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Winery? Nothing — Page 160

Others, to be honest, he didn’t care that much.

It is very difficult to make it into the top five in China, and it is easy to be replaced. At most, it can be included in the ranks of the more profitable ones, and the others are ignored…

Although I don’t know much about the Qiben chaebol, but looking at Mu Qiye’s expression, I know that he is not an ordinary person.Nakiri Alice and Yoshino Yuki also closed their mouths honestly, waiting for Mu Qiye to speak.

“Okay, since you’re going to entrust it to me, then I’ll handle it~”. “This kind of thing is beneficial to him without any harm, and naturally there is no reason to refuse.

“Yeah.” Huo Ben Xiajiang’s face was still sad, but his expression was much more relaxed.Then he said hesitantly: “Well, that part of me is not important, it can be…”

“Don’t worry, that part of you is yours, I’ll take care of them over there.” Mu Qiye nodded lightly with a smile, knowing what Huo Ben Xiajiang meant.

Although he was a little moved by Huanben Xiajiang’s inheritance, this kind of food was too ugly, and he was not the kind of person who wanted to take the money of people who were good to him. Bad reputation.

“Oh, good~”

Huo Ben Xiajiang’s face was slightly red, but he couldn’t help but add: “Actually, I really don’t care that much, you can…”

“Okay, I see.”

Mu Qiye stopped Xia Jiang from continuing to speak, and turned to look at the remaining five heirs of the Qiben family and the old butler Suzuki who came out.

Qiben General II, Qiben Qiujiang, Huoben Longnan, including Qiben Mariko and Qiben Beilang.After a few discussions, they still don’t want to give up. After all, there is no difference at all. They can’t accept it at all, and no one can accept it.

In particular, the two generals of Qiben, Qiujiang and Huanben Longnan.His only son, Ichiro Hamoto, is dead, and Mariko Hamoto and Kitaro Hamoto are more unwilling. Logically speaking, they are the ones who share the most!

But seeing Mu Qiye who turned around, and Nakiri Alice beside him, everyone didn’t feel the momentum slowed down, and then quickly lowered.

Whether it is Qiben Haozang who has already attributed all the inheritance to Huanben Xiajiang in name, or Qiben Haozang’s will, they have no right to compete for this inheritance.Mu Qiye wasn’t Xia Jiang, so he wouldn’t talk nonsense with them, and he wouldn’t care if they had any opinions.

At this time, Megumi Shisan, Sato Mikazu and the others had already entered the deck, Conan had already woken up, Kudo Yusaku…in a coma?being carried?


The corpses of Huo Benwu, Haben Ichiro, and Haben Haozang were all carried out.In any case, the corpses of Haben Ichiro and Hamoto will obviously be transported back to the island for cremation.

“Has the inside been cleaned?”

Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows, it was already evening, and he was not in the mood to speak here.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Mu, it has been dealt with.” The old butler Suzuki said respectfully.Mu Qiye nodded lightly: “Then let’s talk inside.”

Mu Qiye walked at the front, Nakiri Alice and Yoshino Yuki, followed by Xiajiang Huoben, others had opinions but did not dare to say anything, so they followed Mu Qiye into the cabin.

This momentum…

Even Mu Mu Shisan has to admit that Mu Qiye is indeed powerful, even the descendant of the old chaebol in the R version of the Qiben family should be honest and humble in front of Mu Qiye.

Really underestimated~

At this time, Mu Mu Shisan couldn’t help but regret it.Even if Mu Qiye develops well, in the eyes of most people, including him, he still lacks the background and cannot compare to these old-fashioned chaebols.

But, obviously, they underestimated Mu Qiye’s methods and deterrence. Even if the deterrence was illegal, but they didn’t have any evidence, they couldn’t do anything…

He’s not one of those fools who don’t know anything.

Although I have always insisted on upholding justice in my heart and the law, I can’t bow my head to anyone because of the police badge on my shoulders, but I am not a person who does not understand the importance, otherwise, I will not be able to achieve the position of the police department in Tokyo.

Underestimating Mu Qiye is part of it, and the other part is that this case involved too many lives, Mu Qiye kept provoking, or provoking the majesty of the police station in front of him, he couldn’t help it… (King Nuo’s)


Mu Mu Shisan’s face darkened, knowing that this matter was not as easy to solve as when Mu Qiye first entered the police station.Demotion is certain, as for this police uniform…

“‘ ‘Miwako, wait here, ask what to do with their bodies, and record the testimony…” He simply handed over the rest of the work to Sato Miwako, and Mumu Shisan turned and left a little lonely.

