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Winery? Nothing — Page 108

Mu Qiye shrugged and continued to eat.No acquaintances, no beautiful women, no interest in talking…

After breakfast, it was almost half past ten.

(Noord is good) The room, the ingredients are all ready.The garden was also cleaned up this morning, but there was not much to do.Lingzi decided to simply deal with the ingredients to be used next, and Hiroki Kakutani helped bring in some of the firewood in the warehouse.

I heard that it will rain tonight. Although the weather is sunny, no one knows if it will change.Still at the top of the mountain, the temperature is still a little low, let alone when it rains.

Of course, not many people moved in, and then I took a camera and planned to take pictures around it.Suzuki Sonoko thought about it and decided to help Lingzi. There is also a handsome guy who is more virtuous.

Mu Qiye thought about it for a while, and then went out to go for a walk, or he could hunt some game or something.

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.

Chapter 153: Maori’s Confusion, Fei Mile’s Concerns

Several days have passed since Izu murdered and destroyed the family.

Although there is no evidence, it still fell into the ears of Mouri Kogoro.

Before, Maori Kogoro just thought that Mu Qiye was acting too unruly, worried that Fei Miles would be affected by getting too close to him, and so would his daughter.Therefore, it was decided to fight for custody from the hands of Fei Mi.

But now it’s completely different. Mu Qiye is actually involved in the murder case again, and it’s not together. Even if the murderer is not, the messenger is probably him.Mouri Kogoro felt that he could not take risks and had to talk to Concubine Miles.

After all, it was a former husband and wife, and there was also affection.Secondly, it was because Fei Mi had recently become Mu Qiye’s personal lawyer. He asked that if the court’s decision was passed, it was basically impossible for him to obtain the custody of Mao Lilan.

After the successive appointments were rejected, Kogoro Mouri had no choice but to talk about the custody of his daughter, and went directly to the law firm of Concubine Miles to find Concubine Miles.

Fei Mile had no choice but to agree to let him in.

After Chestnut Hill Green left.

Mouri Kogoro didn’t sit down, he frowned and stared at Concubine Miles, and said straight to the point with a bad tone: “Do you know about Mu Qiye’s stay in Izu?”

These words were not aimed at Fei Miles, but he was really anxious and angry.

Concubine Miles took a sip of coffee and looked at Kogoro Mouri: “What do you know? Framing Mr. Mu? Mr. Mu said that the matter of 913 Edogawa Conan can be postponed, and privately…”

“Don’t tell me that, you know what I’m talking about!”

Mouri Kogoro looked at Concubine Miles a little irritably, feeling that he no longer knew her: “Seventeen lives, seventeen lives! The three criminals who overturned the case. Together with their immediate family members, seventeen lives! , are all dead. Fourteen others were burned to death, burned to death at home, wouldn’t your dignified Queen of Law know?”

Hearing what Kogoro Mori almost roared, Concubine Miles held up the teacup, and after a moment of silence, she stared at Kogoro Mori and said, “Is there any evidence? Mr. Mori. If you have evidence, you can submit it directly to the court, directly to the court. If not Evidence, then I’m sorry, Mr. Maury will receive a court summons again, of course, I can also give it to you now!”


Mouri Kogoro pointed at Fei Mi and felt like he was going crazy. He didn’t understand why Fei Mi became like this.And it was another court summons. He had received two of them. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. If he received the third one, he would completely lose the custody of his daughter.

At this time, Fei Mi turned on the computer and began to draft legal documents. (ajei)

Mouri Kogoro’s momentum suddenly dropped, and he advised with a low profile: “Okay, Miles, let’s not talk about this for now.”

“You can’t stay away from Mu Qiye? Even if what Izu did is uncertain and there is no evidence, but what happened before? He is not a decent person, and getting too close to him will ruin you.”

“Skynet is sloppy and not leaking, there is no evidence this time, can you guarantee that there will be no evidence next time, and there will be no evidence next time? Getting too close to him will eventually ruin you, Miles, even for Xiaolan, listen to me Is it okay for once?”

Maori Kogoro’s words were sincere, and Concubine Miles knew it was possible, but she really had a choice?Does Xiaolan really have a choice?

If she breaks up with Mu Qiye immediately, will Mu Qiye let go of Xiaolan, let go of her, and even Maori Xiaogoro?Before Mu Qiye’s power fell, even after the fall, she might not have a choice.

