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Winery? Nothing — Page 11

Nakiri Erina waved her small hand, how could Mu Qiye be upset!

Shinto Feishazi pursed her lips, but did not speak.

This is normal. Even if it is a choice between Hideki Nito and Erina Nakiri, Hishako Nito will probably stand on Erina Nakiri’s side.

“No matter what, you are my sister.”

Mu Qiye ignored the arrogant girl, but secretly made a comparison for her, smiled and stroked Feishazi’s hair: “As long as you still recognize me as a brother, our relationship will not change. Others, I will give you an answer in the future.”

They didn’t admit it, didn’t say no, but what they said about the future was obviously Tiaozi in their hearts, which meant that Mu Qiye believed that Tiaozi would prove his innocence!

“Che, it’s not wrong if you don’t do it, so you’re making a mystery!” Erina Nakiri looked disdainful, but she was relieved.

Murderer, if Mu Qiye really killed him, or instructed others to kill Ichiro Shinto, it would be strange if he wasn’t afraid. Maybe he would have nightmares at night, worrying about Mu Qiye or others who would go over the wall to find her at night…

Mu Qiye made a note in her notebook, um, with such a poisonous mouth, the tongue must be good.

“Father asked you to go to the funeral of brother and second brother tomorrow, and wants you to go back to Xinhu’s house…”

Shinto Hishako’s expression softened a little.

Although she didn’t have much impression of that home for a long time, she didn’t even stay for a few days during Chinese New Year.But after all, he was his own brother. He couldn’t help but feel sad when his brother died. The only blessing was that he had nothing to do with the big brother Mu Qiye.

“talk later.”

Mu Qiye smiled and shook his head. Before she could finish speaking, she said, “I recognize your sister because you are good to me and have always been good to me. That family? Sorry, I don’t have that much nostalgia. As for participating in Ichiro Shinto’s funeral. Forget it, I’m an ordinary person, and I’m a little selfish. If he’s dead, it’s fine if I don’t laugh. For other things, let’s talk about it.”

Mu Qiye put his character and attitude low enough.But after careful consideration, what he said is not unreasonable, but has some true temperament and does not mean contrived.But understanding does not mean accepting it, and do not want to try to change.

“Brother, you…” Xinto Feishazi was full of anxiety and wanted to solve Mu Qiye.

When Nakiri Erina saw the little secretary’s expression, she couldn’t help but soften her heart: “Men, care about everything…”

“Compared with heart, what will Nakiri choose when faced with such a thing?”

Mu Qiye’s face showed a little impatience, I still have something to do: “If you don’t want to go, you won’t go, I know it’s my sister, not the elder of your Nakiri family. I still have something to do, I won’t send it! “


Nakiri Erina was blocked by Mu Qiye, her purple eyes widened, and she stood up as she patted the table.

“Okay, Erina-sama, let’s go.”

Seeing that the situation was not right, Shinto Hishako quickly got up and relieved.

Thinking of what happened to the little secretary, Erina Nakiri could only suppress the anger in her heart, and stared at Mu Qiye in dissatisfaction, you wait for me!

However, Mu Qiye had already turned around with an attitude of seeing off guests.

Education in the future, special education!

“Brother, me and Da, let’s go first, you can think about it carefully.”

“Oh, I see.”

After getting the answer, Hishako Nito pulled Erina Nakiri out of the villa.

Along the way, thinking of Mu Qiye, Nakiri Erina was indignant. When was he Nakiri Erina treated like this?

However, considering Nito Hiizako, he still did not speak.

“Huh? What does it taste like?”

Nakiri Erina suddenly remembered that when Mu Qiye opened the room, she seemed to smell a strange smell like salted fish.

However, it seems that there are some differences, which do not belong to the category of unpleasant smells.

Does this guy cook too?

What messy seasoning?It’s similar to egg fried rice with onions, is it also some weird recipe you found?Go back and try it…

(Thanks to Jingya for the three monthly passes, and thanks to dengden for the 100 VIP reward!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 20: Women Only Affect How Fast I Swipe My Wand

Villa in Bunkyo District.

After some exchanges, Mu Qiye and Fei Mile temporarily reached a consensus.

Mu Qiye obtained [-]% of the equity of Feifa Law Firm. Mu Qiye withdraws the lawsuit against Mao Lilan, and the compensation amount can be deferred. Of course, the potential condition is that if Mu Qiye has any request, Fei Mi must rush to Mu Qiye the designated location.

It was a very fair contract, and Mu Qiye was not worried that Fei Miles would go back on it.

Concubine’s weakness is Mao Lilan. As long as there is Mao Lilan, she has some scruples.

Concubine Miles also wants to save face.As long as she didn’t want to have a [-] in [-] chance that the photogate incident would happen and photos could be seen everywhere, she had to abide by the agreement.

“Mr. Mu? Do you really drop the lawsuit against Maurilan? I, Nakamura, are at least [-]% sure that the Maori family will compensate more than [-] million yen!”

Mu Qiye was on the phone with one hand, while the other was constantly heaving under the quilt.

Nakamura said something with some confidence. One of them was genuine. According to Nakamura’s ability, he would naturally place the value on antiques and on the actual value.

