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Winery? Nothing — Page 17

After Mao Lilan reacted, she shook her head with a smile, she came for dinner.

Besides, with so many debts on your back, you have to save money to pay off your debts, how can you still have money to eat outside!

“Let me eat some.”

Suzuki Lingzi hesitated for a moment, then walked over with a smile.

When she was with members of the club, she still ate many times.

“It’s eclectic, a bit willful, do whatever you want, it’s a bit dangerous…”

Kudo Shinichi silently gave Mu Qiye a temporary evaluation.

However, I came over soon. The weather is good today, but in early spring, it is indeed a good choice to wear a down jacket, sweater, and eat some hot food to warm the stomach.

“Baga, idiot, call Xiaolan!”

Not far away, Kudo Yukiko’s makeup aunt, no, rich woman!

Seeing this scene, I stomped my feet in anger.

Almost couldn’t help but go over, pinched Kudo Shinichi’s ear, and asked him if he was his son!

She has such a smart love brain as Kiko, how can she have such an idiot son?I finally had the opportunity to favor my future daughter-in-law, but I just lost it, really…

However, in the distance, a certain person who was peeking with a binoculars was big, and his anger was unclear.

“Baga, an idiot, a reasoning madman, and I don’t know how to buy food for Xiaolan. Xiaolan is really blind to fall in love with you. Xiaolan should still be saved by me…”

Nature is Suzuki Sonoko, he originally wanted to peek at Mu Qiye and her sister.

After all, Mu Qiye is also considered to be a son-in-law. In addition, he is very famous recently, and he is still famous in their circle, and he has long been labeled as a flower.

Worried that her sister Suzuki Lingzi would suffer, she planned to stop and expose Mu Qiye’s sinister intentions when Mu Qiye was about to attack.Unexpectedly, before she caught Mu Qiye attacking her sister, she saw Kudo Shinichi, who is unreliable!

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…).

Chapter 29: Become a clerk, how far is the maid?

“Hey, what’s going on?”

Being stared at by the two women, Kudo Shin, who was cursing, felt a chill on his back, as if he had noticed something. He looked left and right, but found nothing, and turned back again.

No, mom is around, right?

In fact, Kudo Shinichi planned to buy a copy for Xiaolan.

But with Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi around, he couldn’t say anything. If he really bought it, it would seem that there was something between the two.

Mu Qiye bought two copies and went to Mao Lilan with Lingzi Suzuki after paying.


Mu Qiye gave Mao Lilan a portion: “There are three people to eat, you alone have nothing, you always feel that you are waiting for us to eat leftovers.”

Some are unreliable, even annoying, harsh words.

But coupled with Mu Qiye’s somewhat helpless smile, it doesn’t seem so annoying. It seems that he bought it for her, but he is worried that she will not accept it, and he said it on purpose.

“This one……”

Mao Lilan hesitated, the two were not so familiar after all.

“Take it, Qiye is actually very easy to get along with.” Suzuki Lingzi next to him smiled.

She can’t really talk, but Mu Qiye can chat… It’s not that she can chat, Mu Qiye doesn’t like to talk too much sometimes, just by his side, if you don’t talk, you won’t feel What embarrassment, but a touch of warmth.

“Money is not saved.”

Mu Qiye shrugged and said, “You owe me so much money. How long do you have to save money? I have a few fast food restaurants in [*]-chome. After a while, I’ll probably open other stores.”

“If you are free, you can go and help. You can do it at any time. Although you can’t earn much, you still have basic living expenses. As for your mother, I’ll just tell her.”

A good girl, if you want to starve to the bone, it’s not good, and it’s uncomfortable to touch.As for the Concubine Mile, the explanation is simpler.Besides, the clerk has started, will the maid be far away?

“Really? Thank you so much, senior!” Mao Lilan’s eyes lit up, and he bowed [*] degrees, thanking him.

It’s a pity that wearing a down jacket can’t see sincerity at all!

“Work pays wages, nothing to be thankful for.”


Next to the oden, Kudo Shinichi, who was holding the oden box, turned black, and suddenly felt a sour feeling,

He originally wanted to give Xiaolan some as an excuse that he couldn’t finish it all…

But now…

Rich woman Yukiko Kudo slapped her forehead and played, and her son was going to be green!

“Che, if you really want to help, why not let Xiao Lan be fine?”

Kudo Shinichi came over and said unhappily.


