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Winery? Nothing — Page 167

about ten minutes.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps came from the cabin behind him, and the old butler Suzuki frowned and turned around to see that it was Sato Miwako.

With a polite smile, he greeted, “Sergeant Sato.”

“Uh, hello, Butler Suzuki.”

Even with a carefree personality, Sato Mikazu couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed when she saw the old butler Suzuki, and her face flushed slightly.

The other party arranged the room, and the other party was still the housekeeper, so it was impossible not to know that she had a relationship with Mu Qiye.

After he finished speaking, he stepped up and walked out of the cabin in a hurry and discomfort.

So embarrassing!

(Thanks to Misaka1234 for casting this month, the first monthly ticket for this book, thanks to Feng Mingjun and liy31183 for their continuous support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 256: The Face Project Flag Main Island

The body is good!

Turning to look at Sato Mikako, Mu Qiye smiled and nodded, as a greeting.

among those I know now.

It is also Mao Lilan, Xiaolin Gentian’s overall physique is better than his, what posture, body…


Seeing Mu Qiye smiling at her, Sato Miwako’s expression suddenly froze, not knowing what expression to use to respond to Mu Qiye.Although it’s not voluntary, it’s just a transaction, but after all, it’s her first man, and she still doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Facing Mu Qiye with a reluctant smile, Sato Miwako turned and left quickly.

Looking at Sato Mikako, who was obviously in a different posture, Huomoto Xiajiang blushed slightly, and thought about his grandfather again.

“Mu, Mr. Mu, the one who killed grandpa was really Cai… Qi Benwu?” Huo Ben Xiajiang looked at Mu Qiye expectantly. She didn’t know if Mu Qiye knew that Huan Benwu was Caicheng Wuyan’s business, so he could only use it. ~ Commonly known name Huan Benwu.

“Is it important? Do you really want to know?” Mu Qiye smiled and looked at Xia Jiang.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang was slightly taken aback: “I really want to know?”

Huo Ben Xiajiang couldn’t help asking himself, do you really want to know the result?

If Caicheng Wuyan killed her, then she, the person who brought Benwu into contact with her family, might not be one of the culprits.It would be even more tragic if it was his cousin, Chimoto Ichiro.

The grandson kills the grandfather, and the relatives kill each other…

In fact, Huanben Xiajiang also forgot one thing, that is, it was really Huanbenwu, that is, Caicheng Wuyan killed, then she will also be punished by other members of the Qiben family…

Of course, it just doesn’t work much.

Mu Qiye couldn’t help shrugging his shoulders, looking at the place where the sea and the sky meet, and said, “Everyone is dead, who kills it matters? Huan Benwu, an outsider, is not bad. Old Mr. Qiben can preserve his reputation, and the Qiben group maintains stability. You can make the flag family unanimous to the outside world.”

“Mariko Hamoto, Kitaro Hamoto doesn’t dare to make too much trouble. After all, if Hamoto Ichiro is proven to be the murderer, not only Hamoto Ichiro’s reputation will be ruined, but even they won’t get anything. Wu is the murderer who has the least influence, so the murderer is Huan Benwu.”

In other words… the real murderer is Ichiro Hamoto?

Huo Ben Xiajiang keenly discovered the latent meaning of Mu Qiye, but it was only a guess.She didn’t want to ask this question, it was cruel to prove it or not.

Prove, to grandpa, to aunt’s family, to deny, to herself.

The two looked into the distance silently.

“Mr. Mu, Xia Jiang, do you want something to eat?” Qi Ben asked when he made breakfast and walked out of the cabin.

“Let’s eat something!”

After stretching, Mu Qiye looked at Xia Jiang with a smile.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang showed a slightly relieved smile on his face, and nodded lightly in agreement.

“it is good.”

The two walked back to the cabin one after another.

It’s past eight o’clock.

Nakiri Alice, Yoshino Yuki, and the Hamoto family also finished washing up and walked out.

However, he still speaks with a gun and a stick, especially Qiben Qiujiang, who is even more belittling the Qiben general Er who got up early to cook.He thought that he got up early to please Mu Qiye to cook so early, and the cooking was not delicious.

Of course, she didn’t dare to say too much, she just satirized a few words, Mu Qiye was there.Because of Hamoto Ichiro’s death, Hamoto Mari was not interested in bickering, so this meal was considered quiet.

Hajimoto’s cooking was not as bad as he imagined, similar to Yoshino Yuki, or even better.Of course, it’s far worse than Erina.

Although she has never tasted Feishako’s cooking, it should be above the level of Feishako’s cooking, close to Alice’s level of cooking using a molecular cooking machine.

It’s fine if it’s a normal restaurant.It’s a pity that General Qiben’s eyes are too high, and the positioning is directly on the high-end star-rated restaurant, that is, the three-star position of Yuanguo Chunguo Pavilion.

Yuanguo has the status of an outstanding graduate of the second department of Yuanyue Shijie. Even if the cooking level is the same, Qimoto General II can’t be Yuanguo’s opponent, not to mention that he is also an ordinary graduate of Yuanyue. level up.

With so many people here, Mu Qiye couldn’t say anything.

Seeing the expressions on Mu Qiye and Nakiri Alice tasting his cooking, Hajimoto’s expression darkened, a little unwilling.

He really meant to please Mu Qiye, and it was estimated that no one in the family, except Xia Jiang, didn’t want to please.

But unlike others, he wants to be recognized by Mu Qiye and Nakiri Alice in terms of cooking skills, so as to gain Mu Qiye’s support and establish his catering kingdom!

