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Winery? Nothing — Page 1

winery?Nothing!Author: Sad reminder Conan

In the world of Conan and the halberd.

Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.

Gin: Vodka, it’s doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You’ve made a lot of money over the years, right?

Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !


Rende Pawnshop.

Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: “Qingshan old thief!”

Chapter 1: Rende Pawnshop

At [*] o’clock at night, there is a pawn shop in Ginza, Bunkyo District.

Behind the counter, Mu Qiye rested his chin in one hand and turned the pen leisurely.

There are more than a dozen customers in the store. When the time is good, there are about [*] at a time, and there is basically no time when no one is there.

It has been open for half a month, and the average daily turnover is several million, which is not bad.

“Boss, this porcelain bowl from the Edo period…”

“No bargaining.”

Mu Qiye replied lazily.

This is the rule of his pawn shop. No matter what he sells or buys, he does not negotiate a price. When he sees a quotation, he will ask for it if it is suitable, and leave if it is not suitable.

If it was a normal pawn shop, there would be no business, but he didn’t have to worry about it.

“Boss Seven Nights really has a personality!”

A sexy woman in business attire and high heels put a jade bracelet worth hundreds of thousands on the counter.

“He’ll buy it, won’t he?”

No ring!

Mu Qiye raised his head slightly and gave the woman an ambiguous smile.

This shop is at least well-known in Ginza. Since you have come and asked, you will naturally have plans to buy it.

The woman’s face turned red, she simply took the money and swiped the card, and left here in a hurry.

What a pity, she’s a beauty!

The graceful figure of a woman flashed in his mind, Mu Qiye shook his head helplessly.

She clearly felt that she was a little moved, is it too straightforward?

It must be because there are too many people!

Soon, the middle-aged man with glasses came over with a displeased face.

“I want it, 170 million, and it’s [*]% off when I return it, right?”

“Yes, within ten days, the antiques will be recycled at [*]% off.”

Mu Qiye said kindly.

Antiques, let alone brick home, even experts and veterans dare not say that when they are not eye-catching, the joint appraisal held by TV stations may smash the real products, and some even deliberately identify them as fake, suppressing the price, so, this No one can tell if something is true or not.

In order to ensure profits, there is basically no return service for goods sold in general pawn shops, antique shops, and antique markets.Therefore, although the ones sold here are expensive, and there is no bargaining, there is always a [*]% insurance. As long as it is true, it is definitely a leak.A ten percent deposit is acceptable.

Of course, Mu Qiye was not at a loss.

Most of these things are bought from the antique market, and the price is not certain.But if I find a few more authentic items from the Tang Dynasty and the Kamakura period, even if Mu Qiye doesn’t sell it, it will really sell it. The business of this shop…

blah blah…

The middle-aged man sighed and shook his head gently, paid and left the store, preparing to go to Cangtian tomorrow, and several well-known professors in Fujii to conduct an appraisal.

In this era, there are too many brick homes.

The dignified shogunate seal worth 37 billion yen from the Kamakura period was placed on the counter. Even more than one professor looked at it and said it was a fake. Later, people from the Cultural Relics Bureau came here and looked at it for a long time before confirming that it was genuine. must be safe…

When it was time to close, the talents in the store reluctantly left the store.

When the first one appears, there is a second, a third…

No one is sure whether he will be the next red leaf in Ogang, and he has directly missed the incense burner of the Tang Dynasty. It is a fluke mentality of people~

Of course, if it were him, he would too.

78 billion yen, who is not interested?

“That big fierce girl who has only appeared in a few episodes is really lucky. I knew it was worth so much, so I went for an appraisal and sold it. It’s worth 780000 points, which is a pity~”

That’s right, 780000 value points.

Mu Qiye is a traveler. Three months ago, he woke up inexplicably and came here, and he was able to communicate with an exchange balance.

The value point is the currency that is exchanged for the balance, which can be used to purchase related products in the mall.

The balance has three functions, two to be exact.

Item exchange, value assessment and the mall.

Value evaluation is an auxiliary ability of item exchange, and strictly speaking, it is not a separate function.

