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Winery? Nothing — Page 171

“Okay, that’s it.” Mu Qiye nodded and was about to hang up the phone. Erina was waiting, but he was not interested in talking on the phone with Jiuzi.

“What happened to Kudo Yusaku? Was he really shot?”

Before hanging up the phone, Jin Jiu thought about it and asked.

Even if you’re not sure if what Mu Qiye said is true or if you really know, but Mu Qiye is always there, and it’s always a good thing to ask.

“Oh? Jiuzi cares so much?” Mu Qiye couldn’t help but smile.

Jin Jiu’s face turned black, and when his hand was hard, the phone made a creaking sound that was overwhelmed.He regrets asking this sentence, and it’s especially wine… Laozi is gin, not wine!

But the professionalism is still good.

Even if he was upset, he still didn’t show it, didn’t scold him to correct it, just tugged his cheeks uncontrollably, waiting for Mu Qiye’s answer 0 ……


Helplessly shrugged, Mu Qiye hoped that Jiuzi would have collapsed and scolded the scene, but it was a pity: “Not sure, just think that it should be true.”

“Yueying Island is not small. Since Kudo Yusaku escaped from Tiaozi’s guards. If you want to hide, it should not be difficult to leave Yueying Island. There is no need to stimulate the Tiaozi Bureau and make this scene.”

“Is that so? Well, I see.”

Jinjiu frowned and nodded lightly, it really made sense.

After hanging up the phone, there was a bit of solemnity on his face. His original intention was to use this incident to ask if Kudo Yusaku was really injured or if it was Mu Qiye’s hand. reasoning!


His ears moved slightly, and the next moment, Gin took out his pistol and shot it at the right corner: “Belmode, get out!”

Although it is not in the base, it is also around the organization. There are basically no outsiders. If you can find it here, except for accidental intrusion, there is only one person left who has the courage to follow.

“Alala, don’t be so excited, Gin.”

Seeing that he was discovered, Belmod had to raise his hand, indicating that he came out without a threat.

If she is targeted by this guy and shows a threat, this guy will not be sympathetic and will definitely shoot without hesitation. She is 4.8 and has no interest in challenging Gin’s endurance.

“Hehe, you can try to follow along next time.” Looking at Belmod indifferently, Gin took the pistol back.

He doesn’t know if it’s the boss’s mistress, but Belmod is definitely a high-quality resource for the organization. If it’s not necessary, he doesn’t want to shoot her, even if she seems to have no research value.

After saying that, Gin walked towards the exit on the other side.

Seeing that Gin was about to leave, Belmod couldn’t help but said, “Are you going to start today? Call before you start. Who should you call? FBI, police, Tiaozi, Gin, you’re not a ghost, are you?”

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you to the sea for your monthly ticket, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 263: Belmod’s Killing Intent

Gin is responsible for the organization of this aspect of the book, and if Conan is arrested, that is, Kudo Shinichi, Gin must have reported it long ago.Therefore, Gin must be talking to someone else, who made her wonder who this person is!


With a disdainful sneer, Jin Jiu also saw the intention of Belmod, the mystic woman, and paused slightly: “If you have any doubts, you can directly notify the boss, and the boss will handle my affairs. However, your affairs are not necessarily Now, don’t mess with other thoughts, and don’t do other small actions, otherwise, next time, I don’t mind killing you!”

Belmod knew that what Gin said was true, and really had the right and ability to kill him.But she also clearly understands her position in the organization and knows the bottom line of boss and gin’s tolerance, so she is not worried.

Looking at the back of Gin’s departure, Belmod frowned: “What the hell is this guy doing? Who is he calling? So mysterious?…”

She knew that Gin could not betray the organization.

The first time I saw Gin on a mission, Gin was not yet fifteen years old. FBI, public security, people with money in 09… The people who have been killed by gin over the years are piled together, and they can almost form a hill, and the blood that flows out dyes one-third of Tokyo red.

To say that Jinjiu is a traitor, it is definitely not a decent figure of any government force.

I just provoked him just now to see if I could get any useful clues, and the result was obvious.

There was not much loss in his heart, Belmod shook his head gently, put this matter aside, looked up to the sky, as if he saw a female Astro Boy with horns on his head: “I didn’t expect that the angels would also enter the dark abyss, It’s ironic~”

He couldn’t help shaking his head sarcastically, and in his heart he hated Conan, she is Kudo Shinichi, and the family of Takahashi Ryoichi who was in court this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed.

A year ago, Xiaolan saved her life…


in a bedroom.

Nakiri Alice was lying on the bed, shaking her little feet, tilting her head and waiting for Mu Qiye, while Yoshino Yuki, who was sitting bored, was speechless.

In the order of the farewell ceremony, their master and servant also included Nakiri Erina, Shinto Hishako, and Sakaki Ryoko. In fact, they were in front of Suzuki Ryoko.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to get rid of Erina and find Mu Qiye. Unexpectedly, Erina took the initiative to say that she would take a rest, which made her a little curious, that guy would say to rest at this kind of ceremony?

Maybe that kind of thing is coming!Nakiri Alice thought maliciously.He was also relieved, and soon after leaving, he asked the old housekeeper Suzuki to ask for a room far away from Erina and said he wanted to rest.

There are too many people outside, and it is too conspicuous to bear the name of Nakiri family two, and it is normal to have Erina in front.And even if you look for Mu Qiye, you may not be able to find it. It’s better to wait here. Now the relationship between the two is not good.

Suddenly, the bell rang.

