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Winery? Nothing — Page 133

Nakiri Senzaemon rubbed his forehead with a wry smile, and Hishako Nito anxiously persuaded him to fight, but he was obviously still standing on Erina’s side, while Kurohara Ryo was listless.

Seeing Hishako Shinto protect her master so much, Alice Nakiri was also very angry, and desperately winked at Kurokiba Ryo.

Jing×Purchasing appearance Locust chasing from chu  so knocking Huan 嗌倭ζthumb by 頗燇 銽雲龋∩塖颍The emperor’s value Hu Pan Qiao プ 說 訒 S cut Alice’s side, 喙 cut Alice blushed in anger on the spot.

Tiansuohui was even more nervous, Sakaki Ryoko, Yoshino Yuki was somewhat relieved, and looked at the scene inside quite curiously.

……… 0

“Okay.” Mu Qiye smiled and interrupted; “Although I don’t know the cooking skills of the three of them, there are still merits, and the cooking skills should also be good.”

“Why?” Nakiri Alice angrily glared at the unreliable sidekick, Jing×Geng, Jing Fou, stealing spoons, betraying stalks, Cong Hing, healing stalks, bluffing, ruthenium, and finding Huan quickly. Is the vertebrae of the family Anguidae, please forgive me?/p>

Others, including Sakaki Ryoko, Yoshino Yuki, and Tiansuohui also raised their heads and looked over curiously.

Mu Qiye explained, “In order for one sister to return to Yuanyue to attend classes, the other two, despite some hesitation or other considerations, finally decided to send themselves here, which is really good in terms of life.”

“In Totsuki Academy, where competition is the main competition and cooking is the most respected academy, how many people can do this? Besides, they can make friends like this in the academy while studying cooking. People, how can they easily pass the exam with their own cooking skills. As for Tian Suohui? Phoenix is ​​not a group with swallows, even if it is not a phoenix, it can be regarded as a cluster of similarities. If you think about cooking, it will not be too weak. “

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip reminder of Lanzhu, the monthly pass of the reader 12347, the monthly pass of Xingyuquan, the continuous support of xa5627, liy31183, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 197: This… touches porcelain? “

The crowd was stunned.

I didn’t expect that so many things could be inferred from this trivial matter, and there are reasons.

Is this the difference between these people and them?

Sakaki Ryoko, Yoshino Yuki, and Tian Suohui were all a little stunned, and Tian Suohui was even more moved. Some of them were towards Mu Qiye, and more often they were towards Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuji.

“Looks like it’s awesome!”

I don’t know when, Nakiri Alice slipped into the valet.

Nakiri Erina and Shinto Hishako also look adored.

“Cough cough~” Nakiri Senzaemon coughed a few times, drew his attention, looked at the three girls and said, “So, what’s your decision? Erina and Alice here, I agreed for them. The other side will not refuse, how you decide is your right, whether you agree or disagree with “Nine Thirty Zero” will not affect anything.”

After all, he is the commander-in-chief of Totsuki. Even if he sees potential students, he must have enough reasons and respect to accept them. This is one of Totsuki’s rules. Otherwise, Totsuki Academy will not be. The academy, but directly called the Yuanyue Group Branch Academy.

Looking at Nakiri Senzaemon, Nakiri Alice’s flat mouth was unhappy, but she didn’t open her mouth. Judging from the old man’s attitude, these three girls were really good, and it was nothing to accept them.

“This…” Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly said, Sakaki Ryoko, Tiansuohui and the others didn’t know how to answer.From their original intention, they still prefer to be free, but there are Mu Qiye…

“Follow me, too.” Mu Qiye smiled, and as soon as he finished speaking, Yoshino Yuji nodded and said, “I agree, I am willing to follow… um…”

There were three people in total, and she didn’t know who she was following…

“You follow Alice.”

Mu Qiye glanced at Nakiri Alice and said, “The two of you seem to be cheerful types, so getting along should be simple, and what kind of game cuisine is your specialty in cooking? What kind of molecular cuisine does Alice have? Complementary.”

“Game cuisine? Complementary?”

Hearing this, three question marks appeared on Alice Nakiri’s head, and then she said dissatisfiedly: “Molecular cooking is a new cooking discipline that is broken and reconstructed by modern scientific theories such as physics, chemistry, and biology, and Game dishes don’t go well at all, right?”

“Ah, this…”

Hearing what Nakiri Alice said, Yoshino Yuki looked at Mu Qiye in a bit of a bewilderment.In fact, if she really wanted to match up with someone, or even become her entourage, she really wanted to follow Nakiri Alice.

