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Winery? Nothing — Page 131

Could it be the information obtained from that mysterious woman again?As for saying that she knows more, she doesn’t quite believe it.As for the A medicine, it is also expected. Knowing that it is possible to live forever, who is not curious to ask for two?

After hanging up the phone, Miyano Shibao thought about it and decided to notify Gin.

As Principal Investigator, she has access to APTX4869.But since Mu Qiye said that it was okay to notify Qin Jiu, she naturally wouldn’t leave such a handle casually.

But after thinking about it, I edited and sent a text message directly, so I was not in the mood to call him.

Glancing at the dead mouse in the cage, Miyano Shiho frowned, failed again?

Tested it with a stethoscope: “Huh? Still breathing. Not completely dead…”

Then took out the little mouse, detected it with a machine, and recorded it.

Suddenly, the laboratory was opened with a bang, and a man wearing black clothes, long silver hair, narrow eyes, and a cigarette came in: “Hi, Shirley!”


Miyano Shiho frowned, looked up at him and said, “What’s the matter?”

This expression, demeanor, is very similar to the previous gin, is there an accident?Miyano Shiho’s heart tightened, and he held his hands tightly.

“Don’t you know?” Jinjiu closed the door, walked over slowly, with a cold smile on his face, pinched his snow-white neck: “It seems to give you some exciting memories. !”

The tip of his nose sniffed a few times, feeling the unfamiliar aura of the other party, Miyano Shiho frowned, his eyes lit up slightly, and sneered: “Really? What are you going to do to me? Do you have this right? You Aren’t you afraid that Gin will settle the bill with you?”

“…The nose is not bad!”

Jin Jiu smiled coldly, put his hand down, and said, “Although I don’t know what happened, I hope you can keep this kind of luck and not betray the organization, otherwise I must be honored to get the opportunity to get rid of you. !”

“Don’t worry, you won’t have it!” Miyano Shiho responded with a blank expression, and continued to be busy with his work.There is no doubt that there is only one person who can make up into gin and have a feminine scent.

Belmod, the witch with a thousand faces who is proficient in disguise!

In fact, she still felt a little guilty about Belmod.Although it was not clear before, there was no information about her on the organization’s experimental records.

But she’d also seen Belmod and her mother Sharon Wynyard look the same, and the two were almost never in the same frame.

Thinking of the hatred and disgust he showed when he saw her for the first time, it was easy to think that she was the realization product of the A drug for father and mother, and she was also one of the successful experiments.

There are more than [-] human trials recorded for the a drug, and almost all of the records are failures.

One can imagine how precious a successful experiment is.

Perhaps Belmode did gain immortality, but it’s not hard to imagine what he experienced after immortality…

Of course, only a little guilty.

She is a person with weak feelings, except her sister… She doesn’t care about anyone, let alone Belmod.

How many of those who have won the title of the organization are kind?

Akai Shuichi may be, but in her eyes, she is more hateful than any villain!

“Humph!” Seeing Shiho Miyano who was busy with research, Belmod couldn’t help but grit his teeth secretly, but thinking of the boss’s call, he could only snort coldly and turn away.

Mu Qiye?What is the power behind this guy?Even the boss asked me to pay attention, be careful…

Inside the laboratory, Miyano Shiho suddenly widened his eyes.

I saw the little white mouse in his hand twitched suddenly, and then his body suddenly shrank like a deflated balloon, and then…

Live! ! ! ! !

Rejuvenate! !


When they returned to the villa, Ling Zi, Zao Ji and the others had already chosen the address of their new home.

There are not many mountains around Tokyo, but there are quite a few medium and small mountains.

Including the famous Ishigaki Mountain, Mount Fuji… Of course, the Mount Fuji here is not the most famous one. In the 23 districts of Tokyo, Mount Fuji is far away, and not all are scenic spots.

“Let’s go and have a look, it’s fine anyway.” Mu Qiye took a few glances, and the pictures were all good, including manors, castles, and villas, but who knows the actual situation.

“Okay.” Suzuki Lingzi thought about it and agreed, Zauki and Yami were also somewhat happy, and they were still very interested in seeing the house.

“By the way, my mother said that the bodyguards have already come. You should go to see…”

“You take it with you.”

Mu Qiye thought about it for a while, but still said: “First, be safe, and secondly, I can also check their level by the way. I also asked General Manager Nakiri to help me, and then I will choose the best and choose a part, and the rest if I want to. Let them go to the newly established security company if they don’t agree.”

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip reminder of Lanzhu, the monthly pass of the reader 12347, the monthly pass of Xingyuquan, the continuous support of xa5627, liy31183, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 194: Folks, family!

“Well, okay, I’ll choose first, and then you’ll have a look~” Suzuki Lingzi agreed.

Looking for the Nakiri family is also expected. After all, it is not a smart person to leave all security issues to the family for help.

After letting the three of them go out with Qiong, Mu Qiye used Haneda Hideyoshi’s blood to set the location again on the map.

Not only Akai Shuichi, but also Haneda Hideyoshi were uneasy and changed locations!

Forget it, there is Hideyoshi Haneda’s blood, go out and lower Akai Shuichi’s vigilance first, then come back suddenly, give him a ruthless attack, and completely solve it.The corpse can also be used to transform…

However, let’s wait until the Conan thing is over.But in the end… Haha, how would it feel if Kudo Yusaku knew that he would lose his life for billions?

