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Winery? Nothing — Page 178

But now is also the most dangerous time for Gin, even if he can hit Gin, but as long as he can’t kill Gin and he seizes the opportunity, Gin will be like a hungry wolf, biting off a piece of his flesh, and even reacting to it. Killing him makes it even less likely to capture Gin.

Moreover, no one is sure whether this will stimulate the gin, let him fight the last battle regardless of the loss, if this is the case, then their loss will definitely be more serious!

Not the time, wait for the opportunity…

Thinking of the police brothers who may have died tragically this time, An Shitou gritted his teeth, but he had to endure and wait for the moment when Jin Jiu’s emotions changed.

At this time, Jin Jiu also turned his head suddenly, and the gloomy eyes like a hungry wolf stared at him: “Want to kill me?”

The little brothers around were stunned for a moment, and then they looked at Bourbon alertly, as if he had a change, and they even gave an order to him, they would attack him!

In the eyes of most members of the organization, Gin is definitely an idol and a leader!

“Hmph, let’s think about how to deal with the next thing and how to report to the boss afterwards!” Amuro snorted disdainfully, pulled the trigger, concentrated, and continued to shoot in front of him!

“‘ ‖ Don’t think about it, just do your thing!”

This time, Bourbon didn’t look any different. At most, his expression was wrong. Gin couldn’t say anything, so he decided to attack Amuro.

Looking back, Jin Jiu was also a little hesitant, thinking about it.

Akai Shuichi occupied Calvados’s sniper position, and the firepower network on Van Gogh’s side in the Netherlands was obviously unstoppable, and according to Akai Shuichi’s sniping methods, it is estimated that not many escaped there.

If they escaped and carried out counter-encirclement, it would be serious.

And, there are notes coming.

But Edogawa Conan and the others should be coming soon…

Hearing the sound of gunfire, it may not be too big.

Or… retreat?

“Gin! Retreat!!”

“What are you afraid of? Boss Gin, even without Calvados, we still have the advantage!”

“Chianti, don’t talk, Belmod…”


There was also some noise on the walkie-talkie.


“Wo Cao, are you playing like this (Nuo Zhao Zhao) Hey? Also sniper rifles, grenades, bombs…”

On the roof of a villa, seeing the surrounding situation, Mu Qiye, who came over, was also stunned for a moment, this is too much to play, right?

Isn’t that the kind of plot that happens later?

I can’t take care of so much anymore, if I don’t shoot after the gin, I think he’s talking shit.

Moreover, he also heard an interesting news, Akai Shuichi!

Taking out Hideyoshi Haneda’s blood, Mu Qiye used blood positioning, followed the reaction of the blood, and determined the location of Akai Shuichi. Looking at the three-story villa in the distance, Mu Qiye just smiled and disappeared without a trace.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, there has never been anyone here!

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 275: Bullets hit bullets, throw a stick!

“Belmode, cover the Dutch Van Gogh and they retreat first!”

Although a little reluctant to leave like this, Gin still gave the order to retreat.

Things have reached this point, there is no need to continue.

Already know Conan’s identity, in fact, you can catch it anytime.There was no one from Mu Qiye’s side, not even the audience, so there was no need for them to continue fighting like this.

And, in case…

“it is good!”

After calculating the distance, Belmod agreed.

Although she and Akai Shuichi are relatively close, as long as Holland Van Gogh and the others evacuate to her side, then Akai Shuichi must also give priority to dealing with Holland Van Gogh and the others,

Dutch Van Gogh and they can also draw a light machine gun to maintain fire suppression on Akai Shuichi, which is also a good thing for her safety.

“Are you going to retreat?”

Gin had stopped Calvados’ pager, and Akai Shuichi started to turn the car, and the Dutch Van Gogh and his party who were retreating quickly also came to this conclusion!

Load the sniper bullets one by one, aim at the tires of the nearest car in the field of vision, and estimate the distance according to the speed of the car…

The tire was blown out with a bang!

The car with the punctured tire was out of control and slid 977 rpm into the villa on one side.The car crashed into the villa, black rocks emerged from the rear of the car, and the entire car was steaming white.

However, this move also aroused the anger of the Dutch Van Gogh.He picked up the light machine gun and shot at Shuichi Akai on the third floor. Even Shuichi Akai couldn’t help but dodge.

The rest of the fbi, cia, and public security people also saw hope of victory.It’s just that Jinjiu and others have suppressed their range of activities to less than [*] meters, and now there are only a dozen people hiding in the villa on the road, and…

Well, three plain clothes strips…

Belmod’s target was them, took the magazine, quickly loaded it, and aimed and fired.

