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Winery? Nothing — Page 117

Compared to pretending to be crazy and using drugs to cause mental disorder in a short period of time, Xiaolan’s fear of ghosts and unable to exert her due strength is simply a joke…

Excessive defense leads to murder, even if the criminal is killed, it tends to be intentional homicide.After determination, at least 3 to 10 years in prison will be sentenced, and even if there is meritorious performance, it will take at least two years to get out of 913…

two years…

Concubine’s tears flowed out again unconsciously.

“Okay, I’ll try my best.” Mu Qiye shook his head gently.

Since Concubine Miles said she was uncertain, she naturally tended to let Xiaolan tell the truth.

It is not impossible to tell the truth, whether it is to bribe a few judges, or rely on some special means to coerce and lure… It is even easier to use magic… However, the payment and the price do not match.

The foundation is too shallow, and there is not much he can do.The fishing reel is fine, but if you use it, Conan, will you be grateful to him?Will Mao Lilan treat her differently when she comes out?It’s probably just a sincere thank you.

It doesn’t matter, whether Maurilan goes to prison or not. His purpose has been achieved.Moreover, it is not a bad thing that Maorilan is in prison. At least Fei Miles has no more worries, and his safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

As for the dislike of Conan Mouri Kogoro, he really doesn’t care if his heart is bursting again because of this incident.Fei Mi’s original position was not a confidant, dealing with cases that were too controversial.

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 167: Stupid stuff, beat Conan everyday

I went back to sleep with Ling Zi in my arms, and practiced again in the morning.

After Shuangshuang took a shower, Mu Qiye was refreshed and went downstairs with Ling Zi, who was blushing, with a loose smile on his face.

Downstairs, Conan looked smug.

Xiaolan chose to confess the truth.

It was not by lying and escaping responsibility, which made him feel that he had beaten Mu Qiye on this point.

As for Xiaolan, will she be convicted of being too defensive and put in jail?

He wasn’t worried at all.

He believes that the court is fair and will definitely acquit Xiaolan!

But seeing Mu Qiye’s expression, his face froze involuntarily.The pride in his heart seemed to have vanquished Mu Qiye’s heart.I feel that he has always been fighting wits and courage with the air, but he has never fallen into Mu Qiye’s eyes.

“Brother Qiye…”

“Senior Pastor…”


The three who spoke out stood up.

One is Suzuki Sonoko, looking anxious because Xiaolan might go to prison.The other is Mao Lilan, with a look of guilt, because Mu Qiye lied for him, but she failed Mu Qiye’s choice.

As for the third one is Fujimine Yukiko.

She was a little complicated in her heart, in order to save her Xiaolan, for Conan, for… She also wanted to find a perfect solution, but she didn’t. She expected Mu Qiye to have it, but also knew that Mu Qiye didn’t…

The three women got up one after another, Ota Katsuya’s face turned pale, and he also stood up hastily, Kakutani Hiroshi hesitated for a while, and also stood up…

Conan was the only one who sat down, and Conan’s face was even darker, and he was even more disdainful: It’s all…

Seeing Xiaolan, Tengfeng Yukiko still suppressed her thoughts.

“Sit.” He waved his hand and asked them to sit down.Mu Qiye nodded towards Yuanzi, then looked at Mao Lilan and said, “You don’t need to say anything, and you don’t owe me anything. Likewise, I’m just telling the truth. I didn’t see it or I didn’t see it.”

This sentence is right, not only him, even Lingzi and Xiaolan, according to their vision, did not see the bandage monster kill or even see Ma Lilan kill the bandage monster.

This is also one of the preparations he made. Even for Mao Lilan, it is impossible for him to make a language loophole and be dragged into the water by Mao Lilan.

“…Senior Mu…~”…” Mao Lilan was even more moved, thinking that Mu Qiye was trying to keep her from burdening her heart. But Conan thought of what Mu Qiye meant, and couldn’t help but grit his teeth: “It’s really treacherous. ! “

His voice is not small, and it immediately attracts the attention of others

Fujimine Yukiko couldn’t help but glanced at Conan anxiously and dissatisfiedly, Maurilan frowned and wanted to defend Mu Qiye, while Suzuki Sonoko glared at him.

The others, Conan, were not worried, and quickly shrank their heads, changed the subject, and said with a serious face, “Mu Qiye, can you hand over your satellite phone to the police now?”

Not to mention that Concubine Miles talked to Youxizi yesterday, he saw that even today, Xiaolan and Yuanzi revealed that Mu Qiye asked Xiaolan to talk via satellite phone.


Mu Qiye went downstairs and smiled, let go of Suzuki Lingzi and walked to Conan: “So, you are ordering me, right?”


Even Conan couldn’t help but get scared and step back, it became an emergency response, he scolded in his heart, what was he afraid of, he raised his head stubbornly.


Fujimine Yukiko got up and quickly looked at him with a warning.

“I’m right!” Conan didn’t give in an inch, but before he could say the next words, Mu Qiye kicked him out, kicking him directly into the corner like a football, and then quickened a few steps to keep up. Crazy kick!

“What kind of special code do you dare to order Lao Tzu?”

“Think you’re amazing? Or is it because so many people are around, I don’t dare to beat you?”

