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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 98 (Seeking follow-up reading) The list of traitors is confirmed

The piercing alarm sounded, the Geller force field failed, and in the dark corridors, weird and deformed demons could be seen vaguely, baring their teeth and claws at the creatures on the ship.

Some of them have three heads and six arms, some resemble Siamese twins, some resemble skinned humans, they climb everywhere like spiders, and there are many cubes with tentacles floating in the air.

Said couldn’t help but ponder: “Is this the consequence of losing the Geller force field and being exposed to subspace? The spaceship is full of ghosts and snakes…”

Explosive bombs roared on the ship, plasma and melt rays roared by, expelling deformed demons again and again, but they were just appetizers.

As a large number of vampires, horror demons, and Nurgle walkers boarded the battleship, the battle turned into a one-sided massacre. A large number of loyalist Word Bearers were torn apart by the demons and their bodies were taken away. There were wails of pain everywhere.

At this time, Luojia’s voice sounded: “Everyone, if you accept the power of subspace into your body, you will gain the power to defeat demons!”

“It won’t affect your loyalty. You don’t need to believe in anyone. If you temporarily relax your will and accept the infusion of subspace power, you can resist these terrifying aliens!”

The Empire officially prohibits the study of the Warp. Except for Luojia who secretly studies it, most of the Word Bearers do not know enough about the Warp and regard demons as aliens to be killed with explosive bombs.

Lorgar took advantage of this and caused a large number of loyal Word Bearers to relax their will. They were seized by the demons and corrupted into Chaos Space Marines, standing on the opposite side of the Empire.

But despite this, there are still a large number of loyal people who, with their strong will, resist the erosion of the power of chaos and hold on to their loyalty until the last moment.

When Said was about to control the puppet and reveal Luojia’s conspiracy, a large number of demons overwhelmed the puppet.

In order to avoid intensifying conflicts, they are all unarmed ordinary puppets without any force and can only passively kill demons.

When the last puppet was left, the demons stopped killing. Luojia stepped forward and said: “Your Highness, this is the last invitation. I hope you will join our cause!”

The puppet sneered: “What cause? Betrayed your father? Betrayed His Majesty who gave you glory and strength? Betrayed your mother? Betrayed the empire that gave birth to you and raised you?”

Luo Jia shook his head and said, “I didn’t betray my father or the empire. I just wanted my father to become a god and save the empire and humanity?”

The puppet shook his head: “Belief in evil gods to save mankind? How ridiculously naive! These dirty evil gods just want to continue their dirty lives through blasphemous rituals!”

Luojia nodded and said: “You are right, but during my pilgrimage, I learned about my father’s hidden webway plan. Once successful, humans will not need gods!”

“I, Luojia, will never allow this to happen. The days without God’s guidance will be extremely dark. Therefore, I accepted the gift from the Supreme Heaven just to destroy the Webway plan, destroy the Great Expedition, and force that noble golden will to upgrade to god!”

Then, Luojia stretched out his hand to Said and said expectantly: “You must also hope that your father will become a god. Said, only you can understand my thoughts!”

“So, join me, or at least stay out of my way!”

After saying that, he waved his iron fist and smashed the last puppet of the Word Bearers fleet, and the Word Bearers fleet disappeared.

Before Said had time to sigh, a similar scene occurred in other Primarch fleets. They lost the protection of the Truth Fleet and the puppets on the ship were easily slaughtered.

Before the puppet died, other primarchs also tried to win over Said. Angron said:

“Sayed, my comrade in arms of the Shattered Ones, you should join us to fight against the Golden Slave Masters!”

Said controlled the puppet and said coldly: “Then why were you loyal before? To slaughter the city and destroy the country for the Golden Slave Master’s Great Crusade?”

Angron said calmly: “I just used the power of the golden slave master to destroy other slave masters. Now that the other slave masters have been eliminated, it is the golden slave master’s turn!”

“Sayed, I hope you will stand on the side of the oppressed slaves and overthrow this oppressive empire for freedom and liberation!”

Said sighed: “Angron, haven’t you noticed that you have been corrupted by the power of chaos? Many things have grown on your body that should not have grown in the first place!”

“Oh, are you talking about it?” Angron said proudly: “This is the power borrowed from the Supreme Heaven to fight against the golden slave master, what do you think? Do you want to come with me!”

The puppet shook his head and said sadly: “In the previous expedition, in addition to killing slave owners, you also massacred slaves who surrendered to slave owners in the name of freedom!”

Angron argued: “I am educating them, teaching them freedom and freedom from the oppression of slave owners!”

Said calmly replied: “Natural disasters occur frequently and people have no hope of living. How can they dare to ask for freedom?”

Angron refused to accept: “Give me freedom or give me death! Said, I think you are not willing to join me. If you can, I really don’t want to do this. In order to break the shackles that bind the Galaxy, I have offended you! My comrade-in-arms !”

After saying that, Said lost all traces of the Shacklebreaker fleet!

In another part of the subspace, Fulgrim smiled evilly and said: “Your Highness, you asked me to throw away the assassin sword, but it is so beautiful and perfect that I can’t bear to throw it away. It seems that I am right, because it , my life has been sublimated!”

Said calmly replied: “I wonder what Fernus’s expression will be like when he sees you looking like this!”


Fulgrim briefly regained consciousness, and when he saw the snake body on his lower body, he couldn’t help but feel sad, and killed the puppet with one punch.

Mortarion came up and slashed with his scythe, roaring “All alien psykers deserve death!”

Perturabo said that he saw the truth of glory. The Emperor didn’t care about his efforts or his achievements at all. Everything was just a means to motivate him.

Horus was scratched by the Nurgle Demon, and the Great Unclean One’s virus eroded his soul. Under the amplification of subspace, he was instantly snatched away by an unknown demon, and then exploded to kill Said’s puppet.

Alpha disappeared somewhere, leaving the puppet to be torn apart by the demon…

In the end, the Night Lords fell into civil war. Due to Curze’s failed operation, most of the Night Lords sided with Sevatar and drove away the original Curze and a small number of traitors.

Before the Geller force field was restored, Coze robbed a small battleship and took advantage of the chaos to escape.

With the addition of Magnus being sealed, the list of rebels has been basically confirmed, consistent with the original history.

Said was not depressed, but instead breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: “Is this fate…”

I had been worried about the original body’s rebellion before, but when it actually came, I was extremely calm.

The emperor stared at the galaxy outside the window, shook his head and said: “There is no destined fate, everything is the result of the game!”

“Cheer up, Said, the game with the gods has just begun! Humanity will either soar into the sky or fall into hell, it’s up to us!”

At this time, the space outside was distorted, and one giant steel ship after another jumped out of the subspace. They were the fleet of the loyal original body.

Despite encountering a subspace storm, thanks to the puppet’s positioning, they did not deviate too far from their target.

The nine loyal Primarchs boarded the golden battleship and gathered together again. The Emperor looked around and said in a slightly tired voice:

“We have suffered a shameful betrayal…”

Loyalty always exists, but the way it is expressed is different ~ (dog head)

Thank you to the loyal people chosen by God for reading the chapters of loyalty~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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