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Winery? Nothing — Page 175

Belmod snorted softly, she is a woman who doesn’t like men ignoring her charm, not to mention, she is still a beauty, a great beauty who has caused a sensation in the entertainment circle of M country.

“You can try to seduce, maybe something interesting will happen!” Bourbon Amuro was upset, but he had to make fun of it according to the character he showed in the winery, and by the way stimulate the gin.


Qin Ji snorted coldly and glanced at Toru Amuro, but there was no smile on his face.

“How about seducing you?”

Raising his hand on Amuro Toru’s shoulder, Belmod’s tongue slid across his lips, his eyes were charming, and his demeanor was gentle… But now, the makeup is a man!

Even Amuro Toru, who was good at disguising, couldn’t stand it. The corners of his mouth twitched and he twitched again: “‘ ‘My sexual orientation is normal.”

Toru Amuro endured the strangeness in his heart, and pushed Belmod’s hand away.Belmod looked like he had encountered a wicked person. Before he could speak, Gin frowned and interrupted: “Okay, that’s what matters, Belmod act quickly.”

“Two boring men!” Belmod gave an appropriate evaluation, but the other expressions on his face were all closed as if they had changed, and he pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, showing a serious expression on his face.

“Leave it to me.”

After Belmod finished speaking, he picked up the medicine box on the ground, pushed the door and walked out.Jin Jiu looked at Bourbon Amuro, and said with a sneer, “It’s up to you and me if you’re close, right?”

“Don’t let me die on purpose, it’s fine!” Amuro refused to let Gin’s eyes meet.

Jinjiu is a (Nuo Zhaozhao) laughing: “That’s good, if it’s not necessary, I don’t want to doubt you. However, if you are an inner ghost, my bullet will definitely be embedded in you at the moment before you plan to betray. Brain!”

This is the truth. Bourbon’s strength is not much weaker than him. If he is really loyal to the organization, it will definitely be a good thing for the organization, but if it is an internal ghost, it must be resolved as soon as possible!

“You don’t need to say it, the same!” Anshitou’s expression was not weak at all, and he also looked loyal to the organization and considered it for the organization.

There was a dark heart in his heart, he was a little uncertain, the next step was to choose to show his identity, to leave the organization, or to be ruthless, to prove…

(Thank you for the monthly pass of ……, the monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for the monthly pass of nihao two, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 270: Belmod, Shuichi Akai!

Five-chome is a high-end villa area, it is already nine o’clock, and there are not many people walking on the road.

Belmod’s disguised doctor did not change his face, as if he had finished his visit, he calmly walked towards the house on the left.

Kudo Shinichi became small and became Conan, it is not a shameful thing that can be known by most people.

The reasons are not as strong, even fewer know the reasons, and these people are embarrassed to be too obvious.

And another note came, and he was going to investigate Kudo Yusaku’s affairs. The organization was different, especially the fbi people and cia, and they didn’t dare to be too revealing.

If Tiaozi was caught as a suspect, it would be completely funny.

Therefore, these days are actually the easiest days to mix in.

Of course, being easy to mix in doesn’t mean it’s safe.

According to the previous adjustment, fbi, public security, and cia add up to about [*] people.

In addition to the matter of Kudo Yusaku, on the first day of Conan’s return, Tiaozi was also the most motivated, and there were four confirmed people, and the upper limit should not exceed seven.

Because Kudo Yusaku and Conan’s escape, the FBI, the public security, and the CIA are also holding their breath, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most sensitive and most dangerous time.

Of course, there is also a saying that the more dangerous the loopholes, the bigger the loopholes, especially the angry people!

977 “Doctor Mitsui, go back!”

On the side of the road, two men smoking outside greeted.

The fbi that has been mixed in a long time ago!

Because she has come here many times, as well as the information of the organization and the information of the surrounding residents, she estimates that even the otaku who live here is familiar with the people around her.

“Well, it’s not a big deal, it’s the bone contusion at the lower lateral end of the left femur caused by the collision…” Belmode pushed down his glasses and said with a smile.

The professional term that Datong popped up gave the two of them a headache. In fact, they could understand it. Even if they fell and hit their butt, it was not a big deal at all…

Doctors are trouble!

The two briefly chatted for a few more words and stopped talking to him.Talking to the doctor is too tiring. In their eyes, the doctor is the kind of person who can make you a big thing from small things, so it is not necessary at all.

Naturally, Belmod didn’t want to talk to them too much, and there was not much time left for her.After saying a few words, he continued walking at the same pace as before.

Even if there are more than [*] people, the layout is not rigorous.

Of course, this is not a problem with their layout, but it is a villa area itself, and it is still passively protected. It cannot reveal its identity in front of the notice, and it cannot let the surrounding residents notice that it is too different, and it has to be rotated…


At this moment, a tall, unfamiliar person came over.

Not the people around.

Belmod nodded kindly, and the man in his thirties with a neck ring also smiled softly.

But both of them could see the surprise in the other’s eyes, but the man was a hidden type, just passing by, and Belmod was a little weaker.

Not ordinary people!

Belmod searched for the figure of the other party in his memory.The man also frowned, feeling that this person is not an ordinary doctor. After all, ordinary doctors are not surprised when they see a stranger, nor will they stop subconsciously.

