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Winery? Nothing — Page 104


Well, lost again!

The two were speechless.

We don’t disturb you, don’t talk, are we just bodyguards?

“Forget it, let me call~” The man on the right sighed, took out his mobile phone, found the number marked with the commander-in-chief, and dialed it.

“I’m Nakiri Senzaemon!”

“Master, it’s fine, but… I’m sorry, we lost it again…”



After getting rid of the two bodyguards, the two walked leisurely on the street.

Mu Qiye put his arms around Erina’s waist with one hand, and played with the bamboo fan in his hand with the other.

In fact, he didn’t care that much about Katori Akane and the Dahe family.

Just being involved, Kagori Akane is also pleasing to the eye, and has had a relationship, so she can barely be regarded as one of her own.If you just look at her like this and let her be calculated, and don’t do anything, how can people be underestimated if it is spread out.

Well, even if Katoori Akane agrees tomorrow, I will give you a high price!

“What will you do later?” After leaving Katori’s house, Nakiri Erina’s expression did not change much, but she was still very happy.

Mu Qiye didn’t stay at Xiangtori’s house, but chose to accompany her. Maybe there is a reason, but it’s not important…

“Well, eat, go shopping, and then…” With a familiar smile on his face, Mu Qiye smiled when he saw the little bow on the back of Erina’s kimono, pointed at it and said, “Do you know what this is for?”

“Ah? Taiko knot?”

Nakiri Erina looked at it, and looked at Mu Qiye suspiciously: “Isn’t this the decoration for the waist?”

“No.” Mu Qiye smiled narrowly, lowered his head and shook her ears and said, “It’s convenient to sleep, sleep anytime, anywhere…”


Hearing what Mu Qiye said, Nakiri Erina’s neck turned red.


Dahe Castle.

Dahechen also hung up Fujiwara Michizai’s phone in disappointment.

He walked to his mother, Da Hemiao, and told Da Hemiao what happened.

“It seems that we can only see tomorrow~”

Da Hechen also shook his head.

If Mu Qiye hadn’t suddenly appeared, it would have been!

“If you don’t agree today, will you agree tomorrow?”

Da He Miao asked angrily, and then couldn’t help but say: “Isn’t it that as long as you take it all in, you can open the price at will? How come it’s almost night and only one million? Let Mu Qiye and Nakiri draw it. Linai has rushed over. Our Dahe family has no money?”

The old lady was really angry, her daughter Dahe Meihua and his wife Dahe Zhiya didn’t dare to speak.The only person who can talk about Dahe Shinya was also brought back to Kato’s house by Mu Qiye, and because Kato Shinichi died, he was not interested in participating…

“Mom, didn’t Fujiwara also want to save some money for our family. Besides, 100 million is not a lot. It would be good to sell the glass artwork of that guy from Kazushijin for 15. What if Mu Qiye went to go there? How can he give hundreds of millions of yen for a woman? Isn’t it ours tomorrow?”

“Heh, are you sure you won’t?” Da He Miao looked at her son Da He Chen Ye coldly, then sighed again, and could only look forward to it: “I hope everything goes well, remember to tell Fujiwara tomorrow, as long as it does not exceed 500 million days Yuan, give me all the crafts!”

“Five million? Is that too high?”

Da He Chenye, Da He Zhiya, and Da He Meihua were all shocked. That’s why 913 made of gold is not so expensive!

If there are too many left, how can it cost hundreds of millions, or even billions!

“Gao? Does Gao match the reputation of the Dahe family?”

Da He Miao couldn’t help but asked angrily: “If it spreads out, the Da He family will kill one person because of [*] million. What will happen to the Da He family’s reputation? Who would dare to borrow money from our Da He family in the future?”

“Yes, everyone who understands knows that the death of Kasumi Shinichi has nothing to do with us, and it is only natural for us to ask for money, but do you think everyone is so reasonable? Those of our opponents will not take the opportunity to attack our Dahe family. Make a fuss about it?”

“Also, what if Xiangtoriqian asks Mu Qiye? Mu Qiye will definitely leave it alone? His current popularity, shit, it’s a tsunami in the fishing boat, do you think it’s not good for our Dahe family to talk about this kind of thing? influences?”

