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Winery? Nothing — Page 142

“It’s so beautiful, okay, I’ll leave it to you!” He couldn’t help but kissed Xiaobai Mao again, Mu Qiye got up and walked towards Miyano Shibao.

“You, you…” Behind, Nakiri Alice pointed at Mu Qiye, she almost cried, why did she take another bite?Yoshino Yuki hurried over and reminded: “Second, calm down, calm down, the more you resist, the more serious the consequences will be!”

Yoshino Yuji said the truth, but Nakiri Alice was still a little unwilling, and finally looked at Yoshino Yuji faintly and said, “If he stands by me cheaply, will you stand in front of me and replace me?”

“This…” Hearing this, Yoshino Yuki’s expression suddenly froze. How do you say this?Saying 4.8 is willing is obviously impossible.But if you don’t want to, what if you get angry?

After all, not long after Nakiri Alice, Nakiri Alice is also crazy, a little cute and funny style.It’s hard to be in awe or even willing to pay for her.

“Hmph, little liar!” Alice Nakiri pouted and didn’t care.Or really let Yoshino Yuki mean to bear Mu Qiye’s bullying instead of her, but thinking of Erina’s little follower, Hishako Shinto, is still a little unwilling.

“Ah? Two…”

“Go, cook! @”

(Thank you for the monthly pass, thank Feng Mingjun for his continuous support, thank myself, shamelessly give a reward, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….).

Chapter 213: Gin digs out the traitor

Seeing Nakiri Alice and Yoshino Yuki who were picking up fish on the beach, Miyano Shiho’s eyes showed a little admiration.This is a happy time she and her sister have never had before, but others are within reach.

However, it is just admiration.

She is a contented person, and what she has now is actually beyond the reach of most people.In addition to being difficult to grasp her fate, and her small life can be thrown away at any time, in fact, she does not hate this kind of life.

Whether it is studying APTX4869 or within the organization, in fact, she is not as disgusted as her sister Miyano Akemi imagined.

Unlike my sister.

Her body and hands were already stained with blood, and her life had long since melted into the darkness.


Long live!

How many doctors and researchers want to conquer, but have no clue, but she has already mastered some of the important information!

It’s not like she wants to live forever, but it’s worth fighting for. This is what she wants to do.

“What is that thing?”

Seeing Mu Qiye walking over, Miyano Shiho’s face was filled with indescribable relief.

“So anxious?”

Think about it too, the charm of longevity to every 09 medical staff is unimaginable.

Miyano Shiho rolled his eyes, Mu Qiye smiled, sat next to her, took out a palm-sized octopus from his pocket, and handed the octopus leg in the airtight bag to Miyano Shiho.

“Huh? Interesting!” With a surprised expression in his eyes, Miyano Shiho reached out and took it over, looking at it carefully.

Different from ordinary octopus legs, this octopus leg is somewhat black, as if it gives a rotten feeling, but the tentacles are still active, as if they have just been cut off, even more active than living tentacles!

“Octopus monster?” Miyano Shiho immediately remembered the octopus monster dozens of meters high that he saw in the movie, but looking at the size of the tentacles, it was obvious that the octopus was not big, a new type of transformation?

“How do you put it in a sealed bag, what if you die? By the way, is it dead?”

Miyano Shiho felt distressed when he saw such precious material being packaged by Mu Qiye.But thinking about it, I really don’t know if this thing is dead or alive.

It stands to reason that it should be alive, but it was sealed in a sealed bag, no air, no water, and she seemed to be dead no matter how she thought about it… She didn’t know exactly what the situation was.

“I don’t know.” With a dashing shrug, Mu Qiye smiled and said, “I’m not good at this aspect, but I guess it should be dead, or a new creature.”

In this world, the dead octopus legs transformed by corpse training are naturally a new kind of creature, or a dark creature, or even a undead creature…

“A new creature?” Miyano Shiho pouted, disapprovingly.

Although the one behind Mu Qiye is very strong, she may have the powerful ability of the legendary Western wizard.But creating new creatures is the result of natural evolution. She doesn’t think the other party has this kind of strength. It should be an undiscovered octopus species, or radiation has formed a mutation…

Miyano Shiho decided to go back and have a test to check it out.See if it fits into Aptx4869!

“Do you have any other similar creatures or related materials?” Miyano Shiho’s research mind suddenly burst, he took it out of his pocket, and gave Mu Qiye the three boxes of aptx4869 that he had prepared earlier.

