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Winery? Nothing — Page 165

“What? Kudo Yusaku was shot? Conan saw it with his own eyes, and there are bullet holes?…” He didn’t care about educating Takagi Shibu, he was no longer the person in charge of the police department.

Hearing Takagi Shibu’s words, Mu Mu Shisan was also stunned!

What’s up with this code?Just after letting Brother Yousuo leave, why was Brother Yousuo shot?I can’t help but feel a little guilty and anxious, if you don’t let Brother Youzuo leave, Brother Youzuo won’t necessarily be shot!

Although he didn’t see the corpse or blood, Mu Mu Shisan hurriedly called the Fujiki police department who was temporarily in charge of this place, and hurried over in the direction of the hotel.

It was enough for Kudo Yusaku to escape, and now the special code may be shot?It was his godson Conan who saw it, and Police Officer Fujiki had a complete headache and depression.

It’s better to let the police officer Mumu be responsible, he wants to abdicate, resign…

No matter how you think about it, the shooting of Yusaku Kudo was a big deal.

In Mu Qiye’s eyes, Kudo Yusaku might not be a fart, but in their eyes.He was a well-known figure, a world-renowned mystery novelist, even if he was guilty of carrying a gun without permission, he still took the initiative to escape.

But if they were shot with a 4.8 gun under their noses, they might even be killed. If it spreads out, they would inevitably be accused of being incompetent and being a corpse.

Officer Fujiki hurriedly mobilized the officers to go to the police station.

After Mu Mu Shisan arrived, he carefully inquired about the situation.

Close the window, and according to the direction of the bullet hole, determine that the opponent’s target is likely to be the direction of Conan’s finger, and there is no bullet hole or bullet that landed on the ground.

In other words, if Conan is right, and Yusaku Kudo is indeed in that place, then it is very likely that Yusaku Kudo was actually shot.Also, the bullet is inside Yusaku Kudo!

(Thanks to Misaka1234 for casting this month, the first monthly ticket for this book, thanks to Feng Mingjun and liy31183 for their continuous support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 253: Reasoning from all sides: Kudo Yusaku is not dead! ! !


Is Yusaku’s brother so easily shot?Or one shot?Also, how did the other party know about the whereabouts of Brother Yusaku, and how did he keep up?And blood…

There were too many doubts, and Mumu Shisan also knew about Kudo Yusaku. He called Conan aside and asked suspiciously, “Conan, is Yusaku sure he was shot? Wasn’t it an illusion he made on purpose?”

Conan is fine, there is no blood on the ground… just a bullet hole, and Conan’s testimony.He couldn’t believe it, that Kudo Yusaku was shot, it didn’t make sense at all!

“Really, Officer Mumu, you have to believe me, I…” Conan anxiously wanted Mumu Thirteen to believe him. Yesterday, Dad was indeed shot, and…

and many more……

Thinking of what Officer Mumu said at the end, the illusion created, a flash of lightning flashed in Conan’s mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

“Yes, phantom, that’s right, Dad…”

Conan’s face suddenly showed a happy expression, the clues were finally connected, and the doubts were answered, he figured it out!

Dad is not dead!

Gu Ji Mu Shisan was by his side, and he didn’t say the last two words.

Everything is thought through 09!

Although I don’t know what will happen next.

Or show weakness, or sneak attack, or other means, or, there are people in the dark!

That’s right, there must be someone secretly following!

The person who broke in should have used a weapon like a stick, and someone outside was holding a gun…

That is to say, there are at least two people on the other side.

If Dad is alive, then at least there is an FBI or other insiders outside…

Anyway, Dad and the secret person must have killed the attacker!

Of course, Dad was also injured, and the injury should be very serious, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible not to wake him up.

Just processed the blood, and there are all kinds of traces,

This is a reminder to tell him that his father is not dead and has been rescued.

Only in this way, everything makes sense, which is why he didn’t have an accident.

Hmm, my blood was definitely drawn… I’m going to study the antidote, huh~ It’s just a little bit more, right?I said why so dizzy.If it weren’t for the Black Organization, it would be Dad and his people.

If the enemy, or Mu Qiye, the organization in black, would have taken him away long ago.

That makes sense.

Dad can also use this incident to hide in the dark, protect him secretly, and make plans.Well, maybe he didn’t wake him up, but it was intentional, just to open the note and leave smoothly.

In other words, even these doubts, there are notes to investigate, today’s situation, Dad and that person also expected.

The purpose is not only to temporarily hide from these fools, but also to tell the fbi that there are other cooperating people through this incident. He Kudo Yusaku is not dead, but is hidden.

After all, the fbi, the public security people are not very smart, even if he knows, tell them.But they said blankly that they wouldn’t necessarily believe it, so it’s better to leave these doubts and let them reason out on their own.

Dad is so smart!

Conan was full of admiration in his heart, and he didn’t feel the smile on his face.


Looking at the expression on Conan’s face, Meguro Thirteen, who didn’t believe that Kudo Yusaku was dead, also found the so-called truth, and I said that Yusaku brother didn’t die so easily.

This gun hole must have been calculated long ago, creating the illusion that he was shot. In fact, people have no idea where it went.

He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but looking at the former subordinate who was still busy, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching, and he felt even more guilty, and he couldn’t help but complain.

Just leave when you leave, what are you doing with this?Moreover, even I was hiding it!

Although I know that Kudo Yusaku definitely has his thoughts, but thinking about what happened in the past two days, and the consequences of Kudo Yusaku’s escape, and the unknown life and death, I still can’t help but complain.

