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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger — Chapter 60

“Xiaolan……… Huh, Conan, this little devil too?”.

Sonoko, who had returned with Shiraishi, was a little surprised when he saw Conan.

“Well, I’m coming over to learn karate together!” Conan immediately got into the state of a child and began to act.

As everyone knows, these three people all know his identity, but they just pretend not to know.

The more Conan plays a child, the more the three of them want to laugh.

“Shiraishi-kun, my sister is holding a class reunion in the mountains on Saturday and Sunday, but I don’t feel at ease if she goes alone, so you can go with me then.” As the garden spoke, she took the initiative to wrap around Shiraishi’s arm and give full play to her identity as a “girlfriend”.

Of course, the most important thing is that Sonoko wants Conan to see this action, so that he knows that he and Shiraishi are lovers, and the relationship between him and Xiaolan is innocent.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Conan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then hurriedly asked, “Sister Yuanzi, it turns out that you have a relationship!”

“Uh-huh, yes. The garden replied with a smile.

“That’s right—” Conan nodded abruptly, but he didn’t breathe a sigh of relief as the garden thought.

Instead, he solved the puzzle in his heart———— he finally understood why Xiaolan had a crush on Shiraishi, but he hadn’t been together for a long time.

It turns out that he is the boyfriend of the garden!

“Shiraishi-kun, are you free on Saturdays and Sundays?” asked Yuanzi, looking up.

“Well, of course I’m free. Shiraishi agreed, and he had already taken a leave of absence from the Metropolitan Police Department, the reason was naturally to prepare for the upcoming civil service exam.

He looked at Xiaolan and said, “Xiaolan should come with you.” I’m a big man who can keep them safe, but I can’t help the garden. “

“Okay. Xiaolan agreed, and she knew she couldn’t help but agree.

“Conan should come with him, too! There will be more people!” Naturally, the garden would invite Conan to join him, lest he think too much.

When Conan was about to agree, Xiaolan said: “Conan just stay at home, it’s not a fun place, and it’s pitiful to let Dad be alone at home.” “

As soon as these words came out, both Yuan Zi and Conan were stunned, which they didn’t expect.

Yuan Zi gave Xiaolan a puzzled look, she didn’t understand why Xiaolan didn’t let Conan follow.

And Xiaolan couldn’t answer, she could only smile wryly……… Just now, Shiraishi was in front of Conan, so bold that he didn’t have any scruples about doing anything to himself.

She was really afraid that when the time came to go to the resort, he would ask her to do something.

In case it is seen by Conan at that time…

Conan’s face sank, and he felt more and more that his guess was right………… Xiaolan really has a good impression of Shiraishi, and thinks he’s in the way and will report to Shinichi, so she doesn’t want him to come with her.

Just as he was about to say something, Shiraishi suddenly spoke: “Let Conan come with you and be a companion with me.” “

This surprised Conan, but he wouldn’t thank the other party for that!

He hasn’t forgotten that this guy touched Xiaolan—————— he has known Xiaolan for so long, and he hasn’t touched it, why do you want to touch the garden!

“……… This… All right. Xiaolan watched Bai Shie speak, and reluctantly agreed.

Originally, she wasn’t quite sure, but as soon as the other party said this, she immediately determined that Shiraishi would definitely do something over there.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan became worried, and her mood was clouded.


A few days later, on Saturday morning, Shiraishi arrives at the Maori Detective Agency in his car, waiting for Ran and Conan.

While waiting, he flipped through the system prompts.

In the past two days, he has done things for himself in the danger of Mrs. Minagakawa, Sayuri Matsumoto, and Kazumi Takenaka, and by the way, he has also taken both rewards.

There are a total of six rewards before and after, and the first five rewards strengthen the five organs, that is, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

The last reward is the stomach.

Shiraishi pondered, according to the next law, it should be the other organs of the six intestines, that is, the large intestine, small intestine, three jiao, bladder, gallbladder and other parts.

The strengthening of the organs made him feel a little better and more relaxed than before.

The specific performance is that in the past, I had a long talk with Yukiko for a night, and I had to take a break intermittently, but now I don’t have to rest, just talk about it for a night.

When I woke up the next day, I was still very energetic, and I was more energetic than after a night’s sleep.

“The human body is truly magical. Shiraishi was amazed by this.

Soon, footsteps came from the hallway.

Xiao Lan, who was wearing a light green dress, came down with a pale pink schoolbag, she opened the passenger door, closed the door after entering, and said, “I’m sorry, I’ve kept you waiting… Let’s go. “

“What about Conan?” Shiraishi asked, instead of rushing to drive.

He prepared a good show for Conan to see, so that the other party would retreat from the difficulty, take the initiative to give up Xiaolan, and don’t keep pestering her.

“Conan, he… He ate bad things and had diarrhea, and he couldn’t come. Xiaolan explained, but when she explained, she lowered her little head, and her face was full of emptiness.

Shiraishi immediately understood that Xiaolan deliberately gave him laxatives in order to prevent Conan from going, and in order to retain his beautiful image in Conan’s heart.

After thinking about this, Shiraishi immediately laughed and laughed.

He stroked Xiaolan’s soft and comfortable long hair, and said with satisfaction: “Xiaolan, you are very smart, I like it very much! But if Conan doesn’t come, I’ll sleep alone… I’m a very timid person, and I’m afraid to sleep alone, so I ask you to take care of me when the time comes. “

“Hmm… Okay, no problem, I promise you!” Xiaolan nodded hurriedly, as long as she didn’t let Conan come over, as long as she didn’t let Shinichi see her side, she could do anything.

“Then let’s go. With a smile on his lips, Shiraishi drove away.

Although things went beyond his plan, he was even happier!

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When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: When people are in Kexue, threats can become stronger

Traveling through the world of Conan, Shiraishi E became a younger brother under Megure Thirteen.

Fortunately, the threat system is online, and the threat becomes stronger!

Mrs. Kudo, you don’t want Conan to be discovered, right?

Belmod, you don’t want anything to happen to Xiaolan, right?

Shirley, you don’t want anything to happen to your sister, right?

Exclusively signed novel by Feilu Novel Network: "Threats can become stronger when people learn from Ke"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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