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Winery? Nothing — Page 163

After twelve o’clock at night.

In the public hall, Kudo Yusaku, who was lying on the bed pretending to be dizzy, opened his eyes, endured the severe pain of the murder, and carefully put on his shoes and jacket, lest the police officers guarding outside find him.

According to the law, as long as the gun is illegally held, even if it is not used and causes serious impact, it shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years.

With Mu Qiye as a sufficient witness, even if he can find someone to solve it and make up a legitimate reason, as long as Mu Qiye doesn’t want him to pass, he can’t do anything about it, at least in a short period of time, it is impossible to solve it.

Now there are black-clothed organizations watching, and I don’t know how many people there are.Hiding behind the scenes is undoubtedly the best choice for him and others.

Moreover, he felt that this matter was completely beyond his control.

Especially Mu Qiye, to him, it was a bigger threat than the Black Organization.This person is poisonous, or highly poisonous. As long as he touches it, he will be seriously injured. What’s more important is that the son will keep touching…


Looking at the bandaged murder, he still remembered the nurse’s diagnosis, five fractured ribs, fortunately, no vital organs were injured…

He felt that Mu Qiye must have done it on purpose.

The son was beaten so many times, all of which were traumatic injuries. At most, there were many dislocations and fractures of the bones. There were no serious injuries at all, at least no organs.

He didn’t say it this time.

Five broken ribs, none of them hurt… that’s a good thing, but what about next time?


“Forget it, let’s meet Conan one last time.”

Yusaku Kudo sighed and shook his head.For the first time, I felt so powerless and decided to withdraw from self-protection…

When I know my son is getting younger.

He had already decided to protect himself by keeping as little contact with his son as possible.This kind of thing is not something he can touch at all.

As long as it is involved, not to mention that the son may not be able to keep it, even if he and you Xizi, it is estimated that they will fall in and bury their son with him. Staying away is the wisest choice, for everyone.

At least, the son can also be less worried about the two of them.

It’s just that the changes are too fast, and he has no choice at all.

Open the window, jump out of the window easily, hold the pipe outside, and flexibly go downstairs.

He and Mumu Thirteen are old acquaintances, Mumu Thirteen believes him, and implicitly says a vague reason, Mumu Thirteen can even figure out that he is cooperating with the top of the note that can’t be said before bringing it with him. pistol.

Getting him to ignore some defensive loopholes is a no-brainer.

After walking a short distance, Kudo Yusaku took out the positioning eyes made by Dr. Agasa, put on his glasses, and quickly rushed over in the direction of the red dot.

In Room 4 on the first floor of the hotel, Conan paced back and forth anxiously.

When he came back from the Hamoto’s cruise ship, he knew that his father Yusaku Kudo was pretending to faint, and he also vaguely guessed the purpose of Yusaku Kudo’s escape.

(Sorry, it is forbidden to have a special code, I have to repeat the word count, I am sorry, sorry, it is forbidden to have a special code, I have to repeat the word count, I am sorry, sorry, it is forbidden to have a special code, I have to repeat the word count, I am sorry, sorry, There is a special code that is prohibited, I have to repeat the word count, I’m sorry, sorry, there is a special code (Nuo Wang’s) that is prohibited, I have to repeat the word count, I’m sorry, sorry, there is a special code that is prohibited, I have to repeat the word count, I’m sorry… …)

After all, the Black Organization is coming.

If Dad goes to jail for illegally carrying a gun, there’s nothing to help him.

For greater justice, it is reasonable to arrest the black organization and temporarily violate the following rules.

Kudo Yusaku also tapped his index finger on his middle finger, and used Morse code to pass him the meeting at [*]:[*] in the evening.

So he got the detective eyes that Dr. Agsa had made for him.

(Thanks for the monthly pass with no regrets, thanks for the monthly pass of the paper, thank you for the monthly pass of Starlight 399, thank you for the monthly pass of 176, 8649, 8323, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 250: Let the bullets fly for a while…

In Room 4 on the first floor of the hotel, Conan paced back and forth anxiously.