He has also been to the restaurant of the star chef who graduated from Togetsu Gakuen several times, and he knows that in terms of cooking level, he is indeed not comparable to them.But his creativity is still good~

Thinking about the comparison with their cuisine, he doesn’t think he can check it very far.But the business was unsatisfactory. He had always suspected that his father, Hao Zang, had done something secretly.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Now it seems… he can’t help but feel a little lost in his heart.

Mu Qiye was not in the mood to care about him.

Half an hour later, the Chimoto family’s boat will deliver the coffin ordered by Chimoto Ichiro to Chimoto Haozang. Chimoto’s family also went to Yueying Island. After the two bodies were packed, the coffins were loaded and they went to Chimoto Island.

The scribbles have searched for Yusaku Kudo to no avail so far, and they know that Yusaku Kudo probably ran away.They still have a lot of reporting to do, and of course, there must be a lot of inspection and criticism waiting for them.

Only a small number of people were left to continue the search, and the others stared at Conan viciously, almost escorting the abominable kid to the police boat as a criminal, and the three left Moon Shadow Island during the interrogation in turn.

…………………. 0

The matter of Yueying Island, the matter of the Qiben family, especially Mu Qiye’s control over the management decision-making power of the Qiben chaebol, and the matter of [*]% of the shares also began to spread on a large scale.

Flag Island is much larger than Moon Shadow Island.

The area of ​​Moon Shadow Island is about five years old, and the construction is by no means comparable to Moon Shadow Island.

A modern port, various infrastructure constructions, factories, smooth roads, and schools have been established… It is similar to the luxury areas in the core three districts of Tokyo.

And the environment is also good, especially the uppermost Qibenjia Castle, which is almost surrounded by green trees, various decorations, sculptures, and clear springs…

As expected, it was established by the flag family for several generations.

Even Nakiri Alice was shocked when she learned that the entire island belonged to the Hamoto family.

But from the businessman’s point of view, there are many disadvantages.

The place is remote, and most of the people living there are relatives, distant relatives, and employees of the flag family.It can be said that it was built on the strength and financial resources of the banner family.

In the event that the family of the flag falls, this place will basically be abandoned, and there will be no commercial value.

Of course, enjoyment is good.

On the island, the Qiben family is similar to the royal family, but there are fewer people. If I have time, I will also build a daughter island!

(Thanks to Misaka1234 for casting this month, the first monthly ticket for this book, thanks to Feng Mingjun and liy31183 for their continuous support, thank you very much!!)

(The topic of the next chapter is about to face the fbi, and Xiaolan is going to prison too!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 257: A somewhat chaotic relationship

Sakai Taro, Nakamura, Lian Fei Mi came with Maori Lan and Kuriyama Lu, and they didn’t know the news they got from there.

Well, there are Suzuki Ryoko and Nakiri Erina, who represented the Suzuki Group and the Nakiri Group respectively at the funeral of Hamoto Haozang.

Accompanied by Suzuki Sonoko, Shinto Hishako, and Sakaki Ryoko.

Both women brought a dozen or so bodyguards, plus the dozen or so bodyguards brought by Ito Ito who had called in, there were more than fifty bodyguards alone.

Qiben Qiujiang and Qiben Malizi wanted Mu Qiye to be shocked by the scale of Qiben Island, or he could act as a demon while there were too many people, but he was shocked by them before he got home, and immediately shrank his head. went back.

Forget it…let’s be honest.

Seeing that he had brought so many people, Mu Qiye was also stunned.However, I wasn’t too happy in my heart, and I hoped that they wouldn’t have their eyes set on them, and they would move their hands and feet.

Now, forget it, it’s not necessary.

In fact, there are not too many people in the Qi family.Qiben Island is the core of the Qiben family, and there are more than [*] bodyguards alone, not to mention others.

It’s just a pity that Qiben Qiujiang and Qiben Malizi couldn’t mobilize a few of them at all, let alone after Huben Xiajiang inherited the Qiben family reasonably.

The Nakiri family and the Suzuki family also sent more than a dozen management talents, but only three came from one side.

There were two women and one man from the Nakiri family.The leading man was in his thirties, and his name was Kota Asakawa.The Suzuki family came from two men and one woman.The woman is also about thirty years old, named Shimizu Asuka.

The women are all good looking, especially the Shimizu Asuka, a typical urban beauty and a capable president.The man is the same, but it is enough for the next handover work.

Of course, this also reassured the people who worked in the flag family who followed.As long as it is the same as in the rumors, Xia Jiang will take over as the head of the family and Mu Qiye will be the executive president, so don’t worry, the Qiben family will be in turmoil and go bankrupt.

It’s a good thing that they can work with confidence and even go a step further.

Likewise, the team of lawyers who announced the will came.

Entering the castle of the Qiben family, the old butler Suzuki motioned Xiajiang to go to the reception room and let the lawyer announce his will first.

This seems somewhat irregular.

But there is no way, the descendants of the Qiben family are too incompetent, and they have to rely on Mu Qiye to keep the family business.

Compared with the rules, these are not important.

Announcing the will, confirming the identity of Xia Jiang’s heir, and giving Mu Qiye the promise promised, this is the important thing.

This not only gave Mu Qiye and the people behind him an explanation, but also reassured the people who worked for the Qiben family, and also dispelled the thoughts of other heirs of the Qiben family…

These old Suzuki butlers told Xia Jiang before they came, so Xia Jiang simply went to the living room.

After the will lawyer announced the contents of Qibenhaozang’s will, and confirmed that Huanben Xiajiang obtained all the property of Qibenhaozang, including all the shares in the name of Qibenhaozang.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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