“Also, if it is a glass artwork of Xiangzuo Jinyi, Mu Qiye gets it. Not to mention the sky-high price, even if one piece can be sold at a price of more than 70 yen in a public place, you don’t think the outside media will Saying that Kazuki Shinichi is a master glass art master who unfortunately died early?”

“And then I mentioned that Kasumi Shinichi was forced to death by us because of 1000 million yen a day. What will happen to the reputation of our Oga family? Remember, the core of our Oga family is a bank. What does reputation mean to us? Don’t you know?”

(Thanks to 183, 1533, 6393 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

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Chapter 147: I really want to die once, it’s worth it!

Da He Miao’s words left Da He Chen Ye, Da He Yazhi and Da He Meihua speechless.Although I don’t think this matter can shake the foundation of the Dahe family, but if you think about it carefully, it is really possible, how can the Dahe family be hurt for a while.

But who is to blame for this?

Da He Miao has some pitfalls.

It was obviously Kasumi Shinichi who insulted her and the Dahe family. She just wanted to use commercial means to make Kasumi Shinichi go bankrupt. Is it wrong?Everyone looks right!

But Xiang Toujin couldn’t think of it, so he committed suicide for a glass handicraft workshop!

Can the special code be a little pursued?

Suicide for a glass factory?Now that she’s making her a show, she looks like an idiot, and she has to worry about it, spend money, and even have to worry about it, to weaken the impact of this incident…

In fact, it wasn’t a big problem for Kasumi Shinichi to commit suicide because of this matter. The important thing was that Mu Qiye also got involved.

It doesn’t matter to the Xiangtor family, Mu Qiye has it, but without resources, Mu Qiye also has it, but without money, Mu Qiye also has it… Even if the Xiangtor family wants to make trouble, the matter is within the controllable range, but if Mu Qiye makes trouble, it is estimated that it will be big. The He family’s face is about to be lost overseas…

“Really…” Da Hemiao looked around at the room without his grandson, and sighed again, what kind of evil this special code has done.Then his eyes turned around the other three, and he had to look at his son Dahe Chenye: “Chenye, please contact Suzuki…”

Halfway through speaking, Da He Miao shook her head again and sighed: “Forget it, it’s not that time yet, let’s see what happens tomorrow.”

It would be best if we can photograph all the glass crafts of Xiang Zongjinyi tomorrow.It was rumored that the cost of hundreds of millions, or even a billion, was considered a compensation for the Katori family, and the Katori family accepted it, and the result would naturally be biased towards them.

It can be considered an explanation if it is spread out, and most people will think that it is worthwhile to exchange a few hundred million, or a billion, to gain a life.

Raising the price of glass handicrafts to more than 500 million can also be purchased by Mu Qiye.Mu Qiye is a participant, and a piece of Kasumi Shinichi’s glass crafts is not worth 500 million yen, or even 100 million yen.

As long as they buy it back, Mu Qiye is like a fool who spends money to turn heads in the eyes of their group, which is a joke.When he wants to do something, he can also attribute it to his own self-inflicted suffering.

On the contrary, they will save a part of the bad influence of the Dahe family by raising the price of Xiangtou Jinyi’s handicrafts.

However, if you want to come, you will also offend Mu Qiye, the Suzuki family, the Nakiri family… and some other families and people, but there is also an advantage of opening a bank, that is, you are not afraid of offending a few people or a few strengths, as long as you don’t commit public anger.

But, Mu Qiye would be so stupid?

Da He Miao felt a little uncertain, but there was still a lot of certainty when the two added up.On the Suzuki family’s side, they took the initiative to contact Mu Qiye to solve it… It’s too embarrassing, so let’s make a backup plan.Although I know that if there is a result, the price of calling again will be high, but I can only hope…

It really doesn’t work, if Kagori Akane agrees, it’s okay to let her grandson Zhenya marry her.

Early the next morning.

Fujiwara Michizai, who was instructed, rushed over, but he was the only one who didn’t find any bidders.

If you really find a few bids, even if they want to sell.

I would also suspect that what Mu Qiye said was true. What if the price would be higher in the future?Taking him would really be a steal.

Katori Akane and Takahashi Junichi still didn’t think of the reason, but it didn’t prevent them from doubting.Just dragging it around to see how far the other party can raise the price.

