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Winery? Nothing — Page 136

“What?!! shit, bastard!”

James in the room widened his eyes, and he was so angry that he was scolded by the country!

One of the purposes of the superiors is to bring back the successful experiment of Conan, to see if something can be researched to benefit M country and mankind!

Mu Qiye just exposed the matter like this. Whether it’s for them to target the black organization or bring Conan back, it obviously doesn’t do any good, it’s just…

In the car, Judy also looked serious: “Then what should I do next?”

“It shouldn’t be that serious~”

James rubbed his brows, suppressed his anger, and finally regained some sense of reason: “Even if you say it, there won’t be too many people who believe it. According to Conan’s character, it won’t be hidden for long.”

“It’s not us who are most worried now, it’s Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo. Now, immediately, find them immediately, Xiaozhi will use reason and emotion, and reiterate the witness protection plan, make sure they bring Conan back to M country. , accept protection!”

“What if they don’t agree?” Judy asked tentatively.

“If you don’t agree…”

A stern look flashed in James’ eyes, then he sighed again, shook his head and said, “Forget it, don’t agree if you don’t agree, just tell them this way.”

“Oh, I know.”

Judy breathed a sigh of relief, still not too fond of forcing others.After hanging up the phone, he closely followed the car of Kudo Yusaku in front.

“shit, fuck!”

In the room, James, who hung up the phone, kicked the cabinet for a while!

Conan’s matter is definitely not hidden.

It’s not just their fbi, the MI[*] of country y, the public security bureau of r… There are people in the winery, and there are quite a few.

They were the first people to get news of Conan, but they were not the first to know that organizing the winery A medicine could achieve longevity, and it was something that many people knew but pretended not to know.

When Mu Qiye spread the news, obviously even if they didn’t know, they should be suspicious.

So many people are staring at it, and it is still in the territory of R. If you force it, you may be able to bring Conan back.But after taking it back, the relationship with R Ben was also ruined.

Although they don’t necessarily care about M country, but they want to sneak into the R book to do things, obviously there is a lot of trouble… other countries want to come too… It’s not worth it for a Conan!

Now he hates Mu Qiye a little…  

But Mu Qiye is a public figure, even if he kills Mu Qiye, according to Mu Qiye’s consistent style, who can say that Mu Qiye has no backup plan.And if the Nakiri family and the Suzuki family were also told, would they also be removed?

More importantly, if Mu Qiye didn’t die in a single blow, according to Mu Qiye’s current reputation, as well as his status on the Internet, that thing… would be a big deal!

“No, you must stabilize him, and you must not let him speak!”

James gritted his teeth, his pupils shrank, and he frowned again, but he still picked up the phone unwillingly ^^…


Inside the Kudo villa.

According to what James said, Judy once again brought up the witness protection plan with the Kudo Yusaku family!

“Now is not the time before, at least the winery must be suspicious of Conan’s identity.”

Judy said with a serious expression.

Conan immediately shook his head and refused: “Impossible, no, I won’t leave the book, I don’t need protection, I must personally arrest those bastards who made me smaller, must arrest them all, let them Get the punishment you deserve!”

“Conan!” Fujimine Yukiko couldn’t help but persuade.

Conan shook his head firmly and said, “I will definitely not back down. Besides, they know my identity, so it’s not an opportunity? As long as I use me as a bait, they will definitely take the bait at 4.8. As long as they can catch one of them, they will You can follow this clue to find their old nest and catch them all!”

Talking, talking, Conan is excited, this special code, with the fbi of country m, will definitely succeed, um, if you cooperate with the police, the public security will be even better!

“Conan!” Yukiko Fujimine didn’t think this group of people would be so easy to catch.

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip reminder of Lanzhu, the monthly pass of the reader 12347, the monthly pass of Xingyuquan, the continuous support of xa5627, liy31183, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….).

Chapter 203: Conan: It’s Safe

But Yusaku Kudo shook his head dignifiedly and stopped him, saying, “Conan’s statement this time makes some sense, as long as the arrangement is right, maybe you can catch a few people, but you need to plan carefully, look at the FBI’s situation, and r Ben here.”

As he spoke, he looked at Judy Stalin, meaning it was very clear how many people there were. If it didn’t work, I would contact the police, or even the public security.

“Thank you Dad! I knew Dad would definitely support me!!” Conan showed an excited expression on his face. This was the first time Dad agreed with him after he came to see him.

Fujimine Yukiko’s face was full of shock: “Yuzaku, you, you actually let Conan take the risk as bait? He is…”

“Yukiko, calm down!” Kudo Yusaku looked at Fujimine Yukiko seriously: “I have my own ideas, I will explain to you later.”


09 “Mom, trust us, we can’t be wrong!”

Looking at the determined Conan and the serious Kudo Yusaku, Fujimine Yukiko was still entangled in her mind, feeling that she was not going with the two of them at all, and she couldn’t understand what they were thinking.Especially Yusaku Kudo, she didn’t know why he would agree to such a thing.

