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Winery? Nothing — Page 109

“Uh, okay~”

The two entered the villa one after another and saw many people in the living room.

Suzuki Sonoko, Maurilan, Conan, the handsome Ota Katsuya with long black hair, and… Fujimine Yukiko who has no disguise.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

On the sofa, Suzuki Sonoko wanted to talk to the black-haired handsome Ota Katsuya. The black-haired handsome Ota Katsuya was smoking a cigarette and flirting with Ma Lilan. From time to time, he looked at Fujimine Yukiko. The half-moon eyes under Conan’s glasses stared at the black-haired handsome Ota full of resentment. Sheng, it is estimated that this handsome guy is not far from death.

However, Conan’s recovery is not slow.The upper body is basically healed, but there are metal auxiliary tools at the joints of the knees, which should be the work of Dr. Agasa.

As for Tengfeng Yukiko, the spirit is not very good, and she looks preoccupied.Yes, Conan was sued by him again, and he was pigeoned by him for several days. He didn’t even get through to the phone. It’s strange when he’s in a good mood.

“Brother Qiye? Are you hunting? There are so many, and there are hares!!” Suzuki Sonoko, who failed to flirt with the handsome guy, was the first to discover Mu Qiye, and trotted over, bent over and teased with his index finger. The hare that Mu Qiye was carrying.

Mu Qiye smiled and said, “I like to play with it myself, but I don’t necessarily want to eat it.”


“Eat? The hares are so cute, why do you want to eat them?” Suzuki Sonoko snatched all three at once, and looked at Mu Qiye with a wary and dissatisfied expression.In Mu Qiye’s mind, the scene of Yuanzi eating a rabbit’s head and holding a rabbit’s leg appeared.

At the same time, everyone also noticed Mu Qiye.

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded slightly.

Suzuki Lingzi also showed a face from the kitchen and said with a smile: “I’m back? What are you going to do with these things? You can’t finish the things in the refrigerator.”

“It’s okay to be busy, you don’t agree with helping you, that’s the only way.” Mu Qiye shrugged, lit up the pheasant with his legs and wings tied with rattan and asked, “Where is this? Forget it, Do I just throw it out, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“Hey, Brother Qiye, pheasants are better than chickens, you have to eat them at night!” Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly stopped.


Suzuki Lingzi glared at Sonoko angrily, while Suzuki Sonoko smiled hilariously: “I’m right!”

“Okay, okay~”

Mu Qiye didn’t care, it didn’t take much effort anyway, looked at the three hares she was still carrying and said, “Would you like to deal with them too?”

“No, they are mine!” Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly put the three hares behind her back and moved away from Mu Qiye.

“Okay, let’s go~”

Reaching out and rubbing Yuanzi’s head, Mu Qiye staggered out the door.

In the back, Suzuki Sonoko stomped his feet, almost going crazy: “Brother Qiye, I just took a shower, no, hair!”

“Well, that’s how it is, next time I’ll definitely~”

“Brother Qiye~sister, he bullied me again!”

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7 long.

Chapter 155: Yusaku: My dear son!

Bullying is bullying?What else can she do?

Suzuki Lingzi blushed, she was being bullied!

After teaching Sonoko a few words, he returned to the kitchen.

In fact, she was very grateful to Mu Qiye.

After all, she knew that Mu Qiye didn’t like to do housework, and cooking occasionally was considered an interest.She doesn’t like to get along with too many people she doesn’t know, so being able to come here is already a face for her.

Not to mention, Mu Qiye went out to catch rabbits and pheasants again, and helped to deal with them.This was beyond her imagination.

She knew that some of these people looked down on her.

He thought that she was just one of Mu Qiye’s women, and might even secretly say that she was shameless and self-deprecating.But do they really think so?If they were women, and it was them who attracted Mu Qiye, would they still think so?


At first she cared a little, but later, she found that she really didn’t care that much.

Because there are fewer and fewer people who say this, but more and more envy.There are fewer and fewer people who dare to say this, and more and more people are afraid and please…

Although she doesn’t care, she doesn’t care about many people who are good friends with her. It’s just because she is rich, weak, and able to take advantage of her that they are almost friends with her.

It’s not necessary, it’s just what you need, just be happy.

Suzuki Lingzi shook her head lightly, carefully handling the ingredients.

This is for someone who really cares about her, likes him, and loves her.

Even after Mu Qiye left, the liveliness and spontaneity in the living room was gone, as if there was an oppressive air filling the room, and he didn’t even dare to breathe loudly.

The ones who have not been affected much are Suzuki Sonoko, Conan, and Kakutani Hiroki.

Although I didn’t talk much with Mu Qiye yesterday, after getting along with him yesterday, Suzuki Sonoko also knew that Mu Qiye was not so casually angry.

Kakutani Hiroki is similar. He has a good personality and has a good relationship with Suzuki Ryoko. There is no conflict.In addition, he also said a few words to Mu Qiye, and he didn’t feel anything.

Conan was simply dissatisfied.

This is already the third time he lost to Mu Qiye… maybe more than three times.And I get shriveled every time… Hmph, if there is another case, it’s definitely me who will sort out the clues first, and… it’s better not to do it again, otherwise, I will definitely not make the mistakes I made before!

Staring at the place where Mu Qiye left, Conan’s eyes showed firm and persistent gaze.At the same time, his dark and ominous aura also began to spread around him along with his thoughts…

“Conan~” Seeing Conan’s expression, Yukiko Fujimine sighed and shook her head, wanting to advise but she didn’t know what to say.After all, everything has been said, but when has he heard it?

“I’ll go talk to him.” Tengfeng Yukiko got up and walked towards the door with her long legs.

“…Mom~” Conan gritted his teeth and looked unwilling, knowing what might happen when his mother went to find Mu Qiye.