When Maki Nanaya and Erina arrived at nine o’clock, Fujiwara Michizai had already raised the price to 230 million yen for one piece!

Not only Katori Akane, Takahashi Junichi, and even Fujiwara Michizai’s eyes turned red.

The special code, he is a glass handicraft business, and he has not seen many pieces of glass art that exceed [*] million yen in recent years.This special code is definitely the stupidest and craziest thing he has ever done!

A piece of 230 million yen, even if there are 100 pieces in stock, it is directly hundreds of millions!

What’s more, Xiang Tou Jinyi has been out of orders for several months.How much does he have in stock?If you don’t pay attention to quality, thousands of pieces can be produced.Plus what about the previous inventory?The devil knows how many!

The only thing that is gratifying is that Kazuki Jinyi pays attention to quality, which is definitely not as much as imagined.

However, he was also a little envious of Xiang Zuojin.The true value of this death makes me want to die once…

“230 million pieces? The price is okay~”. “

Playing with the folding fan in his hand, Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows with a smile, looked at Fujiwara Michizai and said, “This isn’t the upper limit, right? To put it simply, let’s say the highest price. I’m going back to Tokyo today, and I’m not in the mood to bargain with you.”

“This…” Isn’t this the highest price? ! ! !

Katori Akane and Takahashi Junichi almost stared out, how can this price be increased?Crazy? ! ! !

After Nakiri Erina’s expression was surprised, she calmed down, but her heart was a little complicated.

Hundreds of millions, or even a billion, is not a small number for her.But even if she doesn’t mention her status as a big member of Yuanyue Group, she has 1% of Yuanyue Resort shares given to her by grandfather 10. Over the years, there have been more than one billion dividends. If this share is auctioned, not to mention the value. It’s not much to say ten times.

It’s just that when I go home, I have to separate from Mu Qiye, and Mu Qiye has to find another woman. I can’t help but feel a little pantothenic acid in my heart, which is not the taste…

Looking at Mu Qiye’s indifferent ease, Fujiwara Michizai knew exactly who Mu Qiye was, or who asked him to come.Knowing that he was simply a pawn who wanted to get the handicrafts made by Kasumi Shinichi.

“‘ ‘Four… No, [*] million yen, up to [*] million yen per piece, I can make the call, no matter how many I buy it all!” Fujiwara Michizai gritted his teeth and decided to quote the final price. .

After all, Mu Qiye really didn’t look like he would bargain.If he didn’t buy one piece after bidding [*] million yen, it can be said that Mu Qiye’s reason, he (Nuo Dehao) can be regarded as a blessing at best.But if he didn’t get it because the bid was less than [*] million yen, then the Oga family seemed to be the reason.

“Five, five, five million yen a piece?!!!” Junichi Takahashi was trembling when he spoke, and the special code doubled directly!

If it weren’t for the highest price that Mu Qiye said, he felt that the price might have turned over again.Of course, he also knows that this is already the upper limit that the other party can post.

However, five million one, five million one!

Takahashi Junichi looked at Kagori Akane excitedly, Katori Akane’s face flushed with excitement, and her fingers were tightly clasped together, but in the end, she still endured the thought of agreeing to look at Mu Qiye and said, “Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu What do you think? If you want to make Mr. Mu interested, you can get a discount…”

(Thanks to 183, 1533, 6393 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.

Chapter 148: Not everyone is only for money,

Although she didn’t know why the other party paid such a high price, she also knew that if there was no Mu Qiye, the price would be one million yen, [*] yen, let alone five million yen, which would be a bit reluctant.

After all, she owed money to the Dahe family before, and the first thing she had to do was to repay the arrears of the Dahe family.But Mu Qiye didn’t care when she was asked to pay back the money, it was the best time to pay it back in a year, and it was fine if there was more time, just ask her for anything… Anyway, it was because of Mu Qiye that she had this opportunity.

“Yes, yes, that’s right.”

Junichi Takahashi nodded excitedly, although he was also shocked by the price of the other party, but at most he was happy that his life in the future could be guaranteed, and that the master could become famous.

After all, even if this thing is done, he won’t gain anything, and he doesn’t need it.If it weren’t for the master, he is not even a fart, and he is very good to him. He will repay his kindness by Junichi Takahashi!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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