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Winery? Nothing — Page 179


Even if he didn’t show his vision, he was hit by this guy, and there was blood flowing out!

Where did this come from – the master? ! ! !

Who did it?

Through the walls, stone pillars, trash cans, sparks and dust on the ground… It can be seen that as long as it can bounce back to the target, it is almost the target point of the opponent!

Bounce shooting?so fast? ! ! !

If she is prepared, she can do this too, but it requires enough calculation time, which is too easy, right? ! !

Belmod looked at Mu Qiye with a strange look: Where is this awesome character from? Is it too cheating?

Also, wine?Who is the wine?

It seems… the core characters of the organization are all named after wine, and they can all be called wine…

Cohen, who was sniping from the other side, also noticed something strange and immediately reported it to Gin.Belmod might not dump him, and Gin also noticed the strangeness here, and immediately asked into the walkie-talkie.

Beside him, Amuro Toru, who also received the information, also narrowed his eyes.

Have foreign aid?No, can’t act…

“Hey, Belmod, what’s going on on your side? Why are there fewer gunshots, Kean said his targets were dead, what about Shuichi Akai? Moved?…”

Jinjiu didn’t think that Akai Shuichi would be killed so simply.

“Uh…it seems to be.”

Looking at the man who was somewhat similar to Yusaku Kudo, but with a more sturdy aura, Belmod nodded lightly, recalled, and said, “He did say he was here to help, but it seems that he also mentioned it. A man named Jiuzi should be found by him.”

“Jiuzi?!!!” Amuro, Ken, Chianti and others all looked puzzled. Does the organization still have the code name of Jiuzi?Also the core character?Or is it one of their top floors, the general name for wine?

Qin Jiu had a black line on his face, knowing that more than [*]% of the time, it was Mu Qiye who was looking for someone, and that was what Mu Qiye said in front of him.He was also relieved, it seemed that Mu Qiye was indeed on their side, at least they could cooperate.

Others are still debating.

Jin Jiu hummed and interrupted: “This person should be trusted. Find a way to give him the walkie-talkie, and I will have a word with him.”

“Is it really our foreign aid? Who is he?” Others were talking about it, especially Amuro Toru, and Belmod who saw Mu Qiye’s marksmanship.

This gin can’t be said, it is enough to confirm that Mu Qiye is on their side, and it is enough to show his strength.

“Well, well, the people outside should have solved it, he went down.”

Mu Qiye simply went downstairs.

He was using the vest of Yusaku Kudo in the future, and even if he flirted with Belmod for a sentence or two, if he really wanted to leave a deep impression on her, then it would be considered Yusaku Kudo in the future?

“My own person? And… a little girl? He saw my disguise so far? Is he sure I’m a woman?…” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Belmod picked up the sniper rifle, turned and got down with his younger brother. building.

Mu Qiye also appeared in front of Dutch Van Gogh at this time. Those younger brothers knew that Mu Qiye might not be the enemy through the Dutch Van Gogh’s walkie-talkie, but they still looked at him with some caution. Many people were behind Dutch Van Gogh. .

“Joke, I’m still using you to protect me? Get out of the way, let me see who it is? Should I kill that hateful traitor Akai Shuuichi?”

Yes, at least a popular character!

Van Gogh is really good.Although he is ruthless and straightforward to the enemy, he is also caring enough to his own people. He can block the gun for his younger brother. He is a very loyal person.

Therefore, although they did not get along for a long time, Dutch Van Gogh’s character was not so lovable, but he still won the support of these people with sufficient strength and loyalty.

“Get out of the way, my own!” Belmod, who went downstairs, also spoke. The younger brothers of Gin, who were still hesitating, looked at each other and moved away. Belmod spoke, and the other party should no problem

“呲呲~” Touching his chin, Mu Qiye looked up and down at Van Gogh in the Netherlands: “It’s a bit miserable, are you interested in going around with me? Otherwise, even if your injury is cured, at least your limbs will be amputated.”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“Yusaku Kudo?!!”

