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Winery? Nothing — Page 147

“Mr. Mu, you…” Hearing Mu Qiye’s words, he refused the goddess in his heart, and Takagi Shibu, who was still similar to a passerby, couldn’t help but speak.

“Takagi!” Sato Miwako glared at Takagi and stopped directly.

It’s not that he thinks what Mu Qiye said is right, but it doesn’t matter if he wins the argument. Mu Qiye is not the kind of person who can change his decision at will. If he argues with Mu Qiye, he can only suffer from Takagi in the end.

(Thank you for the monthly pass, thank Feng Mingjun for his continuous support, thank liy31183 for the reminder ticket, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 222: Takagi Shibu is floating~


“But what?” Mu Qiye looked at Takagi with a smile.I feel that it is still soft to start, and now even a small scorpion dares to be with him.

“Mr. Mu, don’t get me wrong, he just joined our police station.” Sato Miwako saw the badness in Mu Qiye’s words, and quickly got up to explain, with his eyes signaling Takagi not to ask for trouble.

“…” Seeing the goddess in his heart stop him, Takagi Nunu’s mouth was closed, and he had to shut his mouth.In fact, he was just because of a momentary eloquence.

The police station knows that Mu Qiye can’t provoke him. Before coming here, Chief Mumu could have warned him. It was because of his kindness and kindness that he let him come. If it was normal, how could he provoke Mu Qiye?

But… Takagi Shibu subconsciously glanced at Sato Miwa and immediately turned his head.And what happened to be facing was Mu Qiye’s faint smile “Nine Four Seven” who seemed to be easy to get along with.

However, his heart tightened, and he quickly smiled embarrassingly: Aren’t you just staring at me like that?It shouldn’t be possible, how could a big man like Mr. Mu be staring at me?

“It doesn’t matter, the purpose of my visit is to invest, as long as I don’t disrupt my investment plan.” Mu Qiye retracted his gaze, but glanced at Sato Miwako deeply.

I have to admit that in addition to personality, Sato Mikako’s face and figure are still very attractive…

Sato Miwako’s pupils shrank, and she didn’t think about it. The consequences of what she thought were much more serious than that: “Don’t worry, Mr. Mu, I won’t bother you.”

Sato Miwako promised immediately.

Mu Qiye chuckled lightly and said, “That’s good, the two of you are busy, so don’t bother.”

“Okay, please~”

Mu Qiye nodded and got up, looking at Alice and Yoshino Yuki: “Let’s go, I’m walking around, I haven’t had breakfast yet!”

“Humph!” Seeing that Mu Qiye was all right, he was relieved.Nakiri Alice raised her head and became petulant again, but she still stood up, Yoshino Yuki smiled ingratiatingly, and hurriedly followed.

Can not provoke ah!

Seeing the back of Mu Qiye leaving, Sato Mikazu couldn’t help shaking his head with a sigh. If Mu Qiye was from their police station, it would be great if he didn’t break the law.

Then he couldn’t help but look at the new Takagi Shibu, frowning and warning: “Didn’t you say you don’t want to provoke him? Why do you still talk like that?”

“Ah?” Takagi Shek was a little embarrassed, touched his forehead embarrassedly, and said with a simple and honest smile: “It’s not so serious, right? I didn’t provoke Mr. Mu, so I just said but…”

“Forget it, try to see him less often in the future.” Miwako Sato shook his head irritably, and turned to leave.Although Takagi said just now, it is really nothing, maybe there is his reason, and the reason is correct…

But so what?The point is not what he said, but what Mu Qiye thinks, Mu Qiye was obviously a little disgusted just now, so Takagi is provoking him.

The safest way I can think of now is to let the two never see each other again.

Hehe, disrupt the investment plan.

This thing really happened, if the trouble goes out, both of them can quit directly!

“Ah? Officer Sato…not…” Seeing Sato Mikazu who was leaving, Takagi Shibu suddenly panicked, and hurriedly chased after him, trying to explain.

In the future, the police station will use Sato Mikazu and Mu Qiye to contact him to keep him away from Mu Qiye, that is, to keep him away from the goddess Sato Mikazu?


Leave the hotel.

Mu Qiye took Alice and Yoshino Yuki to the supermarket, where they bought two boxes of juice, as well as seasonings and spices…

As expected of the Muhai King…not the Sea God!

Seeing Mu Qiye climbing the mountain with two boxes of juice with ease, thinking about what happened last night, and still not blushing or panting, Yoshino Yuuki’s face couldn’t help but turn a little red.

However, climbing the mountain like this is inevitably a bit boring, Yoshino Yuki couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Mu, are we going to the mountains? Are we going back at noon?”

“Not going back.”

Mu Qiye smiled and said, “I bought so many things, of course I won’t go back, but I still have to give you breakfast and lunch.”

“Although the seasoning is incomplete, it is definitely more delicious than yesterday!” Yoshino Yuki smiled and immediately raised the flag.She is good at wild game.

Afterwards, he frowned again and said with a flat mouth, “It’s just that it’s a little troublesome to catch some game. If I come by myself, the location is unfamiliar, and it’s estimated to take two hours!”

