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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 97 (Please follow up) Four vendors take action

Kor Phaeron and Erebus were right, the Emperor and Said were indeed testing their loyalty and sent the Primarchs to assemble on the Tomb Star.

The loyal Primarch naturally carries out the orders without hesitation. If the Primarch is traitorous, he has the choice of going or not.

If you go, you will probably be locked up and beaten; if you don’t go, you will immediately be confirmed as a traitor.

This is a Hongguoguo conspiracy, which will test the political quality of the traitors.

Luojia is a little expert in political propaganda. He is best at engaging in party fighting. His political literacy is among the best among the original bodies. He immediately saw Terra’s intention.

He had already expected this. Due to his past loyalty, he now encountered many obstacles. With the Party of Truth and the warning system, the warrior association became a powerful ideological position for the loyalists.

As soon as any rebellious remarks appear, the loyalists will immediately be alerted and let Terra know through the warning system.

As the first rebel Primarch, Luojia has always been cautious and never promoted Chaos Thoughts in a big way. Until now, he has only developed a few people.

However, Luojia is still not discouraged, because the gods of subspace are omnipotent, and even those armed with the thoughts of false gods can be transformed into true god believers.

During the battle in the Obscurus Sector, the Word Bearers not only purged a considerable number of loyalists, but also linked up with other Primarch legions to form a network of traitors throughout the army.

Although it is still not worth mentioning compared to the loyalists, it can already play a considerable role at certain times.

Just as Luojia was weaving his conspiracy, something happened on the loyalist side.

Even though orders were issued through both astropaths and puppets, many Primarchs expressed doubts about the orders.

At this moment, Ran Dan’s genocide entered the final stage, leaving them behind the enemy in front of them, but they had to go to a distant border galaxy to gather to deal with the “last enemy”.

What a weird thought!

When the original body asked for an explanation, the puppet simply replied: “You will know when we arrive!”

The Primarchs were not satisfied with this explanation, and Rogal Dorn threatened:

“The Seventh Legion can go to the designated location, but they must see Father before they can carry out the next order, even if the Forbidden Army comes!”

Except for Dorn, the other primarchs also had the same attitude, but some were tactful, some were direct, and some were already dissatisfied with Said and used questioning to retaliate.

Among them, Horus said: “Uncle, it’s not that I have any opinion against you, but this order is indeed abnormal. Although the channels and procedures are fine, I don’t doubt it, but the following is not necessarily true.”

“Without a convincing reason or person, it will be difficult for the Luna Wolves to execute the next order. After all, there are rumors in the Legion that you have sidelined His Majesty, and it is actually you who is giving the orders to the Empire!”

Said laughed out loud and asked: “So, Horus, do you believe it?”

Horus shook his head: “Of course I don’t believe it. I know your true combat power. How could my father be ignored, let alone Malcador? He would not allow my father to deceive me!”

“But we know that the people below don’t know. They are eager to see His Majesty in person to ensure that the object of loyalty is still established!”

Yes, not only do you suspect that you are trying to slander the emperor, but you also suspect that Said committed regicide and falsely passed on the imperial edict!

Although the Emperor lives in Terra all day long repairing the webway, the micro-management of the Great Crusade has never stopped. How could it be ignored?

Although Said was troubled, he knew this was a fact and said helplessly: “You mean, you will only carry out the next order when you see the emperor, right?”

Horus nodded and said: “Based on the attitude below, it is indeed the case. I absolutely believe in His Highness the Prince.”

Said sighed: “I will convey your attitude to the emperor!”

Said had almost no solution to the problem of trust. The Emperor was building the Webway on Terra and needed to instill psychic energy at all times to maintain the psychic barrier of the Webway. He could not leave at all.

But if the Emperor did not show up, even if Said announced the list of rebels, the other Primarchs would not believe it at all. After all, they were all brothers who fought together not long ago.

Said had no idea and had to ask the emperor to make a decision. The emperor thought for a moment and said slowly: “Since even the Imperial Army doesn’t believe it, we have to go there in person.”

Said was confused: “Brother Huang, what about the webway? Your spiritual energy is still needed to maintain the barrier!”

The emperor said calmly: “I have digested Trazin’s technology. In the Webway, the black stone obelisk’s forbidden magic domain will last for a month, which is enough for us to go back and forth.”

But Said was still worried: “What if something happens in the middle and I can’t come back? Isn’t it going to start a war on the Webway?”

The emperor gave a reassuring smile: “Don’t worry, there are ten million psychics imprisoned in the palace dungeon, which is enough for an emergency.

If another accident occurs to the psyker, we can also link the stasis field to the Golden Throne and extract Magnus’s psionic power. His psionic power is stronger than Malcador. “

Said sighed: “If the pony has another problem, we will have to fight the Webway War.”

The emperor said boldly: “There is no harm in fighting the Webway War. As long as the rebellion is successfully eliminated, the empire’s resources will be enough to fight for a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand years!”

Encouraged by the Emperor, Said regained his confidence. The two activated the Black Stone, activated the Forbidden Demon Realm, and set off for the Tomb Star.

At this time, the four gods began to make moves, and an accident happened.

In the subspace, the original fleet encountered a subspace storm of unprecedented scale. The energy storm was like a huge wave, turning the huge battleship into a toy in the palm of your hand and throwing it away at will.

The Geller force fields of individual small battleships were shattered, and a large number of demons boarded the ships, slaughtering the Space Marines and sailors.

To make matters worse, due to the storm causing the ship to lose control, the Truth Fleet was thrown out of the sky by the subspace storm and lost track of the Primarch Legion.

The size of the truth fleet is about two-thirds of the original body, and it is mainly controlled by puppets. Wherever the original body fleet goes, the truth fleet follows.

There are a small number of Pravda members in the fleet. They are mainly responsible for the ideological education of the Legion. They serve as military police to monitor the Primarch Legion and coordinate the puppets stationed in the Primarch Legion.

Whenever the latter suffered injustice, the Fleet of Truth would inflict punishment on the Primarch’s fleet on behalf of the Prince.

It can be said that, in addition to the Loyalists, the Truth Fleet is the second shackles of the traitorous Primarch.

However, now, the Truth Fleet has been lost, and the Primarch Legion is left with only puppets responsible for navigation, communication, and warning. They do not possess the power to resist the massacre of the Astartes.

Not long after leaving behind the Truth Fleet, the subspace storm subsided, and the original fleet continued to sail towards the Tomb Star. There was no abnormality on the ship, as if it had experienced an ordinary accident.

However, Said raised his heart in his throat. Both he and the emperor knew that there was no coincidence at all, and the evil god of chaos had already taken action.

The subspace storm is just the beginning, and there will definitely be a series of back-ups. If there is no accident, there will be another accident soon.

Soon, unknown explosions occurred one after another on the original ship. The Geller force field flickered for a few times and then failed. The next moment, countless demons who had been waiting for a long time swarmed the ship.

A fierce battle broke out without warning, and in the chaos, pairs of sharp claws stretched out towards the unsuspecting puppets.

You might as well guess how Luojia will cheat the empire?

There is another update in the afternoon, please read it! Please read it! Please read it!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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