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Winery? Nothing — Page 114

At this moment, a figure wearing a cloak and holding a long axe walked out from his side, with fierce and decisive eyes flashing in his eyes, and slashed at him with an axe!

“Conan, be careful!” Tengfeng Yukiko and Maurilan were shocked.Conan also secretly shouted bad, a lazy donkey rolled around to escape the attack of the axe!

“Bandage Freak, I finally found you!” There was an excited expression on his face, but he couldn’t help but be more calm, Conan rested on the ground with one hand, his mind was surprisingly sober, staring at the figure of the Bandage Freak!

Body, about [*] meters, thin body…

He quickly analyzed in his mind, memorizing the information of the bandage monster, but the bandage monster didn’t hesitate, waving the long handle with both hands, and slashed towards Conan again in the dark!

“Conan~”! “

Seeing that her son was attacked by the bandage monster, Fujimine Yukiko couldn’t help but run over.

“Auntie Kiko, a ghost, a god of death…”

Mao Lilan hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and gathered up his courage to follow.

“Don’t come here!”

Conan looked at the two of them and said quickly.Xiaolan is powerful, but she thinks that the other party is a ghost or something, and obviously can’t play its due role. As for my mother… In this case, I always deliver food!

“Run away and call someone, I can still hold on!” Conan said quickly, dodging the bandage monster’s attack.

“Oh, I see, help, the bandage freak is here, come here quickly!” Fujimine Yukiko and Maurilan suddenly realized, and hurriedly began to shout around, wanting to call Kakutani Hiroki on the other side.

Takahashi Ryoichi is on the other side, too far away from them, obviously he can’t count on it!


The primary target of the bandaged monster incarnated by Ryoichi Takahashi is Conan, but it does not mean that he has no response to the secondary target.

“Xiaolan, be careful, the bandage geek, come and kill me!” Conan looked terrified, but he never thought that the bandage geek would directly shift the target and start attacking Xiaolan!

The Bandage Freak ignored it.

Since the primary goal cannot be solved, solve the secondary goal first!

Both Conan and Tengfeng Yukiko quickly ran towards Mao Lilan, but at this time, Ma Lilan, who was directly facing the bandage monster, took a few steps back subconsciously, with a look of horror on his face. In the image and memory of the bandage monster, death, zombies, and mummies This kind of image fusion once again…

“Ghost, weird…”

“Xiao Lan, run away!”

Looking at the back of the bandaged geek, after Conan reminded anxiously, there was also a little joy and determination in his eyes.

Quickly ran a few steps to the side, this angle is OK!

At this moment, he pressed the button on the belt, a small bubble, which quickly became larger, and finally became a soccer ball and ejected from the belt buckle!

“Look at me, bandage freak, let’s go!”

Conan stopped, his eyes were determined, he volleyed, and kicked the football.At this time, I heard a click, and the auxiliary bracket at the joint was broken… Conan fell to the ground with a groan, and the football flew in the other direction!

“Damn, I knew, this unreliable doctor!” Conan scolded for a while.

In the darkness of the night, the bandaged monster had a fierce light in his eyes, raised his axe in both hands, and shot down Mao Lilan with an axe!

“go to hell!”

However, something strange happened. His eyes flashed gray again for a short while, but it didn’t matter anymore!

“Xiao Lan, be careful!”

Just when the bandage monster was about to hit Xiaolan, Fujimine Yukiko finally arrived and threw Mao Lilan to the ground.

“Youxizi…Auntie?” Mao Lilan suddenly woke up a little.

An axe fell into the ground and fell into the ground, and the bandaged geek lost his hands again and again and was a little angry!

“‘ ‘Damn, come and kill me!”

Conan crawled on the ground dragging his stump leg, shouting to the bandage monster, wanting to let the bandage monster move his target!

But the bandage geek paid no attention to it. At this moment, only Mao Lilan was in his eyes.

“Xiaolan, he’s a human, not a ghost. Believe me, you can definitely defeat him, and our lives are in your hands!” Tengfeng Yuxizi grabbed Mao Lilan’s clothes, stared into her eyes, and said quickly.

“He’s a human, he’s a human…” Mao Lilan kept telling himself that the other party was not a ghost, but a human, and the other party could be defeated.After all, this is not about her life alone, as well as Aunt Yukiko, and Conan… Shinichi!

“Is there a difference, go to hell!”

The bandaged geek took his axe and slashed towards Mao Lilan with all his strength.

Solve this trouble, and then solve Conan, and you can complete the double kill!

But when the axe was halfway down, Mao Lilan, who thought he was the soul of the axe, raised his head in his eyes, and looked at him with calmness and persistence that shocked even him.

Maori (Norde Hao) Lan pushed Tengfeng Yukiko aside, and tried her best to back up. After dodging the attack, she stood up and shouted loudly, “You are not a ghost!”

Posing in a karate pose, her slender legs were kicked out like a blade, and she broke the handle of the long axe with one kick. ?”

At this time, Mao Lilan appeared behind him, using his body as the axis, twisting his waist, rising into the sky, and kicking the bandaged monster with all his strength.

