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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 96 (Seeking follow-up reading) Gathering the Grave Star

Three thousand expedition fleets gathered in the Obscure Star Territory, marking the climax of the Great Expedition. The situation in the battle between Ullanor and Randan began to reverse, and humans gradually gained the upper hand.

With the discovery of the Blackstone Fortress, the expeditionary force completely secured victory. Even if it could only exert one percent of its power, it still dealt a heavy blow to the enemy.

The Blackstone Fortress can manipulate subspace psychic energy, launch powerful psychic attacks, and create a soul-expelling dead zone to isolate the connection between subspace and reality.

The combined attack of two Blackstone Fortresses can easily destroy a planet, and the combined attack of three Blackstone Fortresses can easily destroy a star.

The First Legion relied on the Blackstone Fortress to quickly kill the Ullanor Orc fleet, destroy Ullanor’s star, and a supernova explosion swept the entire galaxy.

At this point, the arrogant Ullanor Orc Empire was destroyed!

The Orc Emperor, who originally had to be eliminated by the Emperor himself, was killed by a single shot from the Blackstone Fortress.

Then all the legions went north to Ran Dan and relied on the Blackstone Fortress to carry out genocide against Ran Dan.

Randan’s territory covers the three star regions of Calixis, Spruce, and Ultimate. It has thousands of worlds under its command, including multiple races. In order to speed up the efficiency of extermination, the expedition fleet has been increased to 4,000, and countless planets have been turned into scorched earth.

During this period, the entire Word Bearers army participated in the Battle of the Obscure Starfield. They fought bravely and suffered heavy losses. They made great contributions to the expedition, and Pravda reported it extensively.

However, after being reminded by the figure king, Said compared the list of dead and found that most of the Word Bearers’ casualties were veterans who often warned them.

They may not be loyalists, but they must often find puppets to admonish, hoping to spread their words to the Emperor’s ears.

Although it is often rubbish, Said would not bother the emperor with it, but if you think about it carefully, some of them are quite intriguing, such as:

“Your Highness, I discussed the existence of gods with my brothers from the Warrior Association today. The other guy thought there must be other gods besides Your Majesty, so I beat him up!”

“Your Highness, I regret that today I actually thought that Your Majesty is a demigod, one step away from becoming a god. Oh my God, how could I have such heretical thoughts…”

“Your Highness, during the study meeting today, I felt that my comrades were squeezing me out. I thought hard and didn’t know what I did wrong…”

Every legion had such words, and Said didn’t pay much attention to them. Now that he thought about it, Luojia was using war to purge loyalists.

In this timeline, the Emperor did not purge the Thunder Warriors, there was no separation of military and political affairs, no one knew about the two missing Primarchs, puppets cleared the communication barriers, and newspapers made the warriors household heroes.

Everyone is united, fully delegating power, and giving enough honor. The empire treats the legion so favorably that if they want to rebel without finding a reason, no one will respond at all.

Based on this judgment, Said was not wary of the Word Bearers. During the Truth Fleet observation, the Word Bearers did not behave abnormally at all.

Without the reminder from the Figure King, Said would still be in the dark, and the truth fleet, warrior associations, and warning activities would be of no use at all.

The emperor saw Said’s frustration and comforted him: “Don’t be discouraged. Didn’t you realize that most of your preventive measures were Luojia’s idea?”

“And you didn’t find anything unusual, which means that the rebel faction is not yet mature enough to dare to engage in public activities. We still have time to prepare!”

After some analysis by the emperor, Said regained confidence. With the Party of Truth, grassroots organizations played the role of ideological and public opinion positions, effectively resisting heretical ideas.

Thinking of this, Said exhaled a breath and said in a cold voice: “Should we capture Luojia now and ask for the list of rebels?”

The Emperor waved his hand and said easily: “No, the expedition is about to end, the Webway has entered the sprint stage, the original body is useless, let those traitors jump out on their own!”

