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Winery? Nothing — Page 141

Although she has been in Denmark and has a somewhat headstrong personality, she still adheres to the tradition of the Nakiri family.Under normal circumstances, absolutely do not rely on the family, forcing others, try to rely on yourself.Maintain enough respect for the strong, even humility.

That’s why, even if Mu Qiye really kissed her and took her first wen, she was just dissatisfied, not resentful, and wanted revenge…

“Second!!” Yoshino Yuki was secretly anxious on the side, worried that if she told the truth, Mu Qiye would hear her and suffer revenge.

Nakiri Alice gave her a roll of eyes and didn’t explain. Even the students of the Nakiri family were not so easy to understand.But thinking of Mu Qiye’s revenge, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

On the other side, Hei Yanchenci was anxious and blamed his daughter directly: “Lingzi, what’s your tone? Quickly apologize to Mr. Mu!!”

Heiyan Lingzi couldn’t help shivering when he heard the sternness, anger, and fear of Mu Qiye in his tone.

She is the eldest of the Heiyan family. Although her father, Heiyan Chenci, loves her and rarely gets angry, it is not that he never gets angry. Thinking of Mu Qiye’s rumors and identity, he is even more afraid.

“Yes, right…” Heiyan Lingzi lowered her head, and even she felt a little contemptuous in that tone, making it difficult to see people.His head couldn’t be lower, and his voice was pitifully small.

“Oh, no need.”

Mu Qiye sneered, raised his head and walked straight ahead.

“Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu…” Seeing that Mu Qiye was about to leave, Heiyan Chenci hurriedly followed, and also glared at his daughter Heiyan Lingzi in disgust.

“Lingzi^ you, alas, go back and take care of you!”

Originally, I wanted to use my beautiful daughter to have a relationship with Mu Qiye, win appreciation, get funds, and win this village head election, but who would think… special, useless things, go back and educate this stupid daughter!

What’s so good about that stupid man?Find someone to break his leg!

Kuroiwa Tatsuji’s secret technique Hirata Kazuaki also quickly followed.

Looking at Reiko Kuroiwa, who was clenching his fists, who was still keeping his head down, but clearly unwilling, Miyano Shiho didn’t say a word and walked straight forward.

“Two, we…”

Nakiri Alice originally didn’t want to follow Mu Qiye, but thinking about it, it seems that she is really unfamiliar with this place, and it is better to follow Mu Qiye than to stay here.

“Hmph, idiot!” He glanced at Reiko Kuroiwa with disdain, and Alice Nakiri raised her head and walked forward.She didn’t follow Mu Qiye, she just dropped by, right by the way!

“…Uh? Uh, two…” Seeing that Nakiri Alice finally scolded Reiko Kuroiwa, Yoshino Yuki blinked in confusion.

Two, are you in the wrong place?It looks like this is the one being bullied, right?And we are being bullied too!

She didn’t know Alice Nakiri’s brain circuit, but seeing that Alice Nakiri had gone far, she quickly followed.

Heiyan Lingzi gritted his teeth secretly as he heard the sound of footsteps gradually receding, and his clenched fist could clearly see the capillaries: “Baga, bastard, damn…”

She kept repeating this kind of abuse in her mouth, but she didn’t know who was scolding in the end.

It was to scold Mu Qiye for being shameless, lustful, and deceiving people too much.Or his father let her come here without considering her feelings, hypocritically flattering, and even let her take the initiative to send her to the door.Still scolding her for being timid and weak, she always felt that she was very powerful, but she couldn’t even say a complete sentence just now.


On the other hand, Hei Yanchenci kept explaining that Mu Qiye didn’t want to listen to him continue to nag, not to mention that he was a person who could be killed more than [*]% of the time.

“All right.”

Mu Qiye interrupted a little impatiently: “One yard is one yard, I won’t forget the reason for this trivial matter, you can go to work first, I will look around, if it is good, I will I will come to Moon Shadow Island to invest.”

Seeing Mu Qiye’s impatient look, Heiyan Chenci didn’t dare to say more.

The secretary Hirata Kazuaki also kept winking at him, indicating that he was not in a hurry.Now Mu Qiye is obviously in a bad mood. It’s not the time to talk, and it seems that he doesn’t leave after a while, so there’s no need to rush.