But what can be done?

If he didn’t talk to Mu Qiye, his identity might be exposed.After that, how did he stay in the book, how to arrest the black organization, let them accept legal sanctions, how to restore…

“Ha, the weather is nice, I’ll go out to get some air.” Ota Sheng pretended to be calm and smiled, even Xiaolan cared about molesting, and then went out in a hurry.

Of these people, he was the most uncomfortable.

He and Mu Qiye are both playboys, and he is still a handsome guy, regardless of financial resources, he is better than Mu Qiye.But when the other party came in, he just glanced at them and smiled, and everyone else’s eyes were attracted. How could he have any face?My heart almost jumped out.

More importantly, who knows if Xiaolan is Mu Qiye’s goal?Slip away, run quickly… I think at the beginning, he still tried to chase Suzuki Lingzi, if Mu Qiye knew about it… oh, he wouldn’t be beaten, wouldn’t he even know his mother?

Behind him, Mao Lilan looked at the place where Mu Qiye left with complicated eyes: “Senior Mu~”


Killing chickens is a technical job, scratching the wings, scratching the head, bleeding…

According to the tutorial in the mobile phone video, Mu Qiye finally completed this step. Lingzi outside the house and in the kitchen asked for a pot of hot water and a larger pot, returned to the woods, threw the chicken in the pot, poured hot water water, directly into it.

“When will you kill the chicken?” Yukiko Tengfeng came over with a faint smile on her face.She always feels that it looks very warm and reliable. She seems to be envious of Suzuki Ryoko, at least this is the tenderness she has never experienced~

Sitting on the bluestone, Mu Qiye stretched out, looked at her and said with a smile, “I just learned, it’s not bad on my phone, right?”

“Ah? I went to school on my mobile phone!”

Looking at Mu Qiye’s clean clothes, thinking about the time, he knew that Mu Qiye handled it neatly, and Tengfeng Yuxizi never thought that Mu Qiye had just started school on his mobile phone.

Mu Qiye didn’t care, he gave up half of the slate and said, “Sit down.”

Tengfeng Youxizi paused, but still walked over and sat beside Mu Qiye.

Although he had just killed the chicken, Mu Qiye didn’t have any peculiar smell, instead he exuded a fresh and unknown smell.Makes people feel refreshed and stable.

Mu Qiye just smiled, put one arm around Yuxizi’s waist, brought her closer, turned his head and kissed her face…


Tengfeng Yukiko blushed slightly, and after saying a word, she lowered her head.Since he came to Mu Qiye, he naturally planned to be taken advantage of.

Mu Qiye was not a contented person either. The hand that held Youxizi began to move. As soon as Youxizi raised her head, she was directly kissed by Mu Qiye.



A moment of awkward contact.

Fujimine Yukiko turned her head to the side with a flushed face, supporting the ground with her hands and wearing rough clothes.Mu Qiye touched the corner of his lips and looked at Yuxizi with interest.

Worthy of being the most popular actress in R Ben, the dream lover in the minds of countless men 0  …

Whether it is the charming and willful in the original anime, or the current intellectual tranquility, forced to accept, they are all so moving, and they all have a beauty that belongs to her, which touches your heartstrings unconsciously and makes you tempted.

Mu Qiye couldn’t help pulling Yuxizi, Yuxizi’s expression changed, and he quickly blocked the two of them with his hand and said, “Qiye, don’t…”

Shrugging helplessly, Mu Qiye had to give up temporarily.

Kudo Yusaku is still alive, there is no need to provoke that guy just for a whim.Forcing him out first, or pushing him to a certain range, after killing him, Yukiko and Conan, aren’t they both in their hands?

Seeing that Mu Qiye really stopped, Tengfeng Yuxizi showed a little surprise on his face, but he was relieved, and looked at Mu Qiye with a complicated look: “The Conan thing…”


Before Yu Xizi could finish speaking, Mu Qiye gave her an expected and disappointing answer.

Fujimine Yukiko couldn’t help but said: “Conan is still a child, can’t you let him go once? I beg you~”

If Mu Qiye insists on taking Conan to court, more than [-]% of Conan’s identity will be exposed. After being known by the group of people in black, Conan is likely to be caught by the other party, or even become a test product~

Seeing Tengfeng Yuxizi’s pleading gaze, Mu Qiye touched her cheek, sighed, shook his head and said, “It’s not that I won’t let him go, but he’s staring at me like a dog, you shouldn’t beg I should beg him.”

“Seven nights~” Tengfeng Yuxizi was a little surprised, but looked at Mu Qiye more disappointed.Because she knew that Mu Qiye was telling the truth.At this moment, a kid with round-rimmed glasses also came out from behind the wall.

“You’re right, no matter what, I’ll keep an eye on you. It’s okay if you don’t break the law. As long as you break the law, I will definitely send you to prison and give you the punishment you deserve!”

“Conan?!” Looking at the figure walking out of the wall behind 4.8, Fujimine Yukiko’s face turned pale.

Conan’s face showed a little anxiety, and he said solemnly: “Aunt Youxizi, you are worried, I know you are doing it for my own good, and I won’t say it today!”

“…” Tengfeng Yukiko was a little ashamed and didn’t know what to say, but she was relieved.As long as Yusaku doesn’t know, I’m here for Shinichi…

Kudo Yusaku really has a good son!

Mu Qiye laughed a few times in his heart, looked at Conan with a cold face, but also smiled and said, “That’s good, I like people who are straightforward, so don’t blame me in the future.”

“Same!” Conan looked at Mu Qiye without any hesitation, then frowned and said, “Make a price, I don’t want to go to the court, what you want is compensation. The compensation from the court is within a reasonable range, just say The price is more appropriate than compensation in court!”

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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