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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger — Chapter 23

Shiraishi woke up, but he couldn’t open his eyes again, and was in that lethargic feeling.

He knew that it was the after-effects of anesthesia.

In the haze, he saw someone carrying him.

After a while, this feeling faded away.

After opening his eyes, he looked around, and Shiraishi was surprised to find that he was still in the alley.


, click, ————

The sound of taking pictures suddenly sounded next to him, and Shiraishi turned his head to look, only to see Arikiko holding a mobile phone, taking a wild shot at himself.

This made him stunned for a moment, then realized something and looked down.

Sure enough, he was naked.

“Now… Okay now, you… You’ve got the handle in my hands, too!” was about to smile smugly after Kiko took an indecent photo of Shiraishi-e, but she couldn’t laugh at all, and was gasping for air.

Originally, according to Yukiko’s plan, after she paralyzed Shiraishi, she moved him to the room she had prepared nearby in advance, took off his clothes, and took indecent photos of her.

But after really doing it, Yukiko found that the other party was too heavy, and he couldn’t pull it at all, so in desperation, he could only give up the idea of carrying.

chose to take it off on the spot, and took a picture of it directly with his mobile phone.

In this case, she also has the handle of Shiraishi in her hand, so he won’t dare to mess with himself!

Seeing the other party stand up from the ground, Arikiko subconsciously took two steps back and warned, “You… Don’t even think about snatching my phone!I’m ready to upload!”.

“If you dare to act rashly, then I will immediately press the upload button and let your indecent photos spread all over the world!!”.

Shiraishi looked at Yukiko and held back the smile in his heart, that’s all

That’s the way you came up with it?

Magic against magic?

Shiraishi wanted to laugh, but he held back.

Not only did he have to hold back, but he also showed an unhappy look and pretended to be pinched.

Because now is not the time to deal with these things, it is not too late to finish the kidnapping first, and then deal with it.

“Okay… Count you ruthless. Shiraishi looked unhappy and pretended to admit it, he put on his clothes again and said, “Now is not the time to talk about this matter……… Finish the plan first, or you will waste so much effort!”.

“Okay!” Yukiko saw that she had successfully grasped Shiraishi’s painting, and her heart was overjoyed, as if she had drunk a sip of ice cola in dog days, and one word was cool!!

With that, she picked up her purse from the ground and walked away refreshed.


Half an hour later, the police relied on “Shiraishi Painting” to pick up the suspect’s dropped wallet, and through various receipts in the wallet, they quickly locked down an area.

After a step-by-step search, the police succeeded in locating the house where Sonoko Suzuki was being held.

Because this kidnapping case involves Suzuki’s daughter, even the director of Hakuba is concerned about this matter.

The case was solved, and the person was found.

As the number one hero, “Shiraishi Painting” was directly praised by the director of Hakuba in this case

“Officer Shiraishi, this time you rely on you to find the kidnappers in advance, otherwise, with the cunning level of the other party, the transaction will not be so easy. “

Shiro Suzuki, who had a lot of money, didn’t say a word, and directly gave “Shiraishi E” a high-end apartment.

This was the envy of the other policemen.

Especially Wataru Takagi, but the two of them acted together.

It’s a pity that he didn’t find the suspect at the first time, and secondly, when he was chasing the suspect, he didn’t catch up.

This made Takagi Shibu full of regret in his heart.



After using the key to open the door of Takaju’s apartment, Kiko pushed the door in.

She looked at the luxurious decoration inside and couldn’t help but marvel: “Tut-tut………… Chairman Suzuki’s shot is really generous. “

“I’m just going to give you this house worth tens of millions of yen. “

“To be honest, I’m a little envious. “

“Hehe, you don’t have to be envious. Shiraishi walked in, locked the door of the apartment with his backhand, and said with a smile, “Here’s your share too.” “

“Then please convert this into money for me. Yukiko sat down on the sofa in the living room, full of confidence.

She stretched out her hand and said to Shiraishi, “Okay, don’t talk nonsense……… What do I want?”.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Shiraishi smiled lightly, then took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Yukiko.

“Huh?” Yukiko wondered, she wanted a video negative, what was inside this envelope?

With deep doubts, Yukiko took the envelope, opened it and looked around, and found a stack of photos inside.

She took a closer look at the contents of the photo, and her face turned red in an instant!

Because these photos are all nude photos of Shiraishi-e.


“Aren’t you going to upload my nude photos online?” Shiraishi smiled and sat down next to Yukiko, he said, “I’m afraid that your phone won’t be clear enough, so I took a set of high-definition photos myself… And the action!”.

“No, take it and upload it, so that people in the world can see how great !! I am.”

“You… You, you, you… You guy, you stinky and shameless!!” Yukiko was shocked, she didn’t expect things to go in this direction at all!!

Isn’t he really afraid of posting his photos on the Internet?

“Huh. In this regard, Shiraishi didn’t care, he reached out and picked up Yukiko’s delicate chin, admiring her stunned expression, and said, “It’s not that I’m shameless, it’s that you don’t understand men…”

“Any idea why naked loans aren’t open to men?”.

“Because men are not afraid of these things at all!

“You, you… You…”Yukiko was speechless for a while, this kind of thing was something she had never imagined!

This disrupted her plans at once!

This made Yukiko panic for a while, and she hurriedly shouted: “That… Then when I upload the picture, I make it small!!”.

“Hahaha, don’t worry, I’ll prove my innocence when the time comes!” Shiraishi smiled, and he said, “Mrs. Kudo.” You’ve lost again, are you ready to pay the price?”.

Looking at Shiraishi’s cannibalistic eyes, Yukiko was scared, and her body and mind trembled.

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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Traveling through the world of Conan, Shiraishi E became a younger brother under Megure Thirteen.

Fortunately, the threat system is online, and the threat becomes stronger!

Mrs. Kudo, you don’t want Conan to be discovered, right?

Belmod, you don’t want anything to happen to Xiaolan, right?

Shirley, you don’t want anything to happen to your sister, right?

Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: "Threats can become stronger when people learn from Ke"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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