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Winery? Nothing — Page 16


After so many days of communication and familiarity, Suzuki Lingzi also consciously changed the title of senior. The two should be regarded as very good friends, and it should be said that they are still a little ambiguous.

If it weren’t for Suzuki Lingzi being the eldest of the Suzuki family, it is estimated that they would have been together long ago.

“What? Xiaolan invited? Dorobika Paradise? Well, ten o’clock, right?”

“Well, Sonoko said it was ten o’clock.”

“All right……”

Mu Qiye looked at the time, it was almost half past nine: “I’ll pick you up in about ten minutes, so I can’t go alone, right? Just leave the business of the store to Asakusa and the others for the time being. “

“Uh, okay, you and I are waiting for you at the door!”


After hanging up the phone, Ikezawa Tomoko had put on his clothes, cleaned up briefly, stood up and prepared to leave.

Of course, after hesitating for a while, he still picked up the check.

“Anyway, thank you.”

Thank you indeed.

The rented room will expire this month. If you don’t have the [*] yuan, bank interest, and a few black loans, the people who want the money will probably find it.

After speaking, Ikezawa Tomoko left in a hurry.

“Apart from character, he is a good person.”

Mu Qiye stretched, got up and went to the bathroom to simply take a shower.

Tomoko Chize was so obedient and polite in front of him because he was forced by money, and he had to say two things about the actual situation.Of course, the domineering face in the plot is not necessarily from her sincerity.

There is no such face in the entertainment industry, maybe there will be something else, people who are good are deceived by others, that’s all!

Mu Qiye drove to the pawn shop to pick up Suzuki Lingzi, and then headed for Dorobika Paradise.

Mu Qiye is still looking forward to the next episode.

The soul of the dead is one part, and the other part is Xiaolan, Lingzi, and Youxizi, one is Lucky Star, the daughter of Concubine Miles, and the other is a target that cannot be let go. After so many days, I took Lingzi around the paradise. , brushing the goodwill is also a must, not to mention a gift of Youxizi.

The car was parked in the parking lot in front of Tropical Paradise. Mu Qi paid the fare and glanced back at the gate. He found Xiao Lan who was waiting, and Kudo Shinichi who was pulling his hands behind his head. .

“Senior Mu, Sister Ling Zi, here!”

Seeing Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi, Mao Lilan said hello and pulled the reluctant Kudo Shinichi towards this side.

“Sorry, the traffic is a little blocked, it’s late.”

Mu Qiye looked at his watch and apologized just after ten o’clock.

“No, I said it too late.”

Mao Lilan didn’t care at all, and Suzuki Lingzi also smiled apologetically.

“Rory is so annoying~”

Kudo Shin murmured a little, looked at Mu Qiye with obvious dissatisfaction: “I’m sorry for what happened before, but if the same case happened, I would still do it!”

He Kudo Shinichi, who wants to become a detective like Sherlock Holmes, will never let go of any evidence, any opportunity for the murderer to tell the truth!

“Shinichi! Didn’t you agree to apologize?!!!”

Beside him, Maolilan stared at him and reminded in a low voice.Kudo Shinichi didn’t care, spread his hands and said: “I apologize, but this is my principle, I am a man who wants to be a famous detective like Sherlock Holmes!”

At this moment, Kudo Shinichi’s eyes seemed to be shining!

Shouting Diga towards the sky, it seems that he is about to fly away and become a giant of light?

Suzuki Lingzi looked at Kudo Shinichi strangely, not knowing whether to say he was persistent or to speak for Mu Qiye.

After all, neither of them did anything wrong.

Mu Qiye smiled, nodded and said, “Similarly, I will also call a lawyer to carry out legal proceedings and safeguard my legal rights.”


Kudo Shin rubbed his teeth and rolled his eyes: “Can you not file a legal lawsuit?”

Lawyers, lawsuits are the natural enemy of detectives, and Nakamura has directly increased the amount of compensation to 5 because the accused, that is, they do not respect the court’s judgment, maliciously delay the execution of the law, and what else is wrong. billion yen!

No way, who made his mother not agree to pay the money, he didn’t apply for a lawyer in the first round of defense?Unsurprisingly, the compensation amount was estimated to be changed only after Mu Qiye agreed.

“This is my right.” Mu Qiye said solemnly.

Kudo Shinichi: “…”

“Okay, okay, let’s enter the paradise!”

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Mao Lilan hurriedly proposed to go to the park with a smile, and his hand appeared behind Kudo Shinichi without realizing it, pinching and twisting…

“I, s, o…”

Kudo Shinichi wanted to say something, and then there was a pain in his heart.His entire face was deformed, and even his feet stood on tiptoe.But in order not to lose face, he desperately endured it, and the cold sweat kept shedding.

Mao Lilan was not so cruel. Seeing Kudo Shinichi’s expression, he also regretted that he had tried too hard. Thinking that Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi were both by his side, he just smiled apologetically at Kudo Shinichi.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 28: Two voyeurs!