Although I don’t know the subtle inferences of these two goods, Tiaozi also has their investigation methods, and they have investigated the so-called truth, or deduced relevant possibilities! ~

“Report, Mu… No, Officer Fujimoto, there is no blood reaction in the room!” The magic cleaning was obviously much cleaner, and the note did not find anything.

As far as a bullet hole and Conan’s testimony, there is obviously no way to prove that Kudo Yusaku was shot.

In particular, Conan was fine, nothing at all happened. It was definitely the kid Conan and Yusaku Kudo who took the opportunity to escape in order to divert their attention!

The Fujimoto Police Department glared at Conan, the abominable kid. At first, he thought that Mr. Mu had kicked him. He was very pitiful. Now it seems that this kid is in debt, and the kick was so light that even he wanted to make up for it. !

Putting aside these thoughts for a while, the Fujimoto Police Department immediately ordered: “Inoue, Mei Chuan will lead people to stare at the coast of Moon Shadow Island. No one is allowed to leave… Well, except for Mr. Mu Yixing.”

“Everyone else will act for me, search the island for Yusaku Kudo, and arrest him immediately. If the other party resists, you can use coercive means, but don’t hurt the other party if you can!”

“Yes, Officer Fujimoto!” The clerks saluted and left quickly.Conan didn’t care that much, instead he pouted his lips in disdain, trying to catch Dad just with some scraps of wood?

Don’t even think about it. According to Dad’s style of behavior, you either leave early or hide in a place where you can’t find it.Even if he used the human skin mask given by his mother, disguised himself among the crowd, and appeared in front of them, this group of idiots couldn’t find it.

But this expression also fell into the eyes of Fujimoto Police Department Bu, who couldn’t help but pay attention.

Absolutely false!

Fujimoto Police Department Bu angrily walked in front of Conan, resisting the urge to kick him directly, slammed his fist fiercely, and punched him in the head!


The long-lost pain came, and Ke 960 Nan habitually held his head and squatted on the ground.A red envelope rose in his head, thinking that the other party was Kogoro Maori, and he kept complaining in his heart.

“Little devil, what are you laughing at? Did what you just said was a lie, and Yusaku Kudo was never shot at all. These are all fakes. In order to divert our police’s attention, in fact, Yusaku Kudo did nothing but ran away! “

After hearing the words of the Fujimoto Police Department, Conan remembered that it had been a long time since he had seen the useless uncle of Kogoro Mouri.

Now that I think about it, it seems a little nostalgic!

bah bah~

Thinking of this, Conan shook his head and put this thought aside. He had no masochistic tendencies.

“Little devil, what are you thinking?!!” Seeing that Conan was still thinking and didn’t answer his question, the Fujimoto Police Department added, his expression was even more angry, and he punched Conan in the head again.

Conan cried out in pain again, adding to the bag, the sourness of the gourd is something that other people can know.

However, thinking that his father Yusaku Kudo was fine, he couldn’t help but smile, looking at the Fujimoto Police Department and adding: “Officer Fujimoto, don’t talk nonsense, I really saw my father was shot by a gun…”

(Thanks to Misaka1234 for casting this month, the first monthly ticket for this book, thanks to Feng Mingjun and liy31183 for their continuous support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 254: The goddess is not a random person

This is quite right, but looking at Conan’s expression, the Fujimoto Police Department doesn’t believe it.

“I believe you are stupid!”

The Fujimoto police department made up for not having the good temper of Mu Mu Shisan, so he turned his fists and hit Conan’s head again.

pack on pack pack on pack…

Even Conan, who has at least +5 resistance, could not help shedding tears in pain, raised his face, and threatened angrily, “Officer Fujimoto, why are you beating me again, be careful I will sue you for child abuse!”

After being sued so many times by Mu Qiye, the first thing he thought of Tiaozi was to use this powerful weapon to sue him in court!

But hearing this, the Fujimoto Police Department made a sneer, and slammed his fist on his head without hesitation.

“Ah, Wocao, you’re here again…”

Conan’s eyes widened, he never expected this to happen, and tears flowed directly down his face.

He didn’t care to say anything else, and hurriedly ran to the side with his calf, lest the violent policeman punch him again.

It hurts so much!

Moreover, he didn’t know that because Mao Gaoren was so useful in Mu Qiye, it seemed to be of no use to him at all, and it seemed to have the opposite effect!

“I just owe a fight, so I’ll sue if I can. Do you think I’m afraid of this?”

Actually, he was really scared.

But that was before, yesterday’s pile of shit hadn’t been dealt with, and now Kudo Yusaku has run away again… There are so many messes, this police uniform may not be able to be kept, who cares whether to sue?

Besides, this kid’s reputation has long been stinking on the streets, so if you punch him a few times, at most you will be reprimanded, and you can’t be in trouble, what are you afraid of?

Looking at Conan’s head, for some reason, Fujimoto Police Department Bu always felt that there was light on it.I don’t feel attracted, as if my hands and feet are not good, I really want to exercise…

“Wocao, what are you doing? I tell you, you are a sliver!”

Seeing the Fujimoto police department who couldn’t help but clenched his fist as if he was going to hit him again, Conan’s eyes widened, he raised his short legs and ran: Is this police officer sick? ! !Why does it look like you’re still hitting me?Like a gangster!

Conan ran away, and it was not easy for the Fujiki Police Department to catch up.

In fact, he just wanted to fight, but he didn’t want to do it. He knew that he was a scorpion, and he also knew that part of his lack of promotion over the years was also because of this character.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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