After all, it seemed that Nakiri Alice was the most cheerful and easy to get along with.

Nakiri Erina had three black lines on her forehead. She looked down on molecular cuisine, thinking it was blasphemous and disrespectful to traditional cuisine, and refuted Mu Qiye’s angry speech.

Mu Qiye rolled his eyes and said, “Don’t talk to an idiot who can’t cook without tools. What if you don’t have a cooking machine? It’s okay to be good at molecular cooking, but you won’t learn the traditional one? Isn’t it a good idea to stay in the woods for ten days and a half months to see what you do?”

Suddenly, it became silent again.

Nakiri Senzaemon’s face turned black and he coughed several times.This is a bit ugly, what is an idiot, a grove?Can you say that?

“…Idiot?…Molecular cooking is amazing?…The grove…”

Mu Qiye violated Nakiri Alice’s taboo. After reacting, Nakiri Alice’s cheeks were bulging like a little goldfish, and she clenched her small fists and quickly turned black.

But before he raised his fist, he saw Mu Qiye picked up a teacup, and with a bang, the teacup and firecrackers shattered directly, the fragments shot in all directions, and finally fell to the ground

“Well, what’s the matter?” Mu Qiye looked at Nakiri Alice with a defiant expression, and then picked up another cup, as if it was about to be crushed again.

“No, it’s nothing…” Nakiri Alice immediately jumped to the realm × the ditch to seek treatment, the drum cut, to move the glycosides, and to say that the thumbs, the cows, the cloths, and the forgiveness?/p>

Although I knew that Mu Qiye couldn’t beat her here, but if he were to target her elsewhere, he would be dragged to the woods…

Hiss… Thinking of what happened next, Nakiri Alice shivered suddenly, her snow-white face turning red.

Boundary×Difficulty in the ditch ⑽⒁Desolate 砩 under the frozen chisel ┢ⅰ?/p>

“That’s good.” Mu Qiye smiled, even Mao Lilan couldn’t compare, so he ignored it.Looking at Yoshino Yuki, who still hadn’t reacted, rolled his eyes and said, “Isn’t it over yet?”

“Ah, oh, good~” Yoshino Yuki quickly trotted to Nakiri Alice’s side after reacting, looking at Mu Qiye with a somewhat fearful look in her eyes.

Looking at Yoshino Yuki’s expression, Nakiri Alice instantly felt a little bit of pity on the same sickness, the big guy patted her on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I will cover you in the future, and follow me to be popular. Yes, drink spicy!”

“Ah? Huh?”

This picture of the underworld elder sister recognizing the younger sister makes Yoshino Yuki a little unacceptable, but she can’t help but relax a bit, but she still can’t help but doubt 0……Even if she follows Nakiri Alice , Can you escape the clutches of Mu Qiye?

Moreover, she also felt that Nakiri Alice was not so reliable, and even said that she could not escape Mu Qiye’s grasp.

Mu Qiye looked at Sakaki Ryoko and Tiansuohui, and said, “Ryoko, who has some experience in management, will follow Feishako. Tiansuohui, who is good at local and daily cooking, just follows Erina.”

“Even if the cooking is poor and I’m not very confident, following Erina will be of some value to you and Erina. Anyway, if Erina and Feishako live together, there is not much difference.”

Countryside, everyday cuisine?

Originally, I thought that Tian Suohui followed Erina, and it was not good for Erina.

Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon’s eyes lit up, and Erina lacked this aspect the most.

“Huh? I, I follow God, God’s Tongue, Nakiri Erina-sama…”

Hearing the result Mu Qiye said, Tian Suohui felt that the whole person was stunned, the scene in front of him swayed for a while, and his body swayed, and finally there was a click!

Fortunately, Ryoko Sakaki responded in a timely manner, and rushed to Tian Suohui’s side, supported her, and cried out in a hurry, “Xiaohui, Xiaohui, wake up…”

“…” What’s going on here?

The scene of Tiansuohui blinded everyone except Ryoko Sakaki and Yuki Yoshino. This…touching porcelain?

Yoshino Yuki patted his forehead and told everyone about Tian Suohui.Only then did the others react, and they all looked at Tian Suohui in surprise. Is Togetsu Academy still so timid?

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip reminder of Lanzhu, the monthly pass of the reader 12347, the monthly pass of Xingyuquan, the continuous support of xa5627, liy31183, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for reviews, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…)

(Finally, I’m almost finished, I didn’t expect to write so much, the next chapter is the official plot, and the lawsuit with Conan).

Chapter 198: The court finally begins!

“Dizzy when you’re scared? How interesting!” Nakiri Alice’s eyes sparkled, and she suddenly felt that if Tiansuohui followed her, it would be good to be her sidekick.