This time the matter is very serious… Forget it, let’s report it first…

It was Mu Qiye first, then Kudo Yusaku, and Haemoto Haozang’s murder case, and he didn’t even have time to report.

“Officer Mumu… life”

Looking at the back of Megumi Shisan, Sato Miwako showed a worried and regretful expression.However, she couldn’t do anything, after all, she couldn’t change Mu Qiye’s decision.


(Thanks for the monthly pass with no regrets, thanks for the monthly pass of the paper, thank you for the monthly pass of Starlight 399, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 245:: Inheritance distribution, expulsion of the flag family

Since they have an advantage, it is naturally impossible for them to take advantage of it.

He called the lawyer who made the will, and the heir, Xiajiang, and the old butler Suzuki, the witness, verbally proved the fact that Haozang Haozang had been killed.

The will lawyer said that Qi Ben Haozang left all his inheritance to Qi Ben Xiajiang.And it is determined that tomorrow will go to Qiben Island to announce the will, carry out the legal handover of the relevant property, and hang up the phone after the inheritance procedure.

Mu Qiye was relieved.

The hearts of the five heirs of Hamoto General II and Hamoto Mariko have completely dropped to freezing point.Now, their future is almost completely in the hands of Mu Qiye!


Mu Qiye was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so he said straight to the point that he had two options: “According to the will of Mr. Qi Ben, you will get nothing, but you are also members of Qi Ben’s family, and Xia Jiang can’t do it all. Get out of the house.”

“Two options, the first one, you can work in the Qiben Group. Of course, there will be a relatively high starting point, but don’t even think about being a manager or general manager.”

“In the beginning, at most it was a supervisor, at most a department head. Except for those who worked in the Qiben group before.”

“How to develop and upgrade in the future will depend on your own abilities. There will be no preferential treatment. Every month Xia Jiang will also subsidize you 200 million yen to keep you alive, of course, 200 million per family!”

After speaking 960, Mu Qiye looked up at the others.

Huoben Qiujiang was the first to speak in dissatisfaction: “Two million is too little…”

“This is the first plan. It’s up to you whether you agree or not. There is the second one. If you don’t agree, or say other nonsense, you can leave directly.”

Before she could finish speaking, Mu Qiye interrupted impatiently, not in the mood to bargain with them.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang did not speak.

200 million yen is indeed a lot, and she can’t spend an average of 5 yen a month.

The old butler Suzuki also nodded secretly.

200 million yen per month is indeed quite a lot, close to 2 US dollars, and now two or three general managers do not have this salary.

Huoben Qiujiang’s face suddenly froze, feeling very embarrassed, but he didn’t dare to speak.Because if you are talking, it means you want to leave here, and it means going out of the house!

That’s right, it’s a clean house.

Xia Jiang is not Haozang Hashimoto, she is the same generation as her, or the younger generation of Hikamoto Beilang, Hashimoto Mariko and others.If you inherit the family business and become the head of the family, you will naturally have to split up the family. Otherwise, there are people in the family who are above her, how can she decide?

Of course, there is no way to do it now.

“The next one is to give you a 2000 million yen start-up fund. What you want to do is up to you. From now on, each family will share 300 million yen each month to maintain your livelihood. You can also (ajei) join the flag family name. business, but everything is starting from scratch and there is no preferential treatment.”

“However, no matter which one you choose, you have no choice but to disturb Xia Jiang’s life in any form or name, borrow money from Xia Jiang, and talk about anything about inheritance, otherwise the agreement and subsidy fund will be cancelled!”

Said Mu Qiye here in a warning tone, including everyone here, including the fairly conscientious flag general Erhe flag Ben Beilang.

Having a conscience does not mean that he will not be tempted by Xia Jiang’s property, not to mention that one has only a little conscience, and the other can’t control a shrew.

Banner General Two, Banner Banner Mariko, Banner Banner General Twenty-five all fell silent, knowing that after agreeing, he would not be able to obtain Xia Jiang’s inheritance or even get Xia Jiang’s financial support for any reason in the future.

