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Winery? Nothing — Page 124

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, Gui Yanye nodded, took out a hamburger and ate it.

The number of students going out gradually increased, and Mu Qiye didn’t want to stay.

Open the door and get in the car.

After Gui Yanye got into the car, the two walked away.


The Docklands villa is still the same.

Zaoji and Yami were bored, and both began to practice the swordsmanship and Qi-raising methods recorded in Wanchuanguihai.

However, even if he unknowingly absorbed a small part of his magic power, the result would be the same.He has already passed the best age for cultivation, and he has no experience. He has practiced according to the book, and he has not made much progress.

However, nothing.

I’m not so anxious now. There are many ways to improve their strength. As long as they accept it, get used to this kind of life, and become proficient in moves, when he can show his magic, it’s enough to help them improve.

What’s more, suddenly gaining strength and practicing something, it is inevitable that they can’t see themselves clearly, and it is not necessarily good for them.

Haven’t been back for nearly a week.

Both Zaoji and Yami missed Mu Qiye a little, so they put down their work, but Qiong was a little angry.

Also, after he had a relationship with someone, he disappeared without a trace in just two days.

Although it was Mu Qiye’s style not to go home or make phone calls, it would inevitably make her feel at risk.

As a result, it is natural to make up for it.

Gui Yanye didn’t leave either, and took Yanye to Qiong’s room. After the sound of thunderbolt, he thought of Chanmian’s voice neatly.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Mao Lilan only admitted to killing in self-defense, and there are proofs from Kiko and Conan, who are also involved. Although there is excessive defense, there is suspicion of intentional homicide.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

But now the Metropolitan Police Department, Takahashi Ryoichi’s relatives have not come, prosecutors and other aspects have not yet filed a lawsuit, and Concubine Miles is a lawyer who provides bail pending trial, that is, bail.

So after some detailed questioning and warning education, Maorilan didn’t need to go to jail.Of course, there are bound to be some restrictions.They are not allowed to leave a certain area of ​​Tokyo until it is determined that the murder is not intentional, and wait for the police to call at any time.

“Mori, the concubine’s lawyer, I’m really sorry~” Walking out of the interrogation room, looking at Maorilan, who was in low spirits and was obviously frightened, Sato Miwako couldn’t help but softened and apologized.

Although he had never had contact with Mao Lilan before, he only knew Mao Lilan’s character and personality from the mouth of the police officer.

……… 0

But after a short contact, she still has enough trust and affection for this girl who looks cheerful, sensible, and strong, but is actually very fragile, sensitive, and timid.

Thinking that because of this kind of thing, she could almost be said to have asked the other party for nearly an afternoon, and she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty and uneasy in her conscience, but this was the duty of the police, and there was nothing she could do.

“…No, it’s okay~” Hearing Sato Miwako’s kind voice, Mao Lilan couldn’t help but shivered, dodging and holding Fei Mi’s hand and leaning back.

The dazzling light, the stern tone, one sentence after another, clearly she didn’t really want to kill Ryoichi Takahashi, but she was forced by the other party’s analysis, sentence by sentence, as if she really killed the other party’s words on purpose. Don’t know how to respond.

She burst into tears on the spot, she didn’t believe it at all, she was clearly reasonable, she didn’t mean it, but she was forced by the other party, and she couldn’t explain why she was justified, as if she really killed Ryoichi Takahashi on purpose.

Her head was a little stunned, and it was buzzing in a mess. If it wasn’t for her mother, Concubine Miles, to help explain, she would have been forced to admit it, and even forced to quarrel with her.

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Drunk Yitian Honglou for the reward, thanks to 184, 8559, 0181 for the 2 monthly tickets, thanks to the readers 12347 for the monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 182: The Arrival of Kogoro Mori

“It’s nothing, sorry to bother you, Officer Sato, this is what you should do.”

Beside her, Fei Mile pushed down her glasses to show her understanding.He was also somewhat surprised by Sato Miwako’s interrogation ability.

Although she also asked Sato Mikako to use all her strength to interrogate Xiaoran as if she were treating a criminal.Let Xiaolan be prepared for future inquiries and debates in the court, but Sato’s strength really surprised her a lot.

