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Winery? Nothing — Page 105

Different from the excitement and expectations of the two, Fujiwara Michizai, who had quoted the price, calmed down.No matter how much Mu Qiye bid, what the result was, it was over.

Nakiri Erina also looked at Mu Qiye curiously.

“What about me?”

The bamboo fan made a circle on the little finger, and fell from the back of the hand to the thumb and index finger of the big 913. With a little tap, the folding fan fell into his hand again, Mu Qiye smiled lightly: “Not sure, I will put it in the pawn shop for sale. , the price depends on the situation.”

“However, the minimum price tag will be 100 million yen. If it is higher, tens of millions are possible. Of course, hundreds of millions are unlikely. And I will also charge at least 1000% of the commission fee. However, as a sincerity, I will also You can erase the repayment time for the [-] million yen owed.”

“When the total sales amount is less than 1500 million yen, you don’t need to pay it back directly. If it exceeds 2000 million yen, at least 300 million and [-] million yen, you need to pay it off. That’s it, the choice is yours.”

It’s a more conscientious way.

After all, it wasn’t him who offended Kasumi Shinichi. He didn’t need to buy it at a high price, but he still bought those glass crafts in full.It’s not worth it to pay more than one billion at a time. Even if you figure it out now and don’t care about those companies that much, there’s no need to do it at all.

Five million per piece is already considered a sky-high price.Even if it spreads out, it would be acceptable to sell Kazuki Jinyi’s works to the Dahe family for dozens of times the price.He is not ashamed, and it is nothing to promise.

As expected of Mu Qiye!

Fujiwara Michizai nodded silently and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Mu Qiye had given up.The plan that Mu Qiye provided to Xiangtuiqian was also a more conscientious choice that Mu Qiye could propose.

After all, handicrafts are works of art, not land, houses, ingredients… No one can guarantee the specific situation in the future.The companies under Mu Qiye’s name are developing well, and they are likely to become one of the few big chaebols in the future.

But it is only the future, it is still in the development stage, and Mu Qiye’s funds are not sufficient.Paying hundreds of millions or even billions for these glass crafts is obviously not a good choice.

As for the plan, it seems to be more beneficial in the long run.

But a minimum price of 100 million, and the sales of Kasumi Shinichi’s previous works, even if all of them are sold, it is estimated to be mostly 500 million yen. He traded at [-] million yen per piece, and paid all in cash at once, nothing compares.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Fujiwara, I have decided to give all my father’s handicrafts to Mr. Mu for sale…” Katori Akane’s words immediately made Fujiwara Michizai pale in shock. He couldn’t believe what he heard was true!

At this time, Junichi Takahashi shook his head regretfully, then smiled, looked at Akane Katori and said, “I support you, sir, I believe that if the master is here, I will make the same choice as you!”

A smile appeared on Akane Katori’s face, and she let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you, Takahashi.”

Although Takahashi was only one of her father’s students, after her father’s death, only Takahashi was left behind. She was naturally very at ease with her identification with Takahashi.


“No, are you crazy? Why?” Fujiwara Michizai was completely blinded by the two of you, and Mu Qiye gave up, but in the end, they suddenly stopped. bought?

What is this, are you kidding me?

If it weren’t for the scruples of Mu Qiye and Nakiri, he would have gone mad long ago!

Akane Katori smiled, looked at Fujiwara Michizai apologetically, and said, “What my father wants is that his works be accepted by others, and they can be displayed in the exhibition hall for everyone to see. Mr. Mu’s approach can better satisfy this point. So, I can only let you down, I’m very sorry.”

“That’s right.” Junichi Takahashi also nodded and agreed, “Since there is no need to consider the arrears, even the master in the sky will probably choose Mr. Mu’s plan.”


“I…” Seeing the two of you say a word, I say that relieved expression.Fujiwara Michizai knew that the result could not be changed.After all, he couldn’t fulfill Mu Qiye’s request, so in the end he had to sigh and turn away.

Now that Kato Akane made a decision, Mu Qiye naturally took it upon himself.

Handicrafts are similar to antiques, maybe a little better.After all, antiques are fake, and basically they are worthless.But handicrafts, at least, also account for a good-looking, preference.

This time, it can also be used as a gimmick, and it can also enrich the pawn shop. Anyway, it’s not a loss.

Immediately decided to ship these glass crafts to Tokyo in batches.

As for this glass art workshop, Katori Akane didn’t know these skills, so she handed it over to Junichi Etakahashi.Jun Takahashi pushed back several times and had to agree.

After all, the workshop would be useless without him.He also didn’t want the master’s hard work to disappear like this, but he only indicated that he was managing it on his behalf, and the specific ownership was still in the hands of Xiangtori Qian.

“I believe that the master knows, and also hopes to show his works to the world, instead of just trading them in the hands of collectors.” Looking at the packaged glass crafts, Junichi Takahashi sighed again.

Kato Akane nodded in agreement, but Mu Qiye smiled, raised his eyebrows and asked, “Don’t you think that Fujiwara bought these crafts to make money?”

(Thanks to 183, 1533, 6393 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.