“She is Tian Suohui?”

After Yoshino Yuki mentioned it, Nakiri Erina also remembered it, looking at Tiansuohui who was holding Sakaki Ryoko, and suddenly said: “So she is Tiansuohui, this morning Isshiki senior convened a council of the top ten, and what she said was her. For this reason, I have decided to eat the halberd with the eighth seat for a long time.”

“Isshiki-senpai!” Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki didn’t have time to be moved.

Nakiri Erina’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she poured a pot of cold water on them: “It’s a pity that it’s not very useful, the second seat didn’t arrive, and no one in the first five seats agreed. Now only the ninth seat Eizan Edema has confirmed the agreement. The six seats did not agree to eat the halberd, and even if I agree, there are only three people.”


The two women were slumped again as if they had been struck by lightning.

Both Nakiri Senzaemon and Mu Qiye smiled: This is [*]% true, but Erina agreed to help, and Isshiki absolutely paid the price.

Erina is not a kind person, and 09 will show kindness for no reason. She obviously deliberately hides this reason.

After the three girls agreed, the next step was undoubtedly simple, which was the issue of moving the dormitory.Both Erina and Alice are not short of money or a place to live. Naturally, it is impossible for the three daughters to live in Jixing Liao like this, and they can also get access to education nearby.

Tian Suohui’s matter is not so anxious, as long as this timid and unconfident character can’t be changed, it will be useless even if he enrolls in school. Sakaki Ryoko and Yoshino Yuki also expressed their understanding.

With so many big men here, they will never lie to them because of such a trivial matter as Tian Suohui, so don’t worry so much.But there is still some hesitation about moving out of Jixingliao.

Everyone got along well in Jixingliao, but Mu Qiye was there, and it was just a matter of looking at them. Nakiri Xianzaemon ordered two people to help, Ryoko Sakaki, Yuki Yoshino, and Tiansuohui also bowed down. Left in a hurry.

There are too many bosses, so panic…

After leaving, everyone took their seats, and after a simple chat, it was back to the topic: “This is Shuichi Ito, Ito Ito, as you know, the strength is not weak, it can be said to be their captain.”

“Mr. Mu!” The two took a step forward, somewhat embarrassedly bowing towards Mu Qiye.

Mu Qiye smiled and nodded, but he didn’t care that much, and the breath of the two was indeed not weak: “Okay, then you will be in charge of them for the time being.”

“For the time being, I’ll go to Taro Sakai to help with my newly opened bodyguard company, and also participate in the screening and review of bodyguards.”

“If you are interested, you can stay there directly. When I find a new place to live, I will contact you.”

The two looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and said with satisfaction, “Okay, boss!”

Even if he couldn’t be a bodyguard for Mu Qiye, it would be best to go to a bodyguard company to take a leisurely job.

“Your new place to live, you’re moving?” Nakiri Xianzaemon looked at Mu Qiye, but it wasn’t actually moving.After Mu Qiye became famous, he almost never stayed in one place for a long time, even if he actually went to the villa in the port area a little more often.

“Well, I plan to find a place to fix it.” After speaking, Mu Qiye asked Nakiri Xianzaemon: “By the way, Commander, is there any good place in Totsuki? There are mountains and trees, The best place to have a hot spring is, of course, a remote location, it doesn’t matter if there is a house or not.”

Yuanyue District is the safest place, and finding a place here is one of the best choices.

“It’s remote? It seems to be there!”


The location is between Totsuki Resort and Totsuki Academy. Of course, it is far away. It is the tip of a triangle. Not far away is R Honkai.

Because there are not many roads and the traffic is not convenient, it belongs to the undeveloped area of ​​Yuanyue Resort for the time being.In fact, the development, from the point of view of making money, has little value.

Togetsu is most famous for cooking, and there is no shortage of customers at all. For others, what kind of village can be built here, wild food… But Togetsu doesn’t need it at all.

But it also happened that there were mountains and water, and it was barely close to the sea. There was also a mountain with hot springs not far away, which was in line with Mu Qiye’s requirements, but there was no place to live.

However, there is a rapid demolition and construction team specially established by Nakiri Erina, and it will only take about [*] days to complete the construction, which is not a big problem at all.

When they went back, they informed Ling Zi and the others, and they had no opinion. However, Mu Qiye still let them continue to look for other places, which were considered as multiple alternatives.

In the afternoon, when he heard that Mu Qiye was going to move, Gui Yanye became excited.

“Don’t worry, little baby, even if I move, I won’t come back? Are you saying you can find me too~”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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