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Winery? Nothing — Page 166

But it’s hard to wait until Mu Mu Shisan comes down. As long as yesterday’s affairs are dealt with, there is no chance of promotion.But it didn’t even take a day, and this happened again… He just handled things on behalf of Mu Mu Shisan, and it hasn’t been a long time yet!

This special code fell from the sky to the ground, and it was like a roller coaster. How could it not be angry?

He took a few steps subconsciously, but still restrained the thought of catching up.

The Fujimoto Police Department was still irritated and angrily said: “If you have the ability, I will sue Lao Tzu, and don’t let Lao Tzu seize the opportunity, otherwise not only you will sue Lao Tzu, but Lao Tzu will also sue you, especially obstructing the police’s handling of the case and misleading the police. The stupid stuff!~”! “

Hearing this, Conan almost fell.

tell again?

He has been sued by Mu Qiye and has a psychological shadow. This is hundreds of millions, and it is more than one billion in court… After a few more times, his family’s wealth is estimated to have been hollowed out.

Fortunately, it was the note that said to sue, not the money aspect.

Moreover, what he said is also true, he really saw his father Yusaku Kudo being shot and bleeding.That’s right, they’re just stupid and didn’t figure out Dad’s real purpose!

Behind him, the Fujimoto Police Department also called Mita Police.

“Hey, Mita police officer? I’m Fujimoto, yes, yes, hi… I’m incompetent… But Yusaku Kudo, the criminal who carried the gun without permission, should have already run away, please send someone to keep an eye on Yukiko Kudo to prevent Kudo Yusaku escaped with his wife…”

stare at mom, run away… good guy!

Conan’s face suddenly turned black!

As for?Dad is a good person, didn’t he just make a little mistake for the bigger picture?As for even the mother staring at?However, it is also a good thing, my mother can finally be safe.

No… Then the FBI side, the organization in black saw it, what about the big and small plans?

Conan suddenly had a headache!

This one…. it’s going to be a bad thing!



The Sanda police officer who was notified also immediately ordered his subordinates to act.

Kudo Yusaku escaped, and the news that he might be shot was unstoppable, so he had to take the initiative to take the initiative by taking advantage of this.

Instructing his subordinates to go to Kudo’s villa and reminding Kudo Yukiko that it is part of the fact that he is not allowed to leave Tokyo until he finds Kudo Yusaku, and he also needs to observe secretly. As long as the two come into contact, they will be arrested immediately!

The other part is to temporarily freeze most of the Kudo family’s deposits in the R book, and Kudo Yukiko also restricts consumption accordingly, so as not to abscond with the money.

The third aspect is that, before the news of Kudo Yusaku’s shooting came out, it was announced that Kudo Yusaku, who had privately held a gun, had absconded, and it was also reported that he had misled the police and created the illusion of being shot, just to escape the pursuit, and Issue an arrest warrant…

The scorpions acted quickly, dispatched three police cars, and almost drove to Kudo’s house.

At this time, Tengfeng Yukiko hadn’t gotten the news yet. In fact, the fbi people and the public security people didn’t get it either. Almost all of them were fooled by the rhetoric of the Tiaozi Bureau.

As soon as Fujimine Yukiko opened the door, the clerks filed in and rushed to check everywhere.

The leader of the team showed his credentials and Tengfeng Yukiko briefly stated the purpose.

Fujimine Yukiko was also a little unresponsive.

Kudo Yusaku and Conan do not tell her things, it is common for them to act privately.When they left, she didn’t care, so she made a phone call and complained, but why did she suddenly become a fugitive?

After waiting for Tiaozi’s people to leave, Fujimine Yukiko immediately closed the door and called Conan.

“”Conan, what the hell is going on with you?!!!”

Opposite the villa, Judy Starling, who had been replaced by Judy to monitor the Kudo family, was also reminded by the note that if she saw Yusaku Kudo, she would immediately call the police and notify them.

After the note left, Judy also contacted James.

(King Nuo’s) Police…


On the boat of Qiben’s family, it was said that they came out to talk to Mu Qiye, and see if he could not let him report to the Tiaozi Bureau. Sato Miwako also received a call from Tiaozi, but she answered the call, and Mu Qiye was not idle.

He didn’t want to leave Sato Mikazu, so naturally he had to take advantage of his time to die a few times!

After Sato Mikako confirmed the matter, she said she was busy with something, and asked Takagi Shibu to send a text message, and immediately hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, listening to the busy tone on the phone, Shibu Takagi looked puzzled: “Officer Sato is not the kind of person who doesn’t care about important matters, what’s going on?”

Thinking of the weird voice in the phone, he didn’t think much about it, the goddess is not that kind of casual person!

(Thanks to Misaka1234 for casting this month, the first monthly ticket for this book, thanks to Feng Mingjun and liy31183 for their continuous support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 255: Live together?

Half an hour later, Sato Miwako was tired again.

Mu Qiye rested for a while.

After getting up and taking a shower, I looked at the time and found that it was just past [*]:[*].

The slivers are also really active enough to get up so early to get busy.

Of course, the brain hole is not small, leaving bullet holes, just to make them uncertain about the life and death of Kudo Yusaku, I didn’t expect that Kudo Yusaku would be wanted.

However, it is also a good thing, and it can be considered an identity to get Kudo Yusaku out in the future.

It’s just that if they find out next—

In particular, Conan, Megumi Shisan, and fbi, what would happen if they found out that Kudo Yusaku had become their opponent and killed their people?

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Mu Qiye was looking forward to the scene where Conan would catch Kudo Yusaku in the future.

Would you say: Dad, surrender yourself?Or, even if you are my dad, I must make you accept the law and send you to prison!