These Mori Kogoro didn’t know at all, just like he didn’t know, if she didn’t speak in Izu, Toda Takako would probably bite him and Conan, and let them both go directly to the lawsuit…

Fei Mi sighed in her heart, but her face remained unchanged: “The law pays attention to evidence, without evidence, nothing is nothing. You should know better than anyone who has been a police officer. Finally, I will remind you, don’t talk nonsense, this time I will also You can pretend you didn’t hear it.”

Saying that, Fei Mile pressed the delete button, and the few lines that she typed disappeared.

“You… Mile, why don’t you listen to the persuasion?” Seeing Fei Mile’s stubborn attitude, not turning back to Nanshan, Maori Kogoro paced back and forth angrily, scratching his ears and cheeks, anxious like a monkey .

However, Fei Mile said that he would not file a lawsuit in the court, which also made him relieved, feeling that there was still a turning point in the matter.

Maori Kogoro gritted his teeth and turned to look at Concubine Miles: “In this way, as long as you can ensure that you have a clear relationship with Mu Qiye, there will be no more ties and cooperation in the future, and Xiaolan’s custody rights will go directly to you!”

A light flashed in Fei Mile’s eyes, and then it calmed down again.This is what she wants, but it is also on the basis of ensuring Xiaolan’s safety.

“Impossible, it’s impossible for me to give up my cooperation with Mr. Mu, I want Xiaolan’s custody too!” Fei Mile said simply and neatly, but she also lost the calmness and determination she had before.

But at this time, Maori Kogoro didn’t hear it. He pointed angrily at Concubine Mile, clicked it several times, raised and put it down, and finally left only one sentence, you will regret it, Concubine Mile, you will regret it, then Turn away!

Seeing the back of Kogoro Mori leaving, Fei Miles breathed a sigh of relief, and after drinking a sip of coffee, his eyes became rarely confused.

Naturally, she knew about Izu’s case, even earlier than Mouri Kogoro.After all, Mu Qiye was there, and she was one of the people who connected with the three gangsters.

She knew when she asked Okita Jiansan if the gangster was arrested the next morning.

All three died, and so did their families.Not only did he die, but the body was also burned down with the house, and it happened almost at the same time…

In the same way, although there is no evidence, she, like everyone else, is almost certain that Mu Qiye did this.But so what?She and Mu Qiye were together and had no choice at all.Even if it was true and there was evidence, she would do her best to defend Mu Qiye.

More importantly, when she was on the beach, she saw Mu Qiye let people beat Conan. She said that when this matter was very troublesome, Mu Qiye replied: Is it troublesome?How can you be sure I didn’t mean to?

Was it also Mu Qiye’s intention this time?

She is almost certain.

Mu Qiye is very unrestrained. He basically doesn’t care about anything in the company, but it doesn’t mean that the company is monolithic. There are no spies from other companies, or other companies’ chaebols, who don’t want to do anything to Mu Qiye.

But after this time?

She knew the purpose of Mu Qiye, but she also couldn’t accept the means.After all, this is killing, not killing one. As Maori Kogoro said, Mu Qiye can escape once, twice, and next,

What should I do?

Fei Mile looked at the reflection in the coffee cup and really didn’t know what to choose.Maybe let Xiaolan follow Maori… No, Maori Xiaogoro’s temperament will offend Mu Qiye sooner or later, maybe the result is even more tragic than following her…

what can we do about it?

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.

Chapter 154: The Arrival of Yukiko

The woods behind the villa.

Mu Qiye turned around and found no game other than birds.

It was noon after eating, and I was not hungry, so I turned down the mountain by the way.

Unfortunately, the same is true at the foot of the mountain. There are no pheasants, but two hares are found.

Fortunately, there is a small river.

Put on the full mage suit and start the transformation.

Necromancy, corpse training is a branch of transformation, of course, it does not mean that transformation is stronger than corpse training, but the scope of transformation is wider.

Modification can be divided into modified items and modified species.

There is not much difference between the two methods in the sense of magic, ~ both change the original form.

Of course, if there is a difference, that is, in terms of the same level, species transformation is more difficult than item transformation-.

