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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 99 Istvan

In the year 901 of the 31st millennium, in the Tomb Star on the northwest border of the Obscure Star Territory, the Emperor urgently summoned nine loyal Primarchs on the golden battleship.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Emperor went straight to the point and told the reason for summoning them:

“We suffered a shameful betrayal. Just two hours ago, your other nine brothers colluded with the subspace demons to launch a purge of the loyalists on the ship!”

“Now I announce: Operation Overlord begins!”

Operation Overlord was the final plan for the annihilation of the traitorous Primarch. Its blueprint had been laid out as early as the latter stages of the Great Crusade.

By then the Emperor had realized that as the Great Crusade progressed smoothly, the aliens trapped in a corner were no longer the main threat to humanity. The next opponent was the Warp.

The original body contains a large amount of space-pressing components, and will become a serious problem for the empire and mankind in the future.

What finally made the Emperor decide to launch the Purge was the news of the Primarch’s rebellion.

According to the outline of Operation Overlord, the Imperial military is divided into two parts. One part focuses on defending Terra, and the other part seeks a decisive battle with the traitorous legion and destroys it with the power of the whole country.

In order to complete this unprecedented purge plan, the empire has prepared more than 100,000 warships, tens of billions of puppet auxiliary troops, and a huge force of nine primordial legions.

After the rebellion broke out, the Emperor immediately recalled the loyalist generals. After seven hours of intense discussion, everyone in the conference room reached an agreement: troops must be sent out immediately!

However, two problems lie in front of them. Due to the subspace storm and the raging demons, all fleets have suffered more or less damage and are not in the best condition.

The other main counter-rebellion force, the Prince’s Legion, is far away in the horizon, either scattered throughout the galaxy, or separated from the original fleet due to subspace storms.

It can be said that the military power currently available to the Loyalists is only nine Primarch fleets that are in poor condition.

To make matters worse, with the puppets purged, the loyalists have no idea where the rebels are.

In the conference room, Leon Johnson said solemnly:

“This battle is different from the past. The enemy has the support of subspace allies. Our main force is likely to be separated and surrounded. We have neither strength advantage nor geographical coordination. We rely heavily on luck!”

Despite facing many unfavorable factors, neither Leon Jonson nor Guilliman, nor the other Primarchs, denied the feasibility of Operation Overlord.

Finally, at the Emperor’s insistence, the Loyalists would take action immediately after the meeting.

Although they did not know the location of the rebels, they all knew the rebels’ next move: to purge the loyalists within.

Geller’s position was undermined by traitors, and demonic corruption claimed the lives of many loyal Primarchs, but some still relied on the loyalty in their hearts to successfully resist corruption.

After the Geller force field was repaired, they didn’t know that the comrade around them was no longer the familiar him. There was a vicious betrayal hidden in the friendly smile.

Some loyalists noticed something unusual and wanted to find the puppet to warn them and get a revelation from the emperor, but found that the puppet had already died in the demonic invasion.

This move deepened their doubts, but due to their lack of understanding of subspace, they did not believe that their former loyal comrades had become unrelenting enemies.

If the rebels want to take any action, they cannot avoid these ignorant loyalists, so they plan a surprise purge.

Relying on the navigation of the navigator, they came to a strange galaxy.

With the help of the Assassin Court, the Loyalist faction of the Rebel Navigators united with the Astropathic Choir to announce the location of the rebels to Terra – the Istvan system!

A sad place for all loyal Hammermen!

Afterwards, these warriors who took the risk to report were discovered by the rebels and died happily.

Istvan is located on the northeastern border of the Obscure Star Territory, where Randan’s vassal race remains. It is one of the few areas that has not had time to undergo genocide.

In the original history, not only all the loyalists among the rebels were destroyed here, but also three loyalist legions were destroyed. The loyalists lost all their mobile strength.

After receiving the Astropath’s report, Malcador shouted: “God bless the Empire! God bless mankind!”

In the vast universe, it is so difficult to locate a fleet. However, this difficulty was solved at the beginning of the war. This is the luck of the empire and the luck of mankind.

When the news reached the Golden Fleet, the Primarchs became excited and requested a battle. Among them, Faenus was particularly active. He urgently wanted to know why his good brother Fulgrim rebelled!

Even if Said told him about the stabbing sword, he was still hesitant and insisted on asking for details himself.

However, the Emperor and Said still had doubts, fearing that this was a trap for the rebels to divert the main force of the loyal Primarch away from the mountain and conceal the true target of the attack.

Said immediately dispatched a reconnaissance fleet to Istvan to conduct verification work.

When approaching Istvan, the reconnaissance fleet encountered a subspace storm. Through the puppets, Said heard the wailing and screaming of countless aliens.

This means one thing. The rebels are killing and sacrificing the Randan alien. The alien’s emotions are projected on the sea of ​​souls, setting off a strong subspace storm, blocking the reinforcements of the loyalists and making it easier to cleanse the loyalists.

This confirmed the authenticity of the intelligence, and after weighing it, the Emperor ordered:

Nine legions formed a coalition, commanded by Leon Jonson, the primarch of the first legion, and rushed to Istvan to rescue the loyalists, fight the rebels, and wait for an opportunity to annihilate them!

The First Legion has four blackstone fortresses, which can suppress the warp storm and allow the fleet to smoothly cross to Istvaan.

The Primarch followed the order and left, leaving the Emperor and Said alone in the conference room. The Emperor asked: “Sayed, what do you think of this arrangement?”

Said said calmly: “This is not a foolproof strategy. We must consider the worst consequence. The main force of the rebels is not in Istvan, but heading straight to Terra!”

“Since ancient times, warlords have rebelled, and the key to victory is to quickly capture the capital, ascend the throne, be crowned, and declare themselves orthodox!”

However, the First Legion has a Blackstone Fortress that can easily break through the subspace blockade. Said really can’t figure out how the rebels can trap the original Legion.

The emperor said leisurely: “But if the main force of the rebels is in Istvan and we do not send enough troops to eliminate them, the consequences will be equally bad.”

The result was that the rebels all ran into the Eye of Terror, and with the support of Chaos, became an upgraded version of Abaddon’s Black Crusade.

“So no matter how we choose, we will face considerable risks. The key to determining the outcome is how much strength we have in our hands!”

Said said excitedly: “Brother Huang is right. Now our strength is not what it used to be. Makado relies on currency and has mobilized massive resources!”

“Now Terra has become an impenetrable line of defense. Brother Huang, let’s go back to Terra! Our only weakness is the webway. I’m a little worried without you.”

The emperor thought for a moment, nodded and said: “Okay, let’s go back. There is a webway entrance nearby, so we don’t have to go through the subspace.”

Will Istvan’s tragedy happen again? ()

emmm… try to imitate the copywriting of the Great Patriotic War


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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