When he came back from the Hamoto’s cruise ship, he knew that his father Yusaku Kudo was pretending to faint, and he also vaguely guessed the purpose of Yusaku Kudo’s escape.

After all, the Black Organization is coming.

If Dad goes to jail for illegally carrying a gun, there’s nothing to help him.

For greater justice, it is reasonable to arrest the black organization and temporarily violate the following rules.

Kudo Yusaku also tapped his index finger on his middle finger, and used Morse code to pass him the meeting at [*]:[*] in the evening.

So he got the detective eyes that Dr. Agsa had made for him.

He did not live in the heavily guarded public hall, but came out and used Takagi Shibu to open a room on the first floor of the hotel, and his father came to him.

Thinking of what happened today, he was a little angry.

That guy Mu Qiye was so unscrupulous. In front of the police officer Mu Mu, he kicked him stunned and kicked five of his father’s ribs…


He definitely also thought of what he and his father didn’t dare to report to the crime, even if Guangming was injured, he wouldn’t dare to do anything, and he couldn’t sue Mu Qiye!

Be patient, be patient!

Conan decided to temporarily hold back the idea of ​​putting Mu Qiye in prison, and to settle the matter of the Black Organization first.At that time, there was no 960’s so-called exposure or exposure to the fact that he became small, and then he tried to find a way to make Mu Qiye confess his guilt and obey the law!

Suddenly, a dark shadow passed by in front of the window.


Conan turned his head in awe.

Kudo Yusaku had already opened the window and appeared in the room.

“Conan, why didn’t you close the window? You still live on the first floor, what if someone else came?” Kudo Yusaku looked at Conan with a serious look.

Conan showed a surprised expression, looked at Yusaku Kudo, and waved his hands nonchalantly: “Isn’t my father injured, besides, this is from Moon Shadow Island, or from the flag owner’s boat.”

“It is estimated that even the FBI just knew that we were here, and the winery did not respond so quickly. There is a note, and that kind of thing happened in the afternoon.”

“Even if Mu Qiye has someone under his command, it’s impossible for me to attack. Besides, he has more opportunities to attack. It seems that he really wants to know the reason why I changed. Che, how old is he, he needs a career and longevity, that’s enough. greedy!”

An unhappy flat mouth, he has a spit expression on his face.In fact, I am also very envious of Mu Qiye, who is surrounded by beautiful women, and doesn’t have so many scruples in doing things.

What if he was Mu Qiye?How convenient would it be to have that status to handle the case?

It’s a pity, he is a violator, he is destined to be imprisoned, and he is imprisoned by him!

There was a firm, confident look in Conan’s eyes.

Hearing Conan’s reasoning, Kudo Yusaku nodded lightly.The analysis is good, otherwise, he would not let Conan live outside and bring Conan to Moon Shadow Island.

Afterwards, Yusaku Kudo shook his head solemnly and said, “Being sure doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be cautious. Whether you are an excellent detective or a smart person, you must always put yourself in a safe position, you can advance or retreat, and stand in the invincible position……”

What Yusaku Kudo said was right. Thinking about it carefully, Conan agreed, but he still interrupted: “I’ll talk about this when I have time, Dad, you were found to be carrying a pistol. What should you do next?”

Looking at Conan’s expectant expression, Kudo Yusaku felt a little guilt in his heart, after all, he was his son, and then shook his head to dismiss this thought, and said plainly: “With the fbi, the police, and the note here, I have nothing left. I intend to take this opportunity to hide behind the scenes and see if there are other ways to help you, and if I can find other information about the black-clothed organization.”

After preparing for a while, he still didn’t say his plan to quit.

In fact, what he said is right. Even if he quits, he may not be able to help his son in other aspects, and he may not always quit. No matter what, there may be other gains.

“Is that so~” Conan thought for a while with a dignified look on his face. In fact, he still thought that his father, Yusaku Kudo, could solve the problem of carrying a pistol privately first, so that he could appear in an open and fair manner.