Unfortunately, in general, the difficulty of high-level items appearing is always easier than that of high-level species, so in fact, the difficulty of item modification is mostly more than biological-modification.

What he’s doing is biomodification.

In fact, there are many categories of biomodification, the most common is to change the shape or not to change the shape.

Not changing the shape is generally injecting a part of the blood… In terms of current science, it is the fusion of genes across species, or the use of magic to force the other party’s shape. Of course, it can also be fused with solids or metals.

It’s easy to change the shape. If you don’t care about the shape, you can directly splicing the parts, or you can directly create a metal body and then attach the spirit.

Of course, if some forms do not conform to the creator’s aesthetics or the desired effect or function, they will also undergo purposeful deformation, which is also uncertain.

As for him, he actually prefers the kind of fixed form.

Although in a practical sense, the transformation is to change or optimize the body structure.According to the magic book records, most creatures are also created, but from the heart, there is still some objection to this way of evolution.

Of course, more importantly, although this transformation method, especially some unknown fusion methods, will improve the strength of the transformed object in a short period of time, in the long run, no one is sure what the upper limit of transformation is and the way forward. what is.


With a grass in his mouth, Mu Qiye threw the fish fused with ant genes back into the water.I sensed it with my consciousness, and the difference was not big, it didn’t turn into a giant fish or something.

As for why?Not sure…

Maybe the transformation takes a certain amount of time, or maybe the ants don’t have enough genes.

The essence of magic is to demand results, and very few people understand the reason, let alone he who has just learned transformation for a few days.

It is estimated that it is similar to the practice of magicians.After training, it is easy to increase the strength several times, or even a dozen times, at the beginning, but after reaching a certain level, it becomes more and more difficult to improve.

It is caused by the problem of the upper limit of modified creatures.The genes of ants… are actually not that powerful, just because the ants are small and light in weight and other messy reasons, of course, they are just guesses, and no one knows the specifics.

“Hemp egg, dead!” After integrating the genes of fish into the genes of earthworms and snakes, he fluttered a few times, and he died… Mu Qiye twitched the corners of his mouth, but he could only stay in the water.

“Fuck, I don’t believe you anymore!”

After repeated experiments, although there are few benign improvement effects, it can be considered a small gain.For example, the species chosen to be transformed must be at least tenacious in vitality.

For example, a mouse, after integrating the genes of snakes, ants, and birds, is still fine, but looks very excited.The body also begins to have certain toxins.

Of course, the body is poisonous, but unfortunately there is no poisonous fangs, so it basically has no effect. At most, it is life-for-life.Finally, after the fusion of spiders, centipedes, several genes died.

Moreover, alien creatures, especially creatures of the same size.Fusion genes will deform more or less, but it is far from directly splicing tissues to change the shape…

Time flies, and it’s already afternoon.

Suzuki Lingzi called, Mu Qiye looked at it, it was half past four.Use light refraction magic to hide the figure, replace the mage suit, the cosplay priest, but the dark black equipment is too conspicuous.

The momentary state is rapidly weakened, as if a billion is lost.That’s why necklaces, rings, and a few accessories remain.

In addition to the increase of all attributes, the special effect of the necklace is to store magic power, the ring is to store the item, and the accessories are to increase the attributes such as magic wear and spirit… They are all relatively practical, as long as they are invisible and shielded, they are very likely to be discovered.

However, in fact, the bonus effect of a full set of mage sets is not that high, that is, an increase of about 70%.It’s just that the important attribute of the mage is spirit, and the 10% spiritual attribute bonus can directly feel the effect, let alone 70%.

When I went back, I also got a hare and a pheasant. I was lucky. There was an explanation. Of course, it is not certain whether to do it or not.

At the entrance of the villa, I saw Hiroki Kakutani taking a photo with a camera.

When Kakutani Hiroki saw Mu Qiye carrying three hares and a pheasant, he was shocked: “Mr. Mu, you… are you hunting?”

“Well, I walked around in the forest and caught a few fish, but unfortunately I didn’t bring anything I brought back.” Mu Qiye shrugged helplessly, what a good reason?

“Mr. Mu is really amazing. When I was driving, I saw something running past, but I didn’t even see anything.” Kakutani Hiroki sighed in admiration, put down his hand holding the camera, and came over to help Mu. Seven nights to get things.

“No, it’s not heavy.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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