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Winery? Nothing — Page 127

“By the way, my granddaughter Alice from Northern Europe often said recently that you should be her follower. Don’t worry, you can chat when you have time.”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Um?so close?Did you notice something?

Mu Qiye was suspicious.

His reputation and character are well known.

Nakiri Senzaemon said that talking with Nakiri Alice is actually almost the same as tacitly agreeing that he can have a relationship with Nakiri Alice.

According to the previous conversation, Erina should not have mentioned or hinted at Nakiri Senzaemon that he knows magic or unusual things.

If you think about it carefully, there is only one reason left… Yuanyue Change!

Also, Nakiri Senzaemon’s relationship network is not weak, Nakamura is Nakiri Erina’s father, his son-in-law, and later contacted many Tozuki Tenjie, it is absolutely impossible to say that he did not know at all.

……… 0

But why not much response?Is it just to cultivate Erina? …

Forget it, it’s not a big deal, as long as the strength is enough, it’s all destroyed, and brainwashing will do…

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, and a little surprise flashed on his face, and then he looked at him inquiringly: “I have heard the name of the son of the two gods of Nakiri long ago, can I get in touch in the future?”

Looking at Mu Qiye’s temptation, the voice of doubt.Nakiri Senzaemon’s mouth twitched, embarrassed and really wanted to turn around and leave.How would he answer this special code?Said to be?Do you know if you can get it?

“Oh, definitely.”

After confirming Nakiri Senzaemon’s idea, Mu Qiye smiled and agreed quickly, and after leaving, he drove away.

“…this kid!”

Looking at the direction the car was leaving, Nakiri Senzaemon shook his head with a wry smile.Then his expression became serious again.

Mu Qiye had a short-term solution here.

Regardless of whether Yuanyue will have a big turmoil in the future, or take power over her granddaughter, as long as she maintains a good enough relationship with Mu Qiye.Whether Mu Qiye thought about it or not, even in order to express his attitude towards the Suzuki family, he would try his best to help Togetsu and Erina.

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Drunk Yitian Honglou for the reward, thanks to 184, 8559, 0181 for the 2 monthly tickets, thanks to the readers 12347 for the monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 187: Meeting Judy and Andre at the Hospital

Violence has the benefits of violence.

With Mu Qiye present, according to Mu Qiye’s current power… It is estimated that it will not happen in a short time. According to the current development speed, even if it is slow, Mu Qiye’s power is estimated to be at least further.

After that time, Mu Qiye’s deterrent power became stronger, and the relationship between the Suzuki family, Mu Qiye’s potential power, no matter who shot it, it would be a little bit afraid…

The new household is blind!

Nakiri Senzaemon also had to sigh, and when he went back, he frowned again, as if he forgot to ask something.

Since He Mu Qiye came back, Erina’s personality has changed a lot. Whether it’s Feishazi or others, it’s not that high, which is a good thing in human relationships.

But what surprised him even more was that the granddaughter’s cooking heart was not weakened because of this change, but instead increased a bit, and it seemed to have a bit of arrogant “nine three zero” meaning.

Asked her if something happened, she didn’t say anything, but her face was a little red.Unsurprisingly, Mu Qiye was also taken advantage of by Mu Qiye, but it shouldn’t be too serious.

Although it was a little uncomfortable, it was nothing. The most important thing in the Nakiri family was cooking. What he was curious about was how Mu Qiye improved Erina’s cooking skills. Could it be that Mu Qiye also knew how to cook?


Forget it, let’s talk about it next time, you can also let Alice try it, um, not bad…


Leaving the Totsuki Villa.

Mu Qiye is going to find Hideyoshi Haneda, and through Hideyoshi Haneda, determine the location of Shuichi Akai, and let this grandson know that provoking him will lose his life!

Park the car at the entrance of the villa in Meguro Ward.

Enter the villa and use Transfiguration to conjure some ordinary clothes and decorations.

Then, taking out the storage space, Hirota Masami’s blood was located on a map, but he found that Akai Shuichi, his grandson, and Haneda Hideyoshi were both in Rice Flower Town!

Looking for Miyamoto Yumi?

Thinking about the plot, it makes sense that Hideyoshi Haneda likes Yumi Miyamoto.

Now that you know that Hideyoshi Haneda is in Rice Flower Town, it’s easy. Although you can’t locate the specific location with a map, it is not difficult to determine the general area and use the blood of Hirota Masami to track a person’s location.

I wanted to borrow Kudo Yusaku’s appearance, but Mu Qiye thought about it, Kudo Yusaku, Akai Shuichi, and Mouri Kogoro were all in that area, so they decided to disguise themselves as passers-by.

Put on sunglasses, put on a suit, put on makeup, and disappear without a trace.


In the alley not far from the Cup Hu Hotel.

After patting the deep dust, Mu Qiye walked out of the alley, which is the center of Rice Flower Town.As long as you are sure of the location, you can go directly there.

There are two directions of reflection, and it seems that the two are not together.