“Nice job, Xiaolan!”

Conan thumped the ground, showing an excited expression, and called out Xiaolan’s name directly!

Fujimine Yukiko also breathed a sigh of relief and finally solved it.

But then, the three of them were shocked at the same time!

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) 7.

Chapter 163: Xiaolan Killed!

Maurilan kicked the Bandaged Monster in the back, as if being hit by a truck, and the Bandaged Monster fell forward uncontrollably.But by coincidence, the place where it fell is where the other half of the axe fell!

The axe was inserted into the ground, and the broken handle of the axe was like a sharp blade. It cut a hole in the bandage monster, and finally penetrated through the chest cavity. The body shook a few times, and the blood flowed out uncontrollably.

“How, how is that possible?” Takahashi Ryo’s entire face was almost cut open, his pupils split open, his face full of shock.

I never thought that Mao Lilan, a slender, even a little thin, melancholy girl who was still with the frightened little white rabbit just now suddenly burst out with such a powerful force, could it be…

At this moment, he thought of what Suzuki Sonoko had said before, but before the picture in his mind was finished, he had already fallen into darkness, and vaguely heard what a boy was saying.

“No, you don’t want to die!” Dragging his stump to the side of the bandage monster, Conan eagerly wanted to stop the bandage monster’s death, but there was obviously no good way to deal with this kind of injury!

“Ambulance, call an ambulance!” Conan shouted continuously.

Fujimine Yukiko and the terrified Mao Lilan both took out their mobile phones, but unfortunately, because of the rain, there was still no signal… 913

“No signal, what should I do? I…”

Mao Lilan shivered, tears flowing uncontrollably.

“Xiao Lan, are you okay? Xiao Lan!”

A familiar voice came from a distance.

Mao Lilan looked up urgently, and saw Mu Qiye and Yuanzi, Ling Zi had already rushed over.

“Yuanzi, I…”

Maurilan looked at Suzuki Sonoko in horror.

“This is the bandage freak? What’s going on? How did he…”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Suzuki Sonoko was also shocked.

But soon, he ran to Mao Lilan’s side with an umbrella, and comforted her with the umbrella: “It’s okay, Xiaolan, don’t worry, it’s okay…”

Although she didn’t know what happened, Xiaolan was obviously in a bad mood, and she knew it wasn’t the time to ask.

It’s really miserable!

Holding Ling Zi in his arms, Mu Qiye asked her not to worry, so she looked at Ryoichi Takahashi pitifully.Originally, he suggested that Takahashi Ryoichi killed Conan, and then wrote Takahashi Ryoichi’s name on the technique of death.

Whether Conan was killed by Takahashi Ryoichi, or Conan’s rebellion accidentally caused (ajei) Takahashi Ryoichi’s death, it was a good thing for him.It can lead to Yusaku Kudo, and it can also solve the custody issue of Maorilan.But who would have thought that Takahashi Ryoichi still attacked Mao Lilan just like in the original book.

It’s okay to attack Maurilan. Conan can also cause accidents with football. Even if he doesn’t die, he can control Ryoichi Takahashi’s pseudo-death, and then give him a covert when he comes.

But who would have thought that Conan’s knee brace suddenly broke, and this scene happened before he played football…

The Book of the Dead…Although the result is certain to die, the variables are still too large…

Although it is also possible to set the method of death, it is purely within the scope of magic rules, and it is not much different from controlling the other party to commit suicide, just determine who the other party is in your mind.

But you need to know too much intelligence, too much information, and you need to analyze the other party’s behavior and habits to find loopholes, otherwise you can’t let the other party die reasonably.

“Seven Nights~”

Looking at Yuanzi and Xiaolan who were hugging each other, Lingzi felt a little distressed and looked at Mu Qiye for help, although she didn’t know if Mu Qiye could do anything.

“What a big deal? Leave it to me.”

Smiling and rubbing her hair, Mu Qiye held an umbrella and walked towards Mao Lilan together.

“Seven Nights~”

Seeing Mu Qiye coming, I don’t think Tengfeng Yukiko was relieved.

Picking up an umbrella on the ground, Mu Qiye walked over, smiled and handed it to her, “Don’t catch a cold.”

Looking at Mu Qiye’s relaxed smile, Tengfeng Yukiko felt surprisingly reliable and warm, as if the whole person had calmed down.

“Well, thank you~” Tengfeng Yukiko took the umbrella with a slight smile on her face.

Mu Qiye nodded and walked to Mao Lilan’s side.

“Mu, Senior Mu, I…”

Seeing Mu Qiye coming, Mao Lilan burst into tears again.

“Me, what am I?”

Mu Qiye reached out and wiped the tears from her eyes, and shrugged suspiciously: “What have you done? I didn’t see it. Stop talking nonsense, let’s go, it’s time to go back to the villa, don’t stay outside for too long… “

“…” His head went blank.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mu Qiye in shock.

nothing happened?What does it mean?Is this nothing happening?

Suzuki Lingzi glanced at Mu Qiye in surprise, looked at the people around him, and nodded lightly.

“What? Nothing happened?”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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