Sayid were here, he would recognize the Imperial Guards, Thunder Warriors, Astartes, Technobarbarian Warlords, Greenskin Warriors… and the Primarch Puppet, and the Worm Man who fought not long ago. Outside the Primarch Puppet Force Field, there is a sign that reads: Wooden Man vs. Sloth! At this moment, not far from the puppet, stood a steel skeleton, leaning on a civilized cane, with green light flashing in his eyes. He scratched his head from time to time in a humane way, and seemed very distressed.

“Strange, in the infinite combat circuit, the memory of each battle will be reset, and the combat performance should be the same every time, but this wood is not…”

In order to keep the collection fresh, the static force field will repeat the battle at the moment of collection, and the memory will be reset, just like repeating a movie, and the collection will perform the same.

However, the original puppet did not seem to reset its memory, and the combat performance was different every time. Later, it even lay flat and let the worm man explode.

This means that the puppet has seen through the infinite combat circuit and is too lazy to fight the illusion.

Seeing this, the iron skeleton unhappily closed the infinite combat circuit.

He was very curious about how the Primarch puppet did it. When he glimpsed the bee collection beside him, he immediately thought of a possibility and blurted out:

“Gestalt consciousness? Damn, this place might be discovered! But… it’s just tying a wooden man, the big golden man won’t do it!”

However, as soon as it finished speaking, the alarm of the pyramid sounded, and on the screen next to the Iron Skull, a large number of light spots jumped out of the subspace and approached the outer edge of the galaxy.

It was a large-scale imperial fleet, with hundreds of battleships and battlecruisers, and countless small warships of various types.

Taraxin’s eyes flashed green, and he seemed a little flustered. He immediately connected to the fleet and said: “Human fleet, please stop advancing. This is the territory of the Nishilak Dynasty. Entry is prohibited! If you don’t listen to the advice, we will use lethal force!” Unexpectedly, the fleet replied: “What the hell are you doing, Taraxin? You are the only undead force here, and you still want a dynasty? Don’t laugh at me!” Taraxin was exposed without blushing. There were many people in the galaxy who knew him, so he asked: “Who are you? What are you doing here?” The fleet replied: “I am the prince of the human empire, the puppet master Sayid, Taraxin, you took my things, I came to retrieve the lost property and demand compensation!” Taraxin’s eyes flashed green, touched his chin, and then replied: “Your I didn’t take the puppet, you’re looking in the wrong place!” The Bingmu Fleet replied: “Do you dare to let me send troops to search?” Taraxin’s green light flashed more frequently, and he admitted: “Okay, I did take it, but I can’t give it to you. It’s your honor to have a place in the exhibition I carefully planned!” Sayid smiled: “The robbers can be so righteous, worthy of being the Galaxy Pirate Saint! Return it quickly, otherwise your museum will be ruined!” After that, the light cruiser fleet entered the galaxy and headed straight for the main star of Solem. Taraxin argued: “This is a prejudice against me, Your Highness!” “I dedicate my life to everything I see, so everything I see should be dedicated to me!” This is equivalent to saying: What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is still mine! In response, Sayid replied “Haha” and then asked the light cruiser fleet to speed up. On the main star of Solem, a large number of Necrons warships took off and greeted the Imperial Light Cruiser Fleet, and the two sides fell into a tense confrontation. The light cruiser fleet was just a warning. After all, the Necrons were the pinnacle of materialistic technology. If they were to fight, they would be wiped out in a breath.

So, Sayid continued to increase the stakes. The battlecruisers and battleships entered the galaxy. The huge ships were like an indomitable king. Sayid said domineeringly:

“Every battleship here is equipped with a second-level cyclone torpedo. As long as one hits the main star, I will win. You have only two choices: either return it and compensate, or destroy the entire museum!”

Tarasim was anxious and said angrily: “You can’t do this. The war burned everything in the galaxy and made everything around it desolate and dead! Only here can a corner of prosperity be preserved!”

“For Just a wooden man, you are selfishly destroying the last diversity of the galaxy, you devil! I will not allow you to do this! “

Sayed said: “Then start the fight, I will tell you what to do next, the fleet will rush to the main star at 0.9 times the speed of light under firepower, and then launch a two-pole cyclone torpedo. “

“The torpedo will penetrate deep into the ground and blow up the planet from the core! Although the fleet will suffer heavy losses, as long as one ship brings the main star into range, we will win!”

After that, the engine jet became brighter, and the fleet was accelerating.

Taraxin panicked. The museum is its lifeblood and the meaning of its survival.

It finally gave in and said: “Okay, Sayed, you win, I will return the wooden man to you, take your iron box and get out of here!”

Said shook his head: “As punishment for the failed theft, you have to compensate, for example, the operational knowledge about the Blackstone Fortress!”

Trazin said angrily: “Get out! You despicable robber, I don’t want to see you again!”

Said did not reply. He increased the power of the spacecraft engine and flew quickly to the main star.

Trazin panicked and screamed: “What do you want to do? Don’t come here! I’m going to open fire!”

Said replied: “Knowledge or museums, choose one!”

Trazin said forcefully: “Come here, I have a clone in Orukas and can access the brilliant star map. Believe it or not, I will extinguish the sun immediately!”

The fleet immediately braked. Although he knew that the figure king was probably bluffing, Said did not dare to bet. If it was true, the solar system would be gone.

The Brilliant Star Map includes the entire Milky Way. If you pinch and explode a star on it like a little man, the corresponding star in reality will explode.

This artifact is kept by the Orukas Dynasty and the Figure King has no control over it. However, according to records, he has sent clones to infiltrate it many times. Who knows if it will happen this time?

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while. At this time, the emperor calmly said: “Okay Said, leave the rest to me! I will go and communicate with Trazin!”

Then he took out a modified underworld beetle and said:

“I’m sorry, Trazin, my brother is a bit reckless, but you are also wrong about this matter. Let’s talk about it…”

Said was stunned and said in surprise: “So you guys know each other!”

In this way, one of the Emperor and Said was a good person, and the other was a bad person, using all the signatures of the original body, a lock of hair of the Emperor and Said, a Krieg puppet… and a bunch of other bits and pieces as the price, Get a lot of knowledge in exchange!

Among them are further instructions on how to operate Blackstone Fortress, as well as evidence of the Word Bearers’ rebellion – a corrupted Word Bearers warrior collected by Trazin!

When the Great Rift opens, the figure Wang Yuanwen.

“They need a savior,” Trazin said, taking hold of the weapon, crackling aetheric energy igniting in the blade. “I must shoulder this responsibility until their God-Emperor rises.”

I really doubt that Trazyn and the Emperor actually knew each other~

Also, please read it tomorrow~ Be sure to read it!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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