But what his father Yusaku Kudo said was right, there were enough people to protect him, and one more (ajei) could not do much.In case there is not much gain this time and the black-clothed organization cannot be completely dismantled, it is indeed the best choice for father Yusaku Kudo to take advantage of this incident to hide behind the scenes.

What’s more, if a shootout does happen, Dad will definitely be their primary target to eradicate.

“Okay, then dad, hide it first!” Conan agreed with Kudo Yusaku’s plan, and then looked at him inquiringly: “What about mom? Take her away?”

Hearing Conan mentioning Yukiko, Kudo Yusaku couldn’t help but grit his teeth secretly, and the image of Mu Qiye and Yukiko’s prohibition popped up in his mind…

Although he also wanted to leave with Xizi, he still sighed after thinking about Yuxizi’s character, shook his head and said, “Forget it, she can’t persuade her, with Mu Qiye here, it is estimated that even the black-clothed organization will have to be a little bit scruples. , let her stay.”

“Dad?!!” Conan looked at his father Yusaku Kudo in shock and weirdness. He always felt that Yusaku Kudo was tacitly agreeing that Mu Qiye had a relationship with his mother Yukiko, and then gave him a green hat and found himself a stepfather.

Kudo Yusaku fell silent without explaining.

Compared with Yuxizi being undoubtedly a son, it is a bit more important. I believe Yuxizi is also in his heart, and he will agree with him when he knows it.

With Xizi around, even if Mu Qiye knew about it, he might be able to help him a little and be able to keep his son, with Xizi…

In the middle of the night, good work.

Outside the hotel, Mu Qiye, who turned over Sato Miwako, was also positioned here based on the blood of Kudo Yusaku.

“Hey? What a good father and son, got together!”

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Twenty meters away, Mu Qiye took out his pistol, his spirit spread out, and his magic power also increased at the same time.

In his consciousness, the surroundings gradually turned gray and white, and in the room, the figures of Kudo Yusaku and Conan were especially obvious, and then rapidly expanded and became extremely clear…

“Goodbye, Kudo Yusaku!”

Aiming at Kudo Yusaku’s heart, Mu Qiye pulled the trigger, and with a sound of piu, the bullet went through the silencer towards Kudo Yusaku!

In the room, a sense of crisis poured into his heart like a needle piercing the bone, Kudo Yusaku was suddenly shocked, and before he had time to respond, with a snap, it was obvious that a bullet with a silencer pistol shattered the glass and entered the room!


Yusaku Kudo turned pale in shock, and didn’t know why someone suddenly shot him, so he hurried to the side to avoid him.

After Kudo Yusaku’s reminder, Conan’s heart also jumped wildly, the aura that belonged to him began to spread rapidly, and it became a little more intense, and he hurriedly avoided it.

(Thanks to Misaka 1234 for casting this month, the first monthly ticket of this book, thanks to Starlight 399 for monthly tickets, 176, 8649, 8323 for monthly tickets, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 251: Miserable Conan, draw some blood

“Haha, is it useful?” He smiled playfully, Mu Qiye took the pistol and disappeared without a trace.

In the balance evaluation, the gun is also a two-star hidden weapon. This kind of buff-type aura is not Conan, even if he strengthens it with magic power, he can’t stop the bullet, let alone him!

“Dad!” The bullet that passed through the window pierced the skin from behind and penetrated Kudo Yusaku’s heart.With a thud, Kudo Yusaku fell to the ground, blood kept flowing from the wound on his back, and he definitely felt that his life was passing quickly.

Conan didn’t care too much, got up and ran to ~ Kudo Yusaku’s side.

Kudo Yusaku’s eyes widened, he never thought that he would be hit by a bullet here, or hit the heart, and it was still so precise, as if he couldn’t escape at all!

At this moment, the window opened, and a figure turned over and entered. Before Conan raised his head, he swung the stick down and knocked Conan unconscious.

“You, you are…”

Through the moonlight outside the window, Kudo Yusaku stared at the stranger in front of him in shock, his head racing to determine who the other party was, whether he knew him or not, who might be his subordinate…


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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