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Winery? Nothing — Page 137

“This special code… It will take at least ten days to read it, right?” Looking at the book with only 1 written on it, and it was only halfway through, Mu Qiye’s eyelids jumped, and he flicked the light switch lightly. , with a click, the switch turned on, and the lights illuminated the room.

He used magic to deepen his memory several times, lifted the semi-hypnotic state, and his mind was again familiar for a while.Mu Qiye skillfully used magics such as sorting, grooming, and strengthening spirit again to strengthen the absorption effect…

After a set of procedures, you can remember [-] to [-]% of it.After sobering up, I simply flipped through it twice, and I basically remembered it was inseparable…

“Dong dong dong~” The study door rang, Mu Qiye closed his eyes, his spirit spread out unconsciously, and he clearly saw the dome knocking on the door outside.

This is still passive.

If you take the initiative, the current limit perception area is close to [-] meters. Within this range, as long as ordinary people are not able to escape his perception and tracking.

Including people like Gin, of course, if you want to solve it completely, it will take some effort.Moreover, mastering this distance also takes time.

“Come in~”. “

Yawning, Mu Qiye leaned on the sofa, and then put all the books into the storage space without getting up.


Unscrew the door, and Kasuga Yezuku walked in.

She looked around curiously, there were still messy documents on the table, but he always felt that Mu Qiye was not in charge of these things.

Of course, she has no evidence.

Because in other rooms, Mu Qiye sometimes stayed for a long time without anyone disturbing him. Even if he had something to do, he had to knock on the door first, but after entering, most of them looked like this.

“Dinner has been ordered and will be there in seven minutes.”

Putting these thoughts aside, Kasuga Ye Qiong said with some expressionless expression.

However, seeing Qiong’s expression, Mu Qiye felt very interested, and wanted to bully her, to see how she was so angry that she couldn’t control herself.

“Well, I see, come here.” Mu Qiye smiled and opened his eyes.

Hearing this, Qiong blushed a bit, although he was quite willing, he still had a reluctant expression on his face.

After getting more and more familiar with it, the behavior of the girl is more and more according to the character.

Kasuga Ye Qiong stood in front of her beautifully.

Mu Qiye stretched out his hand and pulled the suspender, and the dress slipped down…


Seeing that the Qiong who went upstairs hadn’t come down yet, Ling Zi shook his head helplessly: Are you still going to eat?But soon, Gui Yanye, who had finished his homework, came again.

“Hello, Sister Ling!”

Suzuki Lingzi has been here for several days, and I have seen it several times.

“Well, Yan Ye, upstairs~”


Gui Yanye blushed and trotted upstairs.

“Where’s the dome?”

Kasugano Sauki packed up the kitchen utensils and walked out, looking at Suzuki Ryoko curiously.Suzuki Lingzi smiled and pointed upstairs.


Looking at Gui Yanye who went upstairs, Kasugano Saki’s expression was still a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, within half an hour, the three went downstairs.

Suzuki Lingzi rolled his eyes at Mu Qiye, and Zaoji and Yami got up and served them rice.

Although there is no accusation, there is still some dissatisfaction.After all, you said to have less contact, and this contact is not much less, right?

Of course, it actually decreased. After all, I went to Meguro several times.

Mu Qiye didn’t care that much.

After the strength has been upgraded to the primary magician, the ability of Soul Eater has become stronger, but it has also added an ability.

That is, you can use some unneeded remnant souls, or use a small amount of magic power to supplement the opponent’s soul consumption, and with the transformation, you can try to improve the opponent’s physique and soul without affecting the opponent’s physique.

It can be understood as a long-term corpse training, but it takes a long time and will not turn the other party into a dead creature.

Of course, this cannot be told to them.

“‘How’s the villa looking?” Mu Qiye asked after taking the rice after sitting down.

“not bad.”

Lingzi Suzuki said with a smile: “The terrain in Ogasawara is very good, suitable for vacation, and Yami likes it very much. The environment in Yehaoshan is quiet and the water quality is good. It is a traditional old house style. It’s a modern villa with a great view…”

“It’s all good, do you want to see?”

Mu Qiye shook his head, waved his hand to stop him, and said, “I don’t care about the specifics, I (Nuo Zhao) are going to go out for three or four days. When I come back, I have a good choice. Can I live in?”

“Going out for three or four days?” Suzuki Lingzi still came too late, showing a little surprise, Zauki, Yami, and Qiong are all used to it.

But he didn’t ask more, nodded and said, “Okay, except for the previous requirements, you don’t have to go to the type of residence, right?”

“No, it can live in people, the environment is good, there are mountains and water, and it’s big enough!”

He was originally satisfied with this, the environment was good, the three mothers and daughters of the Gui family were all beautiful women, but Suzuki Lingzi and more than [-] bodyguards came, not too small or too small, basically no secrets, and had to move , move asap!

(Thanks to the monthly pass of Lanzhu, the 100vip point reminder of Lanzhu, and the 100vip reward of Fengming Jun, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) According to.

Chapter 205: The Poor Magic Mirror of the Hongzi Family

After Mu Qiye mentioned it, Suzuki Lingzi also felt that the time spent was indeed a bit long.Moving is an imperative, both in terms of security and confidentiality.Besides, even if you live in an uncomfortable place, there are better options, you can still move!

Ryoko Suzuki agreed simply.