Chapter 149: Sonoko’s Love Ideal!

“…” Katori Akane and Takahashi Jun were stunned for a moment.

Junichi Takahashi felt as if he had overlooked something, but he still didn’t expect it, so he couldn’t help frowning and said, “Mr. Mu means that Mr. Fujiwara didn’t buy the teacher’s works to trade and make money? Only to collect?”


Katori Akane’s expression also became a little solemn: “The purchase price of five million yen, even if it is sold, who can it be sold to? Not to mention such a large-scale fund, he ~ is not afraid of losing it?”

Wealth moves people’s hearts, but also can confuse people’s brains -!

Mu Qiye sighed and shook his head, smiled and said directly: “What is he afraid of? He’s not the buyer, he just bought it on behalf of others.”

“Replacement? Impossible? Who?” Katori Akane and Takahashi Junichi were shocked. They never thought that Fujiwara Michizai was not the buyer, and there were people behind him!

The two looked at Mu Qiye inquiringly.To this day, I never thought that the one who asked Fujihara to buy these handicrafts was the old lady of the Dahe family who forced Xiang Jinyi to death, He Miao!

This is also normal, after all, I don’t stand at a certain height, and I don’t know the impact of this incident on the Dahe family.Both of them are relatively simple and kind people, and when Kazuojin died, they were stimulated by so much money, and it was normal for them to feel dizzy and unexpected.Mu Qiye didn’t say anything until he left.

On the contrary, Erina Nakiri, who didn’t know much, suspected that the Oga family was operating behind the scenes.

However, as to what the reason is, and finally, since Fujiwara Michizai agreed to spend [-] million yen to buy art, why did he guarantee that these works of art of incense will also be displayed publicly.

in the first class of the plane.

Holding Erina on the reclining chair, Mu Qiye pulled the blanket, the long bridge was sheathed, changed into a comfortable position, and kissed Erina: “Go back and ask your grandfather, there will be some gains even if you go out. Tell your grandfather what happened, and your grandfather should be happy.”

Nakiri Erina’s face turned red, her head was a little empty, she nodded subconsciously, and closed her eyes honestly.


More than two o’clock in the afternoon.

Mu Qiye restored Erina and made up for it, and then got off the plane.

waiting area.

Seeing Erina and Mu Qiye who came down last, Hishako Shinto, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed over: “Lord Erina, brother!”

Nakiri Erina had already made that arrogant gesture.

“Sir Erina, are you alright?”

Hishako Shinto looked at Erina carefully, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

“Hmph, what can I do?”

Nakiri Erina’s posture is very full, but it’s not really a posture, and it’s the same in front of other people.But in the face of the subordinates who used to be best friends, Mu Qiye’s nominal sister still felt somewhat guilty and lacked confidence.

Feishazi can’t see anything, can he?Also, Feishazi is Qiye’s half-sister, that is to say, my sister-in-law?After this…

Nakiri Erina’s face was a little stiff, and she didn’t know how to face Feishako in the future.

Luckily, Feishazi didn’t notice anything on her arrogant expression.

Mu Qiye smiled and joked, “What? What do you think should happen?”

“Brother, what did you say!”

Shinto Hishako cried out with a blushing face.

Nakiri Erina also blushed.

Of course, it’s okay to blush at this time.After all, no one knows what Mu Qiye’s style is.

“Okay, I sent it back to you safely, I’ll go first.”

Mu Qiye smiled and rubbed Feishazi’s head, stretched out, thinking about where to go next.

“Brother, you are just like this…”

Xinto Feishazi looked around and didn’t know anyone, and seemed a little surprised that there was no one waiting for Mu Qiye either.

“I don’t have this kind of treatment, and I still need someone to pick me up!”

Mu Qiye’s mocking look made Erina and Feishazi a little embarrassed.

A group of people came to pick it up, and one was his sister.

After that, Mu Qiye just smiled: “Just kidding, I didn’t notify the others and left.”

With that said, Mu Qiye waved his hand and turned to leave.

“How about, together?”

From behind, looking at Mu Qiye’s back, Nakiri Erina couldn’t help but say.

“No, you can change it after you owe me a favor.”

“~Hey, got it!”

Thinking that this sentence was not in line with her daily style, Nakiri Erina suddenly snorted proudly, pretending to be disdainful.

Hiishako Shinto’s doubts were cleared up a lot, but she still couldn’t help asking: “Sir Erina, do you owe my brother a favor? What kind of favor?”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・


Nakiri Erina was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and said, “It’s nothing.”

Then, step up and walk forward.

Hishako Shinto said quickly behind him, “Sir Erina, wait for me~”


leave the airport.

Mu Qiye thought about it carefully and decided to find Lingzi Suzuki.

Tomorrow Saturday is the day of their club gathering, otherwise they won’t be back today.

He took out his cell phone and called Suzuki Ryoko.

In the Ishii supermarket.

Suzuki Lingko was shopping for ingredients and drinks for tomorrow’s party, and Suzuki Sonoko was also pulled over by her.

“Sister, you don’t need to buy so much, do you?”

Suzuki Sonoko was on the side and complained a little.



Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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