Mu Qiye decided to go to the nearest one first, rented a car with cash, followed the direction instructed by the blood, and quickly arrived at the location.

“Mihua Central Hospital?”

After stopping the car, Mu Qiye frowned.

Is Hideyoshi Haneda or Shuichi Akai ill or injured?

No matter who it is, it doesn’t hurt to go anyway.

Parking the car in the hospital parking lot, Mu Qiye got out of the car and walked forward according to the hint of blood.

“Judy, fbi?!!”

Seeing the blonde girl with short straight blond hair walking out of the door and the strong man with a fierce face next to her, Mu Qiye was stunned for a moment, then a bit of surprise flashed on his face, and he continued to walk forward.

Judy frowned as she looked at a man in a suit in his thirties who came over.However, I didn’t doubt anything. It’s strange that I met a beautiful foreign woman in R Ben.

“Does the doctor also come to see the doctor?”

Judy walked over to Mu Qiye and asked with a smile in a somewhat strange R tone.

“Uh, yes, this lady.”

Mu Qiye showed some surprise on his face, but he also looked at the strong man beside him with some vigilance, coughed a few times, took a small step away, and said, “I have a stomachache, I’m sick, come and buy some. medicine.”

Judy glanced at Andre helplessly, then smiled and said to Mu Qiye: “My name is Judy Santimilion. This is my friend, Rex Hank. Don’t look at how good he is. Fierce, actually very kind. We just came back from country M and want to live in country R, ​​can we make friends?”

“Of course, it is my honor to be in Shimo Miyamoto Eunosuke!”

Mu Qiye said quickly, and then took the initiative to shake hands with Judy, but also kept a proper distance, showing that he was not good at communication.

After all, the more words, the more mistakes.

“Rex Hank, nice to meet you Miyamoto.”

Andre glanced at Judy, scratched his head, and shook hands with Mu Qiye with a smile.  …

Strong and powerful, obviously testing his strength.

Mu Qiye smiled, as if relieved.

Andre looked at Judy and shook his head lightly, the meaning is very simple, there are no calluses on his hands, the strength should be ordinary people, no threat.

Judy didn’t find anything, and simply chatted a few words, saying that she would meet and chat in the future, and then said goodbye to Mu Qiye and Andrei left.

“Judy, is there a problem?”

After going down the stairs and walking six or seven meters, Andre asked in a low voice after seeing that Mu Qiye had already entered.

“It shouldn’t be, I was too cautious.”

Thinking of Mu Qiye’s stunning appearance, Judy smiled, thinking that she was thinking too much.

After all, in the R hospital right now, seeing a foreign beauty and a strong man who looks like a gangster come out of the hospital, it is estimated that everyone will feel a little strange and take a few glances.

Andre nodded in agreement. Judging from his strength and hands, the other party was indeed an ordinary person.Then he frowned and said, “What if Kudo Shinichi refused?”

“It’s a pity~”

Hearing Andre’s words, Judy shook her head helplessly and said, “No way, Kudo Yusaku has something to do with the R book. It seems that the task of bringing Kudo back to the M country can only be given up.”

“It’s nothing, our most important purpose winery, Kudo Shinichi is the second one. Besides, Kudo Shinichi has been too active in R Ben after he became small, and it’s a matter of time to be discovered by the winery. Whether it is for us to find out The task of becoming a 4.8 member of the winery is also beneficial, and besides, Mu Qiye, this task is not necessarily impossible to complete.”

Thinking of Conan with bandages all over his body on the hospital bed, Andre twitched the corners of his mouth, nodded in agreement, and said, “That guy’s attack is too ruthless, I think it’s very likely!”

“Hehe, Mu Qiye, there is always a feeling that we will definitely get in touch!” Judy couldn’t help but smile, but her expression was a little serious.Andre frowned and said, “Judy, don’t make trouble, we…”

“Ara, I know, I won’t take the initiative to provoke him.”

(Thanks to the 588vip points of Drunk Yitian Honglou for the reward, thanks to 184, 8559, 0181 for the 2 monthly tickets, thanks to the readers 12347 for the monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 188: Silent, Shuichi Akai and Yusaku Kudo

Nima, Japanese dog!

Mu Qiye never thought that the FBI people would come so early.

However, after feeling that the breath of the two disappeared, he did not give up his intention to go to Haneda Hideyoshi and Akai Shuichi.

After buying the stomach medicine, he took out a drop of Hirota Masami’s blood and chased upstairs according to the fluctuation.

If it was Haneda Hideyoshi, I don’t need to say much.

I will draw blood when I go up, maybe I am in a bad mood, I will send him a peanut bean slowly…

Wo Slot, Fujimine Yukiko, Conan!

Before reaching the second floor, Mu Qiye sensed the breath of Tengfeng Yukiko and Conan.

This special code…really…

Wouldn’t it be Akai Shuichi and Conan who met?

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but think that in the plot, these two guys got together later.

But, no matter what, it’s business as usual!

On the second floor, according to the direction of the blood fluctuations, go to the right, just passing by the Conan ward which is a little behind.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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