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Winery? Nothing — Page 132

Mu Qiye smiled and didn’t say a word. He pointed to the co-pilot next to him and motioned for Ryoko Sakaki to get in the car.Sakaki Ryoko hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth, and went to the co-pilot and got into the car according to Mu Qiye’s request.

She has been learning cooking for so many years from elementary school to high school, and she doesn’t want to give up.

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip reminder of Lanzhu, the monthly pass of the reader 12347, the monthly pass of Xingyuquan, the continuous support of xa5627, liy31183, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 195: Three Sisters at a Time!

“Ryoko!” Tiansuohui and Yoshino Yuki anxiously wanted to stop Sakaki Ryoko, but they stopped in fear when they saw Mu Qiye.

“What about you?” Mu Qiye asked with a smile.

“…I, I agree, can you spare Yuuki?”

Tian Suohui summoned the courage to look at Mu Qiye, but lowered his head again within a second. She was so poor, and she was expelled from school. How could she have any capital, she, she was an escort…

“Xiaohui~” Yoshino Yuki was moved.

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile, nodded and said, “Okay, sit back.”

“Huh?!! Really, really?”

Tian Suohui raised her head in disbelief, didn’t expect her to have such a use?Thus.Not only is it possible to stay and continue to school, but also to protect Yuuki, it’s a big profit!

In her opinion, compared with herself, the expectations of the villagers and family members are undoubtedly more important!

“Well, get in the car!” Mu Qiye pointed to the seat behind and motioned her to get in the car.In terms of character, as long as it doesn’t become that Northeast Leaping Rabbit or something like a horse, Tian Suohui’s character is much cuter than Maorilan.

Hmm, so cute…

“Oh, yes, eh? Huh…” Tian 930 Suohui nodded quickly and wanted to open the door to get in the car, but he didn’t even open the door a few times.

“Ah? This, this is me?!!”

Yoshino Yuki was completely blinded, she couldn’t figure out what to do, and she was still here alone in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Tian Suohui looked at her with a look of relief and said, “Yuji, it’s okay, you’re fine…”

The wind blew through Yoshino Yuki, as if there was a desolate feeling.


On the co-pilot, Sakaki Ryoko silently helped his forehead, I really don’t understand what the two guys were thinking.

“Aren’t you coming up?”

Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile: “I’ll leave if you don’t come up? You sisters seem to be the only one left~”


Yoshino Yuki pointed to himself, thinking in his mind that there was only one girl facing the Jixing Liao, Isshiki-senpai was sweating profusely outside wearing a loincloth, and Yukihira was holding a terrifying squid whisker…


Yoshino Yuki shivered suddenly, glanced at Sakaki Ryoko and Tiansuohui, (ajei) gritted his teeth, and ran to the other side.Got into the car.

“Good sisters, together!”

Yoshino Yuki raised her small fist in front of her chest and looked at Tiansuohui firmly.

“Huh? Yuki?”

Tian Suohui saw Yoshino Yuki who took the initiative to send her to the door, and she was also a little stunned.



Mu Qiye started the car and habitually put one hand on Sakaki Ryoko’s big tui.

“Ah, uh~”

The sudden movement made Sakaki Ryoko scream involuntarily, and then immediately covered her mouth again, a flush of red on her face.

“Hey? Ryoko? What’s wrong with you?” Hearing Sakaki Ryoko’s cry, Tiansuohui and Yoshino Yuki looked over without hesitation, but when they saw Mu Qiye on Ryoko’s lap… their eyes widened, (shenglue.

Mu Qiye didn’t care, and asked, “Introduce yourself, talk about your strengths, you can talk about it first.” After speaking, he took another shot of Sakaki Ryoko’s big retreat.

Sakaki Ryoko was even more embarrassed, but she calmed down a bit and said, “My name is Sakaki Ryoko, a first-year senior student, good at “koji” cooking, and good at fermented ingredients and condiments…”

“Do you know how to settle accounts, manage or something?” Mu Qiye interrupted.

“Uh~” Sakaki Ryoko was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, “It’s okay, I usually take care of the situation at Jixing Liao.”

Saying this, Sakaki Ryoko’s eyes lit up slightly, thinking of Hishako Shinto.

“How about you two?”

“Ah? Us?” Yoshino Yuki and Tian Suohui hugged tightly in the back seat like a threatened beast at this time, looking at Mu Qiye with fear and vigilance.

Ryoko Sakaki had to say, “We are both first-year high school students, and the orange-haired Yuki Yoshino is good at game cooking. We raise various animals as ingredients in the Polestar Lodge, but I often can’t control them…”

“The rest is Tiansuohui, who is good at mild and simple local cuisine. The rice balls and fish soup are all very good. Even the senior Isshiki, who is the seventh seat of Totsuki, praised her, but she is too timid and always fails to respond. I have strength, so I dropped out of school…”

“Hey? No, I, I’m stupid, what…” Hearing Sakaki Ryoko complimenting her, Tian Suohui blushed and fell into an air of unconfident mourning.

Yoshino Yuki hurriedly cheered Tiansuohui on the side, but Tiansuohui was still the same, without much energy.Sakaki Ryoko blushed and couldn’t care about this…

No, it won’t…


The car entered the Nakiri residence directly.

Sakaki Ryoko, Tiansuohui, and Yoshino Yuki all widened their eyes, and they were so frightened that they didn’t expect Mu Qiye to come here, and even drove in without saying hello!