“By the way, you should have guessed that Kudo Shinichi or the current Edogawa Conan also became smaller because of taking this medicine, but the success rate is very small, not even [*] in [*].”

Miyano Shiho gave Mu Qiye a serious warning, for fear that he couldn’t help taking the medicine.

Mu Qiye waved his hand, put away the pills, and threw them directly into his pocket: “Don’t worry, I can’t use this kind of thing for the time being, and even though I don’t have a longevity medicine, it’s still very easy to find some life-extending medicine, this thing is curious.”

“Life extension potion?!!” Miyano Shibao was even more shocked, not only the position of her strength behind Mu Qiye, but also the value of Mu Qiye in her heart has increased to a new height.

Absolutely unusual!

“Can I get it?” Miyano Shiho couldn’t help asking.

Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smile: “Yes, whether it’s a life-extending potion or other materials, but you can’t take it for nothing.”

“Your organization is not weak, and you should also have a lot of collections. Any strange things, cold weapons, precious ores, herbs… can be traded with me. As for hot weapons, it’s not worth the money. These things are not very valuable.”

“…” Miyano Shiho frowned, not because he was dissatisfied with Mu Qiye saying he wanted to trade.I just think that in the technological society now, Mu Qiye or the person behind her asking for these things feels a little weird.

Also, he was originally a wizard-like character, and it was really weird to want hot weapons.

Miyano Shiho nodded lightly and said, “I can contact Gin, but the possibility should not be small.” Then he shook the octopus leg that was still moving back and forth in his hand.

“Okay.” Mu Qiye agreed with a smile, and said, “Let’s fight now, I haven’t heard Jiuzi’s voice for a long time, I miss it, that icy aura…”

“…Shoko?” Miyano Shiho glanced at Mu Qiye oddly, Jiuzi must be referring to gin, and after confirming that his sexual orientation was normal, he curled his lips and said, “Don’t come near me, it sounds disgusting. already.”

“Disgusting?” Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows and pushed Miyano Shiho on the beach…


in an abandoned factory.

Gin stood at the front, holding a slender cigarette and holding a pistol in his left hand.On the left is the younger brother vodka, and on the right is Calvados with sunglasses, a tall hat and a shotgun.There are five people behind them, both men and women.

In front of them was a man in his thirties, with short black hair and a mustache scotch on his chin, hanging from a chain.


Gin raised his hand with a 947 gun, and simply abolished Scotch Whiskey’s right leg: “Tell me, who is your upline, and who else sneaked in together!”

Since he got the information from Mu Qiye that there are at least five traitors who have won the title, he has increased the speed of investigation of traitors in R, and killed the police, hostile politicians, parliamentarians, and some wealthy people who are in the way and have no eyesight. A lot of traitors or members of the organization who plan to have both sides have been found out.

However, the title is still the first. This grandson actually showed mercy to Tiaozi, and according to the intelligence, several of the first few mission targets were also faked death, special codes, what is this not a traitor? ! !

“Bah!” Scotch Whiskey took a sip of thick phlegm, mixed with blood foam and spit it towards the gin. Unfortunately, after hanging for more than a day, he lost his strength and only fell in front of the gin.

Gin sneered disdainfully and took a cigarette.

The vodka next to him was instantly furious, he took the steel pipe forward, and skillfully smashed a steel pipe directly on his leg: “Special code, how dare you spit at eldest brother? It’s against you, the traitor is amazing, where is your partner? Why didn’t you come to save you!”

Saying that, the steel pipe smashed it again!

(Thank you for the monthly pass, thank Feng Mingjun for his continuous support, thank myself, shamelessly give a reward, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards, for support, for comments….).

Chapter 214: There is Kudo Shinichi as a test product


The vodka was very dark, and it was Scotch whisky, which was the wound where Zhu Fu Jingguang was shot by the gin. Even the elite of the police could not help sweating on his forehead, and his gums almost bleed!

Vodka did not hesitate, and the steel pipe continued to smash towards Zhu Fu Jingguang’s wound. The special code is the most annoying to these inner ghosts, and the special code is not a thing!

“Vodka, stop.” Gin took a cigarette and stopped the vodka.Not to be soft-hearted, not to solve Scotch now, but to maximize the value of Scotch.

“Yes, big brother!” Vodka looked unhappy, spit out Scotch whisky in disgust, and returned with a steel pipe.