This woman’s methods are not top-notch, but they are comparable to those of ordinary elites who have been engaged in police affairs for more than ten years and are skilled in business.

Of course, compared to elite lawyers, Sato Mikako still has a long way to go in terms of debating ability, analytical ability, finding loopholes, and ability to deal with weaknesses, let alone top lawyers.

“Don’t dare, the concubine lawyer is serious, this is what I should do.” Sato Miwako said quickly.

Concubine Miles is the most famous public interest lawyer in Tokyo and a well-known queen of justice. If most of her public welfare cases were not on the side of the police station, it is estimated that the life of the police station would be at least twice as difficult!

This is not to praise “nine thirty” Zhang.

In fact, as long as the impact of a case is large enough, it is enough to change the attitude of the outside world towards the police.Not to mention the speed at which this person took over the case, the Queen of Law who participated in not only one or two, but dozens of cases.

Moreover, she also admires Fei Mile, a strong woman, otherwise she would not agree to use some methods of coercion against Mao Lilan…

Fei Mile nodded lightly, not wanting to say anything more.She herself is the kind of person who is not very good at thanking and thanking, not to mention that there is Xiaolan’s case now, she is not in the mood to say this.

The three of them walked outside together.

Maurilan lowered his head, took Fei Miles’ hand and followed her closely.

It used to feel safe and comfortable, as if there was no place more trustworthy, and she never imagined that one day, this place would make her so terrified and afraid of rejection.

She even felt that everyone was suspicious of her, staring at her as if everyone was waiting for her to do something. If they found anything suspicious, they would swarm her and throw her into the interrogation room again for questioning. , or just send her to jail!

“Lawyer Concubine!” As soon as he was halfway there, the familiar Mu Mu Shisan trotted over.

Fei Mile’s heart sank, her face became serious, and she became solemn: “Prosecutor Jiutiao wants to prosecute Xiaolan?”

She has played against Reiko Kujo several times.

Although Reiko Kujo never won against her, it was purely because her position was correct in those cases, that is to say, there was enough evidence to prove her position.

In terms of her familiarity with the law, Reiko Kujo is not much worse than her.If she really participates in this case and sue Xiaolan, plus her background, I am afraid that at least [*]% of her may be defeated by Reiko Kujo.

Mu Mu Shisan was stunned for a moment.

I never thought that this was what Concubine Miles said when they met. Thinking that Reiko Kujo was Concubine Mile’s biggest opponent, she couldn’t help nodding her head, then shook her head and said, “No, Prosecutor Kujo didn’t call.”

“Really? That’s fine~”

Hearing this, Fei Mi sighed in relief and said, “Since there is no call now, it seems that Mr. Mu has already helped solve it.”

“Prosecutor Jiujiao? Mom, is that the prosecutor Jiujiao that Senior Mu said? Is she very powerful?” Hearing this, Mao Lilan couldn’t help but remember what Mu Qiye said when his mother, Concubine Miles, went to find Mu Qiye.

“Well, he is a very powerful prosecutor, and it can be said that he is my biggest opponent.”

Fei Mi’s face couldn’t help showing some relief, and analyzed: “According to her resolute personality, if she wants to participate in this case, I’m afraid the application has already been submitted to the court and come to the police station.”

“That’s great, it’s really thanks to Senior Mu~” Hearing Fei Mi’s saying that Prosecutor Jiujo was her biggest opponent, and now she was almost certain that she would not be involved, Mao Lilan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and was grateful Shepherd seven nights.

Of course, I also thought of Suzuki Sonoko.

“Haha, that’s really good news, Xiaolan, would lawyer Fei come to my office to chat?” Mu Mu Shisan couldn’t help but smile.

Whether it was out of law or emotion, he didn’t want Xiaolan to be convicted of being too defensive, intentionally murdering, and going to jail.But he just said this sentence when he looked at Mao Lilan kindly.