“Master Mu, please come in~”

The old housekeeper Nakiri greeted him, glanced at the three girls behind him, and then returned to normal.


Mu Qiye nodded with a smile and entered the villa directly.

The villa was very lively, Nakiri Senzaemon, Erina, Hiishako, even Nakiri Alice and Kurokaran Ryo were there, oh, and the two bodyguards who had followed Erina before.

Mu Qiye glanced at them in surprise, then nodded with a smile.The two looked embarrassed, as if Mu Qiye was playing tricks on them along the way, and what they really fulfilled their role as bodyguards was getting on and off the plane…

“Huh? Do you know each other?” Seeing Mu Qiye nodded and greeted the two bodyguards first, as if they were very familiar, Nakiri Alice turned into a beanie and asked with a cute face.

After hearing this, Nakiri Erina gritted her teeth and stared at him with some bad eyes, but then thinking about her current identity, her eyes calmed down again, and her little fist was clenched.

“Yeah.” Nodding at Nakiri Senzaemon, Mu Qiye looked at Erina with an easy-going look, and Feishako glanced at her before smiling: “Forget it, when they went out with Erina, they were with me. all the way.”

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip reminder of Lanzhu, the monthly pass of the reader 12347, the monthly pass of Xingyuquan, the continuous support of xa5627, liy31183, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 196: Send it out!

“Yeah.” Nodding at Nakiri Senzaemon, Mu Qiye looked at Erina with an easygoing look, and Feishako glanced at her before smiling: “Forget it, when they went out with Erina, they were with Erina. I’m all the way.”


Hearing Mu Qiye’s call so kindly, Nakiri Alice couldn’t help but look at Mu Qiye suspiciously.Looking at Nakiri Erina again, Erina blushed slightly, facing Alice’s gossipy gaze, she couldn’t help but snorted again, raised her head arrogantly, and did not speak.

Nakiri Alice’s face darkened, and again, her small fists clenched.

Nakiri Senzaemon laughed and said, “Okay, let’s all sit down!”

Although I know that Mu Qiye may have some improper close contact with his granddaughter Erina, the relationship may be good.But the purpose of this time was to match Mu Qiye and Alice. He didn’t want to focus too much on Erina, or the dispute between Erina and Alice.

If it wasn’t for Feishazi being Mu Qiye’s younger sister, and the relationship was good, he didn’t want them to come.

“Thank you, Commander.” Mu Qiye smiled before sitting down.Sakaki Ryoko, Tiansuohui, and Yoshino Yuki also gathered up their courage and walked in like ordinary staff meeting the company boss.

But it was inevitable that I was a little frightened in my heart, and Sakaki Ryoko was better.Standing alone, walking at the front, Tiansuohui and Yoshino Yuki were trembling~ and they were holding hands together.

“Huh?!!” As soon as the three girls came in, they attracted the attention of others.It’s not about strength or status, but it’s all women, they look pretty good, and they’re together with Mu Qiye…

As a result, the three Jixingliao sisters became even more nervous.

“This is…” Seeing Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki, Nakiri Senzaemon was a little surprised, these are their people from Togetsu!

Following Nakiri Xianzaemon’s words, everyone looked at Mu Qiye again, and the three girls breathed a sigh of relief.


Mu Qiye said indifferently, “They wanted to ask me to do something, so they almost sold it to me.”

“Huh huh?!!!” Immediately, Nakiri Senzaemon, Erina, the little secretary, and Alice were all startled. Therapy card?/p>

What is this guy trying to do?

The three Jixingliao sisters were suddenly even more nervous and embarrassed. Tell me about this?What a shame~

Nakiri Xianzaemon was the first to react, glanced at the three of them, and said with a wry smile, “Isn’t it?”

Mu Qiye smiled and shrugged and said, “Why not? It’s just right, Feishazi needs help, and Alice also asked me to be her sidekick. I can’t really be her sidekick, right? Isn’t it good? Give Erina another one, just solved.”


Nakiri Senzaemon’s eyes lit up, but he showed a somewhat embarrassed expression: “Not so good?”

It’s not what it says, but it’s definitely in my heart.

The uncertainty of the braided braid, Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki, he still knows, they are both very qualified students in the first year of the academy.

Even if it can’t compare to Feishazi, it’s not much worse. It takes time to cultivate, and the second and third graders are still very likely to become the top ten heroes of Yuanyue.

“Me? Brother~” Shinto Feishako pointed at her in shock, and then couldn’t help but be moved.Nakiri Erina was somewhat relieved, as long as she didn’t follow Mu Qiye, it would be fine to send one.

Nakiri Alice was a little surprised and blushed.She said that Mu Qiye was her follower when she first came to Tokyo from Denmark. After knowing Mu Qiye’s strength and her current power, she dismissed it long ago.

How does this guy know?

Then he looked at the three of them suspiciously, and said a little arrogantly: “Be my valet? My valet is very demanding, at least, at least half of the strength of Liang!”

 jing × aunt paralyzed , foolishly naught , counseled , lied and lied . p>

“Alice!” Nakiri Senzaemon couldn’t help reminding Shimo Nakiri Alice. Although it’s not comparable for the time being, at least Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki are more than enough to be her sidekicks, and they can also bring her and Shimono closer. Mu Qiye’s relationship…

However, Nakiri Alice obviously did not sell this grandfather’s account, and looked directly at Nakiri Erina with her head raised and snorted. Seeing that Alice was provoking her, Nakiri Erina also folded her arms and glared at her. following her.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

There is a bright spark between the two women!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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