Seeing that Mu Qiye and Kudo Yusaku had similar looks, Van Gogh of the Netherlands was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled nonchalantly: “It’s worth it to play a few times in my life, by the way, what are you? Human? Is Hideichi Akai dead?”

His heart is indeed worth it. Compared with the mediocre and programmed life of ordinary people, he has happily drank the most expensive wine, tasted the top cuisine, played with beauties in top places, and even noble rich ladies. …

I used to simply solve the unhappy enemy, and there was also someone I could trust…

Dutch Van Gogh’s face darkened.

Another smile, even if he dies, he has no regrets in this life!

At least, he didn’t feel sorry for anyone!


“Can you cure it?” Looking at Dutch Van Gogh, he could see the bones almost broken, bleeding all over his body, obviously infected, and the younger brothers around were not moved by Dutch Van Gogh, Belmod keenly discovered Mu Qiye meaning in the words.

“It’s not me, it’s someone else.”

Mu Qiye smiled, disguised as another person in the mysterious force, then reached out and took out a bottle of the failed hemostatic agent, and threw it directly.

“First, use a part to clean up important wounds, don’t use too much, and drink the other part directly, but I just brought a bottle, and there’s not much.”

“What? Blood?”

The bottle gently fell on the grass beside Van Gogh in the Netherlands, and the blood-red and blood-like potion made everyone who saw it looked puzzled.

“Almost, why, scared?” Mu Qiye raised his eyebrows, laughed and teased, Dutch Van Gogh laughed, and returned to the other side just joking: “I’m like this, what are you afraid of?”

Having said that, let the younger brothers directly unplug the bottle of the medicine. Under the guidance of Mu Qiye, he first washed the wounds of important organs and joints, and then dried the remaining half of the bottle.

Yes, the blood has stopped and the wound has been cleaned up, but the treatment strength is indeed a little worse, and now it is almost a burning pain!

(Thanks to Xiaoao Cangsheng for the 100 VIP point reward, thank you for the monthly pass, monthly pass of 152, 34654, 250, thank you for your support, thank you very much!!)

(For flowers, for evaluation, for monthly tickets, for rewards, for support, for comments…) For a long time.

Chapter 277: Elephant… Maybe, gone…

“This feeling is really exciting!”

Holland Van Gogh grinned hoarsely in pain, but he couldn’t help but scolded with a smile, but his face was obviously much better than before.Moreover, it is now possible to start with slight movements.

Of course, because the leg injury was too severe, he still couldn’t stand up, and the blood couldn’t stop flowing out when he exerted force.

“This potion… Where did it come from?” Belmod’s eyes lit up, and he saw the preciousness of this potion. If it weren’t for the serious injury of Dutch Van Gogh, the potion in the bottle would have been drunk, and he would definitely come directly. .

This thing, in an emergency, can definitely save lives!

“By the way, Gin has something to tell you.” Thinking of Gin’s words, Belmod directly threw the walkie-talkie over.

I thought I forgot “Nine Seven Seven”!

Speechless for a while in his heart, Mu Qiye reached out his hand to catch it and put it in his ear: “You are that wine? Why did you do it now? Your organization is too wild, right?”

“There are still treats. I haven’t eaten at this time, right? It’s too good to pick a time to start a meal, right? I haven’t eaten yet, so… um, the guy hasn’t woken up yet!”

It was a spit at the gin, and it was an explanation for the reason.

Belmod, Dutch Van Gogh and his younger brothers were all stunned.

Mu Qiye’s strength is nothing to talk about like this. More than [*]% of the organization is this kind of person. Saying they are wild is definitely a compliment, but meal time, treatment issues… It seems a bit inappropriate to say now, right?

more importantly……

Van Gogh of the Netherlands, even Amuro had a weird look on his face, Belmod laughed outright, and joked to the walkie-talkie: “Gin, aren’t you that wine?”

One hand threw a grenade into the villa next to him.


