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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger — Chapter 59

Although Xiaolan broke out in the small universe, she tried to resist.

In the past, Shiraishi could easily deal with Xiaolan, but now that he has gained a leg technique again, he has become more and more flexible, and Xiaolan is not his opponent.

Shiraishi easily pressed Ran to the tatami mat and slapped her ass twice.

All of this was done under Conan’s gaze, which made Ran feel a great sense of shame.

The most angry thing is that she still has to pretend that nothing has happened!

“Whew… Take a break, I’ll go buy some drinks. As he spoke, Shiraishi turned around and left the training ground to buy a drink… Of course, this is the space he deliberately gave the two of them to get along, otherwise how to create a conflict for the two of them?

As soon as Shiraishi’s front foot left, Conan hurriedly walked in front of Xiaolan, and he said with mixed feelings: “Sister Xiaolan… You don’t want to train with Officer Shiraishi in the future, do you?”

“Huh, why?” Xiaolan looked puzzled, but she knew very well why Shinichi didn’t let her continue training with Shiraishi.

Didn’t you see him doing something to you? In the name of training!!———— Conan thought so, but he couldn’t say that, so he had to say euphemistically: “The Shiraishi police are so fierce, it’s terrible! What if you accidentally get hurt by him?”

Xiaolan laughed and said, “Don’t worry, this won’t be… Officer Shiraishi is still very professional, but there is no way to pull it when I am beaten, who made me so dish. “

Conan was speechless, he hesitated, and finally said, “But, I think he… It’s very, and it’s always done to you. “

“Sister Xiaolan, let’s not train with him anymore, okay?”

Listening to Conan’s words, Xiaolan could only smile bitterly in her heart.

Even if you don’t ask him to help you train, people still use this as your own handle, and they will continue to do bad things to themselves, and see you in hotels and hotels at every turn.

Instead of that, why don’t you ask him to learn karate, improve yourself, and earn a little bit back?

Of course, Xiaolan would not say these words to Conan, but she replied to Conan from another angle: “However, if you only rely on your own training and club training, the improvement is really very limited.” “

“The last time I won the championship, it was all because of a coincidence… I was pressed and beaten by Yona Wada throughout the whole process, and my skills and experience were seriously lacking. “

“If it weren’t for the sudden departure of that stupid guy in Shinichi and stimulated me, I wouldn’t have exploded into power to win. “

“If I don’t train well, the next time I run into Yona Wada, I’m definitely not an opponent!”

Looking at Xiaolan’s serious expression, Conan was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth twitched, feeling speechless for a while, he didn’t know what to say.

I said sister!!

Everyone is taking advantage of you to the point where you want to defeat Yona Wada?

He felt that Xiaolan was a little unreasonable, and he couldn’t communicate.

But who made her the one she liked?

Conan had no choice but to say patiently, “We can go find other karate masters! They will definitely be more professional and powerful than Officer Shiraishi!!”

“But… Those famous karate masters are so expensive. Xiaolan sighed and said sullenly: “With Dad’s current income, he can’t pay it at all.” “

“As for Mommy… The current tuition fees are all paid by my mother, and the apartment where my mother lives now is also very expensive, plus her office expenses are also a lot… I was embarrassed to ask her for money. “

Conan didn’t know what to say for a moment, and couldn’t help but scratch his hair a little irritably.

He simply played the emotional card and said, “But… If Shinichi knew about your current situation, he would definitely be very sad… The girl I like is taken advantage of by someone like this, not to mention the new brother, even I’m not happy. “

Seeing Conan say this, Xiaolan inexplicably felt a little funny, but when she thought of the way she was now, it wasn’t caused by him

Thinking of this, she couldn’t laugh, but reached out and pinched Conan’s face, and said angrily, “If Shinichi cared about me so much, he wouldn’t have left me alone in the amusement park that day!”

“If he hadn’t run to investigate the case, he wouldn’t have been involved in such a complicated case, and he wouldn’t have been unable to go to school!!”.

Conan forced a smile, he didn’t dare to speak, he could only shiver over there.

He knew he was wrong, very wrong, but what was the use?

There is no regret medicine in the world.

Alas, then again… Do I have a chance to change back?

As soon as he thought of this question, Conan had a headache and instantly became depressed.

At this time, Shiraishi returned, but with him, the garden.

When Conan saw it, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, “Sister Xiaolan, you can borrow money from Sister Yuanzi, and it’s not too late to pay it back to her in the future!”

“No! absolutely not!” Xiaolan’s expression suddenly became serious, and she said resolutely: “Don’t mention this matter again, I won’t borrow money from the garden!”

“Okay. Conan saw Xiaolan’s attitude so fierce, and he couldn’t help muttering in his heart: Isn’t it just to borrow money?

Or is it …

Conan looked at Shiraishi E, and then looked at Xiaolan with a happy face to greet him, he stood next to him, listening to the conversation between them, and couldn’t help but have an inference in his heart:

Don’t… Xiaolan she… Already in love with Shiraishi-e?

Otherwise, how can you explain that she was so taken advantage of by that guy, but she was not dissatisfied at all?

Conan once again thought of the chocolates that Xiaolan gave out on Valentine’s Day, and his heart couldn’t help but sink slightly, feeling a heavy pressure!

He had a strong premonition that Xiaolan was very likely to leave him!

He will never accept this kind of thing.

Conan doesn’t blame Xiaolan for empathizing with her, who makes him have no time to spend with Xiaolan?

You have to find a way to change back quickly!

After thinking of this, Conan suddenly felt that he was very salty during this time, and he didn’t go anywhere, there were no clues from the men in black, and he didn’t take the initiative to investigate, just sat and waited for them to come to the door.

No, Shinichi Kudo!

If you don’t try to find a way to change back, Xiaolan will like someone else!

When Conan thought of this, he couldn’t help but secretly clench his fists, feeling that he had to do something.

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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Traveling through the world of Conan, Shiraishi E became a younger brother under Megure Thirteen.

Fortunately, the threat system is online, and the threat becomes stronger!

Mrs. Kudo, you don’t want Conan to be discovered, right?

Belmod, you don’t want anything to happen to Xiaolan, right?

Shirley, you don’t want anything to happen to your sister, right?

Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: "Threats can become stronger when people learn from Ke"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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