It’s still early.

Last night, Alice and Yuuki Yoshino had been exercising too much, and she still hasn’t woken up yet.

Mu Qiye didn’t even plan to go in to disturb him.

When they walked to the cabin hall, there was only the old butler Suzuki in the hall.Flag General Er was cooking in the kitchen, while Xia Jiang was blowing the wind alone on the deck, and his thin figure looked a little lonely and pitiful.

“Mr. Mu, morning.”

Seeing Mu Qiye, the old butler Suzuki bowed respectfully to greet him, and raised his head with a faint smile on his face.


Mu Qiye smiled and nodded 960 in response, grabbed a handful of dried fruits on the dining table, and walked towards the deck.

The case of Grandpa Qiben Haozang has basically been determined as being murdered by Huan Benwu. As long as the coffin is transported from Qiben Island, it can be returned to Qiben Island for burial…

But Grandpa was really killed by Takehiko Caicheng?She is still in doubt now, thinking about the expression on Caicheng Takehiko’s back then, she thinks it is unlikely.But if my cousin Ichiro…cousin also killed Caicheng Takehiko…

Her expression was a little complicated, which made it more difficult to accept.

After all, Hamoto Ichiro is his cousin and a member of Hamoto’s family.

“Thinking about what?”

Mu Qiye walked to the deck with melon seeds.

The sea always makes people feel open-minded, feeling that the vastness of everything is nothing more than that, and it can accommodate everything.

“Ah? Mu, Mr. Mu~”

Seeing that it was Mu Qiye, Huo Ben Xia Jiang was startled, and a blush floated on his cheeks.No matter when, even if he had a good relationship with Mu Qiye, he was still a little afraid of being bullied by him.

Mu Qiye didn’t care, handed over the dried fruit and motioned her to eat some.

Mu Qiye’s fingers are very long, especially the little finger, which is almost more than half of the third knuckle of the ring finger. It looks beautiful and big.

There are melon (ajei) seeds, hazelnuts, and cashews in the palm of your hand.

Qi Ben Xia Jiang paused, took some, and said thank you in a low voice.She hadn’t eaten since last night, and she didn’t eat much in the morning, and she was a little hungry. It would be good to eat some dried fruit.

With his hand back, Mu Qiye ate a hazelnut and asked, “What are you going to do next? Are you going to live at Qiben’s house, or live with me?”

“Ah?!! Live together?…”

Hearing this, the cashew nut that Xiajiang had just prepared to eat fell.

This turning point is too fast, isn’t it?It just caught her off guard.

She didn’t expect to marry Mu Qiye, but she hasn’t had a relationship yet, isn’t it appropriate that her grandfather just died?

Mu Qiye didn’t think it was inappropriate, and it was normal: “When you return to Qiben Island to sign the contract, you are the head of Qiben’s family. You don’t have the prestige and attitude of Mr. Qiben, and you will inevitably be targeted when you go out.”

“Not to mention going out alone, and you are not the kind of person who likes to be followed. No matter what you say, you are actually very dangerous. Don’t think about living alone or ordinary. Now I can only choose Qimoto Island and live with me.”

“Ah? Is it that serious?!!” Hearing Mu Qiye’s analysis, Huo Ben Xiajiang, who had no plans to inherit the inheritance of his grandfather Qi Benhao, was quite frightened, but she did not expect this.

But thinking about the group of people in their family, after it was rumored that her grandfather left her inheritance, their attitude towards her, their brows could not help but wrinkle, thinking it was really possible!


Looking at Mu Qiye secretly, Huo Ben Xiajiang blushed and whispered, “I, I haven’t thought about it yet, I just thought about it, I’ll deal with grandpa’s funeral first…”

“It’s nothing.”

After throwing all the remaining dried fruits into his mouth, Mu Qiye clapped the dried fruit scraps on his hands, looked at Huanben Xiajiang, touched her cheek, and said with a smile, “Don’t worry now, I should Stay on Chimoto Island for a few days, just let me know when you leave.”

“Oh, good~” Feeling the temperature of Mu Qiye’s palm, Huoben Xiajiang’s face turned redder, but his heart didn’t feel quiet, as if he had found a solid support and a future direction.

Just after unloading the goods at Sato Miwako, Mu Qiye was not so anxious.

Seeing that Mu Qiye didn’t do anything else, Huo Ben Xia Jiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn’t help but feel even more warm in his heart.I felt that in Mu Qiye’s heart, it wasn’t just because she was beautiful that she was interested in her, and maybe some liked her.

Standing beside Mu Qiye, quietly enjoying the rare warmth and perhaps love.

Love in love seems to be within reach, but also worried that it will be lost, between gains and losses, that kind of slightly sour and sweet like oranges and lemons.

Looking at the two people standing together on the deck, the old butler Suzuki couldn’t help but smile.Whether it is from a personal point of view, or the family of the flag, Xia Jiang sees…

He felt good about Mu Qiye.

Politeness is a very small aspect. Mu Qiye is sober enough to help Xia Jiang stabilize Qi’s family. More importantly, Mu Qiye clearly distinguishes between feelings, or women’s relationships and interests.

There may also be plans to benefit from women.But what he wants is always the part he deserves, and the rest, even if he is tempted, he will not move, and the possibility is very high.

It can be seen from the conversation between Mu Qiye and Xia Jiang yesterday, and the attitude of Mu Qiye today.

“If Master could see this scene, I would definitely be relieved.” The old butler Suzuki watched the two of them standing there from a distance, and sometimes chatted casually. Xia Jiang was molested by Mr. Mu a few times.

It’s just a flaw that men have.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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