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Winery? Nothing — Page 162

The Sanda police officer didn’t know how to complain.Anyway, when I went to Moon Shadow Island this time, Mu Mu Shisan didn’t deal with one thing right, it was all fault…

Destroy it!

After hanging up the phone, the police officer Sanda had a terrible headache, and still had to report the matter to the police officer who was in charge of the bureau.So, the police were approving him for another half an hour.

Police inspector, inspector general, inspector general…

The smiling and Maitreya-like face couldn’t hold back, and the police chief of White Horse was speechless.

At the Prime Minister’s meeting, Mu Qiye was just praised by the Prime Minister for his outstanding contribution to the construction of basic industries. The development of Jiangdong District was recognized by the cabinet and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the enterprises under his name were identified as important support objects of the government…

Entrepreneurs, Fortune and other magazines in M ​​country, Mu Qiye is even selected as the world’s most outstanding young successful entrepreneur, the seventh most promising young entrepreneur with development potential, and the estimated corporate wealth may exceed 200 billion US dollars…

This twilight thirteen is really… excellent!

“Okay, I got it, let me contact you about this. ……” The police chief of Baima touched his forehead, and he was no longer in the mood to curse, and he was not in the mood to care whether Mu Qiye had anything to do with those cases. Relationships and problem solving are the most important things.

If Mu Qiye was unhappy and immediately changed his nationality and went to country m or country y, not to mention that his position might have to be slapped, and he would be embarrassed in the international arena.

Moreover, Mu Qiye also knows about Conan… The website with the most influence and the largest traffic is still several times the world… It’s hard to do…

After asking Mu Qiye’s mobile phone number, the police chief of White Horse thought again and again, and first sent a text message to Mu Qiye, and he was very clear about Mu Qiye’s always not answering the phone, especially the calls of strangers.

Flagship on the deck of the ferry.

Mu Qiye was relieved for a while, took out his mobile phone, and found that the end of the text message actually read the police chief of Baima, and he was surprised after the name of Baimazheng.

“Don’t leave tonight, just stay here.” Mu Qiye patted Sato Miwako on the head, Sato Miwako doesn’t need to know the content of this call.

“Uh, ok~” Sato Miwako stood up blushing, although she felt a little embarrassed, but thinking about the police officer Mumu who was like her father when she was treated, she had to agree, hurriedly and uncomfortable finishing her clothes, turned around and left 4.8.

It didn’t take long for Bai Ma, the police chief of Baima, to call him.

After Mu Qiye was connected, it was no surprise that it was an apology or something, and asked Mu Shisan how to deal with it. Since he agreed to Sato Mimi Kazuko, Mu Qiye didn’t do too much, only said he was demoted. , remove these two items.

It’s a long way to get Mu Mu Shisan to take off his police uniform and go to jail.Bai Mazheng naturally agreed, but Mu Qiye was slightly startled by what he said next.

“Mr. Mu knows about the Black Organization, the winery and Conan, right?”

(Thanks for the monthly pass with no regrets, thanks for the monthly pass of the paper, thank you for the monthly pass of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly pass of 176, 8649, 8323, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 248: Plutocratic Privileges, Distillery Issues


Even if he had known for a long time, there were other big figures at the top of the Tiaozi Bureau, and he knew about it.

But after saying that, Mu Qiye was also stunned for a moment.

Bai Ma Zhengzheng said with a smile: “Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Mu, I, including others, have no other intentions. Just about this matter, I still think the fewer people know the better. Otherwise, people’s hearts will fluctuate, not only in the country, but also in the world. .”


Mu Qiye came back to his senses and smiled.Indeed, the world that was finally created is materialism, and all myths and legends are feudal superstitions.

“Don’t worry, Chief of Police White Horse, I just tested it before, I didn’t expect it to be true, it’s really shocking!”


Bai Mazheng couldn’t believe it. The video at that time was not just him, but they all watched it many times. Mu Qiye definitely suspected it long ago, and even confirmed it.But he still smiled and said: “Mr. Mu doesn’t have to be so polite, just call me Baima Zheng. In fact, you don’t have to hide anything from me, longevity, this kind of thing is a temptation to everyone, and it’s not Mr. Mu who is tempted. “

“Oh? There are others? How many?” Mu Qiye was not so surprised.