“Come on, Dutch Van Gogh, Qin Lei, Bourbon…” Gin read out the names of the other five people one by one, Scotch whisky was obviously trained, and the possibility of simply asking the result is not high, it is better to pass this Test it out and see if you can find other ghosts!

Van Gogh of the Netherlands, Qin Lei also knew the meaning of gin, but they didn’t think so. Some people thought it was gin too much. There were no ghosts among them, but they found one!

The tall and thin Dutch Van Gogh with a fleshless face showed a bit of madness on his face. He walked out with a sinister smile, looked at Qin Lei with long black hair and a plump figure beside him, and said, “Brother, this kind of thing is still Qin Lei. Sister Lei is good at it, give him a few injections, and it is estimated that he will ask in a few days.”

“That’s right, leave it to me, Boss Gin!” Qin Lei, a part-time drug dealer, smiled charmingly, took out a few syringes from her pocket, and said with a smile, “The new product just arrived in Southeast Asia, the effect is quite good. !”

“Yeah~” Jin Jiu took a cigarette and spit out a smoke ring, indicating that Qin Lei would be fine.His purpose is to test the loyalty of these men.

As for the life and death of Scotch, he didn’t care.

Moreover, according to past practice, whether it is R-based public security, FBI, MI[*] or those messy organizations, they are all lurking in alone, without knowing each other, at most they can dig out each other’s online.

But there are only a few people who can send these elites to sneak into the organization, and there is not much difference between knowing and not knowing.Basically, they want to do it, and there is no chance, and there is a high probability that they cannot do it.

Qin Lei smiled and twisted her waist before she even walked to the Scotch whisky. Van Gogh and Vodka asked for the steel pipe. After striding over, she swung it up from the bottom and went directly to the Scotch whisky. On the point!

“Woo, woo~”~” Scotch whisky’s expression was distorted, and his whole body wanted to curl up like a bean bug, but he didn’t dare to move because of the pain, and he didn’t have the strength.

“Does it hurt? No, I think you’re very cool! It’s cool, right? I’ll let you enjoy it a few more times… It’s useless for me to treat you as a brother, a real brother!”

Dutch Van Gogh had a crazy expression on his face. After saying this, he seemed to be stimulated. The steel rod kept hitting his vitals: “How many times has I saved you? I was almost beaten to death by Tiaozi in order to save you. How many times have you been shot for you? Your special code turned out to be an internal ghost? Haha, how many times has I been arrested for your reasons? Special code, I am blind!  …”

Holland Van Gogh’s stick-by-stick Len is at the key point of Scotch whisky, and Gin’s eyes are slightly narrowed, which is actually understandable.Scotch Whiskey is the partner of Van Gogh in the Netherlands. The two completed the task together, were hunted down by Tiaozi, and were almost arrested several times…

Dutch Van Gogh’s relationship with Scotch whisky is similar to that of a brother. In fact, most of the partners in the organization are also good, just like he has Vodka, Cohen, Chianti and Calvados…

Although sometimes they are superiors and inferiors, they may even quarrel, but they are all characters who have come out of the hail of bullets and can block the guns for each other when necessary.

I suddenly found out that the person I believed in was the culprit who harmed me, so it would be strange not to be angry.That’s why, when he discovered that Scotch whisky was a ghost, the first thing he wanted to test was Dutch Van Gogh…

Now it seems that more than [*]% of the Dutch Van Gogh has no problem.

Qin Lei, who was holding a syringe on the side, was a little embarrassed.

She acts alone, and it can be said that the main business is different from them.Although she also performed tasks to kill people, it was not that dangerous, and killing them was not too important. She was considered a marginal person among the core characters, similar to Shirley.

She and I have met them a few times, but they are not familiar with each other, and they can’t understand their feelings and the anger in the heart of Dutch Van Gogh.

“Boss…” Qin Lei looked at Jin Jiu inquiringly, Jin Jiu stretched out her hand to signal her not to do it yet, Van Gogh of Holland is the kind of person who is entangled and emotional. If he doesn’t let him vent his anger, something big will happen sooner or later .

Qin Lei nodded lightly and stood aside to wait.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated.

Everyone looked at Jin Jiu, Jin Jiu frowned, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he walked aside, while among the remaining three, the wheat-colored skin and the short blond hair of bourbon had hands. Moved uncontrollably.



Moon Shadow Island Beach.

Miyano Shiho and Mu Qiye leaned together and told Gin about the matter.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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