Because the surrounding cars were all blown up, and there was no time to park the car in the garage, the fbi, CIA, and public security people could only rely on the eleventh road!

But in Belmod’s eyes, they were the targets of human flesh, and just five shots forced them to quickly conceal themselves.

Gin, the situation on Amuro Toru’s side is obviously much better than on their side.

Neither Akai Shuichi, fbi, cia, or the public security (ajei) rushed to their side.Now most of the younger brothers have withdrawn to the vodka side and drove away.

Now there are only him, Amuro and two younger brothers who are driving. Even Chianti is unwilling to come down and retreat, leaving only Cohen to cover and prevent Amuro from rebelling.


Just then, a car on the opposite side exploded.

Gin, Belmod and others were shocked and contacted Van Gogh in the Netherlands.

“Dutch Van Gogh, Holland Van Gogh, how are you? Are you all right there?”

It was Van Gogh’s car that exploded just now. It was originally intended to cover the younger brothers, and the car was also bulletproof.Who would have thought that Shuichi Akai, the grandson, would give up the sniper rifle directly!

It caused him to look like he was still on the third floor, but the man ran to the window on the second floor, played with a pistol and played bullets, forcibly penetrated the fuel tank of the car!

Even if preventive measures were taken and the response was timely, he was directly blown out, lying on the ground in a daze, his body charred and bleeding everywhere!

“Cough, it seems to be staying here.”

Looking down at the injury on his body, even the laborious Dutch Van Gogh smiled self-deprecatingly, thinking of the time with Scotch whisky in his mind^

“It’s over!”

At the window on the second floor, Akai Shuuichi leaned against the organization’s people at this moment of hesitation, aiming at the fuel tank and a bullet flew out, and he was going to play the game of bullets and bullets!

Just then, footsteps suddenly sounded behind him.


The vigilance in his heart was raised to the highest level, and his consciousness was surprisingly clear. Akai Shuichi had to give up and continue to shoot at the fuel tank, and he shot in the direction of the footsteps with his backhand! ~

The bullet flew out and flew towards the person who appeared in the dark, but the bullet stopped directly in front of the man, as if it was not close enough to a movie scene!

“what happened?!!”

Akai Xiuyi couldn’t help but turn pale in shock, and subconsciously wanted to shoot again, but it was too late.The man raised his hand, and there was a crisp finger-snapping sound, as if the surroundings were quiet, and the sound entered his heart.

“Kneeling.” It was another flat and indifferent word, which seemed to carry infinite coercion. Thousands of kilograms suddenly fell on his shoulders. With a bang, Akai Shuichi knelt on the ground, and his knees directly smashed a hole in the floor…

“This this……”

Akai Hideyin’s eyes widened, he couldn’t resist until now, but he couldn’t resist.

The man walked up to him step by step.

With a flick of the stick, Akai Shuuichi was knocked unconscious.

“Leave a living material for comparison!” Thinking of the dead Kudo Yusaku, Mu Qiye nodded with satisfaction, and stretched out his hand, and vines appeared, tightly bundling Akai Hidey.

After thinking about it, he opened a new storage space and threw him directly into the storage space.

After solving Akai Shuichi, I also gave Gin an explanation.

As soon as the pistol appeared, a bullet came, or a sniper bullet!

“Hey, little girl, you’re the one from the wine, right? That’s how your organization is here to help?”

Mu Qiye dodged sideways, even if the bullet’s route was expected, he was still full of holes.

Through the conversation just now, he also knew that the other party was Belmod. If it was anyone else, no matter whether he was from the winery or not, he would have killed the other party directly with a bullet.

“Little girl? Jiuzi? Help?…” Mu Qiye’s voice was loud, Belmod naturally knew that the chick was her, his face darkened, and then he wondered, who is Jiuzi?Has the organization hired someone to help?

Compared with this little girl and Shuiko, it is undoubtedly the most important thing to help this sentence, and it is not Akai Shuichi who is talking, where has Akai Shuichi gone?

Also dodged sniper bullets! ! !

Mu Qiye didn’t care about this, his mental power spread out, and the police officers shot at the fbi who didn’t enter the house and wanted to catch up at all times!

Seeing Mu Qiye facing the fbi, the police and the others shot, although Belmod was suspicious, he subconsciously relaxed a little and cast his eyes.

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

Chapter 276: Enter the winery with no regrets!


Belmod’s eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

from a distance.

Mu Qiye’s marksmanship should be good, as long as he can see people, almost all of them get headshots, and now there are almost no living people who see people.

But after seeing it, it’s all over, what are you shooting for?Suppressing fire with a pistol? How many bullets do you have!

Um? ! ! !

Before he could complain, Belmod frowned and quickly looked at the situation through the scope!


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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