After all, what if Mu Qiye went to identify it?Besides, antiques have great added value in the eyes of some rich and powerful people, and the specific value can naturally rise several levels.

“Forget it, remove it. After all, she is a little girl. Her mother, Concubine Miles, is also a well-known Queen of Law. I plan to go to the Legal Affairs Bureau to register a financial company later.”

“At a time like this, suing the Queen of Law’s daughter for compensation has a bad reputation. Let’s solve it privately. The concubine’s lawyer also contacted me. I asked her to go to you directly in the afternoon. As long as the conditions are acceptable, we can solve it privately.”

“Financial company? Well, then Nakamura wishes Mr. Mu a prosperous business and a lot of money!”

“Haha, thank you Jiyan. In the future, I will rely on lawyer Nakamura. The company is bigger and there are more cases. Don’t focus on other big cases and forget about me.”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, as long as Mr. Mu needs it, Nakamura is always on call.”

“That’s good. In terms of money, Mr. Nakamura can rest assured that the commission fee is definitely the highest in the industry!”

“Haha, Mr. Mu is too polite, 3% is fine, and I hope to cooperate with Mr. Mu for a long time.”

“It’s okay, that’s the decision. As long as there is a case, I will trouble lawyer Nakamura in the future~”

“It’s an honor, it’s an honor…”


Nakamura saw clearly.

Mu Qiye is a restless master. He is ruthless and shameless. He also investigates the identity of Suzuki Lingzi and the relationship with Xinhujia, Xinhu Feishazi, and Yuanyue.

Mu Qiye’s backstage relationship is obviously not weak, and his luck is also very good. As long as he can grow up, he is definitely a character that cannot be underestimated. Rather than earning a few high commission fees, long-term cooperation is undoubtedly the best choice.

Mu Qiye is also very clear.

Nakamura is very good at law, and he is also very good at finance and business.Otherwise, he wouldn’t have found him in the first place. More importantly, this guy has not yet had a fixed cooperative relationship with a big company, and he doesn’t care what is right or wrong. This kind of man is exactly what he needs now.

Of course, under certain circumstances, it is best to hide it. For the sake of money, you can be loyal to yourself and others.

“Okay, that’s it, Kudo Shinichi’s case, I will trouble you.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Mu, Nakamura will definitely give Mr. Mu a satisfactory answer!”


Two people who had their own thoughts hung up the phone one after another.

Mu Qiye looked down at Concubine Mile under the quilt, rubbed Concubine Mile’s hair, and said with a smile, “Is this all right?”

“I hope you will abide by the agreement.” Fei mile said with a cold face.

In fact, she was still somewhat grateful for what Mu Qiye said just now.

She is a face person.

Just now Mu Qiye asked—Mu Qiye also considered her reasons, or there were other factors, but in the end, she was asked to discuss with Nakamura. Under certain circumstances, it was reduced that she had a relationship with Mu Qiye, or that there were invisible people behind the scenes. possible.

She is very grateful for this, of course, only a little,

Don’t worry, as long as you keep your promises, you won’t. “

Mu Qiye smiled,

The smile is a little lazy, soft, without the previous ridicule, unrestrained, sharp-edged, making people feel that there is no way to resist.

Fei mile did not feel relieved.

Afterwards, Mu Qiye stood up without hesitation, causing Fei Miles to tug on his cheeks and turned his head away.


Fei Mile cursed in a low voice, her body temperature rising rapidly.

Mu Qiye ignored it directly.

No matter how attractive the concubine miles are, Mu Qiye’s magician is not weak, and he has now entered the sage mode.

A woman is a pink skull, it only affects me drawing my sword?make money?The speed of swinging the staff!

“Your mobile phone is stuck on the bedside table next to you. There is a spare mobile phone in the drawer below. You can deal with other things in the afternoon. I don’t care about other times. I will tell you where to go before nine o’clock in the evening.”

Mu Qiye’s words made Concubine Miles wake up and cool down.

Understand who the other party is, what situation she is in, and then get up quickly, look for the mobile phone card, mobile phone…

After turning on the phone, as expected, one after another missed calls, missed text messages kept popping up, Xiaolan, Mouri Kogoro, Yukiko, Kudo Shinichi, Kudo Yusaku…

(Thanks to Jingya for the three monthly passes, and thanks to dengden for the 100 VIP reward!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 21: The Hesitation of Concubine Miles

“Just say that the phone was dropped by me. Others are vague. Smart people like to fall into their own speculation cycle, self-denial, and other people’s randomness.”

The sudden sentence made Fei Mile’s eyes light up, feeling a little grateful, but more of a vigilance.

This man is so terrifying!

Either way…

“Xiao Lan, things have turned around, don’t worry, I’ll go to the other party’s lawyer after a while…”

“It’s only [-]% of the company’s shares. Most of my mother’s work is for public welfare. The firm is actually not worth much. What he wants is fame, and… he doesn’t want to do it.”

“It’s just a little longer. In general, he still makes money, and he takes what he needs. However, Xiaolan, be careful in the future, don’t get too close to Kudo Shinichi, detective, Tiaozi…”

“You Xizi, don’t need it, I’ve got it here for the time being. The phone was dropped by Mu Qiye, and it’s worth it. There’s nothing I can do about your son’s side. That’s one of the conditions. I’m sorry…”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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