Listening to the walkie-talkie’s words, Gin is a black line, and I feel that the character design is completely unbearable.You have to talk about it yourself, and it’s too much to talk about it with others, isn’t it?

He said it directly…

Of course, he still hasn’t woken up and eaten, which can be considered to explain his doubts. Mu Qiye sleeps at this time, and what he does is obvious…

Just thinking about it, when he was shopping with his younger brother just now, Mu Qiye slept with his arms around the woman’s tender body, and he had a toothache.

“To shut up!”

Stopping Belmode’s ridicule, Jin Jiu said to Mu Qiye with a cold face: “The people from the Tiaozi Bureau are coming, let’s retreat, the Edogawa Conan matter can be resolved anytime, and safety is the most important thing.”

“not bad.”

Mu Qiye complimented him, and he simply retreated if he couldn’t do anything about it. It was definitely a figure: “You guys leave first, I’m a step too late, so I’ll give you cover.”

You can hear the alarm bell, and you can rush over in two or three minutes at most.

“You cover?”

Gin, Belmod and others all showed shocked expressions, so good?

“Don’t look at me like that.” Mu Qiye looked scared, then smiled and said, “A group of garbage is garbage, just leave, they can’t stop me.”

Saying that, Gu walked over to the light machine gun that Jin Jiu was using, and pointed with a smile.

“Please, please…”

Even calling Jinjiu a big guy at the level of Jiuzi’e, that little brother wouldn’t dare to provoke him. Besides, he’s already determined to be a helper, so what else can he say?Moved directly with both hands.

“Okay, I haven’t used it much yet!” One hand lifted up easily, looking at Mu Qiye’s easy dismantling and skillful aiming, he knew that what people said was not used much, and it was probably not this one. model or style.

“Do you need any help?” Belmod said with a smile, thinking it was very interesting to be with this person, especially since the other person was very mysterious, and he could even find a few bottles of potion to find the sleeping person he said…

It may be the person who Jinjiu contacted behind the scenes, who is it?”

“What a big deal?”

Mu Qiye smiled and refused directly.This identity is provoked, how can I get Belmod as the main identity in the future?

Then he was slightly stunned, just smiled, and looked behind the car that was less than ten meters away.I saw a child wearing square glasses, a small suit, and a red bow tie rushing out!

It is Edogawa Conan!

“I’m here, come and catch me!” Edogawa Conan shouted with red eyes, holding the skateboard in his hand, obviously intending to hold the gin, Belmod and the others, to buy Tiaozi 0 . ……..

“Conan!” At the fork in the road, the tall Andre Carmel quickly blocked Fujimine Yukiko. Conan had already sneaked out. If Fujimine Yukiko went out again, it would definitely be troublesome.

In particular, there are rumors that Mu Qiye and Tengfeng Yukiko still have gossip.If Mu Qiye can’t find the black-clothed organization, and find out through the relationship that they are protecting Tengfeng Yukiko, at least in the r book, they will definitely be in trouble!

Jinjiu, Belmod, Amuro Toru and others were slightly taken aback: This special code… is it provocative?

“This kid!” Gin and Belmod both laughed.

It’s just that the gin is sneering, laughing at Conan, an ant, at most a valuable test product that dares to provoke them.Belmod was interested, but he didn’t expect that Yukiko’s son was really smart, but he was a little over his head.

As for Amuro Toru, he was in a hurry: what happened to the FBI people?There is also a faint expectation in my heart, so that Conan can drag out the gin and the others…


Winery? Nothing

Winery? Nothing

Status: Ongoing Author:


In the world of Conan and the halberd.
Conan: Sister Xiaolan, plead guilty, no matter how many years, brother Xinyi and I will wait for you.
Gin: Vodka, it's doing well, and you know how to make extra money. You've made a lot of money over the years, right?
Erina: Haga, who do you think you are! ! !
Rende Pawnshop.
Mu Qiye wrote a name on the book of death: "Qingshan old thief!"


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