“What’s the matter with the special code, I will beat you up? If you have the ability, you can fight against the old man. What can you do with the old man? The special code, I have never seen you so badly in my life… “


Mu Qiye scolded and kicked at the same time, without any scruples about the presence of others.Conan hugged his head and screamed, groaning in pain, and without saying a complete sentence, he was kicked back by Mu Qiye.

Others were stunned.Fujimine Yukiko and Maurilan hurried to pull, Suzuki Sonoko took a few steps, hesitated and stopped.Kakutani Hiroki had nothing to say, not to mention Suzuki Ryoko and Ota Katsuya, who almost held his head and shivered.

Too, too violent…

“Qiye, don’t fight, if you fight again, something will happen…”

“Senior Mu, stop hitting Conan, it’s my fault, I didn’t listen to you…”

“Ah, Mu Qi, I sue, ah, I…”


Mu Qiye’s strength was too great, and Mao Lilan felt owed and hesitant. Even if three added up, he might not be able to move, let alone one now and Tengfeng Yuxizi.

It kicked for about three minutes.

Conan’s nose was blue and his face was swollen, his nose bleeds, his body was full of footprints, and even the fixed bracket on the other knee was deformed by Mu Qiye’s kick.He could only hide his head in the corner like a pig, and stopped under the pull of Fujimine Yukiko and Maurilan.

“Special code, I’ll give you a face!”

Mu Qiye snorted angrily, coughed out a mouthful of spit and rushed through his arm covering his head, spit it on his face, and said with a disgusting expression: “‘”Unthankful thing, I have never seen you like this. Man, if I had a son like you, I might as well shoot you at the wall!”

Tengfeng Yuxizi and Mao Lilan were dumbfounded. Conan thought that Mu Qiye was going to kick him again, and he couldn’t help shivering subconsciously. The drool on his face made him extraordinarily ashamed, angry, and almost dizzy. He wanted to stand up and look for him. Head to head!

But he still didn’t get up!

“What a disgusting thing!”

Mu Qiye said again with disdain, and turned his body lightly to throw Tengfeng Yuxizi and Mao Lilan away.When he turned to leave, he stopped in front of a painting, raised his hand and shook it gently, and with a clatter, a white-cased mobile phone fell.

Everyone else was surprised.

“This is… Conan?” Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, and Fujimine Yukiko’s eyes fell on Conan, who was hiding in the corner and hadn’t turned his head.

“Ha ha!”

Mu Qiye just smiled, stepped off the phone and smashed it, and then kept walking towards Suzuki Lingzi: “Those broken recordings will be given to you (Nuo Dehao), you idiot!”

“…” Hearing this, he turned around and found that his phone had been smashed, and the other party had even guessed the recording with a voice recorder. Conan was struck by lightning: “This, how is this possible?!! Post!”

He originally came for this time, but if Mu Qiye refused to solve it in private, he added insurance.

If you find that Mu Qiye violated the law, or Mu Qiye said that it was evidence that he committed the crime, record it, and even if it can’t be used as evidence, you can threaten Mu Qiye to withdraw the prosecution, but I can’t imagine that it will be like this…

He was only one step away from getting evidence of Mu Qiye beating him. He was just one step away, and he was still happy and excited about being beaten just now…

Conan’s face was full of disbelief, and even showed a somewhat crazy expression.

(Thanks to Starlight 399 for the monthly pass, liy31183 for the monthly pass, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 168 : Conan is stunned!

“Conan, you…” Fujimine Yukiko saw Conan like this, so she didn’t know what he was thinking?Disappointed, regretful, and even glanced at Conan with a bit of disgust, in the end, he accelerated a few steps to catch up with Mu Qiye.

After all, he is his own son!

“Qiye…” Tengfeng Yuxizi grabbed Mu Qiye, and before she could speak, Mu Qiye turned around and showed her somewhat angry and hostile eyes, pushed her to the wall, and asked!


A shocking, and should be expected, turn of events happened again.

Ryoko Suzuki pretended not to see it.

Suzuki Sonoko twitched the corners of his mouth, his face turned red, but his eyes lit up!

Big guy, awesome!

Mao Lilan also blushed, and he had something to say, but he didn’t speak.

Kakutani Hiroki, Ota Katsuya…

“Mu Qiye, you…!”

Seeing this familiar scene, Conan was dizzy, his face flushed, and he was about to scold and call out his mother.As soon as his head was congested, he fainted with a bang!

“Conan!” Mao Lilan’s expression changed, and he ran over quickly.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.”After a while, Mu Qiye 913 frowned, pushed her away, glanced at Conan in disgust, spit out two words: “Trash!” and turned to leave.

The special code, I see Kudo Yusaku can’t bear it!

He glanced at Suzuki Lingzi somewhat embarrassedly, Suzuki Lingzi shook his head with a smile, Mu Qiye also smiled, hugged her, and said with a chuckle, “Let’s go, I’m a little angry, eat hot pot~”

“You’re angry, why don’t you eat some vegetarian food?” Suzuki Lingzi suggested gently.

Mu Qiye smiled: “Just stimulate it.”



Take out the hot pot ingredients you bought and put them on the small stove.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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