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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Extra: A day in the life of Prince Sai

The dim light of the early morning pierced the blue sky and projected onto the ancient land of Terra. The hives were like awakening giant beasts, breathing out smoke and glowing with life.

This is the sign that the Chaodu Factory is starting up!

The streets began to become lively. Whether they were civil servants from the Ministry of Interior, well-dressed nobles, or ordinary workers, they were all busy running around.

At this moment, they did not pretend to be loyal to the emperor, but complained about the heavy work, the salary that was only enough to survive, and worried about the struggle in the House of Lords…

To them, the outcome of Armageddon, billions of light years away, is not as real as an extra piece of bread during the holidays.

But there is one exception, and that is when you see puppets doing various chores.

Some of the puppets are sweeping the floor, some are directing traffic, some are maintaining law and order, and some are even moving bricks and working together with front-line workers.

Whenever these mortals who are running for three meals see the puppet, they will involuntarily perform the aquila salute and shout:

“Long live the God-Emperor! Long live the Imperial Prince!!!”

The puppet is the avatar of the prince, so it is really hard for people to imagine that the prince will go deep into the people, engage in various low-end labor, and share the joys and sorrows with the people.

Whenever this happens, people will feel that they are not working too hard. After all, the top leader sweeps the floor and moves bricks together with you. What else do you have to complain about?

Even if there is resentment, it will only be directed at the Ministry of the Interior. Why not let puppets replace humans and complete all low-end labor.

Said actually had this idea, but it was unanimously opposed by Malcador and the original body. They based on two considerations:

First of all, the population of the empire is too large. Even if all the auxiliary forces are recruited, the empire cannot support them. If there is nothing to do, I don’t know what trouble will happen.

Secondly, in their eyes, Said allowed puppets to engage in low-end labor, which is more like a monopoly than liberation!

Ancient Terran philosophers once said that labor is the essence of human beings. If there is no need to work, humans will still be human beings. This deviates from the original intention of the God-Emperor.

Although the primarchs did not know the ancient Terran philosophers, it did not prevent them from understanding the truth.

Therefore, it was finally decided that puppets and humans would participate in labor together, with puppets as a supplement to humans. The people of the empire were still struggling with food and clothing, and had no time to think about anything else.

To empty one’s mind, weaken one’s aspirations, strengthen one’s belly, and strengthen one’s body is the ruling strategy of the Terran authorities.

This is not out of the interests of the ruling class, but rather a necessary measure to defend against the Warp and prevent human souls from falling into the hands of Chaos.

At this time, after the people on the street cursed the Ministry of Interior, they couldn’t help but cast their eyes into the distance. Legend has it that there is a golden palace somewhere that occupies one-eighth of Terra’s area.

The younger brother of the God-Emperor, the Prince of the Empire, and the Lord of Trillions of Puppets lives in the palace, controlling the billions of puppets in the galaxy and protecting mankind.

One person shoulders the entire galaxy. What a great mission it is, what a heavy responsibility it is, and what kind of loyal belief it requires.

A figure emerged in everyone’s mind. The golden palace was like a cage, imprisoning a slender young man who worked day and night to maintain the operation of the empire.

But in fact…


There was a crisp sound.

In the throne room, the cover of the stasis force field was opened, and the stagnant time began to flow. Said opened his eyes and was greeted by the smiling face of the nun.

“Your Highness, it’s time to wake up. You must stay with us for the next six hours!”

The nun’s hair was pale and her face bore scars of loyalty. Her originally soft face was polished by the harsh environment of the battlefield and became rough, no longer soft and delicate.

But in Said’s eyes, the nun exudes the beauty of loyalty.

He smiled: “Good morning, sister Alicia, thank you for your hard work today as always!”

The nun’s face was slightly red, and Said’s compliments made her very useful, and her smile became even brighter:

“Breakfast has been prepared. In addition, there is hot water for bathing and a change of clothes. What should you do first?”

Although he didn’t sweat in the stasis chamber and his clothes didn’t get dirty, Said always felt uncomfortable after waking up, as if he woke up covered in sweat and had to take a shower before he could resurrect with full health.

The bathing process was unremarkable, just heated water and soap in a wooden bucket, without any nuns to serve.

In Said’s eyes, that was an insult to the fighting heroes and a disgrace to the glory they had gained with their lives.

Although the Sisters were very happy, even honored, to actively meet Said’s various Slaanesh requirements, Said cared more about the Emperor’s perception than his own feelings.

He believed that the Emperor would not wish to see him and the Sisters exploring the teachings of Slaanesh.

The hot water activates the blood in the brain. Said scrubbed his body while controlling the billions of puppets in the galaxy.

The heavy government affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, the war reports compiled by the war committee, the progress of the Armageddon war, and the manipulation of hundreds of millions of puppets to sweep the streets and move bricks…

Massive amounts of information washed over Said’s brain, causing him to often ignore the surroundings of his body, ignore the Palace of Terra, ignore the nuns serving beside him, and cast his mind and body into the vast galaxy.

It can be said that the empire and the galaxy occupied 90% of Said’s thinking, submerging his original personality and turning him into a Gestalt thinking like a god.

Until the nun’s voice woke him up. Outside the room, Alicia read the Empire Daily News, which was a must-have item for Said to wake up every day.

Although he had already known the news in the newspaper, and even knew more about it, it was the newspaper read by trillions of people in the empire.

In other words, he is reading the same newspaper as trillions of people. In this way, he can intuitively understand how the people feel.

After taking a shower, Said went to the dining area and ate the Ministry of Interior’s standard breakfast, with an extra meal of soy milk and fried dough sticks made by himself.

Said dedicated a piece of land in the palace to plant soybeans and wheat to make flour and fried dough sticks.

This was nothing in the 2K era, but in Terra, where industrial pollution was severe and nothing could be grown, it was unique.

Although the empire is rich in supplies, Terra and the vast lower classes of the empire still eat corpse starch and nutritional mixtures.

The nutrition is sufficient, but forget about the taste. If you have money, you can buy seasoned ones, but for those who don’t have money, don’t even think about it.

Even the meals provided by the Ministry of Interior are only cooked twice with corpse starch and nutritional mixture to slightly improve the taste.

In order to avoid luxury, Said’s food treatment was the same as that of the canteen of the Ministry of the Interior. Later, he couldn’t bear it anymore. After learning that Terra civil servants would bring their own food for extra meals, he made fried dough sticks and soy milk.

During breakfast, the nun continued to read the newspaper. When she finished reading the newspaper, the nun smiled and asked:

“Your Highness, what do you want to do later?”

Said smiled and asked: “Is it okay to be in a daze?”

The nun immediately refused: “No, you have to interact with us!”

Said tilted his head and said calmly: “Last time I heard you tell war stories, this time let me tell the story of Gu Terra!”

The nun’s eyes lit up and she said excitedly: “Okay, okay, I want to hear about the past of His Highness the Prince and the God Emperor!”

Said waved his hand: “Don’t think about it. The God-Emperor is a god. Only by keeping a distance can you feel awe. What I want to talk about is the ancient red country of Ancient Terra!”

“For me, it’s like my hometown, as if it was yesterday…”

I feel like there are too few daily dramas, it’s all about war, power and conspiracy. Let’s use some daily loyalty to spice things up~

(By the way, as an additional update~)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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