Hakuba gave an example of 09: “Mr. Nakiri, Mr. Shiro Suzuki of the Suzuki chaebol, it is estimated that Mr. Jirokichi, and several family owners of the chaebol also know about this. Of course, the total number of people in the country will not exceed 100.”

“In fact, in this regard, our country also has enterprises and personnel specializing in research. However, most of them are researching part of it, and we do not know the ultimate goal.”

Good guy, sure enough, these immortals know it.Sumitomo, Mitsui, veteran Yasuda, and Mitsubishi of the four big chaebols that I didn’t mention probably know a lot.Not to mention the official…

Mud horse, it really is no secret in the eyes of these people.

Mu Qiye complained for a while.

It is understandable to study things separately. It is similar to making Coca-Cola and making machines. The core is always in your own hands. Of course, you should not have researched anything.

“Mr. Baima said that as long as no one is looking for trouble, I won’t talk nonsense.” Mu Qiye narrowed his eyes and said tentatively.

“Don’t, don’t~”

Bai Ma was smiling bitterly, and said quickly, “The fewer people know about this, the better. There are always other ways to solve the matter. Mr. Mu is an elite in our country and has made outstanding contributions to the construction of our basic business.”

“There are a lot of things that I have encountered, and it is reasonable to handle some things with exceptions. How about the treatment of the Nakiri family and the five major chaebols in this matter?”

In terms of development potential, Mu Qiye has actually reached the specifications of the five major chaebols.And the key point is that the five chaebols are not involved. It should be said that it is convenient to develop the network, ingredients, and infrastructure.

It’s too late to get this kind of treatment.

I have to say that R Ben is good at attracting chaebols. Anyway, the privilege exists, and some people enjoy it. It is also a good business to expand the number of places to win over the influential chaebols.

The special treatment is not much weaker than the open arms of the M country.

“Huh? What’s the treatment?” Mu Qiye still wanted to test the bottom line.

Bai Ma said with a smile: “As long as it doesn’t cause too much impact and make people panic, everyone knows that it’s okay to violate the rules.”


Mu Qiye nodded lightly, although it was a little vague, it was still an attitude.

Bai Mazheng continued: “However, if it can be solved in a formal way, it is best to use a formal method. With Mr. Mu’s smartness, he should also know what the bottom line is, so I don’t need to say more.”

“What I want to mention is that in business competition, especially in the competition of the big chaebols like you, you still need to use the method of commercial competition, and don’t use too many other means. Of course, other big chaebols will also abide by this rule.”

“Okay.” Mu Qiye also knew that the so-called hidden organization behind him also fell into their eyes, worrying that if the fire broke out, they would be killed directly, such as the Dahe family.

“At the winery, it’s okay for Mr. Mu to touch him.”

“We also have a lot of people in the bureau. Even if they know about it, Mr. Mu can say that it was directly and specially approved by us, and it will not cause any impact. If Mr. Mu wants that kind of drug, we can also give it to us. You provide a portion.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not even a semi-finished product. The side effects are too great, and it is basically no different from a poison. But the potential is still good. Our goal is to finally control the longevity medicine in the hands of our domestic people. How to divide it at that time, that is also Mr. Mu can also study our own affairs.”

The matter of Mu Qiye is not a trivial matter, there are special files in the bureau.

Originally, I didn’t know that Mu Qiye had a connection with the winery, but the incident at Chunguoting caused a lot of trouble.When conducting dispatching contacts, using face recognition to compare, Hirota Masami is Miyano Shiho’s older sister, and Miyano Akemi’s story has also been confirmed.

After all, Miyano Shiho is hard to reach, and Miyano Akemi is simple. The spies of the police station don’t eat dry food. Mingmei has something to do with it.

Besides, Yusaku Kudo wanted to cooperate with them recently, and he also sold some of the information he analyzed, including the relationship between Shuichi Akai and Masami Hirota.