Said wondered: “Are we not going to do anything?”

The emperor shook his head: “Of course not, call Malcador for a meeting!”

At this time, Said said with a ferocious smile: “Brother Huang, I have an idea to catch all these rebels!”

Malcador soon arrived at the palace, and only then did Said know that the Assassin’s Court had already been established, and its members were lurking in various Primarch legions, becoming the emperor’s second news channel besides Said.

After hearing the news of Luojia’s rebellion, Malcador recalled for a while and then said:

“Most of the Assassin’s Court lurks in the mortal group, such as the auxiliary army, the Astrology Court, the Navigator, etc. If the original body rebels, it will inevitably win over some mortals, but it has not happened so far, indicating that the rebellion is in the brewing stage.”

The emperor said calmly: “Your view is the same as Said. The loyalists in each legion have not noticed the clues. If the original body wants to rebel, it must first clean up the loyalists.”

Malcador asked: “So His Majesty plans to…”

The emperor glanced at Said, who smiled and said:

“Prime Minister Ma, the emperor plans to give an order to gather all the legions in the border area, use the Blackstone Fortress to seal off the subspace channels, and then slowly screen out the rebels among them!”

“In the final analysis, in the war between humans and subspace, the decisive point is the Webway. The Primarch is just a tool for the evil gods to interfere with the Webway. As long as the Primarch is controlled, the Evil Gods are powerless!”

The Emperor asked: “Malcador, what do you think?”

Malcador fell into deep thought and asked, “Do you need me to do anything?”

Said asked: “The Star Court and the Navigator family are under the control of the Ministry of Interior. Can they be guaranteed to be loyal?”

Since the creation of puppets, Astropaths and Navigators have been replaced. Although they have not been abolished, their scale and status are not as good as before.

Therefore, these two departments are particularly hostile to Said and are the stronghold of the opposition. Said is worried that after the rebellion occurs, they will immediately follow the rebellion.

But Machado patted his chest and assured: “Your Highness, don’t worry, these two departments are absolutely loyal. Even if there is disloyalty, there will be people to help them stay loyal!”

The emperor nodded and said: “Well, now, through both the puppet and the Star Language Court, we will give orders at the same time that all the expedition fleets will gather at the Tomb Star!”

The Tomb Star is located on the edge of the Milky Way. Even if a civil war breaks out, the impact can be minimized.

“Sayed, Blackstone Fortress arrived first, controlled the subspace there, waited for everyone to close the door, beat the dogs, and carry out screening activities!”

The two of them agreed at the same time: “Yes, Your Majesty, I promise to complete the mission!”

In the Word Bearer’s flagship, the contact puppet handed out the sealed order. Luojia took it, looked at it, and said with a smile:

“It’s rare that Xing Yuting and the puppet give orders at the same time. Your Highness is the person closest to my father. Do you know what he wants to do?”

The puppet said calmly: “There is the last threat to mankind there, and it needs powerful military force to eradicate it.”

Luo Jia was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: “Okay, I understand, I will definitely live up to the sacred mandate!”

After the puppet left, Luojia’s face turned cold. He turned to the two people around him and said, “Kor Phaeron, Erebus, what do you think?”

Kor Phalon replied: “Father, almost all fleets have received the same order. I think there is something fishy in it!”

Erebus said in agreement: “Yes, it is an order issued through both the Star Language Court and the Puppet. It is obviously to prevent us from questioning Said’s false edict!”

“The Golden False God probably noticed someone’s rebellion and planned to use this move to test his loyalty!”

Luo Jia sneered a few times: “Does loyalty still need to be tested? I’m more worried that this is a trap! The True God of Subspace just used his divine inspiration to tell me that the road ahead is dangerous, so be careful!”

“So don’t wait, let’s start the blessing ceremony on tomorrow’s subspace voyage!”

You might as well guess what the reason for these legions’ rebellion was? (The answer will be tomorrow, please read it!)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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