However, it was obvious that even if she said anything, it wouldn’t affect the result, so she finally sighed and fell silent.

Judy’s face was also a little bad.

They came to help Conan, but now they are being inquired by Kudo Yusaku. They are fbi, how can they tell others the specific information of the personnel.

“I need to ask my superiors!” Thinking of Conan’s situation, Judy’s expression gradually calmed down. After all, it was for her son, and any decision made was reasonable.

“Okay~” Kudo Yusaku agreed with a light smile, and reached out his hand to make a call.

Judy nodded lightly, walked to the side, took out her cell phone, and it rang, James Black came calling!


Judy’s face was a little surprised, but she didn’t show her identity first.

Fortunately, the voice of James came out on the phone.

“Judy is me, talk to Yusaku Kudo…”


The power of the fbi, plus the police, and even the public security… Conan’s bandaged face showed an excited expression, this is stable!

Facing the puzzled Yukiko, she shook her head lightly, signaling her not to speak.Yusaku Kudo looked at Judy Sterling who was on the phone with a rare expression of solemnity.

If not, Akai Shuichi speculated about Conan’s identity, and he didn’t want to contact FBI at all.Even say any government organization…

Perhaps with their help, the Black Organization will be destroyed and eradicated very quickly. Perhaps even without the Black Organization, Conan may soon recover his original body and health…

But what about the process?what’s next?

The purpose of the government is as simple as that, just to cure.

Rejuvenation, what a tempting topic, a goal that many people in ancient times pursued!

There is no need to say much in the process, what they do is reasonable, and Conan is a test product.Will Conan get rid of it so easily after the process?

In the process, the result they most want is really to restore Conan?Just don’t want to study the composition of the drug, or even why this phenomenon is caused?

How long is the treatment time?

None of these things are certain, maybe not, but what if?

Forget it, let it go!

Kudo Yusaku’s expression loosened, thinking it was time to leave.

It was no longer within his grasp when things had developed to this point.Whether it’s the fbi, the police, or the escort…he, a novelist, can’t control it, and it can’t affect them. He may even be caught in it, and he doesn’t know how to die!

The only thing that can be done now is to put Conan in the center of the typhoon, hoping that Conan can maintain his position among the many forces, so he can be safe.

Of course, before that, it’s time to contact a few police acquaintances…

Kudo Yusaku’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“okay, got it.”

After Judy Starling finished calling, she came over.

“Detective sister, how is it?” Conan couldn’t help asking excitedly.

Fujimine Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku also looked over.

Judy nodded solemnly and said, “Up to 10 people can be provided, which is enough to ensure Conan’s safety. However, the longest time is one month!”

Kudo Yusaku nodded in understanding.

Now it’s an R book, and it’s enough to draw 10 scriptures. FBI is not opened by his family. There are no other things, and it is almost 947 that can guarantee the safety of Conan for a month.

“Okay, one month, that’s enough!” Conan patted his paw excitedly. He really didn’t believe that those people could hold back at such a time.

Fujimine Yukiko is worried about a month later?But I also know that FBI can’t protect Conan all the time.

Seeing the three of them, Judy Starling nodded lightly, looked at Yusaku Kudo and said, “James let me tell you, let you chat with Mu Qiye, don’t let him continue to talk about this matter. .”

“What? Damn, it’s him again!” Conan, who was still excited just now, changed his face again.Kudo Yusaku’s expression also became a little dignified, and he even frowned, but in the end he said, “Okay, I’ll try my best.”

I picked up my phone and played it several times, all of which were busy…

In the end, he sent a text message to Mu Qiye, but he was obviously not optimistic about the result.Yusaku Kudo looked at Yukiko with complicated eyes: “Yukiko…”

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip point reminder of Lanzhu, and the 100vip reward of Fengming Jun, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….).

Chapter 204: An appointment with Shiho on vacation

“I just answered the phone call from Yuxizi? This is how I look down on me, how short-sighted I am!”

With a light touch of his finger, the phone fell on the table, Mu Qiye pouted in disdain.After thinking about it, now that Conan’s affairs are over, it’s time to meet Miyano chick, and he can also make an alibi by the way.

After calling Miyano Shiho as best as possible, he lowered his head and continued to flip through the potion book.

Books are good books.

Confusion, magic supplement, blood supplement, treatment, poison gas, transformation, bloodline, shielding… There are all kinds of potions, but the materials are basically incomplete, and some things he doesn’t know.

After a brief look at it, Mu Qiye was speechless for a while.I had to communicate with the balance and exchanged the herbal medicine of the first-level world. Various names and titles are simply sensational, destroy it!

Fortunately, he has broken through to the primary magician, and his strength and spirit have made great progress.

Self-hypnosis can also be controlled to the level of semi-self-hypnosis, that is, to greatly improve memory and concentration, but still maintain the level of attention to the external environment.

Although the effect is a lot weaker than the full version, it also solves the problem of ignoring the surrounding environment. In terms of time, it is still a little difficult to control. Before you know it, the sky is already dark.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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