Hirota Masami and Kasugano Saki both breathed a sigh of relief, a little more joy on their faces.Hirota Masami doesn’t have to worry about the majesty or something to pester her again.

Kasugano Saki felt embarrassed.

After all, she and her daughter followed Mu Qiye together, the less people knew about it, the better. .Qiong is also, her ideal is to not care about anything, with internet and snacks, just be with Mu Qiye and her mother, and it is best to live in seclusion.

The only one who was a little worried was Gui Yanye.

I just appeased it a few days ago, and I will continue today, just throwing a few billion things. For him, it is basically protein, trivial!

Before finishing the meal, Gui Yeyan’s face turned red, and he lowered his head and didn’t even eat.

Suzuki Ryoko, who had almost eaten, looked helpless.

But it didn’t take long before she was pushed onto the dishwasher…


Inside a dim, ancient castle.

A girl with purple medium-length straight hair and tea-red eyes was eating alone at the dining table, and in the distance stood a chubby middle-aged man wearing a housekeeper’s uniform.

The man’s ears are pointed, somewhat like a elf, but the weird flattering 947 smile on his face looks like a demon.

However, this beautiful girl with embossed body has long been used to it and doesn’t care, because she is the orthodox heir of red magic, Koizumi Koizumi, and can even summon Lucifer!

Watching the news on TV, which could be said to be an exclusive interview with Mu Qiye, Koizumi Hongzi showed an interested expression.It must be very interesting to let a man who is promiscuous and has a sense of achievement become her slave.

But, unfortunately, it was a bit late to start, because Mu Qiye could only be considered excellent before, and it was nothing to start.But now, Mu Qiye is a well-known and well-known figure, a big chaebol. If she could attack these people, she would have ruled the world by charm!

When will it reach the point of Himiko?

Koizumi Hongzi tilted her head and frowned in dissatisfaction.Hearing what Mu Qiye said to Conan at the end, his pupils shrank slightly.

“Rejuvenation? Longevity medicine?”

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and a dark red magic circle appeared on the TV. The magic circle revolved in reverse time, exuding a bloody brilliance.

The replay of the TV was like playing backwards, and finally stopped when Mu Qiye said the last sentence, another finger snapped and played normally, and then focused on Mu Qiye to see Conan’s expression, and the Conan family in the corner watching at the same time. Mu Qiye’s expression was somewhat vague.

“Shinichi Kudo? Could it be…”

Koizumi Hongko looked at Conan on TV, showing a little seriousness.

“As expected of Lord Hongzi, you can see the doubts at a glance!”

Before Koizumi Hongzi could finish speaking, the butler flattered and bowed slightly, but the smile on his face became more and more evil.

“Hmph, that goes without saying!”

Koizumi Hongko raised her head proudly, put down her chopsticks, and stood up.I stopped eating and walked directly to a room.

As the inheritor of red magic, her knowledge is naturally not comparable to others.

The longevity medicine originated in Daqin. Xu Fu took [-] boys and girls to the overseas immortal island, and accidentally arrived in Rben, bringing the first civilization and human beings.

She is also one of the bloodlines, but it is a mutant bloodline.

Red magic is also eastern magic based on western magic and eastern Taoism.

According to rumors, Xu Fu went back to Daqin after practising the growth medicine after many difficulties and dangers.

Because the court was under the control of Ershi Huhai, Zhao Gao, and Li Si, Xu Fu was unable to enter, and finally had to return to R, and died of depression.However, is this the truth?She didn’t think so, since Xu Fu already had the longevity medicine, wouldn’t he take it by himself?

Moreover, since the training is a longevity medicine, Qin Huang is dead, why do you want to enter the Qin Huang Mausoleum?Unless one can revive the deceased by practicing the longevity medicine, since he can revive the deceased, then Xu Fu will definitely not die for Emperor Qin…

No matter what Xu Fu thought afterward, as long as he practiced the longevity medicine, Xu Fu would definitely take it.If the longevity medicine is real, it needs to be alive now!

The door opened automatically, and Koizumi Hongzi entered the room.

There is a crucible in the center of the room, and the black liquid on the crucible is constantly tumbling, as if it is cooking something, surrounded by the successors of the red magic of the past dynasties, collected and researched various magic materials, classics…

The chubby butler quickly followed, but Koizumi Hongzi didn’t care, and walked straight to a mirror: “Mirror mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?”

A mouth was exposed in the mirror, and the mouth was flat: “This sentence again, you’re annoying…”

Before the words fell, Koizumi Hongzi raised her hand, a dark red flame appeared on her hand, and looked at the magic mirror with a playful expression: “Continue.”

“Cough cough~” The magic mirror made a swallowing motion, and said quickly: “Of course it’s Mr. Koizumi Koizumi, who is the most charming in the world, the most beautiful in the world, the first in the world of wisdom, both talents and virtues, and unparalleled benevolence… …”

Koizumi Hongko showed a smug expression and dissipated the flame in her hand.

The magic mirror breathed a sigh of relief, and finally escaped.However, how many times has this been asked?Also, the real answer to this question… is too difficult for the magic mirror!

Not to mention what the mirror thinks, Koizumi Koizumi’s face shows a bit of seriousness: “Check the traces of Kudo Shinichi.”

“What? Looking for someone? Really? Yes, Koizumi-sama!”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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