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Winery? Nothing — Page 106

She is still interested in shopping for clothes, cosmetics and the like, but if she comes to buy groceries, forget it.

However, Suzuki Lingzi rarely asks her, and she really wants to help, so she came over, but it’s been three or four times, and it’s too…

Thinking of her sister’s unreliable friends, she was still too embarrassed to say it.

Suzuki Lingzi picked up the vegetables and said with a smile, “It’s nothing, since it’s going to be done, let’s do it well. Besides, it may not be possible to get together a few times.”

“How many times?”

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Suzuki Lingko curiously, not understanding why she said that.

Before he could speak, Suzuki Lingzi’s cell phone rang.

Putting down the tomato in his hand, he took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Mu Qiye who was calling.

“Hey, Seven Nights~”


Seeing the happy smile on her sister’s face, Suzuki Sonoko pouted, still feeling that Mu Qiye was not worthy of her sister.

Although Mu Qiye has changed a lot, Mu Qiye is also very good, and even the sister who is in contact with Mu Qiye is also cheerful and confident.Mu Qiye’s current achievements are even admired by his mother and father who is not very responsible.

But isn’t the love that only belongs to my sister really happy?She doesn’t believe it, anyway, she will definitely find a man who only loves her… No, a super handsome guy who will live happily ever after!

(Thanks to 183, 1533, 6393 monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7 long.

Chapter 150: Sonoko: It seems that I shouldn’t stay!

Knowing that Suzuki Lingzi was in the supermarket, Mu Qiye also planned to go there.

Docklands villa… not so urgent.Anyway, it is there that I go the most, and it is about to live for a long time.

“No need, there is Sonoko, it’ll be fine tomorrow, you just came back, rest first.” Suzuki Lingzi knew that Mu Qiye and Nakiri Erina were out, and it is estimated that she just came back when she called now.

Listening to her sister’s words, Suzuki Sonoko rolled her eyes: Is my sister so useful?He treats his sister too much as his own.

However, thinking of Mu Qiye was inexplicably a little timid.Every time I meet him, as long as I go against him, she will suffer anyway, and she will have some psychological shadows, so she doesn’t say anything.

“Uh, okay, I’m at Ishijing Supermarket, and I’ll send you the address.” Mu Qiye insisted, Suzuki Lingzi naturally would not disagree, and agreed with a smile.

“Well, it’s “September [-]”, see you later.”


After Suzuki Lingzi hung up the phone, he located the location and sent a screenshot of the location to Mu Qiye.

“Mu… um~”

Suzuki Sonoko touched his throat, then looked at Suzuki Lingzi and said, “Brother Qiye is coming?”


Suzuki Lingzi looked at Suzuki Sonoko helplessly, and knew what she was thinking.She was doing it for her own good, but she didn’t know what she got from Mu Qiye.

Self-confidence, respect, love… In her heart, these are far more important than pure love, and they make her feel more at ease and warm.

“Forget it, you can leave if you want. But don’t treat Qiye badly tomorrow, or even if I don’t say anything, mom won’t spare you.” Suzuki Lingzi shook her head gently, knowing that Sonoko didn’t like coming to the supermarket to buy These things, I don’t really want to see her and Mu Qiye together.

The two are not in harmony with each other, so instead of insisting on getting along well with each other, it is better to meet less, which is good for everyone.

When Suzuki Sonoko heard this, he flattened his mouth, a little aggrieved, and also a little dissatisfied: “With him, I will forget my sister, and I will not leave. Alright, alright, I must pay attention to my attitude, okay?”

“…Are you sure?” Suzuki Lingzi thought for a while, but still looked at Suzuki Sonoko suspiciously.The two are really their own people, if possible, she naturally wants to get along well with them.

“Sure, sure, okay?” Suzuki Sonoko nodded without much attitude.

Suzuki Lingzi smiled bitterly, but didn’t tell her to leave: “Okay, remember to be careful when you speak.”

“Got it, old lady, you’re a bit long-winded!” Suzuki Sonoko complained.In fact, I also know that Suzuki Lingzi was more long-winded on small things before.

Suzuki Lingzi didn’t care either: “Haha, I’m used to it.”


About [-] minutes later, according to the mark on the map, Mu Qiye arrived at the Ishii supermarket.

Suzuki Ryoko was waiting at the door, and Suzuki Sonoko was also there.


Mu Qiye walked to Lingzi Suzuki and gave him a big hug.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Suzuki Lingzi’s face turned slightly red: “You don’t have to come, Sonoko and I will be busy soon.”

“It’s okay anyway, let’s go together.”

Letting go of Lingzi Suzuki, Mu Qiye smiled and shrugged, nodding kindly towards Sonoko Suzuki.

“Hehe, Brother Qiye~”

Suzuki Sonoko didn’t feel a little nervous in her heart, so she couldn’t help but let out a cry.

“Anything else to buy?”

Mu Qiye asked Lingzi Suzuki, who shook his head and said, “No need, it’s almost time to buy.”

“Yes.” Look at the time, it’s already past three o’clock.

Mu Qiye nodded lightly, then raised his head and asked, “Should you not buy a beef shank?”

“Uh… no.”

Suzuki Lingzi shook his head, but Suzuki Yuanzi’s eyes lit up: “Brother Qiye wants to have a barbecue outside the villa?”

“Well, how can you go to the villa in the mountains without eating barbecue?” Mu Qiye said as a matter of course.

