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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger — Chapter 12

Sakura Hotel Room 1103.

Shiraishi was counting the loot of this time, fifteen pistols, five submachine guns, and fifty million yen in cash.

Of course, there must be more than this in the home of a gang cadre.

However, Shiraishi directly took the part that could be used directly, and the rest of the gold, diamonds, antiques, bonds, and other things, he didn’t know anything about it, so he didn’t touch it, and burned it.

How many movies have used bloody facts to tell him how miserable the end of greed and cheapness will be, I don’t know if you take a watch casually, and then someone will find it by someone, and you will lose all the games directly.

Caution is the most important thing.

In addition to the first time, Shiraishi also reviewed his actions.

This review really made him realize a problem.

Although he will not be easily killed if he has super-speed regeneration, if he is injured, there will still be blood left.

And that blood, once noticed by the police investigation and launched an investigation, is very easy to find on his head.

Thanks to his own prudence, he burned down the Black Island Mansion with a single fire, destroying all possible evidence against him.

“In that case, I can’t just mess around with my immortal body. Shiraishi touched his chin and muttered, “If the police investigate my body from the blood, then I will have to be exposed.” “

Thinking of this, Shiraishi secretly made up his mind that he must be careful with his blood, and he must not let the police obtain it no matter what.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Shiraishi got up and walked to the entrance, looked out through the cat’s eye, and when he saw himself, he opened the door.

As soon as Kiko Ariko, disguised as Shiraishi-e, entered the door, she took off her human skin mask and said impatiently, “That fire… Did you put it?”.

“Well, that’s right. Shiraishi admits frankly, and after returning to the living room, he shows Yukiko his loot and smiles, “Everything here has your share!!”.

“Both… My share?” Yukiko looked at the thick pile of cash on the table, and couldn’t help but feel a little confused, not knowing how to describe her mood at the moment.

However, what she cared about the most was the rows of firearms.

“If it’s money, we’re half a cent. “Shiraishi is not the kind of person who is in love with money, so he is very generous.

Moreover, after this time, he had discovered that money was simply at his fingertips.

If you don’t have any money, go find a cadre of the Mud Miserable Society, and kill it.

Shiraishi saw that Yukiko’s face was struggling, and he thought that the other party hated the dirtiness of the money, so he said, “If you think this money is not clean, then donate it.” “

“This… Okay, too. Yukiko made up her mind, and she nodded in agreement.

She casually picked up a pistol, opened the magazine, glanced at the bullets inside, and said, “Pistol… Can you give me a hand? I want to defend myself. “

“Of course, no problem, you can also get an extra submachine gun. “Shiraishi is still very generous, and it was robbed anyway.

“No, one handful is enough. Yukiko said and pushed the magazine back.

I saw that she skillfully opened the safe, and suddenly pointed the muzzle of the gun at Shiraishi, and her expression immediately became serious: “Don’t move!”.

“Oh?” Shiraishi was surprised, and he said, “I didn’t know you could use a pistol.” “

“There are a lot of shooting ranges in New York, and pistol bullets cost only 16 dollars to practice 40 rounds, which is very cheap. “Yukiko holds the pistol in the standard way of holding a gun, and she keeps the muzzle of the gun to the enemy’s chest, which has a large area and a high hit rate.

With the power of a bullet, as long as one shot is taken, that person will be incapacitated.

“That’s right… It’s really not that hard to learn basic shooting. Shiraishi looked at Yukiko and said unhurriedly, as if the person who was pointed at the gun was not himself.

“Give me your phone!” Yukiko ordered with a cold face, “Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”.

As long as the video is deleted, then she will not have to be controlled by others, and the evidence that Shinichi has become Conan will disappear!

As soon as she thought of this, she unconsciously clenched the gun in her hand a little more!

Shiraishi looked at Yukiko, he suddenly smiled, and said, “Heh, it’s really the same as I thought.” “

“Huh?” Yukiko immediately sensed something wasn’t right.

“Since last time, I’ve known you’re not that peaceful. So I set up the video in advance. Shiraishi had a clear expression on his face, and he slowly walked forward, his expression relaxed, as if everything was under his control: “By the early hours of this evening, those two videos will be released automatically!”.

“No way! You’re lying!” Yukiko didn’t believe the other party’s words, but instead of choosing to shoot, she involuntarily took two steps back.

“Heh, Mrs. Kudo. Please use your brain. Shiraishi said as he approached Yukiko, “If it were you, would you have no defense against a person with a criminal record?”

“………………” Yukiko was dumbfounded, if it was her, she would definitely take strict precautions, and even took out the bullets in the pistol, and didn’t give the other party the slightest chance!

And not to put a gun with a loaded bullet on the table so swaggeringly like it is now……… With this man’s suspicion, it is impossible to be so reassuring of himself.

As soon as she thought of this, Yukiko’s heart immediately sank, realizing that she was impulsive and reckless.

“If you don’t believe me, you can shoot and give it a try. Shiraishi forced Yukiko to the wall, he held the muzzle of the gun, pointed it to his chest, and smiled, “You can shoot me to death now, and then see if you make headlines tomorrow morning!”.

The panic in Yukiko’s heart began to manifest itself in her behavior, her hands holding the gun were shaking, and she didn’t dare to shoot at all.

“Lady Yukiko, you’ve disappointed me so much. When Shiraishi saw Yukiko’s hand shaking like this, she knew that she didn’t have the courage to shoot.

He took Yukiko’s pistol, turned off the safety and threw it on the table, saying, “This is the second time… This is the second time you’ve failed to resist. “

Shiraishi said, reaching out and caressing Yukiko’s face, and said slowly, “You should know that there is a price to be paid for fighting, right? Or do you want to quibble


Yukiko lowered her head and didn’t dare to look at Shiraishi-e, she was so shocked that she had lost the confidence to quibble.

She found that she was so clever that she couldn’t move to the table at all!

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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Traveling through the world of Conan, Shiraishi E became a younger brother under Megure Thirteen.

Fortunately, the threat system is online, and the threat becomes stronger!

Mrs. Kudo, you don’t want Conan to be discovered, right?

Belmod, you don’t want anything to happen to Xiaolan, right?

Shirley, you don’t want anything to happen to your sister, right?

Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: "Threats can become stronger when people learn from Ke"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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