The practicality is good, as long as you concentrate, you can systematically evaluate the objects you touch.

Although the display is too simple, some items don’t even show the material, and the evaluation value does not represent the value of the world, but the high evaluation always has his uniqueness, which is why he accidentally found a lot of good things.

Of course, this is only part of it.

Mu Qiye

Occupation: Magician

Skills: Copy Magic, Convert Magic, Bewitch Magic

Strength: One-star low

World Class: One Star Intermediate

Treasure: Book of the Dead

Value Points: 27940


The initial stage lies in accumulation, and magicians can copy items, so they rely on the mall to become magicians.

Mu Qiye opened the drawer and found today’s income.

Checks, cash, gold, emeralds…

Pushing these to the left, Mu Qiye used copy magic, and the same pile appeared on the right.

Copy magic is a kind of magic with a high upper limit and a very high lower limit.

In theory, copying can copy any item, even a creature, and it is still the basic ability of creation in the introduction.However, copying complex objects requires sufficient knowledge of replicas and sufficient magic power.So practicality is not high.

He is such a crappy magician who has not even bought the cultivation method now. .

Chapter 2: Exchange Balances

Mu Qiye concentrated his mind, and a balance appeared in his consciousness.

Put your hand on the pile on the left and choose to exchange it. The lower side of the balance shows the exchange value of the exchanged item.

The conversion ratio is approximately .

10000 yen 1 value point.

1 gram of gold, 1 value point.

Jadeite, jade and the like depend on the material, the value is relatively high, and the antiques are basically worthless, otherwise, he will not directly sell the 78 billion yen of antiques.

As for replicas?

At the time of the transaction, I naturally copied a copy and made some adjustments, but in a short period of time, another antique of the same level will inevitably attract attention, and the uncertainty factor of Koizumi Hongzi has temporarily dispelled this idea.

“753 value points? Not bad, better than yesterday.”

Looking at the total number below the scale, after Mu Qiye agreed to exchange, the items on the left side disappeared without a trace.

“呲呲, space magic?”

Mu Qiye tidyed up the items on the right, making it less obtrusive.

Currency, silver, and gold are not rated highly by the scale.It can also be said that pure currency and gold do not have much value. What the balance needs is the recognition of the world, that is, the human race, and the value given to them.

Therefore, even if real gold can be reproduced, the checks, currencies and balances that can be used are only pure material values.

As for the consequences?

After the exchange, it basically means that the world suddenly lost so much money, but in consciousness, the money still exists. Therefore, the price and exchange value have no effect, but there is less money in circulation, and people’s wages are also less.

Copying these is basically equivalent to the bank printing more money, or increasing the money for business operations.Although the money in circulation has not increased, it will cause the price and exchange value to decrease relatively, and the price will soar…

Over and over again, the effect is doubled!

Prices are already rising, and ZF is also doing this. Others can’t help it. It’s a fart burden to do it?

Leave the store and close the doors and windows.

Mu Qiye drove an Aston Martin, a gorgeous drift, towards Yuanyueli Palace.

This is a world where Detective Conan and Spirit of Halberd are mixed, or maybe there are other worlds. He spends most of his time in Tokyo and doesn’t know much about it.I haven’t found any news from other worlds on the Internet. Even if I think about it, it’s not very famous.

Yuanyue District, also known as Yuanyue Autonomous Region, is an autonomous region with cooking as its core. It can be said that it is the core of country R’s cuisine industry.

The halberd is similar to the duel of ancient warriors and knights, and it is a way to decide the victory or defeat by cooking.It can also be considered a kind of chef, engaged in cooking, backstage games, and possibly extended peripheral gambling.

After all, in addition to a relatively fair duel between chefs, it also represents their own power, competition in the background, and they can also sign a gambling agreement, which is accepted and protected by all parties.

In Yuanyue District, cooking skills are almost equal to everything. Therefore, in less than three generations, Yuanyue Group has established achievements that other people have been unable to achieve in several lifetimes, even dozens of generations. The Far Moon District was established.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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