“You have a great relationship!”

Suzuki Lingzi covered her mouth and smiled, feeling that Mao Lilan’s sister’s best friend is still easy to get along with and very kind.

“Why?” Mao Lilan bowed his head with some blushing.

After Kudo Shinichi heard it, he quickly denied it: “Yes, there is no one, this violent woman, no one…”


Before Kudo Shinichi could finish speaking, Mao Lilan raised his slightly lowered head again, in a low tone, and his staring eyes seemed to glow fiercely!

At this moment, Kudo Shin thought of the scene where Xiaolan smiled and threw a punch when she was angry, and the telephone pole was interrupted…

That special code is iron!

“Hehe, hehe…”

Kudo Shinichi smiled awkwardly, and swallowed the following words with a strong desire to survive.


The four of them headed for the paradise.

“By the way, what about Yukiko?”

Suzuki Ryoko suddenly thought that the Fujimine Yukiko that Sonoko said didn’t seem to be there.

“? Aunt, right?”

Kudo Shinichi rolled his eyes and rubbed his still aching lower back.

He always doesn’t understand why there are always people, and there are many people who call the mother who pretends to be tender, and there are more than one!

At this moment, not far away, a plump Obasan suddenly stopped, his eyes seemed to glance here.

Thinking that Fujimine Yukiko is Kudo Shinichi’s mother, Suzuki Ryoko quickly apologized: “I’m really sorry, Kudo-san, Yukiko, but Ms. Kudo looks too young, I always unconsciously treat her as unmarried.”

She is indeed too young, and with the issue of her dressing style, according to the photos circulating on the Internet, she and Okino Yoko look about the same age.

Although Fei Miles also looks very young, especially after letting down her hair, her dressing style is too serious, and she is engaged in the legal profession, so she is the so-called Queen of Law, so if you don’t think that, people will ignore his age and think that she should be older. long.

“It’s okay, a certain woman must be very proud to hear that now!” Kudo Shinichi looked around, this unreliable mother always wanted to make a gorgeous appearance, thought she was a well-known actor from ten years ago?Even if it appears in a large audience now, it is estimated that few people will recognize it, right?Outdated star!

At this time, the plump woman had also turned her head and walked towards the door, but her fists were clenched tightly for some unknown reason, and her steps were quicker and heavier, as if she was very angry.

“Damn Shinichi, actually calling me an aunt? When I get home, I must…”

“The breath is pure, and more than [*]% of it is Kudo Yukiko.” Thinking of the scene where Kudo Yukiko and Kudo Yu were playing Conan in the plot, Mu Qiye looked at the fat woman a few times and was basically certain that this fat woman was made by Kudo Yukiko, But why, I’m not sure, and I don’t care.

What he cared about was that in addition to Yukiko Kudo, there seemed to be a gaze watching them vaguely.

It seemed to be in a car parked opposite.

The strength should not be strong, not gin, vodka?or someone else?

After upgrading to the Soul Eater bloodline, Mu Qiye found that in addition to the abilities introduced by Tian Ping, his perception has also become much stronger.

Not only can you “see” some strange things, but you can also barely perceive whether the surrounding creatures are hostile, someone is paying attention to him, or is approaching.

After that, I exchanged the two kinds of magic of crisis perception and mind control.

Crisis perception is a passive skill, and it will also be triggered when people notice it. Mind control is a simple spiritual use method that specializes in exercising mental power.

I stayed in the villa for the past few days and didn’t come out. Most of the reasons were also to exercise and familiarize myself with these two abilities.

In addition, it was also exchanged from the Book of Death, soul binding, corpse training, these two pure magics, which are also displayed on the sky board.

“Four people, thank you~”

“Senior, should…”

“I’m here. After the big deal, find an opportunity to invite me to dinner.”


There was a small episode at the door, Mu Qiye handed in the tickets, walked into the tropical hot garden one after another, and received a simple map of the amusement park.

Mu Qiye had never been here, so he simply watched it.

Demon Lab, Fantasy Fairytale Island, Adventure Island, Fountain Pool, Observatory, Roller Coaster, Flowing Lava… There are indeed quite a few places to play. After a brief look at it, Mu Qiye took a few steps to the side and threw it away. into the trash can.

“Huh? Has the senior come many times?”

Mao Lilan looked at Mu Qiye curiously, as long as he was not very familiar with it, most people would not throw it on this map.


Mu Qiye shrugged and explained, “It’s just that I don’t like to walk around with a purpose. I hurriedly walked back and missed a lot of things. Besides, I’m too tired. Know the entrance, exit, and basic directions, and just turn the rest. Go when you like it, you don’t have to play anything, just play it all over again.”

With that said, Mu Qiye went to the front of the Oden by the roadside: “Do you want to eat something?”

Recently, my appetite has increased greatly, and it is almost noon, and I am already hungry.

“Oh, I don’t need it.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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