Unless Mu Qiye falls… Think about the Nakiri family behind Mu Qiye, the Suzuki family, and now they have obtained the management rights of the Qiben family, and their attitude towards Tiaozi…

Hiss… Suddenly he sucked in a breath of cold air.

Think about which condition to choose next.

Huo Ben Xiajiang didn’t want to be so heartless, but when she saw Mu Qiye, she had to shut her mouth. After all, Mu Qiye was also helping her with things, and for her consideration, she couldn’t pull Mu Qiye back.

The old butler Suzuki sighed.

The Qiben family was completely separated this time, but it was not a bad thing, and it was reasonable.

The first one doesn’t need to be thought about, if you have the ability, it is definitely a good choice.

Just like Qiben Beilang, who is now the department manager of a branch of Qiben Logistics, his monthly basic salary is more than 100 yuan, plus commission, the welfare is definitely more than [-] million.If you go further, become general manager, head office manager, benefits, and commissions add up to more.

But can he go one step closer?Not to mention others!

Therefore, it is obvious that most of the choices are the first, and the influence of the Qiben family in the Qiben group will decrease rapidly…

“I choose the second one!”

Huoben Longnan was the first to state that he still has seven or eight million foreign debts to repay. He said that three million yen a month is much more comfortable than when Habenhao was hiding!

Mu Qiye looked at Qiben Qiujiang, Qiben Qiujiang was the Qiben family, Qiben Longnan was just married.

Hamoto Akiie thinks that [-] million yen a month is not enough, if he can inherit the equity…

“I agree with the second one. After my father’s funeral, I will move out of Qiben’s old house…” Qiben’s second general also spoke up. He still had a lot of affection for Xia Jiang, and he didn’t want Xia Jiang to be too embarrassed.

Instead of letting Mu Qiye and Xia Jiang propose to split up the family, it is better to be smart and take the initiative to speak, and everyone is at ease.Besides, Mu Qiye’s conditions were much better than he imagined.

Even when Qi Benhao was hiding, that is, when he opened the hotel, he gave him 1000 million.Mu Qiye gave 2000 million yen all at once, and 300 million every month, enough for him to solve all the hotel matters and carry out his plan!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel full of energy.

“Uncle Jiang Er!” Qiben Qiujiang couldn’t help but want to dissuade him when he heard Qi Ben Jiang Er’s initiative to move out of Qi Ben’s old house. Although she didn’t want to live with them, how could she exchange this condition for some money? what!

“Huh?” Mu Qiye raised his head and glanced at Qiben Qiujiang, Qiben Qiujiang’s head shrank, the words in his mouth were held back, and the tone of his head lowered: “I, I also choose the second condition.”

Although not reconciled, she and Long Nan don’t have to think about it at all.Not to mention working in the company, even if they just stay there, they are not comfortable, let alone work without any preferential treatment.

It is undoubtedly more beneficial for them to choose the second condition. The only ones who can choose the first condition are Hachimoto Hokuro and Hachimoto Mariko.

Everyone looked at the two of them.

Hamoto Beirou said with a low expression: “I also choose the second…”

“Second? Why choose the second? Let’s choose the first!” Hearing that Hachimoto Kitaro wanted to choose the second condition, Hachimoto Mariko raised her eyebrows and immediately refuted Hachimoto Kitaro’s words.

“Mariko!” Hashimoto Beilang said angrily, but seeing Hashimoto’s domineering and staring look, he couldn’t help shrinking his head and advised in a low tone: “Ichiro is dead, let’s try harder. …”

“Even if Ichiro is dead, Ichiro doesn’t want to see you like this, let’s choose the first one!” Hamoto Mariko patted the table, still wanting to fight for the best interests,

“Mariko…” Hachimoto Beilang bitterly wanted to persuade him again.His ability is just above average. If he can become a department manager, he still relies on Mariko to get it from Haozang Hamoto.

The ability was already barely enough, but now that Mu Qiye came to power, the preferential treatment he had received before was definitely gone, and he might not even be able to keep his previous position, let alone take a step forward.

It is better to choose the second option directly, hold the money honestly, and find a quiet place to spend the rest of your life leisurely.

“Okay.” After patting the table, Mu Qiye interrupted again and said impatiently, don’t worry now, just give me the answer tomorrow, that’s it!

(Thanks for the monthly pass with no regrets, thanks for the monthly pass of the paper, thank you for the monthly pass of Starlight 399, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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