“Okay, if necessary.” Mu Qiye shrugged and agreed indirectly.

Of course, this is a good thing to believe in the five achievements. It’s really illegal, and it’s strange that they don’t find it.What’s more, this is what Bai Mazheng said on the phone alone.

It’s just that it can be used. As long as its influence continues to expand and its strength continues to expand, falsehoods can become real.Besides, at that time, it is estimated that these privileges are not needed.

Bai Mazheng also knew that Mu Qiye was wary of 960. The business was so big that it was so easy to believe that it was really strange.However, this is also true, and it is not just his own meaning, including the winery.

When they saw Mu Qiye called Conan Kudo Shinichi on TV, they already wanted to talk to Mu Qiye about the winery, but it was earlier than expected.

Expressed that the r book is very beautiful, and the Tiaozi Bureau also tried his best, and hoped that Mu Qiye could continue to contribute to the construction of the big r book… After waiting for the mess, he hung up the phone.

It’s so bad~

Bai Ma felt that he, the police chief, was really not doing his job properly, and he shouldn’t talk to Mu Qiye about these things.But, think about it, other people don’t seem to be suitable, and then they took the mobile phone and called again.

“Big r book? Well, it’s really big enough, I’ll try to cut some of it for you after a while~” Lazily stretched his waist, Mu Qiye’s mouth twitched, and he walked towards the cabin.

Sato Miwako is a tidbit and has a discordant personality. Take advantage of the time to enjoy a few times and let her leave~

And there is Yusaku Kudo, who is pretending to be in a coma?Hehe, then let you be completely in a coma!

(Thanks for the monthly pass with no regrets, thanks for the monthly pass of the paper, thank you for the monthly pass of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly pass of 176, 8649, 8323, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 249: The Escaped Kudo Yusaku

When returning to the cabin,

Nakiri Alice, Yoshino Yuki has already made dinner, and there are actually only five of them left on the boat besides the crew and the maid.

Hachimoto Haozang is the head of the Kimoto family.

No matter what kind of thoughts you have, you must first go to Moon Shadow Island to welcome back the remains of Hao Zang Qiben.

And Hamoto Ichiro.

Although Qiben Qiujiang and Qiben Longnan made all kinds of ridicule, Qiben Malizi and Qiben Beilang also determined that it was Huobenwu who killed Qiben Haozang, and the body of Qiben Ichiro should be taken back to Qiben Island and buried in the ancestral land of Qiben family.

The rest are Nakiri Alice, Yoshino Yuki, the old butler Suzuki who helped greet… I really don’t know the people of the Hamoto family.

Sato Mi and Zigang had a relationship with Mu Qiye, and it was of a transactional nature. It was too embarrassing, so they stayed in the room and didn’t come out.

The food this time was much better than that on Moon Shadow Island.

Although there is still no molecular cooking machine, the ingredients are still good.

5a Wagyu beef, white truffle, superb foie gras, sea fish, seafood… Even the mustard is ground wasabi…

A whole table, full of color and fragrance, just a little more.

“Butler Suzuki sit down too, there’s too much to eat.” Looking at Butler Suzuki standing next to him, Mu Qiye directly told him to sit down.

The old man was probably in his [*]s or [*]s, and he was somewhat uncomfortable standing and watching eating.

“Yes, old man, sit down and eat too!”

Hearing Mu Qiye speak, Yoshino Yuki and Nakiri Alice also spoke one after another. Before inheriting the family business, the Nakiri family didn’t have such strict requirements for their attendants and housekeepers.

“OK then.”

The old butler Suzuki refused, but he could see that Mu Qiye, Nakiri Alice, and Yoshino Yuki had no other intentions, so they did it with a smile.

Even the old butler Suzuki is a character who is used to eating star-rated dishes with Hamoto Haozang, and eating Nakiri Alice, Yoshino Yuki’s cooking does not have so many thoughts and comments.

Just after dinner, Butler Suzuki left with interest.

“What’s the matter? Little girl owes her education again~”? “



Of course, in other respects she is not.



Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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