Nakiri Alice glanced at Kogeno Yoshino Yuki, it was her phone.

Yoshino Yuki looked at the text message, her eyes lit up, she looked at Alice with some happiness, and said with a look of flattery, “Second, Ryoko asked me to go out, can I go out?”

Although they are not yet adults, it is not easy for Erina and Alice to take over the valet. It is not only related to Yoshino Yuki and Alice, Tiansuohui and Erina.

In fact, after the incident, the Nakiri family also notified the parents of the two girls about the incident.

After the parents of the two agreed, the Nakiri family has supported their family and industry.In the same way, the two of them are not only verbally, nominally, and even in terms of rules, the family of the two has become the vassal of the Nakiri family, and the two have become their true followers.

It seems that the Nakiri family took advantage, but in fact, it is almost like an ordinary self-employed person who was accepted as a close minister by the emperor.Regardless of status, status, or interests, the two women, including their clan, almost reached the sky in one step.

Therefore, whether they are willing or not, they must maintain enough respect for Erina and Alice, and even regard each other as their masters.Otherwise, not only them, but also their family will be targeted, attacked by the Nakiri family, and finally…

“Sakaki Ryoko? The one with red hair?” There were only three people in total, and Nakiri Alice still remembered it very clearly, and what she thought of was Mu Qiye’s titular sister and her sister-in-law, Hiishako Shinto.

Before Yoshino Yuki could speak, she coughed a few times, waved her hand and said, “Go, go, I’m so annoying, I didn’t say you can’t go over.”

Yoshino Yuki looked happy, and nodded quickly: “Got it, two!”

With that said, he got up and ran towards the door.

“Right!” Nakiri Alice patted her forehead and reminded from behind, “Remember, what to say and what not to say, otherwise… hum~”

Yoshino Yuki didn’t look back, she knew that she was shaking her little fist, and she looked at her with a fierce look on her face, and the consequences were very serious. Naturally, she knew what Nakiri Alice was talking about.

Her face flushed slightly, Yoshino Yuki quickly turned around and assured: “I know, Er, don’t worry.”

“Hmph, it’s good to know.”

She walked out of the door with a cluttered head, and Yoshino Yuki found that she didn’t seem to want to see Ryoko that much. What if Ryoko found out that she had a relationship with Mu Qiye?Ryoko is so smart…


Erina’s room was a tragic scene.

Life is dying in large numbers at every moment. If all survive and grow up, it is estimated that there will be more than the number of people in the world, around this ball a dozen times…

During the battle, Mu Qiye was surprised to find that Erina’s repulsive force rules had also increased. Although the increase was less than one-fifth of Conan’s, it had also increased.

Does Erina have a way to increase the repulsive force?Or been to a special place?

… (prohibited, omitted…)

Half an hour later, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, and 977 rested for a while.

Staying obediently in Mu Qiye’s arms, Nakiri Erina blushed (prohibited, omitted)…

Rubbing her long golden orange hair, Mu Qiye asked with a smile, “Are you still angry?”

“No, no, I didn’t say it.”

Nakiri Erina lowered her head, her face was like a persimmon, and her voice was inaudible.

She didn’t say she was angry or anything.

Originally, he had a arrogant temperament. On Mu Qiye’s side, there was nothing to be proud of anyway. What’s more, even if he was angry, that kind of thing… How dare you say it, it’s too embarrassing…

However, it is impossible to say that you don’t care at all.

She is also a girl, a girl who is proud, confident, and has a strong family and is sought after by everyone.

After leaving the airport, Mu Qiye never looked for her once, nor…

It’s strange if there is no resentment. Fortunately, there has been no news that Mu Qiye is looking for a new woman recently. I feel that Mu Qiye still cares about her…

Just thinking of Grandpa’s thoughts gave her a headache, and she felt that she was just cheating on her own granddaughter… and she was the kind of strength pit.

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thanks to the sea for your monthly ticket, thank you to Nihao Er for your monthly ticket, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 264: In the room

Not caring what Erina was thinking, Mu Qiye directly asked her doubts,

Nakiri Erina was stunned: “I didn’t go to any special place. They were all in the academy, studying cooking and so on. It’s no different from before, why ask this.”

“Is that so?”

Mu Qiye frowned, not thinking that Erina would lie to him.

“Oh, yes, in terms of special places, I seem to be able to control the temperature more accurately!”

Nakiri Erina showed a surprised expression, moved her head, looked at Mu Qiye and said happily: “Whether it’s an oven, oven or stove, I can control their temperature to a certain extent. But it’s not about adjusting the temperature. High profile and low profile can allow them to concentrate, disperse and oppress under certain circumstances!”

Free to use repulsion?

Mu Qiye was a little surprised, this was a simple use of repulsive force.

A purple light flashed in his eyes, and he checked Erina’s physical condition.

Not much has changed.

It was only after absorbing part of the energy that he had eliminated, the energy of the body itself began to converge towards this group of energy, and there was a faint trend of forming a circulation of the flow path.

However, the distance from the formation is not a star and a half, without him taking the initiative to help, it would be good to be able to form in five or six years.

I didn’t expect that the first person who might be transformed was her.

Yes, the Nakiri family has a special body, and they are chefs who eat high-end cuisine all day long.When cooking high-end cuisine, there will be a part of the energy that does not feel injected into the body, and the energy of the cooking itself is also a lot.

It’s also normal.

Powerful bloodline, energy is inherently corrosive, it can stimulate the potential of the body itself, and it is normal to transform ordinary people into magicians, not to mention, he is a bloodline demon god who can use magic.


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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