However, Mao Lilan shivered involuntarily, and hurriedly ducked back, thinking that the other party was Mu Mu Shisan, and then took a few steps forward, smiled reluctantly at Mu Mu Shisan, but then, Looking at Fei Mile, she said pleadingly, “Mom, shall we go out? I want to go home~”

“Okay, let’s go home.” Some pity and love touched Mao Lilan’s hair. After Fei Mi and Mu Mu Shisan said goodbye, they put one arm around Xiao Lan and walked towards the door.

“Sato, what did you do? How could Xiaolan be like this?”

Mu Mu Shisan looked at Mao Lilan in amazement. After reacting, he couldn’t help but stare at Sato Mikazu in exasperation. He never thought that Xiaolan, who was like an uncle to him and his uncle before, is now a little scared of him!


Sato Miwako is also helpless, do you think I want to?I had to tell him what Feimile requested.

“That’s…that’s right.” Mu Mu Shisan looked confused.After all, more than [*]-[*]% of this case will go to court. If it does go to court, those lawyers will be much more difficult to deal with than their police officers.

But thinking that Xiaolan looked at him like this, he still couldn’t accept it.In the end, I had to sigh: “Hey, forget it, I hope everything goes well, brother Maori too…”

“Brother Maori? Kogoro Maori?” Sato Miwako remembered that Maori Lan’s father, Kogoro Maori, has not come yet.

Police station gate 0 ………

Before Fei Mile and Mao Lilan got in the car, a Toyota rushed into the parking lot like a fly, but because of the speed, it slammed into the police car next to and in front of it, and the alarm sounded one after another.

Mouri Kogoro didn’t care about this, he got out of the car hastily, and ran straight towards the police station without even closing the door…

“Dad…” Mao Lilan, who was about to get into the car, stopped immediately when he saw the person coming, while Fei Mile frowned, gave him a look of disgust, and forced Ma Lilan into the car.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro also saw Concubine Miles and Maorilan who got in the car: “Xiaolan, Miles!”

He stopped quickly and wanted to come here, but Kogoro Mouri almost fell.

“Mom~” In the co-pilot, Mao Lilan begged Fei Mi, and Fei Mi’s face was cold: “Shut up, you will have nothing to do with Mouri Kogoro and Conan in the future!”

With that said, start the car and back out of the parking space, and drive away from the police station.

But Maori Kogoro had already run over, chasing the car, running beside Fei Mi, anxiously looking at Fei Mi, and asked, “Mili, stop now, what’s going on? How did Xiao Lan kill her?”

“…” Hearing this, Maurilan nuked his mouth, and the words he wanted to say were suddenly blocked in his mouth, and he couldn’t help but bow his head in shame and grievance.

“Hehe, take care of yourself first, Xiaolan’s affairs have nothing to do with you!” Fei Miles smiled coldly, without looking at Maori Kogoro, after leaving the police station, he directly accelerated past Maori Kogoro.

“Miles, Xiaolan, Xiaolan…” Mauri Kogoro couldn’t catch up, and Concubine Miles didn’t stop. In the end, he had to stop panting and return to the police station.

Megumi Shisan was waiting for Kogoro Mori at the door.

“What the hell are you doing? I’m not telling you that something happened to Xiaolan, so you should hurry back?” Mu Mu was angry and blamed Kogoro Maori: No wonder Concubine Miles will break up with you!

Mouri Kogoro also had some headaches: “Haimoto… I finally have a clue for a commission, I’m busy investigating and confirming it, who would have thought… Officer Mumu, what happened? How did Xiaolan kill? “

Too fast on the road.

At the beginning, Mu Mu Shisan did not expect that Fei Miles did not notify Kogoro Mouri.

When the case was almost over, when he went to see Xiaolan outside the interrogation room, he found that Maori Kogoro hadn’t come yet, so he gave it to Maori Kogoro.

However, he didn’t say much because he was worried that something would happen on the road.

“You, hey, it’s like this…”


(Thanks to the 588vip points of Drunk Yitian Honglou for the reward, thanks to 184, 8559, 0181 for the 2 monthly tickets, thanks to the readers 12347 for the monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 183: The Banquet of the Qiben Family

Qiben villa, Xiajiang bedroom.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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