The last time I was at the beach, the place wasn’t the right place, and there weren’t that many trees, so I had to make do with skewers.

“Great, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time!”

Suzuki Sonoko laughed excitedly, having a barbecue dinner, eating meat, and making skewers is life!

Unfortunately, most of the time, my mother said that I was worried that it would cause a fire if it was not handled properly.Coupled with the other time spent with Xiaolan, Xiaolan has no money, so she has no line of sight, and with Mu Qiye, there will be no problem.

“Okay, let’s go then.”

Seeing the inexplicable harmony between Suzuki Sonoko and Mu Qiye, Suzuki Lingzi’s smile couldn’t help but increase a bit.

Drive to the beef shop 0 ………

Mu Qiye picked a [-]-pound beef shank, enough for three people to eat.But Suzuki Sonoko didn’t think it was enough. Tomorrow, Xiaolan and the people from the old sister’s club were also coming, so she ordered another steak and more than [-] kilograms of steak.

Suzuki Lingzi was more conservative, and asked for more than [-] pounds of meat skewers, and more than ten pounds of meat skewers.In case the grilling is not good, you can also kebabs, hot pot, and the owner of the store also presented the ingredients.

It took another half an hour.

The villa is on a cliff near the top of the mountain, and there is a suspension bridge, so the car can’t go up.Most of the way, I stopped in the parking lot specially built by the Suzuki family, and there are people watching it all year round.

Fortunately, the distance from the villa was only about [-] meters. Mu Qiye was very strong, and with the help of the gatekeeper, they all moved up after two or three trips, but it was already past five o’clock.

“Yuanzi, it’s getting late, you…”

In the villa, before Suzuki Lingzi finished speaking, Suzuki Sonoko jumped up like a puppy lying on the sofa with his tongue sticking out.

“If you don’t go back, you won’t go back if you kill me. I finally worked so hard to help get it done. Sister, you just want to cross the river and demolish the bridge? I won’t leave, so I will stay here. I want to eat barbecue at night!”

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko, whose eyes were full of energy, Suzuki Lingzi could only shake his head with a wry smile.Looking at Mu Qiye inquiringly.

Mu Qiye shrugged, looked at Suzuki Sonoko and said, “It doesn’t matter, it’s not too early anyway, so it’s fine to stay, but why should you tell your family about 4.8?”

“Okay, I’ll call now!” After Suzuki Sonoko responded, she immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.Mu Qiye rolled his eyes in a speechless manner: Do you have any eyesight?Can’t go to the room and call again?

It’s not a big deal, who said you can’t make out when someone is there?

After Suzuki Sonoko hung up the phone, she found that Mu Qiye had already done it together by hugging the old sister, and the old sister’s face was still a touch of pink…

I go!

Suzuki Sonoko’s face darkened, as if struck by lightning, and suddenly felt that he had made a wrong decision just now.

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.

Chapter 151: So ugly and wide forehead

Twenty minutes later, the three of them acted.

He was busy processing, cutting the beef shank, while Suzuki Ryoko was in charge of cutting the vegetables and seasoning them.

Suzuki Sonoko doesn’t know anything about cooking, so he has to work hard to move firewood and put on airs.This made Suzuki Sonoko’s face even darker.

In fact, her job is the easiest.

There is a fireplace in the villa and firewood in the warehouse, just move out.The shelf is also bought, but it is physical work, which still makes her a little uncomfortable.

She was also the first to finish.

After watching the tutorials on the Internet, Mu Qiye was also busy applying seasonings to the beef shank. By controlling the flow of seasonings, the sauce was fast and balanced.

On the other hand, Ryoko Suzuki received a call from Tomoko Suzuki.

It sounds like it’s about a batch of glass handicrafts in Kazumi.The Dahe family obviously wants to buy it back at a high price. Of course, this acquisition is different from the acquisition in the Kathori family.

As long as he agrees to sell it, it means that he will not be able to take action against the Dahe family because of this matter in the future.

Of course, the price will also be higher.

So, Suzuki Lingzi glanced at him 09 inquiringly.After shaking his head to refuse, Suzuki Lingzi didn’t call him either.Suzuki Tomoko didn’t say to let him answer the phone, but just let them have fun in the villa, and just look at the garden.

“Sister, is it the Dahe family of the little boy I played with when I was a child?” Suzuki Sonoko, who was eavesdropping at the door, ran in just as Suzuki Lingzi hung up the phone.

“Oh? You still have this relationship?” Mu Qiye couldn’t help but be stunned.Originally, I thought that the Dahe family and the Suzuki family were acquaintances, or that they had a good relationship.

Suzuki Lingzi couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Not only that, Sonoko even said that he wanted to marry the other party as a bride!”

“Sister, what are you talking about? It’s a joke, it’s a game, how can you take it seriously!” Suzuki Sonoko ran over and pulled Suzuki Lingzi’s arm.

Suzuki Lingzi smiled narrowly: “It was fake at the time? However, it’s not real now. It’s estimated that we haven’t seen each other for almost ten years, right?”

She said with some sighs, which also eased Suzuki Sonoko’s embarrassment.

“How can there be ten… well, who knows.”

Suzuki Yuanzi coughed a few times, and then looked at Mu Qiye curiously: “Brother Qiye, have you seen the one named Dahe, Dahe is really good?”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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