As he spoke, he glanced at the hotel not far away.

“Okay, then I can rest assured. I hope Mr. Mu has a good time in Yueying Island. I’m leaving!” After speaking, Heiyan Chenji stood up straight with a low profile, and then bowed and saluted, as did Hirata and Ming next to him. .

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・


Mu Qiye waved his hand without much attitude, and Heiyan Chenji and Hirata Kazu Ming quickly retreated.

“Pull funds, political elections?”

As soon as the two left, Miyano Shiho expressed their thoughts.


Mu Qiye smiled and nodded: “For them, it’s really for this, but for me it’s just a gesture. Whether you want it or not, the chaebols can’t delay political investment.”

“Without the support of the government, there will always be a lack of a certain foundation and foundation, and there will be a lack of voice and sensitivity in major matters, and it will even cost more money. It is always beneficial to have more contact.”

“…” Miyano Shibao frowned. To be honest, her personality is a bit lonely, and she doesn’t like to be involved in these things, and she can feel that Mu Qiye doesn’t like it either, but after thinking about the reason, it seems to be very Needed.


“Hmph, treacherous, tricky!” Nakiri Alice, who came over, snorted arrogantly, and without hesitation, smashed two bad words into Mu Qiye’s face.

I have to admit that Nakiri Alice is right, the reason for the contact is to play tricks, and political investment itself is an unfair and treacherous thing.

“Hey, the little beauty is very good at metaphors!” A hint of surprise flashed on his face, Mu Qiye reached out and touched Nakiri Alice’s white face.

Yes, after all, he is the second member of the Nakiri family, the son of the god of molecular gastronomy, which is well-known in Northern Europe. Although he is a little silly from time to time and a little cute, he is sensitive enough and smart enough in big matters.

“You, you, you… hum, hum, hum!” Seeing Mu Qiye touching her face again, Nakiri Alice’s eyes widened and her face turned red again.

She pointed at Mu Qiye and wanted to criticize, but she didn’t dare to say it when she saw the provocative expression on Mu Qiye’s face. In the end, she hummed three times to express her dissatisfaction, and then strode forward angrily. .

“Two, two…” Yoshino Yuki hurriedly followed, and did not forget to give Mu Qiye a smile.

Mu Qiye touched the minibus and couldn’t help but smile, it was really interesting to get along with Nakiri Alice.

“By the way, just stay at the hotel in front.” Mu Qiye reminded.Nakiri Alice paused, then continued to walk forward.

(Thank you for the monthly pass, thank Feng Mingjun for his continuous support, thank myself, shamelessly give a reward, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 212: Makoto Asai

There is no way to go, Nakiri Alice found that she came too quickly and was resisted by Mu Qiye, and she didn’t have time to bring the money!

It is possible that Yoshino Yuki could bring her, but that was her new little valet.

How incompetent is it to spend the other party’s money?In the end, I had to wait for Mu Qiye.Well, it’s going to cost you to bring us, that’s right!

Entering the hotel, Mu Qiye also remembered this incident.

He knew exactly what was on Xiao Baimao’s body. Besides, even if he took it, it would come out when he was carrying it.

I didn’t say much, I simply asked for two rooms, the largest adjacent room.

After all, there is no bodyguard, if this cute little white hair is injured, it will be troublesome.

“No. [*] on the top floor, room No. [*], I hope you have a good trip!”

The innkeeper said with a smile.

There are not many guests in the hotel. It seems that there are not many “Nine Four Seven” tourists who come to Yueying Island to travel, and it is still under development or preliminary development.

When they got upstairs, Mu Qiye handed the key to Xiao Baimao and reminded him, “Don’t run around, do you know? Remember to tell me when you go out.”

Looking at Mu Qiye’s serious expression, Nakiri Alice felt that Mu Qiye was quite handsome, not as bad as she imagined.His face flushed slightly, and he raised his head and said unconvincingly, “It’s annoying, I know!”

Nakiri Alice took the key and hurriedly opened the door and walked into the room.Yoshino Yuki laughed a few times, and nodded one after another, promising to look at her.

Entering the room, it was another cicada.

