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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger — Chapter 53

Although an accident almost killed Sayuri Matsumoto today, overall, she was very happy to get married today.

Seeing so many relatives and friends blessing herself so well and being happy for her happiness, her heart was filled with indescribable joy.

In another ten years, Sayuri Matsumoto will feel that she will not forget today!

After dragging her injured body for a long day, Sayuri Matsumoto was finally able to rest.

Because her throat was burned somewhat, Sayuri Matsumoto couldn’t open her mouth for the time being, but there was no problem with gestures.

“Uh-huh. Sayuri Matsumoto tugged at Toshihiko Takasugi’s clothes, then pointed to the room, and then two red clouds floated across his face, and he lowered his head shyly.

Even without speaking, her movements can clearly express her thoughts.

“………… Well, then we… Just go to sleep. Takasugi said with a smile.

He stood up abruptly, and then returned to the bedroom with Sayuri Matsumoto.

On the way, Toshihiko Takasugi wanted to tell Sayuri Matsumoto the truth, but the words came to his mouth and he couldn’t say it several times.

I can only tell myself silently in my heart……… I am an avenger, and I do this by myself, not for fear of going to jail, but for revenge for my mother!

In the end, he still used revenge as an excuse to hide the fact that he didn’t want to be held responsible.

After entering the bedroom.

“Tonight……… Is it okay to wear an eye patch? Takasugi took out an eye patch from his pocket and forced a smile at Sayuri Matsumoto.

But in the eyes of Sayuri Matsumoto, it was not a forced smile, but an arrogant and bold laugh!

When you get married, you spend so much fun?

She gave the other a blank look, then nodded shyly.

Takasugi Toshihiko smiled and said, “Then I’ll put it on for you…”

As he spoke, his hands trembling, he put a blindfold on Sayuri Matsumoto.

In an instant, Sayuri Matsumoto felt that it was dark in front of her, which made her suddenly a little nervous and uneasy, but more in anticipation.

“Wait a minute, I’ll go out and get something… Come back soon, don’t undo your blindfold. After listening to Takasugi’s advice, Sayuri Matsumoto nodded.

Inside the bedroom, it quickly quieted down.

This made Sayuri Matsumoto can’t help but start thinking about it, but what she thought about the most was that the two of them had gone through so much and finally came together!

I’ll tell Toshihiko later, in fact, the two of us have known each other since childhood… Will he be surprised?

Thinking of this, Sayuri Matsumoto couldn’t help but smile.

Soon the footsteps reappeared.

“Toshihiko, are you back?” asked Sayuri Matsumoto, but received no response.

This made Sayuri Matsumoto wonder for a moment, so she reached out and took off the blindfold.

When he looked at the blindfold, he was shocked to find that the person in front of him was not Toshihiko Takasugi!

“You… You…… Who are you? What do you want to do?” asked Sayuri Matsumoto, ignoring the burning of her throat.

“Huh. Shiraishi admired Sayuri Matsumoto’s surprised expression, and he smiled and said, “Hello Matsumoto-samatsu, my name is Shiraishi E, and I’m a criminal policeman… The murder that happened at your wedding today was solved by me. “

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you… You’re the daughter of Matsumoto Police, how dare I hurt you?”.

“Many… Thank you, but why are you in my room?” Sayuri Matsumoto looked at Shiraishi warily, worried that he had bad intentions towards him.

Shiraishi didn’t speak, but took out her phone from her clothes and opened the video to show Sayuri Matsumoto.

Sayuri Matsumoto looked at the video with confusion.

After the video ended, Shiraishi asked, “That’s what I’m here for, do you understand?”

“This—” Sayuri Matsumoto wanted to speak, but she couldn’t, she could only shake her head, indicating that she didn’t know.

Shiraishi said patiently, “The bottle that your husband threw into the trash can in the end is the bottle where the police found the poison!”

“In other words, the person who wants to kill you is not Mei Gong at all, but your husband!”.

“No!!” Sayuri Matsumoto’s eyes widened, she didn’t believe it.

But as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, she felt so painful that she lost her strength, and she could only shake her head again and again to show that she didn’t believe it.

“It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, because that’s the truth, otherwise how could I come in?” Shiraishi laughed twice, and he even deliberately said, “In order to cover up the truth, he pushed you out and tried to use you to gag my mouth!”.


“Oh, you don’t believe it, it’s because you don’t know him! You don’t know your husband at all. Shiraishi likes others to have a hard mouth, and he said, “In your eyes, he is your husband, but in his eyes, you are her enemy!”

“You still don’t know, do you? Actually, the person who killed her mother in the first place was your father, Matsumoto Police!”.

“He approached you for revenge, he approached you for revenge, he didn’t like you at all, he approached you!”.

“!!!” After Sayuri Matsumoto heard this, the last glimmer of hope in her heart collapsed, and the whole person collapsed.

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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Traveling through the world of Conan, Shiraishi E became a younger brother under Megure Thirteen.

Fortunately, the threat system is online, and the threat becomes stronger!

Mrs. Kudo, you don’t want Conan to be discovered, right?

Belmod, you don’t want anything to happen to Xiaolan, right?

Shirley, you don’t want anything to happen to your sister, right?

Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: "Threats can become stronger when people learn from Ke"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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