“Don’t worry, pheasants and hares, you don’t need to think about this meal.” Mu Qiye took out a coin from his pocket, pinched it between his index finger and thumb, and threw it into the bushes. ……

“Plop~” Yoshino Yuji’s eyes lit up: “It’s a pheasant that can fly!” After saying that, she ran towards the direction where the sound came from, where Mu Qiye threw the coin.

“Cough cough!” Behind, Nakiri Alice’s face turned black, and she coughed twice.

But the little valet still didn’t realize it. Looking at Kogenban who ran away, Nakiri Alice’s face turned even darker: This little valet is going against the sky, do you know who is the master!

“Why, are you angry?” Mu Qiye turned around and looked at Alice with a smile.Nakiri Alice blushed, snorted, raised her head, and strode forward: “No!”


Inside the hotel.

Heiyan Lingzi regained some strength and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Without washing it again and again, she hurried out and put on the black chiffon dress she was wearing when she came.

After leaving the room, he made sure that there was no one in the hotel lobby, so he hurriedly lowered his head and hurried out.

After leaving the hotel, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, recalling her usual expression as she walked.His face gradually regained a somewhat arrogant look, but the rest of it could not be recovered.

“Lingzi? Finally found you!”

At this moment, a tall man with a knitted hat on his head and sunglasses ran towards him.

“Ah?, Zhou, Monday…” Looking at the person who came, Lingzi Heiyan had a panicked expression on his face. Thinking of what happened last night, he hurriedly sorted out his dress in 4.8, and then remembered that he had done it before he came out. .

The man who came was her boyfriend, Monday Murazawa, who was about to get married.

“Lingzi, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for hours. Your house is on fire, and your father was burned to death!”

After Murazawa ran over on Monday, what he said immediately gave Reiko Heiwa, who had planned to hide what happened last night, a blow to the head. His eyes suddenly became empty, and the whole person was stunned.

“I, my father is dead?!!”

(Thank you for the monthly pass, thank Feng Mingjun for his continuous support, thank liy31183 for the reminder ticket, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 223: You must marry me!

“Go home, yes, I want to go home…”

After it was finally confirmed that his father, Tatsuji Kuroiwa, was dead, Riko Kuroiwa pushed Murazawa Monday away and stumbled towards the house.

“Lingzi, slow down, don’t worry…”

Murazawa hurriedly turned around to keep up on Monday, but stopped immediately when he saw Reiko Kuroiwa’s strange walking posture.His face was a little blue, and his mind gradually connected with the walking postures of the women who had had a relationship!

“I’m green!”

Murazawa came to this conclusion on Monday, looking at the hotel in the direction Heiyan Lingzi came from, his face was even more blue: “Mu Qiye!”

At this time, he also remembered yesterday afternoon, the bastard Heiyan Chenji, who asked him to guard the fish pond, saying that he was worried about other people’s troubles.

Thinking about it now, it was so obvious that he was worried that he would find out that he would cause trouble and let him go to cover for Lingzi Heiyan!

“damn it!”

Thinking that he and his brothers had been guarding the fish pond for a whole night, and even the Heiyan’s house was burned only to know when he came back.After finding out that Heiyan Lingzi was not there, he asked the younger brother to find Heiyan Lingzi…

He was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and he had never felt so suffocated for so many years in Yeongdo on the 09th of Monday!

“Vengeance!” With a deep hatred and humiliation on his twisted face, Murazawa gritted his teeth on Monday, picked up his mobile phone, and called his younger brother!


within the woods.

A good opportunity was wasted last night. While the two girls were looking for wild vegetables, Mu Qiye found Alice directly.

“Ah, you, you, what are you doing?”

Looking up to see Mu Qiye, Nakiri Alice was startled, she quickly stood up, pointed at Mu Qiye and kept retreating.

(Omitted) “Little Forest, two people, one man and one woman, what do you want to do?”


Nakiri Alice’s eyes widened, but her face couldn’t help showing a bit of ruddy, a bit of fear.

“So surprised?”

Mu Qiye accelerated a few steps and rushed in front of Alice (omitted… )



surprise?Yes, but to say that it was completely unexpected would be impossible.

Cong Mu Qiye put her… No, it should be said that Cong Zaiqie villa, in front of that unreliable grandfather said to throw her into the woods, she had expected this possibility.

Then, following that, Mu Qiye kept taking advantage of her and bullying her…

(Omitted…)… It’s really in the woods, I can’t help but feel a little wronged when I think of it, even if it’s not a place where flowers bloom, maple trees, cherry trees… It’s better than this in a hotel!


Women are like gambling.

The more you give her for the first time, the more beautiful, the more she looks forward to the future, the more you need to pay, and you may not be able to please her, and she may not feel beautiful and happy. Even grateful.

On the contrary, if the first time she gets a bad card and almost loses to the bottoms, then next, just be a little nice to her, or give her a little surprise, she will be grateful and happy for your change, feel satisfied……

Regardless of who it is, the latter is actually beneficial.Of course, if this card stinks so badly that it drives people away, or just pushes the table, then don’t say anything.


“I, I, I…”

In the distance, Yoshino Yuki, who followed the voice, was shocked when she saw this scene.

Then he immediately covered his mouth to prevent the sound from coming out, his eyes widened in disbelief, that the plot in the comic novel actually happened, and the protagonist turned out to be Mu Haishen and the second of the Nakiri family!



Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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