Mu Qiye didn’t stimulate Xiao Baimao either.When it was time for dinner, it was past twelve o’clock.After Mu Qiye and Miyano Shiho finished washing up, they called Xiaobai Mao and Yoshino Yuki to rush towards the beach.

After all, she was a child of the Nakiri family, so the possibility that the island’s chefs could satisfy her was almost zero.What’s more, since she brought it out, it’s not easy for Nakiri Senzaemon to explain it if she won’t gain anything.

The group walked towards the beach, and happened to meet a female doctor in a white coat walking towards them.Although tied with a single ponytail, she has a handsome face.But if you look closely, there are some male faces.

Mu Qiye can see at a glance that this is a big boss in women’s clothing, and he is also persevering… Well, the ferocity is true, he should have been hit with estrogen!

Yes, after all, he is a man. If he doesn’t take hormones, has no perseverance, and often gets along with people on the island, how can he not be discovered?The islanders are not all fools!

“Huh? Mu Qiye? It’s really you, I thought I had read it wrong!” The women’s clothing boss Asai Makoto showed a little surprise, then walked over with a smile.

Looking at Makoto Asai who was approaching, Alice Nakiri frowned slightly.

Although she is a big boss in women’s clothing, she still looks a bit handsome, and her personality is also very cheerful. She is also a doctor… She adds a lot to herself, which is almost comparable to the Heiyan Lingzi that she met on the shore.

Too bad it’s a man.

“Well, hello.” Mu Qiye nodded with a smile, just like greeting an ordinary passerby, ignoring his closeness and walking past her directly.

“…” Asai, who stopped in his tracks, froze in place. What’s going on?I’m not that bad, am I?Don’t even want to talk to me?

Thinking about the woman in kimono that Mu Qiye was carrying, and the two beautiful girls… Masayoshi Asai had to shake his head with a wry smile, gave up this opportunity, and walked forward.


Mu Qiye ignored the matter of the women’s clothing boss, which also made Alice Nakiri feel at ease.Finally, there is a bit of aesthetics. It’s not that Teddy is messing around, but Yoshino Yuki is shocked. In her view, that big sister is still very beautiful.

Mu Qiye did not explain, and did not rent a fishing rod when he came to the beach.Originally, she was wearing beach clothes, big pants, took off her shirt, and jumped into the sea. After a while, the fish were thrown up by Mu Qiye from ten meters away.

“Sea, Sea King!!!” Pointing at Mu Qiye, Yoshino Yuki was shocked. The speed of catching fish in the sea, the strength of throwing fish, what is not Sea King?

The shock on her face disappeared in a flash, and Alice Nakiri raised her head with a feigned disdain: “What’s the big deal? It’s rare and strange!”

But he also sighed in his heart, Mu Qiye’s speed of catching fish in the sea is much cooler than that.Even in a place with dense sea fish, the cooling speed is not so fast, let alone here, the strength is far worse!

Living abroad, especially in Denmark, is inevitably influenced by foreign cultures.Especially the most famous are Viking warriors, strong body, excellent fighting skills, fighting spirit that is not afraid of death…

Mu Qiye’s figure gradually began to merge with the Viking warrior in his mind. However, when he saw that he walked out of the sea, he could only be regarded as an ordinary figure, and the figure began to separate again.

Hmph, a satyr is a satyr… But why does such an ordinary body exert such a powerful force?

Looking at Mu Qiye’s somewhat pale upper body, Xiao Baimao fell into thinking again ……

What is this guy thinking?

Mu Qiye always felt that this little white hair was thinking of something strange.

But he didn’t care, he lifted her chin, kissed again, and said with a smile, “I’ll leave the lunch to you and Yoshino Yuki.”


Nakiri Alice came back to her senses, she was unavoidably ashamed and angry, her face was full of clouds, but she didn’t think it was as serious as before.

“You, you, you… woohoo~”

Omit………… Yoshino Yuki blushed like a persimmon……

“So, got it?” Mu Qiye let go of Alice and stared at her wine red eyes with a smirk, but her white face was even more rosy than her eyes at the moment.

“…” Unwillingly glanced at Mu Qiye, Nakiri Alice couldn’t help it…it was too annoying… (omitted).


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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