Looking forward to it~


After making up his mind, Mu Qiye drove to Yuanyueli Palace.

“Huh? Twisted braids, meatball heads, and humiliating women, aren’t these the three Jixingliao sisters?”

At the entrance of Yuanyue Academy, Mu Qiye saw the three of them from a distance, and there was a suitcase next to Tian Suohui, and tears kept flowing.

“What a pity, Xiaohui, the rice balls you made are so delicious!” Yoshino Yuki, the orange-haired girl with a meatball head, hugged her and cried.

The humiliating red-haired girl next to him, Ryoko Sakaki, comforted: “It’s not yet determined, Xiaohui, you can find a hotel around and wait, Senior Isshiki is already thinking of a way, you can definitely go back to school. !”

In fact, she didn’t believe it.

How can anyone who was dropped out of Totsuki Academy regain their student status?Unless the Yuanyue Ten Heroes Council votes, or the commander-in-chief Yuanyue speaks, Isshiki Senior Shiji can really sweep the five ten heroes…

Isshiki-senpai is the seventh seat, so it should be possible, right?

“Well, I see, I’ll be waiting around…” Tian Suohui cried, but nodded repeatedly to indicate that he would wait.

After all, she, the hope of their port town, came with the expectations of the villagers and family members…

“Little beauties, do you need any help~”? “

The black Mercedes-Benz sports car stopped suddenly, looking at the three sisters in Jixingliao, Mu Qiye smiled brightly: Well, dig all three of them, Jixingliao has a man!

“Ahhhh???!!!” Tiansuohui and Yoshino Yuki, who were hugging each other, were startled when they saw Mu Qiye, even if they were in Togetsu Academy, they were all learning cooking, and they knew this one. The man of the sea king!

“Mu Qiye? Mr. Mu…” Sakaki Ryoko quickly calmed down after being surprised, and her eyes lit up slightly.

This person was voted and approved by the Ten Elite Council, and also won the first seat, second seat, and fourth seat of Yuanyue. These three agreed to become the big man of Yuanyue’s largest supplier.

If he speaks, even if he persuades one of the three former Yuanyue, Xiaohui’s return to school will be stable, but…

Thinking of Mu Qiye’s rumors and the next request, her expression became a little dignified.

“Xiaohui, let’s go first…”

Yoshino Yuki was not very courageous, and the first thought was to leave.Tian Suohui nodded subconsciously, but then hesitated…

She came with the hopes of the townspeople…


Yoshino Yuki couldn’t move Tiansuohui, and suddenly showed a surprised expression, Xiaohui thought…

Looking at Tian Suohui, Sakaki Ryoko gritted her teeth and said, “Mr. Mu, it’s like this…”

To put it simply, Tian Suohui’s cooking skills are good, but because of lack of self-confidence, he failed an exam, so he was ordered to drop out of school.If Mu Qiye can help, I must be grateful…

Isn’t it fortunate that Ping Chuangzhen?Why didn’t you correct it?

Mu Qiye was puzzled, but he didn’t ask any more questions. He nodded to show his understanding, then shook his head and smiled, “It doesn’t have much to do with me. Keep it simple. I’ll help you solve this problem, and you follow me.”


Yoshino Yuki was shocked, why did she even come in?

Hearing Mu Qiye say this, Tian Suohui looked at Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki and hesitated.Sakaki Ryoko said with a wry smile, “Mr. Mu, don’t you think this request is too much?”

“What? Have you been?”

Mu Qiye touched his chin with a puzzled look on his face. He smiled again and said, “It depends on your feelings. I am a fair person, and you can disagree.”

“Of course I can allow someone to re-enter Togetsu Academy, do you think I can prevent someone from entering Togetsu Academy?”


Like a thunderbolt, it instantly turned the three of them into stone.


After Yoshino Yuki reacted, she was confused, how could she still do this?

“Yuhime, Ryoko…” Looking at Yoshino Yuki and Sakaki Ryo, Tiansuohui hesitated, apparently the proportion of the two was increasing.

Even if she could stay in this way, she would feel uneasy in her heart, and the villagers and family would feel ashamed when they found out.

“‘ ‖ OK, I agree!”

Before Tiansuohui could summon up her courage, Sakaki Ryoko suddenly interrupted her.

“Ryoko?!!” Both Tiansuohui and Yoshino Yuki looked at Sakaki Ryoko in surprise, but they never thought that Sakaki Ryoko would agree to Mu Qiye’s harsh request.

Sakaki Ryoko shook her head with a wry smile and explained, “I have no choice, I am not just doing this for Xiaohui, but also for myself. If I refuse now, Mr. Mu will also follow us, and Yuuki and I are not far away from dropping out of school. stalk.”

“What? How else can it be like this?!!” Both Tiansuohui and Yoshino Yuki were shocked.

Mu Qiye glanced at Sakaki Ryoko in surprise and said with a smile: “It’s not that serious, I am also a member of the Yuanyue system, and I have to abide by the rules of Yuanyue. As long as you don’t violate the rules, I can’t do anything to you. .”

“Oh, that’s good~” Tian Suohui and Yoshino Yuki breathed a sigh of relief, and then (promised) Tian Suohui was stunned, she was fired, she was relieved, she can’t come back at all.

Tiansuohui is completely lost…

However, Ryoko Sakaki shook her head and said with a wry smile, “Don’t violate the rules? How can it be so easy.” Even if they didn’t violate the rules, what if they were targeted and forced to violate the rules?


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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