However, Belmod’s disguise is obviously not so easy to see through, the two passed by, and looking at the man’s face from the corner of the eye, Belmod’s pupils suddenly shrank!

Easy surgery!

She and Fujimine Yukiko once studied under Kuroba Rouichi and learned disguise and voice change.Because of the reasons of need, they are highly accomplished, and there is even a tendency to be better than blue.

Disguise, Yukiko Fujimine!

As a friend and a sister from the same family, the first thing she thought of was Yukiko Fujimine, who was still around the Kudo house, probably fbi, cia, and the public security.

It is impossible for ordinary members to disguise… I simply ruled it out, and the information obtained from the contact, Belmod quickly guessed the identity of the other party, plus the feeling that the other party gave to himself (ajei), which perfectly coincided with the impression in his mind. together.

“Organize traitors, rye whiskey, Shuichi Akai!” Belmod’s pupils shrank and his body trembled slightly.Similarly, Shuichi Akai who was behind also frowned and stopped.

“Taste, the smell of a woman…” Thinking of the people who might come here in disguise, and those who can disguise themselves, Shuichi Akai also confirmed the identity of Belmod!

The Witch with a Thousand Faces, Belmod!


He simply took out his pistol and shot Akai Shuichi.Belmod knew that it was not very likely for her to hide Shuichi Akai. Rather than betting on the odds, it was better to seize the initiative, and then rushed directly towards the opposite bush.

Even if it was a step slower, Akai Shuichi was better than Belmod, so he quickly evaded, took out his pistol and aimed at Belmod with a single shot!

“Wozuo, why did you shoot!”

In an instant, half of the surrounding communities were active.

“Belmode, what’s going on?”

Listening to the voice in the monitor, Gin frowned and said to the pager.

“Ha ha!”

Turning over the wall, quickly crossing the corridor between the villas, and hiding in the back of the house, Belmode sneered with a pistol: “The old friend you are thinking of is here, right behind me.”

As she said that, she shot another shot at the back of Akai Shuichi who was chasing after him, and then quickly retreated back. Of course, she also left a gadget for Akai Shuichi.

“Old friend?” Hearing Belmod’s words, Gin frowned deeper, then his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the whole person’s aura became gloomy and cold: “Akai Shuichi, that little bug finally appeared! “

Akai Shuichi!

Bourbon Amuro’s eyes lit up, the turning point, perhaps…

At the same time, the sliver lying in ambush was the first to act.

Well, shoot in front of their spy!

“Listen to the two people in front, we are the Tiaozi of the Tokyo Tiaozi Bureau, and I am the Keitaro Police Department of the Third Division of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Tiaozi Criminal Department, please put down your weapons and raise your hands!”

Kazuyotaro, who was in his forties, was hiding behind the wall with a pistol and three of his subordinates. The surrounding stalkers also reacted quickly, looking for cover to hide, and began to pull out their pistols.

Although I don’t know who the other party is and what happened, they all fired their guns openly, and they must stop it!

(Thank you for the monthly pass of ……, the monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for the monthly pass of nihao two, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 271: I’m Akai Shuichi!

Hearing this, Akai Shuichi’s face sank, but Belmod smiled.

Afterwards, he shouted: “I’m Shuichi Akai, the FBI’s prosecutor, the other party is a dangerous person in a terrorist organization, hurry up and arrest him!”

“What? FBI prosecutor? Terrorist organization? Dangerous person?”

Hearing Belmod’s words, the scribbles were immediately confused. How could someone from the fbi appear?Dangerous people?

FBI, cia, and a few insiders of the police who knew the situation, almost all eyes lit up when they heard Jing Xiuyi’s name, and immediately ordered their subordinates to act.


The fbi nearby was a shot immediately, blocking Shuuichi Akai’s pursuit route, hiding behind the wall, holding a pistol in both hands, and shouting loudly: “I’m a public security policeman, Yutian Mingzhu, please both stop – and put it down. arms!”

Because this operation is a cooperative relationship with rben public security, the title of public security is used.

“What? Police?”

The smugglers were all stunned for a moment, how could this special code even pop up from the police!

Moreover, there are not just two, hula la, I saw a large group of people driven out from various villas and alleys, all carrying pistols…

This code…

Who are these people?Are they all here to arrest Yusaku Kudo?Also, why are there so many foreigners?my country’s public security is so condescending that they are recruiting foreigners?

Akai Hidey’s face turned dark, and he didn’t care about the members of the distillery who were still in ambush around him. He immediately tore off the human skin mask that Kudo Yusaku got from Fujimine Yukiko, revealing his true appearance.

“I am Shuichi Akai. The other party is a major murderer of a large criminal group. Don’t let him run away. Arrest him quickly. Others hurry up and hide in bunkers. The other party should have helpers. My ID number is…”

“Wozuo, another Akai Shuichi? Still tearing his face?”

Even the FBI people didn’t react for a while. A person on the side of the road was still disguised, and the previous Akai Shuichi said that he was a dangerous person in a terrorist organization.

However, they are not high-level organizations. Even if they know Shuuichi Akai, and Shuichi Akai gives his ID number, they are not sure whether the other party is Shuichi Akai.

What’s more, the other party will still change his face, saying that there are people around, who knows if he is going to take the opportunity to escape?

“This one……”

The fbi themselves don’t know, let alone the cia and public security around them, the person in charge actually doesn’t know that Akai Shuichi is here!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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