Seeing that Mu Qiye had attacked Xiaolan again, Suzuki Yuanzi came over angrily, and hugged Mao Lilan’s arm to swear his sovereignty: “It’s fine, I don’t even pay my sister’s salary, alright. …”

Sonoko still didn’t say it out of concern to her sister Suzuki Lingzi, and her mother also warned her.

“Yuanzi? Why are you here?”

Suzuki Lingzi and Mao Lilan were stunned for a while, didn’t she say she couldn’t come if something happened?

“Uh…haha, this…”

Suzuki Sonoko smirked, his head was running frantically but he couldn’t find a reasonable explanation, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

“One yard owned by a yard.”

Mu Qiye shrugged and gave Suzuki Yuanzi a relief by the way, explaining: “I just want to make reasonable compensation. As for Lingzi? When the company was established, there was a supplementary agreement, but it has not been released for the time being. You will know when the time comes. Anyway, Ling Zi will not lose.”

“Supplementary agreement?”

Several people heard that the matter was not as simple as it seemed, and Maurilan also forgot to refute Kudo Shinichi, and she should pay back the money.

Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously, “What supplementary agreement?”

“You’ll know then.”

Mu Qi didn’t say anything else, looked at Lingzi Suzuki and said, “Let’s go, go around, I haven’t been to the playground a few times!”

“Really? Coincidentally, I haven’t been here a few times!”

Although Ryoko Suzuki was also curious, she didn’t care that much.

She didn’t help because of money. She didn’t care if there was any supplementary agreement.

After she, Kudo Shinichi, and Mao Lilan left, they quickened a few steps to keep up with Mu Qiye.

“By the way, Qiye, why are you buying ice cream? It’s so cold, do you still want to eat it?”

“Eat what you like. I drink at home, and most of them are frozen.”

“Really? I can’t do it. I drink hot.”


Mud horse!

Looking at the back of Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi leaving, Kudo Shinichi felt that the dog food was stuffed in his mouth!

“Sister Ling Zi and Senior Mu look so good together, they will be very happy together!”

Mao Lilan sighed with admiration.

“A good match?”,

Kudo Shinichi curled his lips, still finding fault with sourness: “Where did you see it? Ling Zijie is very beautiful, but Mu Qiye is a little handsome at best. In the family, Ling Zijie is the eldest of Suzuki’s family, Mu Qiye is not bad at best. ,…”

“But it feels good!”

Mao Lilan reluctantly defended: “Don’t you think they get along very harmoniously? Just say whatever you want. Don’t think about other things, is Ling Zijie happy too? Besides, who said that the relationship must be based on appearance, family Shit, I’m a long way from Yuanzi, isn’t it?”

“That’s right, it’s vulgar!” Hearing Ma Lilan talking about her relationship with her, Suzuki Sonoko wanted to refute Mu Qiye and her sister as a good match, so she had to take care of this side first. After all, the relationship between the two people, even the family It is considered to be self-development by default, so the relationship between her and Xiaolan is naturally the most important.

“Am I vulgar?”

Kudo Shinichi looked at Suzuki Sonoko, who was full of contempt, and didn’t know what to say.He only said that when he saw Mu Qiye was upset!

“Yes, vulgar!” Mao Lilan echoed with a smile.

The two women gathered together, and Mu Qiye was no longer there, so Kudo Shinichi naturally chose to admit it, with a disdainful expression on his face.

Maurilan pulled Suzuki Sonoko around, chatting chatteringly, and Kudo Shinichi had to follow in an unhappy back.


The rich woman Yukiko Kudo, who was hiding on the side, sighed again and again with a look of depression on her face.

How did you give birth to such a son?

Finally, after looking left and right, he still secretly followed Mu Qiye and Suzuki Lingzi.

This is what she came for!

The duo turned into a threesome.

Similarly, Suzuki Sonoko was also curious as to what the supplementary agreement Mu Qiye said was.

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly passes, for rewards…)

(Five chapters tomorrow, I hope to continue to support!).

Chapter 30: The sour taste of love!

“Xiao Lan, let’s play first!”

After finding a reason, Suzuki Sonoko ran to the side and secretly downplayed Suzuki Tomoko.

“Supplementary agreement?” Tomoko Suzuki frowned.

Supplementary agreement is of course her way, but when registering, the supplementary agreement has not been seen many times.

However, there are only a few that can be used to supplement the explanation.

“That’s right, the guy said it was signed when he registered, and he said it mysteriously.”


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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